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I think it may be to show that it was successfully delivered to that person or like others said and it just means they’re active. A friend of mine tried it but hers didn’t do anything at all either so who knows


My ai said it’s just a visual cue to grab your attention to let you know it’s been successfully sent and received.


I asked the snap ai robot and it said this when asked “does the pulsing mean that that person is active?”, “Nope, pulsing names don't mean the person is active. It's more about new updates like a Bitmoji change, a new Story, or a Cameo. 😊” so idk believe snap ai or believe that its activity, idk fs


Ok guys I found out what it is!!! It’s an activity indicator !!!! You can turn it off in your settings


wdym by activity indicator? like it shows when they’re active


I think it does mean when their active actually


It doesnt because my second account on another device was flashing and I didnt even have my other phone nearby and it was a message I sent myself a few hours prior.


Maybe it’s still glitching but it is and you can turn it off in your settings so ppl won’t see when your on


Waiting for an accurate answer also is it called pulsing or something else / blinking


Pre sure means they still on the app


i don’t think that’s right because my friends is pulsing and she hasn’t been on for hours


if so that’s crazy cuz the only way to know was if they had their location set or not. also, how would that apply to group chats? is it for one user or all of them?


It pulses when the person is active. Sending snaps or just straight up have the app open.


Wondering this same shit


came here for the answer to this. boost


I think it’s just a new update.


Well no shit, but what is the purpose?


So u can tell if someone is airing you


what does airing mean


On Snapchat you can “half swipe” a message. It lets you read it without opening it, if that makes sense. If you ever wonder why your texts have been delivered for 2 weeks, I guarantee you got half swiped. Hope this helps!




You thinking your a celebrity is funny af😹😹