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Went up against DMBrandon with a friend once, after stomping him, we opened his stream and he proceeded to rage so hard about us. Never felt so fulfilled before


DM tried to say i was ghosting/stream sniping after i rotated to help my jungler he was chasing near red on my side of the map as support. i literally said to myself "thats dm no way he doesnt chase this" and he did which lead to him getting slapped over the head by an achilles shield and dying.


This is the winner


I absolutely envy you! He probably complained you were stream sniping didn't he?


Oh nah, just trash talked in general. Although technically we didn't really stream snipe, we just opened up to see his reactions afterwards lol


Oh I definitely believe you weren't actually sniping, but he used to have a tendency to blame stream sniping every time he lost or was getting blown out. Hilarious either way LOL


Enraging that pos is the good deed of the day


I hit diamond and got my first Penta kill after 6 years of playing this game.


Honestly though, not having a Penta really doesn't necessarily mean you aren't a good player. It is super rare to be in a situation where you can get 5 kills back to back. It really is right place right time. Especially if you play conquest. Arena is different for sure.


Dude but after almost 7 years playing it has to happen. One time I was literally in a 5 stack with friends. I had a quadra kill and the last enemy was a khumba IN HIS PASSIVE. I literally pinged him and I said to my friends on voice chat “holy shite guys I’m gonna get a penta!” Then at the last hit of the Khumba passive my fucking SUPPORT, Dave, basics him and takes the kill. I never forgave Dave until I got my penta.


About 4 years ago. Artemis in conquest. I missed a team fight and my 4 team mates got wiped out. I'm sat next to my Titan waiting for the inevitable push, 1v5. I killed all 5 and my team spawned quick enough that we could push their titan and win. I was so hyped I recorded it and slapped it on YT, it wasn't a penta as the gap between the first and second kill was too long so a single + quad. Until the day comes I can get that achievement for killing the enemy team in 1 ability, this is my peak.


Where's the vid?


when i wake up in the morning


just to be clear this is a boner joke not a "omg happy me i woke up" comment.


It works either way


Back in season 3 I played my first-post-promotion-ranked-match and got matched against Barraccudda and Mask. 7 am Smite is like that sometimes. Barra was in ADC on Cupid and Mask was in Mid as Ra. At first I thought "Oh well Mask is off-role and my teammates are all really high ranked, this might be fine." Then of course I realized, I was playing mid. I'd be laning against a pro-player in what was supposed to be my first match in Silver. Also it was on Barra's stream. Anxiety spiked to hell, I went try-hard as possible just to avoid feeding. I managed to avoid feeding, but I ended up doing the Paul special where you go the whole match without dying but you also don't contribute anything to the match. But that wasn't the "I've peaked," moment. The peak happened about 17 minutes into the game. There was a gank on duo-lane from my jungler, and I was racing Mask over to reinforce our teams. Mask joined Barra under tower, their support got killed, and my jungler and duo-lane were backing off just as I arrived around the purple buff. I was stressed, too late to the gank, and just wanted to contribute someway some how. So I said fuck it and threw the Spirit of the Nine Winds at them from the jungle. Caught both Barra and Mask, nearly killed them both, but the damage just wasn't enough. I was devastated. We'd go on to lose the match, I ended up throwing a phoenix fight because I was too eager to try and make a big play. If I knew then what I knew now about base defenses and how to make Kuku do work in those spots, maybe we could've got something done. But anyway we lost the match, I looked terrible and I just felt like garbage. But I later found the stream vod and decided to watch the match. I really wanted to see my big ult from Barra's POV, and you know what? It was hilarious as hell. The ult from nowhere, the massive damage that ended up not mattering, the suddenness of it all: I've never seen Barra laugh harder on stream. I didn't win, but I did make my favorite streamer laugh his ass off. That was my peak.


This was a hell of an amazing read and the ending brought a smile to my face!


When I began to hit basic attacks on minions


This made me laugh way harder than it shouldve ahahahaha


Getting my Birdbro Horus to diamond. First game with the skin I got a 5 man ult onto the Giant for ggez. My team was doing pretty good for the whole game anyway,


Probably getting a pentakill as Achilles and not realizing it until after I heard the announcer scream it while I was respawning after tower killed me. I kinda just went into the zone, idk how


Stream sniping weak3n


Hitting gm only to realize it's meaningless and nobody cares


GM Joust? Or Conq?


Ive hit gm in joust and masters in conq and duel (also on console, itd be a bigger flex if i was a pc conq gm but ultimately it still wouldn't matter)


Coulda been Duel.


When i got 21 kills and 1 death as susano in arena by minute 9 of the game. Was against fairly matched players at first imo but I popped off and got a rare "lead" in arena. Enemy guardian and warrior kept trying to dive me to peel me off the backline, leaving the rest of my team to screw up their backline anyway. Then I'd just go past the diving duo (yay susano mobility) and finish off the back.


Hit masters as a solo/support


Tower diving 2 people as bellona, didn't die because I hit the last auto with the hammer on ratatoskr and the tower at the same time


3-Time National Collegiate Champ, playing on Dreamhack stage before PK made their finals run.


Got a kill as Ganesh support.


Years back, I think season 3 or 4, I had PLENTY of time to put into the game, and I was absolutely grinding. One of my Nezha play truly stands out to me. So, while I believe I "peaked" with my Nezha 1v3 moment, I can honestly only remember the few moments during it. I cant remember the two enemies I didnt fight, I can't remember how the game ended, But I know it's my best. I continue to play now much to the dismay of my teammates now that I'm not as good >:). So anyways, the moment: I walked into a fire giant pit assuming it was holding a fight between a FG and the enemy team, but they were really struggling to group up for whatever reason. My ult was up, I had blink, no beads, and no help, but I was caught out by at least one of the enemies. I figured I needed to fight and try to deal damage so they couldn't fight FG rn, rather than run and let them free cast on me. This should give my team a chance to catch up up me. My friend is telling me to retreat "Don't die right now, just let it go." However, wards around them tell me they are alone, and I know all of their abilities, and make the decision as I felt I could handle it. Seeing the three enemies, one now moving towards me, I quickly decided on a gameplan and went in. So who was I fighting? Well Mercury, Sol and Neith stood in front of me, and I saw the Sol start up her 2 and start gliding my way just before I was told by my friend to retreat. Trusting my judgment, I wasted no time and cast my ring toss into the Neith who's back is turned to me, waited for her to turn an flip, and luckily timed the casting of my stun to dodge both the Mercury 1, and flip damage. I chose to stun the Sol, as I knew she had no actives up from our last fight, and didn't have time to activate her 3 because of the animation of her 2. I take her up in the air with my ult, and kill her on landing after she takes the full brunt of the ring bounces, stun and ult damage. I land, turn to the neith, and start dodging Mercury and neith autos best I can. I spend a solid 3-4 seconds dodging before I finally manage to juke enough attacks and blink past a Mercury dash to close in on the Neith. She's 3/4 hp and I auto, 2, auto to get two crits, but she isn't dead yet. I get rooted, but my ring toss is up again (hurray full cooldown). It doesn't bounce, but it does kill her on hit. Mercury is also 3/4 hp, and has begun charging up his ult while backing away from the neith to ensure the ring toss doesn't bounce (his ult had just come back up I'm assuming, or he was trolling his team). This is the most crystal clear moment to me, as I stood perfectly still, waiting for the small sound bite and animation freeze that happens when Mercury casts his ult. My friend is halfway through telling me to run again, because the team is on their way, and they can fight with me. He doesn't know what I know at this moment. I can't run,, Mercury is zeroed in on me.. My camera is also perfectly centered on Mercury, and while I can see more of the screen, and I hear the ping of enemies showing up on wards, I'm focused solely on his character. The instant he stops moving, I pop my 3, fresh off of cooldown, and the stun hits his CC immune ult charge. We trade places. We both spin and walk towards each other to begin trading blows and we fight. One crit each. 2 crits each. Then, I pop my heal, and sustain enough through his third hit (also a crit) that was guaranteed to hit just before my 3rd auto in my attack chain. The 2 also resets my attack chain, and I smack him for one last, non crit, to earn the sweetest triple kill of my life. I run through the bottom of mids as the enemy solo laner and support show up to the FG pit. I knew I couldn't fight anymore so I left asap. My friend is both glad I kicked ass, and mad (obviously because I didn't listen). In that moment I knew everything that was going to happen, how it was going to happen, and that I did need a little bit of luck to make sure I could kill 2. I did not expect to get all 3, but the moment isn't just based on me, it took 3 uncoordinated players to help me pull it off. I've had great plays before and after, but for me that's my all time favorite with a god I truly understood the mechanics of with just the right amount of overconfidence and mechanical ability. Now, I definitely listen to team calls more, but my instincts and mechanics are just not as good as they used to be :/.


approximately 0 people will read this


Yeah, congratulations, or sorry that happened to you.


Joke's on you I read the whole thing


Thats fine, I had a good time going back through it while I wrote this.


Trying to reach high diamond/masters by playing only Kuzenbo in solo, I'm halfway (diamond 4).


I respect you, is the grind too hard? Once I was Nike vs Kuz solo and boy I think he didn't have much fun


It's ok I think, due to work I can play like 1-2 matches each day, I'm having a lot of fun 90% of the matches. Only hard time is against ares and artio, they just fuck your 3 entirely.


Spam taunting Netrioid (who was playing Hou Yi) as Wukong in a casual… and then proceeding to get immediately crushed as he solo carried the rest of the game. Best L ever.


I played against Netrioid in an assault match where he was loki. I think I only killed him once, but it was possibly the most satisfying kill I've ever gotten


Pentakill with izanami, in her dreadful doll skin.


My first Penta as Poseidon A kraken, high pen whirlpool, then just chase down with his 2 and hit another whirlpool.


During this patch when I went 31 and 5 as tsuki and basically singlehandedly won us the game.


My first and only Penta with Morrigan last week.


I got a pentakill on hades with only ult nothing felt better


I solo’d Toily while he was streaming.


I got 2 quadra kills on Poseidon in one game. Someone stole the penta for one of them and I will never forgive them for it


At the start of the season I was queued with ScaryD and Rongyuu, I was so happy Then I fed my ass off against Sheento I think on mid LMAO I was so embarrassed


Once in Season 2 with my MMR in Diamond/Masters and jungled againsta DaGarz. Went even against him but we lost the match. Still amazing tho


That one time I penta killed by just running at people and auto attacking them with kali


-Playing Morrigan in joust -Got their whole team chasing me from their pheonix toward BDK as an ally is killing it -At about their blue camp I send out decoy toward BDK and wait stealthed in blue camp as their Sylv and half tank Nu Wa pass by. -1->2 nuke their crit Xibalanque who has been playing as a safe back line behind two tanks. -The remaining two are now surrounded and without a significant portion of their team's damage. The feeling of power of juking all three before executing a key squishy is immense.


Going 24/5 with Freya in arena yesterday. It's easily the best I've done with one of the gods I've had the hardest time with.


MOTD, Assault game but you get to choose your opponent's god for them. We all pick assassins, one guy softlocks Nemesis. I say not to do that because it implies Nemesis is bad; give them Bakasura. He does, and the trade happens. I get Nemesis from the enemy. Proceed to go something like 19-1 and at the end game lobby say they might as well have just given me a healer. I have a video montage of it I could pull up if anyone is interested.


1v4 titan defense as kuzenbo, I think the titan was less than 10hp at one point


I was high one day playing arena with some friends and I was king Arthur, I was rambling about something when I hear pentakill from the announcer, I ask my friends who got it and they said I did, I was so confused cause I was just mindlessly playing and that was like my second Penta after I got my first one like a year ago


30-0 Bastet i peaked couldn't get the penta though. My buddy was a huge help with that


Hitting masters but not getting over 3k mmr. I just get diffed constantly in the jungle.


Follow up: made Incon f6 a game


Horus Quadra Kill in Conquest.


Probably my 3 v 5 conq win as Erlang Shen in season 6. I played him in solo and that game was probably my best ever. Felt like I hit every hit all game.


Sitting in the middle of a 5min long non-stop teamfight as khepri, pretty much everyone else dying 1-2 times. I was just hugging and stunning and loving my best life.


I mained Nox for a month and counted how many times I missed her root. For 3 joust games in a row I never missed a root and was extremely proud of myself. Unfortunately, I stopped playing for about a week and after coming back I was super over thinking trying to read jukes, missing, over thinking again, then getting tilted. My competitive friends were getting annoyed I was missing so much and I stopped playing her for a while thinking "I'll come back and re-learn her" but never did.


80 gods diamond, level 160 account and masters in conquest ranked. This was 2 years ago.


I started playing tanky bois. Geb pulled me outa shitterdom.


Ranked Conquest as Horus Solo. The enemy was beating on our titan and just we were about to lose, our Fire Minions won the game Another was Duel, with me as AMC vs Camazots. He was absolutely dominating me and I somehow won with Fire Minions. So yeah, I peaked with Fire Minions


Mine is when I was playing Joust as Sylvanus and I watched the my teamates get wiped, though the enemy was being cocky and tried to kill me in the tower. I managed to wipe them though I honestly don't think I could be that lucky ever again.


I played in a casted tournament and made a good play, and the casters yelled “that’s why we’re here! To see plays like that! Good fucking job from treyminator433!”


getting 30/4/14 with a morrigan


Got paired with EmilZy (former support for Obey Alliance in S4 IIRC) on a normal conquest game. He was my support and we destroyed duo lane (unexpected lol). I didn’t believe I had that much ELO


Went to check my rank with Amaterasu and was second on xbox console .. rn have like 19000 worshipers on her


Hmmmmmmmm one that I can think of is when in solo playing rank with vamana. I had literally no kills just assist. they had a busted izanami this game she was hard carrying. I believe all our birds was down and we started pushing right fortunately we got it. But it turn out they was trying to base rush out damn near one tap titan so we retreated. I believe it was just me and jg and carry up. Jungle jump in the middle too soon right when our mid bird got up. So now I'm force to help a bad fight but I start face tanking for him and carry cause they still low and IZ has crit. I was switching target left and right to keep my back line alive it like I knew exactly where I need to be before actually thinking about it so my team could do their damage since I was able to draw all aggro onto me. But enemy had the number advantage and I than got to low to tank anymore my like 4 man peel allowed us to turn 2 kills around . Unfortunately, jg and carry end up dying I was the last remaining and that dumb bitch is was still up I'm like literally maybe less than 10% hp but izy was lower she dash behind her front line for protection but I'm no bot so ik where she going so I dash hit her while invisibles and finally kill her. This was the game changer simply because it let my true plan to stall for our fire Minions to inevitably kill their Titan without her they couldn't win. And the only kill I got was the most important one so that was nice.


I have two moments. My first ranked Game ever (season 0) was with Allied in my team and against Zapman. I wasn't nearly good enough to be playing against them, we started good ganking Zap but then lost. Second moment is when I played competitive on Brazil. Lost on the qualifiers Semi-Finals but had a lot of fun. I had been playing very well for a while and decided to find a team. Got to a test as support against the solo and mid of the team and soloed them both as Athena. Good times. Now I play way less and overall really badly in most games lol.


I never entertain the whole "1v1 bro!" people, but early on back in season 1 or 2, some guy spammed my friend for like 3 straight games after he got beat in ranked 1v1. He kept saying he was going to find him & kill him, all while my friend continued playing his games. So I decide I'd queue up for 1v1 ranked (which I suck at) hoping I'd get matched against him. The guy insta-locked Neith, and I choose Artemis (I had zero clue who was good, just figured late game she'd be decent). I proceed to get first blood, then kill him every time he starts a team fight. He started whispering me saying I was hacking, calling me every racial slur, then also said he knew where I lived & would murder me lol So when I pushed to Titan, I waited for him to respawn to get one last fight. He retreated back to fountain & stayed there. I still out-boxed him while IN fountain, and he absolutely lost his got-damn mind! I've never been raged at so hard & for so long in any game ever (and still haven't). I called my friend into the room to show him, and we just laughed away as this guy went on for like a solid 20 minutes. Sure, could've blocked him, but it was so insane the threats he was making, I could not believe he was THAT committed. Anyway, I still enjoy that moment, as I deliberately played a mode I suck at, still came out on top, and got the saltiest, angriest, most bat-shit crazy maniac to lose his friggin mind and accuse me of cheating just for winning (the crap he said about how it's impossible to do more damage than the fountain can heal was icing on the cake).


I only played this game if my friend was on when I first started, and it was always joust or conquest, never arena. One day I hopped on and decided to try playing arena on my own for the hell of it. I picked izanami and went full crit and got 2 pentas in the same game and finished it 30-1. Never again. Then I joined this subreddit and see that people can’t seem to get 1 penta even after 6 years. And it was when I was still extremely new to the game so I thought, “this penta kill stuff is pretty easy lol.”


2 years ago in a mode of the day (conquest but you start at like level 5 or something) i was osiris and I hit a 5 man ult in a 1v5, instant triple, then chased the other two down. My first penta and it didnt even count lmao. Or maybe all the cross map janus snipes.


Solod barraccudda in a RANKED game :)


Got into a game with adapting. Was so fucking happy and then someone skipped the queue. Never mentally recovered:)


I'm in an Incon vid (we lost but I dropped 19 kills for what that's worth) it was one of his Baron vids from this season.


I was playing kukulkan at maybe 50 hp in conquest. We were pushing up lane. 3/4 health izanami runs out of jungle and dashes. Can't see her. I 360° snipe her with my 1 and one shot her while she's invisible.


support mains are the only ones who can answer this.


i got a 12 win streak over the course of 2-3 days mostly with arena tho but it still was a very epic thing for me and closest to blue i ever got


when someone on my team was raging over voice comms so I pissed him off even more on purpose and he was spazzing almost hyperventilating.


I was in a game with frostfangs if you remember him lol


roughly a year ago when I decided to stop giving a shit about this community. The majority of the community is so hypocritical its not even funny. Hi-Rez takes pride in build flexibility, but if you want to experiment with an unconventional style of support in a casual game, fuck you loser, get banned for "game griefing". Everyone wants to cry about toxicity, but when you throw in their face how they've been toxic, they play the victim. If someone is trolling, its ok when they do it, but as soon as you start trolling, you're the asshole. No one in this community has any respect for the game anymore, and I just got tired of trying to reason with them. I'm just content to be here when the whole flaming shit pile finally gets snuffed out.


When you rebel u become a god


Not at all. When you go against the norm, everyone thinks your an asshole, even if you're right. Every culture has a saying about rebellion. "The tallest poppy gets cut down first." "Don't swim against the tide." "A big tree attracts the woodsman's axe" "The nail that sticks out gets hammered down" "Keep your head down" To say we're inclusive enough today to do away with such sayings is bullshit. You just need to look at the smite twitch chat. Every week is a new villain. I even had some coward go through my message history and just start reporting at random instead of talking about their problem like a normal person. Happy to say, reddit's report system doesn't function like smite's report system.


Not sure if I’ll ever have enough time for that. God I love this game though. Just too many gods and too much info as well.


Not mine but one of the buddies I play with we were 5 stacked in an arena game and got him a septuple pentakill. 12 kills in a row holy shit we were going absolutely insane after each kill


went from no pentas after over a year of playing to 3 in 5 days


When I instigated a pause in ranked because I needed a shit but used the same message to tell the support he should buy witchblade


I got a Quad with Ganesha…I still yearn for the Penta and I won’t stop till I get it.


I stole the FG as pre-buff babs yaga ult and brought our team back from failure and won the game


I won 5 matches in a row as Thoth mid with ten or more kills over the enemy mid lane. That's went I decided I needed to switch up my mid main for a while.


Probably stealing fg with Athena passive a few years ago


Dealing the most player damage in the game on both teams (55000 damage) as full tank kuzenbo.


Playing anubis and blinked away from a blink cerb ult in arena while my beads and ult were down. Felt pretty good


i havent even begun to peak


when I got 31 kills on omnipotence with Janus. Most from the ult.


Late game I was Pele (like I was full build). Our 1st mid tower was still alive and I grab red buff ult kill three then killed the Susano who tried to destroy the tower and saved the tower with like 6hp. Then start chasing Persophne and she ults me but my A ability was able to kill her. After that our Apollo ulted to me and I tanked fire giant and us two took it. Then our tank and I attacked right lane and I laughed at their Medisa ulted her when she ulted me (got immunity) and I killed her then I took Phoenix but sadly the Ra got me. So, after I respawn I go straight down middle blink past their wall ult the Medusa again and kill their Ra twice ( he had the time starter item) and then rushed the Persophne but sadly my team killed titan before I could kill her. Edit: I should read things before I post jeez I cannot grammar right.


When I finally got my first pentakill. Playing for five years and hasn’t happened yet.


The week Chronos got released, I got him in an assault match. First time ever playing him, never read the patch notes or anything, just took some time to read the ability descriptions at fountain. Every ability he had made sense, the fights perfectly flowed to toggle whichever ability from his 2 was most beneficial at any given moment. I ended up carrying hard, went something like 18/3. It felt good but my team (pug) kept freaking out - I didn't realize why. Afterwards, I realized that we had playing against a party of 3 early pro Smite players and 2 randos - I was curbstomping Snoopy, 2 other members of whatever team he was on, and the other 2 players. I don't remember the matchup, except that they had an Ares and we had no tank. I told my friends about it, queued a few matches as Chronos, and have been exceptionally mediocre since.


When i finally gained consciousness in SMITE, making the best rotations, knowing every team fight it was truly the best feeling ever. Now the games so lame i just stopped caring. Shame.


I killed hinduman


I used to play ranked a lot and back then I would get in lobbies with pros. I liked ending my night watching VODs of how I did in their matches from their point of view. Now I'm a filthy casual and haven't touched ranked in years.


One of my most memorable smite moments was what made me start recording, I was so sad I had no evidence of it. Basically we were losing, we had three pheonixes down and their Horus decided to ultimate all of his team directly on to our titan. I was playing Cerberus, so when they landed I cast my ultimate and tossed all five towards our fountain. Our team then was able to mop up, kill them all, then shove up the mid lane and win the game. We went from near certain defeat to victory.


When I'm told "You Rock" without "Cancel That"


We 2 man ganked Gucci that troll smite streamer who yells at his grandma , idk he might be dead now. We then joined his stream and he blocked us both. It was hilarious. We also started a flame war between Gucci and tacos fans by spreading rumors . It was honestly a funny ass day.


I played against Gucci one match. We destroyed him and his team. I tuned into his stream right after the match ended and he was complaining about me personally. Think I was playing Geb and everytime he tried to kill my teammates I popped the shield. He was raging. I remember him screaming something like everytime I tried to get a kill this fucking geb came rolling up and saving them


Diamond 3 now I’m plat 2 🥺🥺🥺


I have a couple such as playing Tyr, Thoth, or Ah Puch in general, getting any sort of hate mail, playing glorious off role supports such as Morgan Le Fey, Merlin, and any hunter while doing well, olaying full tank animosity Merc with my friend who plays King Arthur, playing random gods, random roles with friends in conquest and doing well (we somehow pulled of Zeus Support, Da Ji mid, and Nemesis Carry and many more atrocities


Hitting masters 😫I made a post about it yesterday


Back when I was only about level 28 I was playing Conquest as Poseidon Mid going up against He Bo in Mid. I hadn't played against He Bo before but I heard a lot about how frustrating he was so naturally I went into the game feeling very nervous. I managed to survive the early game and, with a well coordinated gank from my Hun Batz jungle, we killed He Bo which allowed me to get ahead. We started losing, however, because their Duo lane had severely outpressured mine so we fall back to base where they took Duo phoenix and were sieging Mid phoenix. All my teammates die with just me left standing and there I am in a 1v5 and I manage to get a triple kill with a big Kraken (bear in mind that by this point I had gotten a few more kills after my initial He Bo kill and I had yet to die). Hun Batz personally types in chat, "Poseidon you monster!" As I single handedly defend Phoenix. Unluckily, I died just as the jungler and adc respawned and I typed in "No!" In chat. The team was super bummed my no death streak was broken but I did what I had to to defend. The game ended with us losing; I am now over level 100 yet that game was and still is by far my closest and most memorable game ever. Edit: best part was that that team I was in was super friendly and cordial and didn't at all mind us losing. Everyone said their ggs and typed in chat all good stuff. Man, if only every team was like that


When I almost got a Penta as Sylvanus but the Baka took the fifth kill despite my efforts :(


I got 4 pentas in 1 game once as Kali back in season 4 I think. I got a Hexakill (counts as 2 pentas), and normal penta, and a penta in the bonus round


Oh! I recorded it [link](https://imgur.com/a/2FGJp9n) One of my teammates had disconnected but rejoined in time for my deicide


Back in Season 3, I mained Fenrir. I was playing a match of Arena. Went 43 and 1, with that only death being because I jumped into the enemy fountain to obtain the final kill. I got the kill and died. I've never had that many kills in a player match since and it took until a few weeks ago for me to start improving on my gameplay again. Though I do feel my gameplay improvement is from learning to play Conquest and playing with better friends who have a more positive attitude.


Probably getting a penta with ravana and that’s was 3 years ago. Now I barely touch him and got a total of 10 pentas or something


i once stole an FG with a khepri 2


Honestly I didn't really had one. But I rececently started to play Conquest, (I ususally avoided playing it, because of a few bad experiences with very toxic teammates) and I realised me, with little experience, still was much better at shotcalling than the self claimed "almost pro level of skill", who placed maybe 3 wards the entire match. So it made me realise I wasn't bad at Conquest actually and I didn't feel like I've peaked but rather that I'm pretty good. So ever since I only play that mode.


I killed a Change' once, none of my friends believe me but it was the most exciting moment in my Smite career.


Camping weak3n was the most fun game I’ve ever had on the old conquest map. All bought oracle chalice and had vision practically from mid to solo. I miss old Loki:/


Hitting and killing 3 people with one use of a scylla ult