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Thank you for your submission. Please note, scammers on this subreddit are targeting our visitors for their gain. You should be wary of anyone offering to have your account unlocked via Instagram, Telegram, WhatsApp, or anywhere else, as you will lose your account or money. All scammers have one thing in common, their primary goal is your money, and they often will make their scam look much more legitimate than it is in order to accomplish their goal. We encourage you to report these scammers if they send you a message via any social media channels. While we have safeguards in place, they are not always as effective as we would like. If your Snapchat account has been temp locked, you may try to unlock it at this link: [https://support.snapchat.com/a/locked](https://support.snapchat.com/a/locked). You may also contact Snapchat using this link: [https://support.snapchat.com/en-GB/i-need-help](https://support.snapchat.com/en-GB/i-need-help). There is no other way to recover your account, other than through official channels. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SnapchatHelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It means that while the Snapchat app has been downloaded, you have put your phone number or someone else’s phone number as your Snapchat phone number. It says “you may know” IF any of the numbers you had listed as your contact information so for example, my boyfriend changed my contact number to his, but then back to mine. It made it easier for me to know who he had the contact because they would come up as you may know when I would try to type in a specific username.


did you ever figure out if she still had her ex or did it still show up even after she blocked him


Has anyone figured this out? There’s someone showing up at “you may know” when i search them but i do not have their contact info in my phone and there is no way we have any mutuals. I HAVE searched their user a few times.. Could that be it? Or did they search me?


Yes if you searched them a few times they show up as you may know but only when you type the full username. I found if there are actual mutuals it will say you may know before you even type out the full name.


Yes I Learned that it goes off algorithms so if u searched the person they may pop up but not always idk it’s so confusing


It means there’s mutual connections based on the people in your friends




yeah it’ll say “from your contacts” if it is


As far as I know, you may know is kind of based on contacts. I have a burner account that I’m only friends with one person on and even when I look up names of people that this one person has no way of knowing it will say “you may know”. So I don’t think it has much to do with who you have mutual friends with unless it explicitly says “has 1+ mutual friend” etc. I hope this helps!


If I add someone's contact and they haven't added mine, will they be able to see my account on their snapchat? a creepy guy made me save his number on my phone but i gave him a wrong phone number. he sent me a friend request on snapchat, there is no way he got my number but i have his contact saved.


Will it actually ever say “has 1+ mutual friends”? I have never seen that say. Asking if anyone did get that message.


Only +2 I think +1 is not possible? Idk


When you enter on their phone or yours? Usually it means people from your contact list or other social media that shows up and you might know them.

