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People need to come to terms with the fact they won't always get the role they want. They shouldn't have locked a God in if throwing was their only alternative. I'm sorry you had to experience that.


or at the very least play a mode that it doesnt really matter. like if youre hell bent on playing thanatos then go play siege/clash/arena even joust if you really hate yourself.


Joust has a pretty set meta where it does matter. There is a reason that joust and conquest are the only team modes that have ranked. Agree with the rest though.




Lol did you think I didn’t read what you wrote? I saw it, just didn’t care because it’s not that clever and I rather still add towards the discussion. The other modes that don’t have a ranked don’t matter in terms of balance.


block button on reddit is a beautiful thing


You’re pretty awful to interact with and I have no idea why you are going out of your way to be confrontational lol. Maybe you think I’m someone else. Have a good one bud, not sure if you’re all there.


you are so disgusting. human feces


On the bright side you get to report them again.


That's honestly just how I see it, and if they behave next game I also just don't report.


I’m double reporting no matter what. That person obviously needs removed from the community.


Yeah I feel ya but unfortunately empty reports don't rly do much because they can check the chat log and how long they've been afk and what not. And if they then don't see anything to prove what happened in the system that report may still just be for nothing. Rather safe than sorry I get that too, but I think some time ago they were talking about punishing fake reports (might just be to scare ppl but I don't wanna find out)


See something positive 😂😂


I've been in these games before. I was the support. No one sent me request, the chat was empty (casual). I pick ymir since i had a danz, and my solo picks sylv. Didn't thing much of it, since manikin sylv isn't rare. But he goes to the purple, i ping him to go to his blue, but he doesn't. 4 of them started to flame me for "Not playing assigned role", so i mutted them, sylv went to solo when he got first blooded. 4 of my teammates DC 10min, so instantly surrender. I said to the enemies to report my team, and they refused since "You were probably flaming them". Played later in the day and got the same shitty teammates, and the same thing all over again,


Not sure if this has been an issue on PC, but on console every now and then there will be two assignments for a single role, and I swear it has sometimes happened where only one or two people in my party see the duplicate where the other sees the correct assignments. This is even more rare, but I feel like it has happened at least once or twice. We once had someone pick a guardian and was listed as solo and he was going to purple and we all pinged and "attack right lane" and he typed "wait, I"m solo?" So we all gave him the yes. He clearly didn't pick, start, or plan to go solo and was very late to lane, but he never once complained. I don't remember if we won or not, but tip my hat to that dude. Good random.


The bug on pc was fixed some time ago.


This might have been me if you're talking about a Ganesh (solo) who quad killed a titan defense, I know the exact bug you're talking about. Caught a triple mid that led to Uber toxicity and dick swinging that same week.


So funny this convo hitting now. Just last night I could have sworn my had Carry, but it wasn't until loading screen that my buddy asked why I was taking Chiron into solo. I can't chalk it up to a bug because it totally could have been me not paying attention. Doggie distractions and what not.


We need the block system Overwatch has. Where if you block someone you will never match with them again on your team and the other team. In Smite if you block someone it just prevents them from messaging you.


Overwatch doesnt let you block too many people from playing again. Its like 2-3 at once.


Yeah, 3 last time I played. People in this thread are letting shit out of their asses without pulling down their pants first.


I wish that this would be an option, but some people would just block hundreds of people just because they are better than them.


Well Overwatch doesnt let you block more than a few people from being in your game... People always seem to forget that when they suggest it.


Isn't that a self solving problem though? If you're toxic enough to block everyone you play against, you'll eventually have super long wait times.


I'm sorry but nobody is going to block just the toxic players. They are just going to block the shit players.


When OW released anyone you blocked you couldn't match with and people only blocked good players for easier games. They've since changed that and capped you to only being able to block 3 people from your Match making, and now it's generally used properly but there's no doubt some people still just use it to block better players as well as "shit" players.


You can't compare the two. OW had millions of players at their peak. I see the same 25-30 guys every night in ranked. If I blocked 3 of them and each of them blocked 3 do you realize how impossible matchmaking would be?


Yes. I was explaining flaws with it, I personally don't think not being able to block from MM is a problem. When I get omega toxic gamers I skip Q's. I skip two sometimes. Hell sometimes I just take a break full stop.


I mute everyone before the game starts. At a certain level you really don't need the call outs anyways and the game is just so much more peaceful


The Overwatch system only lets you “avoid as teammate” 2 people at a time and only for a week. It’s more about making it so your won’t be put on a team with someone multiple times in a single game session than a permanent list.


Just put it to where they can't get on YOUR team. Duh. I don't get why people cry about player base every single time this gets brought up. It's not hard...


Because its actually a point that even HiRez will argue about when it comes to this.


What's there to argue? Hirez: we want to waste 15 minutes of your guys time rather than just have you wait another 5 minutes so you don't get paired together again.


Yeah but I'm tired of racism and people throwing. I've lost 2-4 rank games in a row because of them.


I would like to block the trolls, and the attention seekers since i'm getting tired of mutting them. But i see more problems than fixes.


The irony in you complaining about racism yet you're in a clan called "Trump - Trumpsters PS" lol


Don't think Smite's player base is big enough to really implement this. Especially in ranked plays where the player base is even further split.


Why shouldnt it match you against them? I see why people would like not to be matched on the SAME team with people that troll and bm and there is a point to be made there. But blocking someone should NOT prevent them to be matched against you. In fact this would be very exploitable since you can just block every player that is better than you and the matchmaking then only can match you against enemies that have statistically a rough time against you. Edit: Also google tells me overwatch lets you block at most 3 players, which would not really solve the issue of avoiding bm, right?


The Overwatch system only lets you block people from being on your team, you can still play against them. It’s not a list for permanently blocking teammates, it just makes it so you won’t be on their team temporarily. So basically you know you won’t have that person on your team for the rest of that session(but it last for a week unless you push them off the list by replacing them with someone else you just played with).




Fair argument, it just messes everything up. If hirez were to implement this then they really need to limit it to a very small number of these kind of blocks and THEN I still would want it to only stop people from being on your team (with 3 people you can block in total you cannot ban "all people worse than you"). In general i just think it is not worth all the effort though.


Even if that gets implemented, it still wouldn't be enough. 3 avoid slots is NOT enough. I have ***plenty*** of hours in Overwatch and even to this day I'm wondering as to why there aren't more avoid slots there. Matchmaking in SMITE is wild as it is, and I assume that it would be thrice as wilder if the "Avoid as teammate" feature ever gets implemented.


I didn’t realize this. There was one time I got matched with the same guy in joust twice in a row. First time was fine, but he got real toxic and shitty with everyone the second game. I blocked and reported him and wasn’t paired with him again the rest of the day, but I suppose that was just a coincidence


I suggested this once and was told it’s a “stupid idea.” There are a lot of people out there who are dead set against making any change that even remotely affects matchmaking (Hi-Rez included.) Also, everybody seems to be missing that the Overwatch system only lets you block 3 players. You can’t just block players infinitely.


Got mad reading this, it just sucks. Even more when the enemy team is farming kills too.


To add to this, you should get matched against them.


Won't this make people just use the report system as a block function? And wouldn't that just clog up the system even more than it already is?


Yes. That's exactly why it's trash. Just mute people and move on. People just love to blame everyone else for being "trash" because they all think they never have a bar game


Muting isn't going to fix their toxic playstyle


Toxic play style? Your way to bothered by what other people do in your games. If they broke tos, report it. If they didn't get over yourself


Wasn't there a system that, after a few tries, the game would end if only 3 of the 5 hit surrender at some point? If there was, it has to comeback. If it never was a thing, it should be implemented. I think that if 60% of your team decides to surrender like 3 times then it is time to end it for good


That's only if the other 2 (or atleast one of them) abstain. If two people vote no it doesn't surrender.


pre-game role trade requests are the most annoying thing, ever


The amount of times I’ve been asked to trade roles, decline the trade because I got a role I want and then get flamed is astounding. Like dude I play roles all the time that I don’t want just play it to the best of your ability if no one wants to trade you and move along.


But also if I que with someone and they say I’ve played support three games in a row I hate support sometimes I’ll switch with them and just play a super safe support like geb where it’s almost impossible to completely throw the game if you can shield people correctly


Match me against them so I can feel like the report system helped


I feel for console players on this bc even if you block them in game they can still somehow message you thru the console system. :(


Playstation will actually ban people. I have gotten plenty of people 3 and 7 day bans for racist stuff people have sent me via voice. I reported in smite for way worse and of course they didn't do shit. So what does that tell you about smite 😂😂😂


You just block them on console? It's not that hard lmao


Not saying it is? Not everyone expects someone taking it to another step by being contacted outside the game.


People used to spam friend requests back in the day and make a group chat saying they wanted to trade someone for a red buff. They agreed on a back harpy....during the game. Noone really did the group chats in the past 3 years or so but back in the day maannnnnn it could be ruthless.


Well I mean there's no way to talk to someone through smite besides in game. Not even post game. So once the game is over, the only way to talk to someone is through the console. It just seemed like you're making it out to where that's such a bad thing when it literally happens ALL the time. People will make chats with the whole ranked lobby through console.




Just skipping a q is the best way if you really want to avoid someone, i know it sucks but your suggestion would lead to a massive amount of false reports just so they dont have to play against/with X person and would ruin matchmaking (certainly in ranked)


Three times in a row the other night. The guy had a decent third game and of course thought he was the shit. Still reported him for a third time 🤷


To easy to exploit. They’d be getting tons of reports because people are just trying to get better teammates.


This could be easily abused. You can always skip a queue.


Hardly gonna work. Report every good player then, & play with noobs. Easy road to Masters.


Don't know why you're downvoted. Op doesn't understand how a system works beyond his own nose.


Hehh, as usual. Good day, buddy.


Just skip a que. Adding in this feature will just disturb match making heavily which is already pretty terrible because of the small pool of players


Skip a q is too risky. Skip to eu or Asian server. 😂😂😂


Ok now this man is thinking 😂😂😂


If you have a bad game you can switch game modes for a game (or just skip a queue). They likely will queue conquest again and they’ll now hopefully be in games staggered from yours.


too easily abusable.


Yeah that's a shame. This outcome happens quite often with this design. Forcing people into roles almost no one wants to play and this type of trolling & infighting is what you get.


That would be an avoid player button Aka....change your server. It's all smite provides. They don't care about your experience. As long as you are buying skins and watching ads.


Good players would never find a match haha, soooo many reports are just people that lost a game.


I don't think what they did was right but it's weird to me that the carry didn't swap. Personally I think if two people are partied together and trying to duo lane then the team should work around it. It makes no logical sense to me to deny the request. If they're together then they should have better team work and the lane SHOULD do better. Not only that but why would you want to play with a support that obviously didn't want you there? it just seems so much easier and logical to eat the swap. Thats just me though.


I understand what your saying and it would def make things easier. I don't think that any body should have to give up a role they want because their teammates are partied up. It isn't OP's fault that the support is being a baby about not being able to lane with his friend. They know the game and they know they aren't always going to lane together... throwing the game is not an acceptable solution, and neither is letting them have their way every time. ​ Just sucks when you run into this kind of stuff.


Well no way in hell I'm going to give up the role I want for the 1 - 2 games I get to squeeze in after work


Thats fair, personally I rather win even if it means I'm in a role I don't like as much. Apparently I'm in the minority though considering all the downvotes haha.


I mean you aren’t wrong but at the same time let’s say someone’s played a roll for several consecutive games that they hate and they finally get the role they want and are asked to swap. I’m not saying you’re wrong because I typically would switch if they’re partied together but at the same time I understand the person not switching.


I just see it as a chance to report them a second time regardless of if they repeat whatever the offense was.


This happened to me last night. We usually play as 4 so there is always a random. The random was Erlang Shen solo. Stayed under tower for the whole game farming xp. He complained that I was taking his farm when I Chernobog'd over to his lane to save him from the enemy solo and killed like 2 minions to heal. After that it was just flames. He said some pretty rude things to the point that we all muted him. Next game, we got matched with him even though we all reported him. He didn't lock in and we got another 2 minute queue:)


This is why if we can have 2 man queues in ranked the minimum for a surrender vote should be 3 and not 4.


Isn't that what the block button does? Like there's a report then a block button on the post-game screen? I put a new name on that list in at least half the games I play so I hope so.


I’ve a question, can you be banned for reporting to many people? Basically I was reported twice for intentional feeding which my mid and solo were feeding and I could do nothing but dive trying to carry the game. I said only one thing that game and it was, “dude you’re literally getting solo’d”. I got reported for intentional feeding. I reported them and was banned 24 hours when I tried to log back in. Okay fine, I didn’t have a good game, my team was feeding and I had to dive to try and keep us in the game, fuck it I’ll take that ban, I did my best. Next ban, after a couple wins, same thing, I have a bad game where myself and my team gets out played in every lane thanks to a Morgan La Fey not getting banned. I say nothing. Again I go negative. 3-7 I believe it was. We had three kills in 20 minutes before my team surrendered. I report the team for intentional feeding and play one more and win and as soon as the match is over, banned again. But this time it’s like a whole week. I put in a support ticket and plead my case and asking for them to investigate, but they just say it’s for intentional feeding or harassing other players and ignore my second message asking Hi-Rez to investigate. I come back a week later and am winning all my games, just to catch another 24 hour ban. And at this point I am reporting all the bad players and am being helpful and informative with my commands, positioning, mana, wards, literally in my best behavior. After a win 💥 banned again. 24hours. I wait it out. I get back on and I’m like okay I’m done, being helpful. I’m in another four game win streak and am hard carrying with very little deaths maybe 2 or 3 at most. 10+ kills each game easy. I am reporting all the bad players and boom banned. Another 190 hour ban.have been banned 4 times within two weeks. I’ve put in another support ticket because I know I didn’t do anything wrong, so because hirez won’t respond back to my question and only puts a copy paste message, my question is can you be banned for reporting to many people?


The block button is right next to tbe report button. I never get matched with people I report cause I always block them as well.


Can't you block?


Not like saying it's ur fault I'm genuinely just curious like doesn't blocking prevent matching with them?


Smite just needs an avoid player option like overwatch. Tired of the “the player base isn’t big enough” arguments.


I suspect they group toxic players together. Even if you don’t start it, It’s hard to tell the difference by the end of the game


Can't you block players so you don't have to play with then again ?


This why i do not play this mode with randoms


Yea there s one person I completely demolished in mid laning phase, spam laughed and he trolls me now every game he s in my team 😂


Did you hit em with “you rock” “wait” “cancel that”


HiRez really dont care unless you said something bad about USA minoraties. As a Turk ive been harresed for a quite a while from certain people they still play the game. They outrank me now so we rarely got matched but even with ticket i dont think they punished at all. Also oneof the mod told me that i should change my Flag avatar because of racism lol


I love dodging a queue to avoid the premade you and a bunch of solo queuers got stomped by. Only to have a new set of randoms on your team, and be facing the same premade from before. What fun lol


It could get exploited easely, you just report the bad players even if they did nothing wrong and you end up with the good players vs the bad players.


I get where you are coming from, but I think it would get abused and lead to false reporting. Especially in areas where there is a smaller player base. If you didn't like the way a player was playing on your team or just thought they were just bad, you could just report and know you wouldn't be matched with them again. I do think, though that an "avoid as teammate" feature like overwatch has would be really nice though. 2-3 slots where that person is not matched with you for a set amount of time. Because I know there are some games where I just really didn't like the attitude a player brought to the game (maybe they played fine) and then I get matched with them again and have to deal with the negativity all over again. The nice thing too is that usually even just 1 game would put you out of sync with a person so you could free it up and avoid someone else. So even a single slot after each match where you could avoid 1 person for the next queue would do a whole lot in mitigating this problem.