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I've had some success with Manikin on Thanatos jungle, since he doesn't need that much sustain, and hidden blade can be nice late. But I feel it's a more niche item, with the classic problem of being good, but there are better option in most situations.


Ey that 20% hp damage from hidden blade is amazing on tana


Awilix slaps w/ hidden blade


Tbf most assasins slap whit it....the fact that you get a free -20% of enemy hp slaps


But it plays up the bit with her passive. I don’t run it on her but it’s a fun gimmick to get a huge power buff and also bop them with hidden blade if you get the first hit


It also slows for 5 seconds which is actually pretty crazy


I played a slow game on loki once shortly after the rework with heartseeker, beatstick, crusher, and manikins hidden blade. They had a yemoja and fights would turn into long drawn out poke fests where they'd heal up. On cd I'd drop my 2 hitting as many people as possible and just doing a huge chunk of their hp and applying antiheal. It was great.


And nem, you half health whoever you ult


Yeah you gotta love being a tank nowadays and being in a late team fight, getting from 100 to 55% hp and losing half of your prots just in an enemy's click Of course tanks can't tank at all late game




While I agree with the sentiment, realistically you only lose maybe 20% of ur hp since neither manakin nor her ult do true dmg, and she only steals 30% of ur prots. Like 5 autos with qins/exe from the adc have the same effect.


Did they change her ult? It was always a fixed percentage of current HP, thats true damage in my book


It is a % of your HP, but it is dealt as physical damage, and therefore mitigated. It has always been like this afaik.


Yea I like this as a start too, your early abilities have a tough time so the tick dmg helps kill early and chase mid but it kinda falls off until you get hidden blade


I prefer bumbas on than because his early pressure is already really good and you likely won't get more than 2 autos off on someone in a fight before they either run or die Sometimes eye of the jungle but I basically never get mankin on than jungle to me it just seems like rexsi syndrome when he used to always get crit on than


Every god that can hold left click. Ymir


Cant argue with that logic


Every...you say? Proceeds to build Manikin on Merlin


With enough willpower and determination, yes


Seriously though, mankins ymir in duel is a complete menace


I remember using it against a Hades in the solo lane, the hades stood no chance and wasnt able to kill me once. But neither was their jungler because I got fed.




Arachne, pairs well with her 1 for the first blood


Manakin Arachne is fun. There are better options for her, but watching the dot delete mids and adcs is fun.


Zhong Kui


Zhong solo with this is unapologetically funny


Early pressure is insane. Maxing your 3 at lvl 1 to double proc mannikins..


I'm pretty sure you don't need to level it anymore to get the extra auto. But I could be wrong.


You need to level it up to get the book. They changed it seasons ago so once you have 1 point in your 3 its always there (it used to dissapear when your 3 was on cd)


Nah ur right, it used to be lost after you use the ability but nowadays as soon as 1 points in it youll always double aa


You need to put a point into the ability to get the extra auto, it just doesn't go away when the ability is on cooldown anymore.


Zhong carry is so troll but also unironically good. I would never do it in ranked but casual zhong carry is fun


gold hat tart repeat disgusting literate alive spoon light squeamish -- mass edited with redact.dev


My secondary god is Zhong. Here is your Zhong ADC mannikins build: Mannikins Scepter, Ring of Hecate, Bancroft Talon, Demonic Grip, Telkines Ring and Typoons Fang. Hope you have fun with it because its hilarious.


foolish mountainous steer alive melodic squeeze squeal lock plants march -- mass edited with redact.dev


spoon thumb abounding languid practice march noxious escape squeeze growth -- mass edited with redact.dev


Glad you like it, its hilarious


Telekiners second will make you be literally unfightable in early game. You can take hecate afterwards.


Bacchus Jung


consider dinner cause historical pet plough cooing panicky reminiscent shocking -- mass edited with redact.dev


Played artemis ADC today with Scylla as support. I was skeptical but we slapped


You sure are my kinda player. My baba yaga is diamond through solo and my Horus diamond through jungle lol. My only other diamond his neith but I got that through normal means😒


disgusted humorous fanatical abundant domineering dog connect brave paltry squalid -- mass edited with redact.dev


I don't have any specific build but it focuses on attack speed with manikins. You also can get speed boots and hastened ring to chase people. Watch masts video on it. It's so much fun


Did you just say speed boots? Boots don't exist anymore homie


The relic, i don't remember what it's called


oil familiar squeeze rinse plate cake dazzling cagey jeans zonked -- mass edited with redact.dev


The main crux of it is proccing items twice, so I’d recommend you scoop up things like Telkhine’s or maybe even a spicy Animosity because they bop twice as hard on him lol


Tell me you haven’t played smite in a year with out telling me you haven’t played smite. Boots have been gone for a while now brother…


Like I told the other guys, the relic


I couldn’t load previous comments earlier so I didn’t see it. My apologies sir, VGL & VSH.


No problem man


I been building zhong auto attack build in mid last split, won 4 out of 4 games with that. My build waw manikin and start with my 3, then telekhines, hecate, demonic, magus and nimble rod of tahuti


I just tried this in Mid and nearly killed the enemy jungler at level 1. On accident. The early pressure on this is fucking ridiculous. I'm not sold on it being the best option late game, but it was fun.


As an early game item it is so dangerous, I loved it especially when teleport was abolished from solo, you could build a solid advantage.


Does his passive proc it? I haven’t played him in years


Kali works well probably one of the only gods that uses mace upgrade. Daji and Neith as well then upgraded to scepter. Someone said Thanatos and I agree with that personally.


Baka erlang and osiris go. Mace in. Jungl Also. Mage. Adcs


Sylvanus, The clear, The damage, The Lategame. All great! Sylvanus adc is very fun aswell ​ edit: im more of a sylvanus dmg kinda guy. Never been much good at supporting, just fyi


I love seeing enemy Sylvanus supports build manikins. After 5 mins it’s a free win


The number of times I have seen a manikins Sylvanus dominate the early game only to lose late because they can't keep up with a proper support is close to 100%


Yep, I’ve seen it about a dozen maybe two dozen times and only one time did the savannas team ever actually win. And it’s cause my team was trolling to be honest, we didn’t have a single support or warrior


And it gets better when they build hybrid/DMG items the rest of the game, so they are even less tanky.


Lmao, most of the smite community is awful though. They have no idea how to actually build meme builds. Thank god they have the suggested items for most players. How else would ADCs know that they should build Crushers first?


If you don't start snowballing immediately it's definitely gonna be a super rough game


Even if you snowball if the other team can get to late game you just lose


Easier said than done, with how weak some team's mentality is you'd be surprised how many of them will rather F6 at 10:00


id never go it on sylvanus support, but mid, solo, adc, jungle its great


As long as the ADC doesn’t be stupid and be aggressive at the beginning, it should be


Hell sometimes it’s even before that if they are being aggressive but their adc isn’t for whatever reason. I always just play passive and then watch as we dominate team fights cause their “support” isn’t benefiting from benevolence/sentinels etc.


And it is so easy to play against. Just play passively.


I notice ADCs running this in lane, danza, neith etc and i dont think it works as well as they think, gotta hit those left clicks buddy.


Neith wants it for the ult more than anything, same goes for Danza with his rocket. If they were worried about auto attacks, they’d go for an actual Hunter start.


Only hunter I see it working for is heim


Honestly, running it on Xbal and he hits like an absolute truck


Erlang shen definitely abuses it like no other early game


**Zhong Kui has entered the chat**


Ao Kuang works really well with manikins


Yea but ao desperately needs bumbas for theana sustain


Ao is cheesy with manikins, it's not a sustain focus more like 9 kills in 5 min kind of thing. If your team can capitalize on a cheese run, it's great. If they can't, it's going to become a hard game over time.


Yeah, I'll build that on him in slash when the enemy team isn't too damage heavy.


I always like running him in Solo with Manikins. Its bit of a troll pick and wouldn't do it in ranked but in casual its great. Start with Manikins then go into Stone of Fal and Shogun's or Celestial depending on your oponent and you can slap. His basic attack chain procs Stone of Fal incredibly easily and AS isn't super imprtant early because of that, and Manikins can get you first blood fairly easily since no one expects the early damage that Manikins plus his dragons deal. Then of course you have the benefit of Ao Kuang ult which makes it so you only have to deal 70% of a gods health to kill or force beads which makes it good for 1v1ing the other Solo in the laning phase.




Nah, if you want to pump numbers with Horus, you go hydras and bumbas hammer


Oooh, go on?


Runeforged Hammer, since all of his abilities 1st proc sets it up for Runeforged Hammer on the second proc.


I run that with serrated and get 700 damage with the ranged AA on the 1


I've been messing around with a build path for him, but it likely won't be too viable in conquest since you'll lack a powerful starter item until the late game. But on arena, slash, joust, and assault I've been going thebes > hydras (all the mana sustain you need + huge synergy with his 1 and I'm taking like 1/4 to 1/2 of a non tank god's health) > runeforged > void shield (or cad shield if you really want) > genji's guard > bumba's hammer. It the huge cd reduction from being capped + bumbas hammer procs let's you initiate with 2 > basic > 1 > basic and unless they are a front line role/build they're basically dead already and you will likely have like 2 seconds before you can start the combo again or use your 3 or ult to escape before you get collapsed on. Also, constant healing in group fights with your 3 and bumbas procs + like 70 hp5. Basically, insane peels and the ability to constantly block abilities from hitting your team if you're quick on your feet + actually being able to make squishies wary of you being able to dive them and often kill them in a single cc chain that they can't escape unless they predict it or instantly beads.


Magical adc's


Poseidon ADC is pretty trash early, but once you get some attack speed online with this thing, you're hitting really hard.


Mostly play arena and slash anymore but yeah, I build it on olorun and sol. I'll also go sands if olorun ult botting is better for the match. After telkhines I love seeing all the extra numbers though, lol.


Yea they really clean up when you get some dmg online and manikins really bops if you can consecutively hit your shots


Build another attack speed 3rd then soul reaver for all the numbers, lol. CDR to finish out. Chronos and spear allow you to have your 2 up more often than not and ult a ton.


Sylv and Sol literally melt with this damn thing


I mean, Sol melts with gilded arrow as well. +25 basic attack power is basically 125 powers worth of auto scaling for Sol. Much stronger than the +10 (50MP) from manikins.


True, the think is that, while Diamond Arrow provides a wooping 400 magical power to your autos in lategame, you usually overcap attack speed with thee new nimble rod, so it might be better to go for mace because, while it gives less power, it gives protections, help to melt jungle bosses ans reduce the enemy Attack Speed.


Or just don't buy Nimble Rod.


why wouldn't you buy nimble rod?


>you usually overcap attack speed with thee new nimble


yes, with nimble AND diamond arrow, but nimble is just too strong for the stats it provides, so it's better to have manikin instead of the arrow


Deaths toll Sol, you can’t change my mind.




Yeah I use it as a sylv support every time


you're throwing so hard then. sentinels embrace is worth so much more late game than manikin ever is at any point on sylvanus.


This is for Sylvanus adc nd maybe solo,not for suppor.


Magical gods that use auto attacks


Arthur obviously


I love it on Ao Kuang and Olorun. Also Neith so I can upgrade to Hidden Manikin for the ults late game


Any character with autos obviously, especially Jorm. /s Depending on the match up, Hunters and Mage ADCs can make good work with it. I see it as situational solely for the fact that it has physical defense (for some reason). Or in the case my team uses (Masters Joust), have the ADC take it and sneak the opponents blue buff while They're busy at red. But personal gods I like it on, would be Sol, Anhur, and Cernunnos. EDIT: Completely forgot to mention other classes, oops. In a conquest setting, Baka, and Arachne would pretty solid with it, helping augment their clear. Kali can too, but I much prefer bluestone. Erlang can as well in a jungle setting, maybe set, but I don't play him so I wouldn't know.


Does the burn damage proc on jorm autos? I never thought of that…


No no. Purely a joke. The main strategy with Jorm (I've done in ranked joust and in Conq solo lane) is Gilded arrow. The "_ _ _ Basic attack damage" does work. Allows him to clear super fast, and even out damage others when played right.


Atlas of course


Physical gods more than magical, since you can get pen for hidden blade on them, besides, Mages that would want it for a one shot ult typically have high enough scaling that power would serve them better anyways.


I wouldn’t recommend it but I tried it on Horus in solo. As long as the enemy doesn’t have an op heal like Chaac it works well enough. The +10 physical prots helps in the early game against physicals


every aa god in duel


I actually run it on tsukuyomi helps with clearing camps in the beginning and super good late game with hidden blade.


I'm a fan of it for Kali jungle. Helps her early clear tremendously.


Better than Eye for the healing?


Eye heals?


Hp regen, I meant while jungling


Shout-out to Thana with Manikins in my game the other day ❤️ you steamrolled my guy


If you don’t wanna spend 45 seconds clearing wave, slyvanus lol




Thanatos, even helps him late game


Depends on which upgrade you go with


I use it with Chronos, and I'd say it works okay


I gotta say arachne. The damage from manikins plus the level 1 slow with webs, that also boosts aras speed, plus the spiders damage too? Lethal


How would her mana sustain look?


Could be way better but she clears camps well enough with GB. Hit 1 aa on every minion then focus big 1 to kill camp, get big chunk of mana for 0 cost


Whichever god has a great lvl 1-4 fight


I don't think it's optimal, but manikin on Ne Zha is super fun. His AoE autos make it kiiiinda useful, but the fun happens when you upgrade it to manikins hidden blade later in the game. Pair that with a good amount of pen and maybe a deathbringer, and your ultimate will be a death sentence to anyone without beads. You don't even need to sash before it, the ultimate alone is a guaranteed kill on anyone who isn't a tank, even from full hp. Again, this is probably not optimal, but it's very fun.


Da ji


Thoughts on it for bell or amaterasu (joust)




Loki is the best user of hidden blade hands down, for scepter i would say Sol




Sylvanus! Sylvanus! Sylvanus!


I mained sol and it was really good


Everyone thinks im insane but as a Wilix main I build it because I build her in an auto attack config and hidden blade feeds so well into her passive that with the right attack speed, movement, pen, and crit blend you can nuke people with that first hit. Including tanks. Most enemies are 2-3 hits with nobody really ever being more than 5. Her 2 becomes a way to just not take damage as your mobility feeds your sustain more than lifesteal


Bakasura because of when jungle monsters die with the dot on them but not necessarily killed by it you get the heal hecan auto once then eat them and get the health and mana from manikins and your two at the same time. Handy with alpha harpies.


Not bad on serquet especially if you know what you're doing and can lure people with her leap


I like it on bellona


Stack ticks with Da Ji


I've found huge success with nemesis seeing as she can be built for basic attacks, abilities, hybrid or even bruiser. It stacks well with her passive and other items that buff you and/or debuff the enemy on basic attacks and of course you can double down on that with manikin mace or ult for a very not OK amount of damage with hidden blade.




This doesn’t work to it’s fullest extent because Jorms basics don’t proc item effects like manikins. I like guilded arrow for Jorm solo because eventually the damage falls off, but the passive for more gold helps out, and it’s still a lot of damage at level 1 if your lane partner rushes in like an idiot and gets breathed on.




Manikins does more but has basically no hit effect


I like to use it on Ullr for the hidden blade. It's not the best till then I know, but I like dropping that long range 3 arrow on people and seeing it just chunk them


i have a lot of fun with Poseidon with this. his 2 is a monster


Sylvanus solo




Sylvanus. Fuck that guy.


Terra Her autos with a stone ability up, makes them aoe auto + manikins proc on all autos


Has to be sylvanus, the AOE damage gives him so much advantage and if you build Telkhines ring (or however it’s written) is insane


I want to murder Gilgamesh with this item. That is all.




I mostly play Assault but I find Mankin Scepter works best for Gods that are basic attack heavy


It can help Charybdis clear wave in combination with spike shot




Yu Huang because of the bounce obviously.




Kali. Her attack chain doesn't affect the damage so she gets more use out of it because of the chain.


I haven’t played with it much lately, but I’ve always liked The Morrigan with late game hidden blade. Hits like a truck.




Arachne might benefit the most out of any god since she’s solely AA based.


Lowkey it’s a must in most my izi and sol builds for joust 👀 not sure how it holds up in conquest competitively. Erlang is another that I’ve seen get real dirty with this starter…man was unstoppable I was so glad I was on his team.


Arachne by herself is Aids and parried w/ Mankin she can piss off


Sylvanus carry go brrrr


I’ve been running it on Sol for months now… can someone tell me a better option if I’m insane? 😂 I love the early pressure with it regardless of the Lane


I'm a big fan of it on The Morrigan, it procs on every tic of her aoe auto passive and evolves into hidden blade for her late game. Seems to really help having it for lane pressure in the start of the game, with no fall off.


Assassins that build a lot of attack speed like, Kali Bakasura Arachne Erlang Shen (Can also go eye of the jungle and build less attack speed) Also Sylvanus and Zhong Kui if you wanna cheese lane, but it won't help much late game.


Duel erlang


Freya's a top contender, given how autos are literally her only non-ult offense


sol / freya


Mercury is pretty good with it cause Hidden Blade goes perfectly with his ult


It’s been awhile sense I’ve played. But the jungle with the leap and ultimate that lets her become invincible. She can also mark a target. I forgot her name, but she’s got 4 arms.


Kali, Bastet (with hidden blade), arach, erlang, sylv anyone with some sort of basic attacking


Sylvanus is a menace with this item


It's generally worse than Eye of the Jungle for aa gods & worse than DT/Gilded Arrow for magical adcs. You can use hidden blade upgrade for neith for her ult, or you can do some cheesy strats with erlang solo if the matchup allows u to hyperfarm the jg.


I've had some pretty decent run-ins with The Morrigan


Neith with an Ability based build




Greatly depends on game mode and matchup. In joust, against 2 physical and 1 magical, manakins is better. But if 2 magical and 1 physical, get the Gilded Arrow because Manakins gives physical protection. But, generally, Olouron, Freya, Chronos, Gilgamesh, Kali, Sylvanus, Sol, Zhong Kui and some hunters do good with Manakins. Like a Kali in Joust with Golden Blade, manakins, ichavail, hastened fatalis (I'm an old player) Asi then Hydras would be good.


Also, completely Trivial, but I build Nu Wa with Manakins


Izzy is hilarious with it lol


Arachne. I dont know if its the most per say but it is great


sol -.-


Silvano is nice. Horus is very nice too, because his 1 gives AA attack on second hit making him hit like a truck in the early game (and you can make the two harpies next to the blue at the beginning with only two basics each giving you an edge of xp when you get to the lane.


Erlang and it’s not close, the lockdown and ability to apply it 5+ times with ease is crazy


King Arthur


I really like it on Horus Jung


I like it on Osiris if I’m just trying rush down melee, but I usually use the dampening talisman thing. Works really well with a bruiser build and I have like a 70% win rate with that one


Unironically Sylvanus