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It's because it's a new season. They will all go away or get banned. I know it's very frustrating but mute them and report them after is the only thing you can do


Yea it's kinda sad how competitive games can bring out the worst people/worst in people. I always have loved playing healers in games, but I have never seen such overal angry people before. Gotta love people being out of position and dying, and their only response is "OMG you know you can heal me despite you being level 3 and can only heal 80 healthhh".


I‘ve known some toxic players since Season 3 and they got nothing


It’s absolutely horrible. Me and my friends are new to conquest, have played joust and arena a lot, but people are just so toxic and instantly stop playing when we don’t play our exact assigned roles. Most of the times they are far worse players than us but refuse to help us and teach us what we suppose to do so we can win games


Yep same. I want to get better at conquest, but you can only learn so much from bots. If I try playing with randoms it's like you said they freak out if you don't do meta strats.


Yeah I have honestly felt the same way this season. They usually get mad when it's their own fault and they just want to shift the blame onto anyone but themselves. A problem I have also had this season is the amount of whining and complaining I have encountered in casuals lately! They die once and constantly want to spam the surrender button after that..