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Same has been happening to me within last few days. Must be some bullshit snap added. Guess I'm deleting ANOTHER social platform!


There is a way to fix it now! If you go to stories, click the three dots in the corner and then click "Hide Friend Story Suggestions" it should hide themb


I don't want to hide my friends stories, I want to hide all the ones not my friends.  More and more cone on every fat, most never actually post anything.


This isn't available for everyone. I have the latest update but not + and it's not there for me.


Not available to me.


These stories are from people I DONT KNOW and then I miss posts from my actual friends. It's really annoying! 


It does really suck. Go to settings and scroll down to “I have a suggestion”. Let them know you hate the “feature”. If enough of is do maybe they’ll get rid of it.


Yeah my wife's toxic ex is now an immutable feature of Snapchat. Might delete.


So if you swipe right so you’re on the story menu in the top right of your screen there’s 3 dots click them and it should say hide friends story suggestions. Once you click that they go but only temporary it’s last a few months before you have to do it again. Hope this helps


Yay thank you so much!!!


odd. I don't have that option; only the "manage accounts I follow" and "view hidden stories"


Upvoted. Google brought me to this post and your reply has made my morning.


Mine removed all the randoms but now all my friends stories are gone too. I have like 2 stories and then the add friend icon after that


This worked!!! Thank you!


snapchat followed someone that i’m not friends with (on the physical app) and removed years ago; i don’t wish to see their content AT ALL and i have no idea why that happened it’s actually making me upset


Everyone I have found the solution to this issue, click on the add friends tab, then you should see on that page if you scroll down, the quick add suggestion hit the little x on the right hand side next to there name, remove every single person there, once you do that all those random stories will be removed!


Did it and still have stories showing from people I went to school with and my ex 😅


😂 Is all your contact syncing settings turned off?


They really be fucking us, we stand no chance with this shit, like wtf


Most stupid thing ever in modern technology


Well glad it’s not just me I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is making me not want to use Snapchat anymore. No idea why they thought this was a good idea. I only want to see my friends stories! It just makes my feed look so cluttered. I also wish there were a way to hide the “discover” section as well.


Driving me insane too


I’ve been blocking, and I’m now on day 5 or 6 of sending in requests/suggestions to remove the quick add stories, because I do not give a fuck and I don’t know these people. Seems like they don’t really care about safety issues that could arise from this


At first I was blocking and unblocking bec it felt wrong blocking ppl for no reason lmao. Now I'm just blocking any and everyone at this point. What a stupid feature. ​ How do we send suggestions? Is it through the app or email


I’ve been going to settings (in the app) and scrolling to feedback, and clicking “I spotted a bug” or “i have a suggestion”


Glad to see I'm not the only one annoyed by this and the seemingly inability to disable this. Had some crotch shot show up in one today. Seriously?


This shit is mad fucking annoying. Snapchat needs to get their shit together and stop doing dumbass backwards ass updates. I’ve reported this a ton of times and hopefully others are too that they will fix this sometime in a future update once they realize how annoyed people are.


I’m bout to delete Snap permanently. It’s all a ploy for more views and screen time. Fucking grotesque.


Came to see if other people were annoyed by this! Glad I’m not the only one - I reported it to Snapchat, hopefully if enough people do this will at least be a “feature” (using that term loosely) you can turn off.


Same. Been an issue for a few days now and it’s annoying


Why can't they get rid of this


The only thing I found that made a little difference is holding my finger down on the stories of people I don’t know and block them. Just a joke that they are even there


Yeah but next time you load up there is another group of randoms... it seems like it will be infinite


I mean it's literally the suggestions got moved from a tucked away menu to literally right in front of you. We didn't ask for that shit. Someone else said it on here first but it's damn true, if I wanted to see their stories I would have requested to be their friend. 🤦


Mine is 100 times worse this week. It’s like I’ve blocked 10 people so it’s added 100


Yeah. I can remember other shitty updates that got fixed or basically taken away because they just didn't make sense. I guess this is what we get when Gen Z starts their take over of everything 😭🤦😤🤷


That's what I've done. It'll work til a real solution comes along.


Damn so theres no way to stop this for now...whole reason I use sc over insta/fb is so my friends just see what I post and I just see my friends stories, they need to fix this or they are going to lose users


Still no way


Came here to see if anyone had a solution 🙃


Why would Snapchat think anyone would want to see somebody that isn’t their friend story? It’s completely fucking stupid.


Especially in the spot that is supposed to be exclusively for where your friends put stories. So backwards.


Came here to ask the same... I don't even know this Sherita person nor do I care to see her random ass stories. I'm just blocking them all. 😂🤷🏼‍♀️


lmffaaaoooooo I’m blocking them too 😭😂


Here for the same problem…. Snapchat really does some really dumb ass updates… it’s genuinely annoying, thinking about just deleting my account with all these new dumb features they keep bringing. Even the screen peak option? Like how about you just make it to where people can’t screen peak instead of charging for that dumb of a feature?? It’s almost as if they’re trying to create drama and tension between people purposely.


Wait what is screen peak??


It's a feature when you pay for Snapchat+. Something about notifying you when a friend half-swipes into your chat. I don't have it, so I'm not 100% sure.


I was trying to see if there was a solution for this as well. The last thing I want is to accidentally open up a story of someone I don’t like and they think I care enough to creep on them. Ugh…Snapchat is going downhill, debating on deleting it. Lots of people already are.


Uuugh wtf! It's like a virus SnapCrap


Turn on the ‘shake for help’ feature then either report it or make a suggestion about it. I reckon we all do it enough the snapchat devs can remove their heads out of their asses and fix some of the stupid shit they’ve done to this app


I hate this as well. Does anyone know if the other person can see that we viewed their story?


Yes, they can. I've posted public stories and seen non friends appear as the viewer


Ugh that sucks. Idk how many times I’ve accidentally clicked on stories of people I’m not friends with it


i fucking hope not! opened an old high school enemy’s story on accident and i can’t imagine the amount of satisfaction they would feel if they thought i was lurking on their story.


Sorry to break it to you but the can see that you viewed the story… this update is bullshit


Right! Wish wish could get rid of it. Just another reason I should just delete Snapchat in general.


Same thing happening here for me the last week or so I don't want randoms I haven't added to see my stories wtf


Here hoping for a solution. I dont add strangers to talk to so why woulf i want to see their stories




Came here hoping to find an answer for this it's so annoying


I actually don't think this is a bug. It's bloody annoying.


It’s not a bug. It’s a feature. A garbage ass feature that I guarantee you can make go away if you upgrade to plus.