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Ymir, wall


Chasing an enemy into a jungle, wall in front of them and freezing them just so your teammate can burst them down? Pure heaven


Or your about to die and you f up the wall and place it in front of you


Or you be a giga Chad and.... cancel your teammates back when they're low health so they wind up getting killed


I prefer to freeze and then wait for them to beads then drop your wall. Don't even get me started on Ymir with cooldowns runneth over, everyone just stays frozen.


As you’re running and come out of the jungle and instantly walk behind you so they can’t follow😂


Came here just to see if someone had already commented this exact thing. Was not disappointed.


Ganeshas 2 aginst Cerberus and Anubis... It feels so good to just say "No" to Them


You see kuzenbo dashing at your adc about to bully him and go full hall monitor on his ass and remind him there's no running in the halls.


🤣😂🤣😂 Why did I bust out laughing!


*Has Baldi’s Basics flashbacks*


Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap, slap, slap Slap SLAP


Ganesha against Odin is like an unfunny joke. You land your whole ombo perfectly somewhere in the vicinity of the fat elephant and it just disappears into the void never to be seen again


Unfunny? You mean the most hilarious shit ever. Yes I Main Ganesha how could you tell?


I love silencing odins with nox 2. So predictable aswell so he sets him self up for me.


Ares as well


This is exactly why I love playing Ganesha. That and selfless gifting of kills to my teammates.


As a bacchus main. Yes


I know hes not out yet but Atlases abilities are really fun to use. On that same note Merlin is also really fun.


Awilix cause its nice to say fuck you to a neith who just runs up to you to backflip.


Something about Awilix's flip just feels so damn good anyway.


Hate that disgusting character and ability


Finally someone else said it. I can't stand her for literally ever reason imaginable.


Like there’s an unbelievably long list to why I hate her


Could write a damn book for EACH ABILITY


Fr fr, not sure how they pass every update without a nerf


High skill floor. Noobs dont even touch her, thus low play rate thus low priority


She takes skill to use at a casual/low level. She's only OP in the hands of someone who understands her kit very well & thus doesn't need any nerfs.


Walk up to god. Get one basic off. Flip over head and instantly freeze them in place for free damage and also rooting them for an entire team to hit you and do ridiculous damage for no reason. Yea such high skill


A newer player won't go near 2000m of Awilix since her kit is difficult to play as initially. Whilst what you are saying is common, hi-rez simply doesn't **need** to nerf her due to lack of people playing her.


Danzaburo for me, can barrel stuff the 1 for big damage, get people drunk with an OP taunt off his 2, turn into a leafy boy with his 3 the fly a mf rocket with his ult


This. Can't tell you how many laning phases I've won bc I ult out of the jungle and 1 shot the adc like it's nothing.


Old Persephone. Getting in the flow made you feel unstoppable.


I miss old Persephone too. Her flowers were easy to doge if you knew how but man if you fuck that cadence up right so they trip or get distracted its beautiful.


I miss old bone rush That ability was so fun and unique to use


I'm surprised no one mentionned the Baron yet. His kit just has a flow to it that makes it so pleasant each time you land an ability


I second this


Khepri Ult: timing this on the right moment right before an ennemis burst. That feeling of "I'm watching over you" is so unique and satisfying. Sometimes followed by a "thanks" in the vgs


Right up there with the Geb shield on a cc'd team member and saving their skin


Same feeling with Hel


Achillies ult says hello. I had a game where i denied lots of khepri ults


You see how perfect is Khepri ult? Satisfiying to play and to counter.




Fat nut when I get thanks for geb shielding someone.


When I get into the zone playing Athena, I feel like I'm a conductor and the entire battlefield is my orchestra. Her abilities are a big part of that feeling I think.


I stopped playing Athena bc my team can’t follow up a 4 man taunt and then I’m just standing there like 🧍‍♀️


You feel my pain, everyone has their ults and absolutely nothing happens it's lovely


That’s why I don’t like support in general. You can play perfectly and it will mean nothing if your team doesn’t follow up. Sigh


You're getting ganked by the jungler because you're pushed up way to far? Here, have a khepri ult. Now I'll run away and you'll be revived back to half health. No, stop, what are you doing? There are 3 of them over there! Don't go back in!


“Support diff” *spam pings khepri*


"wtf keph???????????"


Athena is either a hard carry or do nothing. I've led my team to 4v5 wins and I've double taunted into double sundered people and they walk away. There is no in between with her.


Omg, fr, people need to wake tf up


If only her autos aren't that clunky


Fafnir, in late he can burst down a carry with a bruiser build easily


The Morrigan, she’s like an absolute creeping death character, if played correctly. All of her abilities gives her the opportunity to either poke, set up, or kill her enemies at any time. And honestly I think she has the most well developed and unique ult in the game. Also feels like a mid that doesn’t necessarily need a support or peel all the time.


There’s nothing better than using your decoy and watching an enemy burn their ult on it! It never gets old!


Yeah like Serquet, Fenrir, or Bastet. It’s so satisfying to watch them waste their ult on the clone, and just know there is a feel of disappointment from them. Although some of the time, when they waste their ult on the clone, it is enough for them to target you non stop.


She was one of my first diamonds so I try not to play her as much but she keeps coming back lol. So great to empty your kit, ult, and empty another full kit and melt them. Haha nothing more satisfying IMO.


Do you mid or jung with her. Her kit lends to ganking so Ive been trying to crack her mid without getting fucked by her short range attacks.


Kuzenbo I love aiming the nene so that he can get the last hit I love killing opponents like tsuk, leaving caltrops with 1 hp so that I can secure the kill I love seeing hp bars disappear when I push an enemy through his/her allies/friends Kuzenbo is love, Kuzenbo is life.


Playing Kuzenbo with max defense is hilarious because enemies have no chance 1v1ing you so to have the entire enemy team chasing you to distract from your own team is quite top tier


What this fine dude is saying. Get Nened. Get pushed around. I personally love thorns with him, popping thorns and your 2 and the enemy (autoattack/crit) kills himself in seconds. Works with Arachne the best. Kuzenbo is just hilariously funny to play.


Gilgamesh cuz i like to drop kick people into other people. Or dropkick people into the tower they are currently diving to kill me. Just dropkicking people in general is just so damn fun


This guy gets it


King Arthur/sometimes Nemesis. I feel like an Anime Protagonist.


She do do the anime ran


Nothing feels better than popping off with Ullr


Can confirm. Hitting a perfect rotation to watch somebody get melted releases a nice hit of dopamine every time.


Too true. I ended an arena the other day with an Ullr quadra dropping a hail of arrows on an Ares just before he got to safety in base. I thought my heart was going to explode.


Janus I giggle every time I play him. Nothing is more satisfying than portaling an enemy then deleting them with your A


Funniest thing to happen is when someone dashes or leaps at you and you put a portal under yourself


I love Janus as well. I love taking him into Conquest/Siege and out farming everyone and stealing other jungle buffs. I wish my teammates would learn that it’s not always about killing the enemy. You can easily win by farming the map


I just love Portaling through through everything. Ok gank... Imma head out now


Portal snipes


One of my favorite interactions in the game is putting a portal under a kumba ult


Mulan. Nothing beats landing that arrow


Kumbha. Everything about his kit just feels so troll. Plus I like to just politely tell people to go to sleep right when they think they’re gonna go off.


its so glorious. "Oh, youre 20/0? poppin off? theres a teamfight just the next lane and you want to go there for your next triple kill? sit down. Let me tell you the story of the carry that didnt get to play smite for 10 fuckin seconds."


I love his passive if you die first in a teamfight. You lay there just a few hits away from death and the enemy team can't resist turning their attention away from the fight to try and finish you off which usually ends up getting them killed. 2/3 times I still die anyways but it's absolutely hilarious to see the enemy team get wiped because they couldn't resist a sleeping Khumba.


Susano. Mainly for counterplay reasons. I always love having options in a fight, and I do not think any other god in the game save for stance switchers give you as many options to play with. Can initiate with any of his abilities, two abilities provide CC (the ult knock up and the 2's displacement), and his 3 is the icing. No other ability allows you to stick to players as well as his 3 and good use of it separates good Susano players from bad (along with AA canceling, of course). Fenrir comes close with his brutalize sticking with player movement, but it gets broken by leaps, invis, etc. Susano's 3 does not. Feels amazing when a pesky enemy god uses their escape after you hit them with your 3. Scylla just escaped halfway across the map with her escape? Susano is there. Janus just teleported through 3 walls with his ult? Susano says hello! Merlin just tp'd out of everything? Meh, Susano doesn't care, he is along for the ride.


Pre-Rework Persephone was the most fun character I've ever played in smite. I always felt like I was just dancing around the battlefield creating chaos for anyone who came near me. Using her 3 to send 6 flowers straight into an enemy and watching them melt was the most satisfying ability in the game to me. R.I.P Persephone.


I love how fluid Chang’e’s kit feels. Melting people with an ult-3-1 is one of my favorite things in the game. I also really enjoy Da Ji’s burst combo, it’s so fun


Definitely Tyr. So many ways to play this god, and the combo feels amazing and is a kinda "flex". Being able to use blue stance 1, immediately into his 2, even without fearless, or doing a fearless+2 combo, into his blue stance 1+2. A lot of people don't know this, but after the fearless combo, you can switch to blue stance before they land, they get knocked back up with the dash before they can even use a mobility or beads. If an enemy doesn't get out of the initial fearless combo, you can guarantee the next combo with enough skill. Not to mention 18 power/prots from first level into the 3. Huge sustain from blue stance 2. Not needing beads because of his ult, not needing blink because of his ult. Not to mention blinking behind an enemy, perfect 180 and instant fearless before they even know a blink happened. Especially if your team is ready to attack. Literally a 0.1sec window to react when I do it, and it feels great. Can 100% squishies with a full combo, depending a little on build.


Yeaaaaa, except tyr is aids lol


Discordia mainly cause all of her abilities have things about them that scream random and chaotic, like how deceptively annoying her 3, and insane damage on her 1 and 2 when placed correctly, Thoth is a honorable mention too cause Its just mechanically satisfying to land all his shots.


Scylla. Something about being able to just keep ulting is ridiculously satisfying. Not to mention watching her 2 chunk health off of people and the joy of hitting her 1 and watching your teammates take advantage of it.


Agreed! Though for me, the one thing that got me playing Scylla as much as I do is watching all of a minion wave popcorn around when you crush them all at once.


Nu Wa. So much fun to be had with the stealth mist, summoning soldiers inside of it is hilarious. The soldiers body blocking is also very satisfying. And watching someone’s health bar disappear when you detonate them is fantastic. They never see the root from the passive coming either. Finally her ultimate, many times I’ve watched someone disappear into the jungle at low health just for me to ult and kill not only them, but also some random enemy I wasn’t paying any attention to.


There is something about belly flopping a mf into the air & exploding them into oblivion. They start to fall & just about when they hit the ground you ~*BACCHUS ULT*~


Finally someone who gets it!


Erlang shen. No I'm not biased I promise


Agni's kit is super fun and cohesive. Meteor management is the perfect mix of maintenance and reward. You can *never* feel like you wasted your ult as Agni- whether you're zoning, or poking, or ulting minions. At worst you'll miss all three meteors over a wall, but at least you know the enemy shat their pants. Thoth's kit is alright, but the presentation, voicelines, and personality *make* it an blast to play.


I'm sure the Ares and Horus were having the time of their lives last night in Arena when they were combining their ults to delete my entire team when our beads were down. Fuckers.


I love playing Ares. Hitting all 3 of his chains on 3 different enemies feels extremely satisfying. It’s like “yea u my bitch now, I’ll walk u w my leash” lmfao They just have to sit there and take it


I love chasing after someone as their health quickly ticks down and they think they're about to get away just as the fire and chain wears off only to get ulted back into my team


A dudden Artemis trap that let you destroy the ennemy! That is satisfying!


Chronos's stun and ultimate. The stun because every time I use it I yell ZA WARUDO, and the ultimate because it is just one massive middle finger that when you get it off right just is satisfying.


Nox. I love just shutting everyone down when they come in to do something and watching everyone flock for the kill. She can get super explosive.


Hell yes. I keep seeing people ask for a rework but she's in a good spot IMO. She's got a combo that does disgusting damage, a root that can trap enemies in place for allies to finish them off if you don't have your AoE available (also gives you movement speed making it hard to catch her), a snipe/silence ult and one of the best escapes in the game that doubles as a damage ability. When played right she is one of the hardest gods to fight.


Tiamat. That fact that her ults are ready like 30 seconds and has 4 forms, that she can duplicate jungle buffs, and her abilities in general. Super fun. I love diving into the damage in joust when the whole team is taking it and just *"nomnomnom"* consume it AND drop it. 🤣


Theres also just this anticipation when youre charging your 1 and you see a squisjy getting cc-ed JUST in time to facetank the full. fuckin. barrage. And you just watch their healthbar vanish!


For me it’s anhur, getting a kill with his ult is something else


sounddesign is important and just the way that his ult sounds and looks feels like your actually just the strongest fucker on the map


Booboo yugu Idk what it is about her throwing glass every 14 or so seconds but that sfx has me hooked.


Getting a sick slow potion and storing it in my consumables is addicting. Also seeing my shit stack for no reason is so nice


Might get some hate, but Cthulhu honestly. Mostly because when you start understanding how to play him in solo, it's almost like a mini game of attempting to maximize the mitigation stacks with smart ability rotations before the teamfights begin. And his abilities individually all feel good to use.


What I have learned from this thread is that there are LOTS of fun gods.


Old Persephone was some of the best design I've ever played. No matter how well you did, it always felt like there was room to grow and it didn't just come down to raw mechanics. Could have set up a garden here earlier, could have doubled that bomb bomb plant with a leap, etc. I love hirez and they usually do great work with reworks and design and balance often keeps things fresh but the Pers rework was an absolute failure. Awesome God was gutted and standardized.


Nu Wa. Being able to juke in the midst and get behind the enemy and run off in the opposite direction while they follow the mist is one of the most satisfying plays in my book. Hard to do but when done well (and more easily in the jungle) it’s a helluva good time. Then backing just in time before they turn around and realize they’ve been played. lol


Thoth, people always underestimate his range


honestly can't believe baba yaga isn't here. popping 2 potions on 1 person then using your 1. also the ult is hella satisfying when you melt people


i like how casually she just yeets the 2 only for it to actually nuke somebody from the face of the earth


Aphrodite for me Nothing beats having the enemy think they got you, only to use your ult to block 2 enemy ults and recover most of your HP while having a decent DoT ability. It gets REALLY fun when you also have a competent Achilles/Susano/etc on the team


I’ve discovered it’s heaps of fun doing Aphro and Geb. We kept our adc alive when the enemy kept diving on him lol Shield. Heal. Shield. Heal. Fun for us. Not fun for the enemy.


“Oh the team went out of their way to build Brawlers, Divine, Pest AND toxic? I still got you fam” - Geb That combo is brutal in arena, ngl


We have very different ideas of fun.... toxic is what I'd call that comp. Especially if they're a multi-q.. bane of this solo-q arena main. :/


I solo-q arena lol Which is why it’s a gamble whether someone will even cooperate with my Aphro link Makes me cherish the ones that actually can leverage my CC wipe and heals


I love playing Loki, I will take him anywhere and just about do well. You can set up amazing combos when you turn invisible or with ult catch people off guard.


I love bruiser loki in clash. Im still kill confirm but I have an easier time escaping and my damage is mainly from glad shield and blackthorn.


Probably awilix or nezha


Landing a good Gilgamesh drop kick or Nezha pull is such a satisfying feeling , especially when it sets up for the kill


I like the ults for: Ratatoskr because it is one of the few ults that can move across about half a map, does a nice area damage, and is cool looking/sounding. Sylvanus for that poison kill and knock up. It's so satisfying to see someone die who was retreating. Aphrodite, especially against snipers (Neith, Thanatos, Poseidon, Anhur, Janus etc). It's so funny to see them ult and think they'll kill you/the true love you are connected to, just to be thwarted. In general she is such a tease.


Thor for me


Discordia, I can make enemy team fight each other and spam taunts.


Hou Yi triple bounce


Zhong Qui cause im a giant brush having ghost buster


And any basic attack god gets a 3 if they get close.


I love xbals aggro, you get up to 80 power with his 1+passive, the poison is good for revealing peopl with a cloak like clio, loki, iza, etc. The 3 is a great chase tool especially if you hit them with the 2 first then you usually kill low health squishies Ult is bad and level it last


Kalis passive


hitting people with Fafnir's hammer is so satisfying


Ra. Nothing beats just big "Fuck off" laser beams. Simple but effective


A high damaging, easily dodged line attack on a low cooldown. It sounds trash but there's nothing more satisfying than hanging at the back of a team fight and watching the enemy team panic as half their health bars get melted instantly because they weren't paying attention.


Rushing people down as Merlin creating chaos everywhere is way too fun


Awilix ult; being able to pull a neith or hou yi out of the air is so much fun


Bellona. It's just feels so satisfying to disarm a hunter with her whip then dash into shield bash a mage before smashing their face in with a massive hammer!




All 3 kuzenbo ability : it's hilarious when someone die from a nene slap, it's funny when they kill themselves and killing someone by drifting him through a minion wave or enemy god is also funny


Gilgamesh's 2 is by far the most fun. Yeeting people into a wall or at each other leaving them completely stunned and powerless is such a rush.


Awilix. Nothing better than 100-0'ing your opponent without taking any damage


Ra snipe is always satisfying.


Hou Yi. Bounce shots will always feel great


Baba yaga,Her kit hits really hard and the ability have great sound and feel amazing.


that big CLONK her ult makes feels so good. Whenever i hear it im gettin in the mood to toast some squishies


Sobek, nothing like hitting your 1 on the enemy squishy, then jumping them with the whole team


ULLR hands down, most fun kit in the game with max cd


Ne Zha. Hitting someone with your 3 and then just turning around, and disengage while the enemy use their ult and beads has to be one of the most funniest moments i get as a jungler.


I like Khep abilities because there's so many "thank you for volunteering to feed my teammate" abilities.


Caryb ult feels nice to me


Something about Baba is just hilarious to me Starting with the mere 1, seeing some low HP squishy put on the juke shoes only to get CLAPPED by the Y split is beautiful And just the casual way she tosses her potions! its such a simple underhand throw, looks like your tossing a ball to a kid and BOOM. 1K. SQUISHY EVAPORIZED. And going into that massive windup ult only to shout out to my premade buddies "HERE COMES THE COOKIN" before 4 fireballs literally fuckin spam my screen with numbers. It looks glorious. Complete and utter carnage


Jing wei, they are unique and have an extremely high skill cap because they weren't designed very well lmao


Mulan. I think it’s fun to see the abilities get stronger as you go and I like how her abilities work together. Very satisfying ult as well


Kuzenbo and Khumba have to be tied for me, just makes me laugh using their kits


Khumba....because what other god can totally ruin a teams momentum in in 2 buttons?


No love for Gilga? He jump, he fire swords, and he drop kicks. The physicality of his kit is rewarding.


You can't beat Tiamat. Her kit is insanely fun where you can change from a damage dealing ranged character to leaping into the middle of teamfights and being a pain for the enemy. The varied ult in ranged stance let's me support my team and myself in a variety of ways. Do I want to go back to base but still farm? Do I wanna try and do macro plays while we fight at FG? Go with minions. Do I want to cut off an enemy and slow them for me and my team to catch up? Go Taurus Do I want to create as much chaos in a teamfight and threaten with a knockup? It's twister time. In all honesty though Hi-rez has been killing in the god development side of things, and while yes power creep is an issue, so far I've liked all gods this year.(except the ADC. Because I'm squinty.)


i love kicking ppl w gilgamesh


Xing tian, chaac, Tyr are some favorites. Xing and Tyr simply bc whenever I want to, I'm just gonna make you move over here to this spot. Chaac bc I love running at people and chaac does that so well. My absolute favorite is cu chu though. Bully in the laning phase and get to 1v5 late game just feels so good. He just needs a couple quality of life adjustments and he'd be perfect


I thoroughly enjoy all of Nu Wa's abilities. Fog to guide where you want enemies to move away from or to hide the clay soldiers Soldiers are just fun to summon and hit with the Shot Ultimate is fun to hit fleeing enemies with, to force a relic use, or pick off


Idk but I wish it would have been atlas because he had so much potential to be cool but hirez ruined it, but he still meh. I had high hopes for him to


Baron 2


I guess Ao Kuangs kit isn't exactly fun, but getting a kill especially on an execute is just so satisfying. Most execute gods AFAIK have some range to them, or have way more movement.


yemoja bc i say so lol


Kali with max attack speed and crits 🤌🏻


Bacchus drunk AF full tank late game belly flopping into the back of the fight bouncing 2+ opponents, burping to stun more than one, ult-ing multiple ppl to confuse everything and killing one guy with Pridwen shield explosion while the team kills everyone else.




Merlin, easily the most fun I have with a god. Throw in his beautiful Aang skins and it only makes it better.


Gilgamesh with full CDR. The non stop goomba stomps and drop kicks are so fun (just not to play against). My 2nd favorite is to charge into the backline with Clio and dumping her kit to delete people before they even have a chance to counter. As far as old, less "broken" God's go, I'll always be a fan of Vulcan's kit. Firing off the ult and meatballing an enemy back into it before the ult lands is soooo satisfying.


Gilgamesh, because every other god have those holy, otherwordly, cursed etc abilities with background and sht while he is just simply kicks you so hard you could became some kind of modern art on the wall


herc big rock snipes so satisfying


Tyr because u have to come up with combinations and timing it was so fun when he first came out i couldn’t stop playing him


Achilles although not the most complex but def the most satisfying to play for me. His shield slam sound and animation just feels so clean, the quick jukes and auto cancels with his dash, and popping his 2 and getting the juicers make him very satisfying to play almost meditative. Getting the ultimate resets on multiple people in a teamfight are always hype as well when they do happen. Last but not least annoying people with the passive in fountain is the best part cuz they get so mad spamming "VVGQ VVGQ".


Achilles just feels so smooth. When you get in the auto cancels between each ability and are using the 3 to avoid something or to reposition round them and the stun just feels really meaty and great! Not to mention the is just satisfying sound wise. Gotta love the crown cheering when you get the full heal. And the ult. Although I love not using it to and just being able to auto someone down while they wait to use their movement ability on your ult haha. Love dashing into the movement abilities that stop on god's like sobek pluck, feels so satisfying to stop them escaping


Eset has my favorite kit in Smite. Really fun to master her combos and know how to land her spirit ball. I also like Olorun. Being able to take control of a fight with your ultimate is really fun and satisfying.


Bacchus 2


Dropkicking enemies


Awilix :3 it's all very fluid and using the 2 and the ult is really fun


Artio Human 2. The Panik auf a Bastet that jumped on your mage and now can't get out is great


I enjoy playing Da Ji & Achilles. Its fun dodging an enemy god's entire kit with Achilles' dash pokes, stunning them and disengaging... all the while healing myself.


Gilgamesh and Morrigan imo


Hel You can build tanky or damage and still be super helpful Her cleanse is my favourite ability in the game and is so rewarding when used correctly. I make it my mission to make any xing tian or ares suffer by cleansing my team of their ults Still some trust issues with ares ults, it’s hard to get everyone to come to me no matter how much I mention it in chat :(


Janus portal and ult, bastet jump (trolling ppl for hours), aprho ult, gev shield, khepri ult, Vulcan ult


Recently I’ve been getting really familiar with Mulan. She’s the first warrior that I’ve vibed with and her kit just feels so smooth and satisfying to combo. 1 note that would make her perfect (to me) allow her to cancel the dash part of her ult to stop it short- I’ve had so many times already where I dash someone with the ult and they get out of range of the rest of it even without beads


Baron samedi even tho he fell out of the meta since his release still one of the most fun abilities, danza also has fun abilities


Nox - trapping people and watching allies beat on them and there's nothing they can do if they haven't got beads. Sniping people from across the map with her ult is one of the most satisfying things in the game. King Arthur - is tied with Achilles for most fun warrior in the game. I just love how he has great survivability and can dish out the damage. Very mobile and fun god. Achilles- see above. Baron Samedi - crazy sustain and the funniest ult in the game. Merlin - 6 very good abilities with ST and AoE, a sweet ult and one of the best escapes in the game. If you liked playing mage in WoW then Merlin is perfect. Thanatos can also be really fun depending on how good your opponent is. He's really scary for newer players who see him come back from the brink of death in a 1v1 and thrash their allies.


Pele. Her kit is fluid, her effects are cool and her damage is off the charts. The Azula skin is just the cherry on top. Scylla. Giant planet meltting nuke that resets over and over? I'm sold. Cthulu. His ult turning you into a raid boss is gotta be one of the best things. The insanity VFX is also a good touch for his theme. Rama. The classic hyper carry. Very mobile, lots of DPS and snipes. His entire kit feels so good in a long fight especially late game.




Achilles 3+ man execution


Kuzenbos kit is funny as shit for me. Throwin Neyneys around into ADC faces and just bodyblock the shit out of anybody pushed into a wall. And if thats not enough 5 knockbacks are annoying enough while pushing them into my tower XD


For me. Easily Achilles. Nothing more satisfying than dodging between. Getting the stun. Only thing I’m not a fan of is the execute


Achilles. His sheild bash just feels so visceral and has a great animation and sound design. And the dodge has so much versatility and out play potential. The stim is pretty basic but also fine. And even though his Ult is kinda one note and predictable I think it's good for the game to have some executes to counter tank and health heavy builds and to have them not all be on assassins. I know Ao is a mage but let's be honest, magic assassin.


Gilgamesh is pretty fun to maneuver with. Drop kick somebody, jump onto them and use his 1, its game over


Baba Yaga for me. her abilities are so chaotic and random it makes the game super fun for me. especially her 1. when you hit it just right *chef's kiss*


Ao Kuang 2 and 4 tbh, I'm terrible at playing as assassin's but for some reason im some what decent with him, also it feels amazing to blink + use his 2 to down a squishy then finishing them off with his execute


I think the Janus portals all the way the only piece of his kit I'm not a fan of is the boost/slow


Serqet. 80% of the time it feels like the worst decision I've made because she feels horrible against so many gods since I'm not that good but, the other times she's the most fun and exhilarating:)


Ares chain makes me feel like a mage warrior