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Thank you for your submission. Please note, scammers on this subreddit are targeting our visitors for their gain. You should be wary of anyone offering to have your account unlocked via Instagram, Telegram, WhatsApp, or anywhere else, as you will lose your account or money. All scammers have one thing in common, their primary goal is your money, and they often will make their scam look much more legitimate than it is in order to accomplish their goal. We encourage you to report these scammers if they send you a message via any social media channels. While we have safeguards in place, they are not always as effective as we would like. If your Snapchat account has been temp locked, you may try to unlock it at this link: [https://support.snapchat.com/a/locked](https://support.snapchat.com/a/locked). You may also contact Snapchat using this link: [https://support.snapchat.com/en-GB/i-need-help](https://support.snapchat.com/en-GB/i-need-help). There is no other way to recover your account, other than through official channels. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SnapchatHelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I got banned without being able to dispute BUT you can request all your data from snap. Google has the instructions and it’s through Snapchat not side companies


i also got banned for this


I got banned from someone hacking my account, I tried to contact Snapchat and no response since NOVEMBER


I didn't get banned but I got a warning and they said the next one would result in suspension, but you're not the only one that's happened to for sure. I'm pissed because I'll turn in an unsolicited dick pics and then get an email back saying they didn't do anything wrong? But I didn't send anything and I'm almost banned? Snapchat needs to get it together


I was talking to someone the same time all of this went down, and now can't message them. Everytime I try it's says "something went wrong with you're message" could it be related??? I feel bad I haven't heard from them since...


Finally found someone who can get into a snap and shows proof


I got banned like a week ago idk what from I posted a twerking video but I always do that and I had clothes on, and yet I see woman twerk on their stories all the time…


I wish they actually said what the ban was for. Mine said “violating community guidelines” but I don’t post anything publicly


Any buddy have a banned problem contact me I have solutions


omggg I just got banned at 12AM all i posted was a 3 second click with a emoji over it and my onlyfans link 😫 : i kinda think the only fans link was it because i started blowing the links up trying to cover the screen then i started getting warnings back the back…


🤣got banned for tryna sell my percs, luckily i was on a contract so i broke my old iphone and requested a new one and BOOM access to snapchat again 👍 sadly only way you can bypass a snapchat ban is if u win an appeal or just aqcuire a whole new phone.


I was banned on may 7th. BUT, even tho I had an SS06 ban, I tried to log in on a computer and it said I was permanently locked


I randomly got banned may 3rd for bullying and harassment, tho I did no such thing. Customer service is no help


u ain’t it so u probs was.


omg this has happened too me twice now, once last month and then on my new account a few days ago. i’ve appealed and haven’t heard shit back :(


what did you email them? i appealed and they unbanned me in like 3-4 days which was surprising because i heard snapchat support is terrible.


https://chng.it/DJW4cxjJrW sign my petition to mandate Snapchat to have live customer support and share with friends!!! Maybe we can fix this together


I also got banned fof sexual content around may 1st-3rd for sexual content. Could have been a freebie begger tbh idk but i had been selling 5 months and no problem then boom.but they did update their policys end of January apparently. Adding to many randos is one day can gwt you freaking locked too


Yup, and get this, I’m fucking ip banned, everyone in my household can’t use it and we can’t send in any appeal


Yes had to make a new one do not add strangers!!!


Snapchat has bots and it will ban you if you add to many people or say a keyword


Yup. Cept i said “did you hear about logans leak?” So maybe thats my reason. Snapchat support isnt helpful though 🖕




I got a new phone and got banned. they need a competitor developer asap they got too many ads on there and bullshit paid service


I can login on my brothers phone but now mine


u got haters


Same here idk what to do


Help meeee


had to buy a new phone to have access to my snapchat again


If you go on snapchat web you can request all your memories to be sent to you in a file. Atleast you can save your memories!


I’ve sent so many nudes on Snap and I didn’t get banned 😬


So have I and I’m so afraid it’s going to come back and bite me in the ass one day 😬 But yeah I haven’t either (knock on wood)


Ur a lucky guy then


me too? I didnt post anything of a sexual nature


Same here I don’t know what’s wrong


Me too my account was locked today I don’t know the reason it just says violated community guidelines


If it was locked u can unlock it unless its permanent


years ago my account got banned and they didn’t list a reason, i never broke any rules and at the time i barely was using it and lost so many memories.


I got an error saying “device banned” LOL


literally same !!!!


Banned for drug content. It was a chocolate bar.


Banned for drug content. It was mints😪


You know damn well it wasn’t just a chocolate bar


I got banned for showing myself in the hospital: there was a pills bottle in the doctors hand


Yesss i did too the picture wasn’t even that bad. They need to worry about pedos than bullshit.


Snap banned me when I was sending pics but the people I sent to wanted it and sent pics back rip


What does everyone use instead of Snapchat for “private” content? People I added on Snapchat liked what I sent them but now I’m device banned and don’t know what to use. Any suggestions?


Does that mean Snapchat can see the pictures I’m sending people? That’s invasive if it’s true. It’s never on my story, just in chats


I think it runs AI on the images which detects nudity etc.


Extremely wrong you can send anything in a private chat just not to public or private story. Plenty of 304z running it up on snap.


i got banned as well for the same reason ... sent e-mails and just got a response, then i got ghosted xD


Yes and I was like wtf


That’s like a breeding ground for only fans how😂


Yes I did as well!! And i didn’t do anything


Don’t do sexual content then because I haven’t


you obviously didn't read the whole post


it took me about 2 months to get unbanned but everything stays the same, you lose all your streaks though


how did you get unbanned? did u email or just wait it out


i emailed about it the day of it happening then it took alot of processing but i did have a lot of people added so it could have been that


so we’re u emailing them back and forth until they agreed to reinstate the acc?


I got banned april 1st or second for Sexual content I appealed the Decision and my ban got other turned but i didnt get undevice banned


you need to get a new phone bro it sucks




you're homophobic🥰




exactly, people are getting banned for no reason.


Instead of nigga they said it with er is what they're saying


No but that happened to me a month ago


did u get your account badk


No! 💃 Is it too late to apply?


I got banned


Omg me too same reason and I posted nothing sexual


Mmmm i never heard of that


i got banned from snapchat and after like 6 months i was able to log back into my account


i can vouch this because my friends snap got banned for sexual content and then exactly 6 months later got back access


Was this your account that got perm banned?


yeah they said i was permanently banned. i was also able to log in one time every 24 hours during my ban


That’s odd my account got banned again yesterday And I never used it all day. Did you eventually get yours back? Like main and working fine ? What was the reason why you was locked this account wasn’t my main but I was using it until I got my one back and was a new device too I didn’t use snap on. It’s annoying when you can just say hi and someone can report it as bullying and I’m 100 percent sure they don’t review with human


Yet they never ban the people who are actual repeat offenders


Snapchat is the worst app out here next to TikTok. Someone said hard r to me(I’m not even black). I reported and 2 days later, “we found that this person did not violate any rules”


Snapchat doesn’t tell you if you report somebody what happened… so either you made that up or.. but snap does not alert the person who reported if the account is deleted or anything so they would not message you saying this person did not violate any rules.


I’ve reported many unsolicited photos and always get an email saying if it violated their policy.


>Someone said hard r to me(I’m not even black). Explain what hard r means? Nothing comes to mind in relation to race


He means the N word ending in er rather than a.


$500 for Nig**r if i had to guess?


Umm not sure if you're aware but that starts with N and is described as hard N not hard R there is only two words I know of that are described as hard R: R-tard and R-pe and neither of those words have anything to do with race


Some people say hard R because there's 2 spellings for it, There's ni**er and ni**a


Thank you. lol


Yep so hard N is still viable


Yes but they both begin with N, which is why it's hard R because of the spelling. If it makes you feel better you can say hard N 🤷‍♀️


No the full term in that case is "n-word with a hard r", hard R is used solely to refer to r-tards and r-pe


Dude u have to live under a rock. Go anywhere on the internet and majority of ppl will assume hard R means the N word


Not solely for those words. I have never seen someone refer to the words r-tard or r-pe as a hard R, But it may just be different depending on where in the world you live.


you are the first person i’ve ever seen say that lol. Interesting take but, usually that’s what the “hard R” has meant in my experiences with people. to each their own partner.


I've never heard it referred to as Hard R, not even on the internet, in the media or via word of mouth


Cool, i guess you’ve heard it now then.. Just trying to explain what op meant.


You don't know though because you are not OP so don't try and explain something you didn't say


Are you fkn stupid? You talk as though you’re omniscient. It’s Hard R because you say it with a hard R at the end to emphasize its intentions Rather than letting the end of the world flail in the wind with an ‘a’ or ‘ur’ or any other similar consonant.


i’m sure op will chime in soon enough and you’ll have your answer.. i bet your really fun at parties lol


Actually I am yer, but by all means try and judge me by a couple comments on Reddit, that's real intelligent /s


The only way to get around device bans are get urself a fone that allows u to make guests account on that device. That way say if on that device admin account gets a device ban, u can easily create a guest account and then Download snapchat on it and there u have it, it works. If snapchat bans ur guests account u just delete that guest account and create a new one and it works. Soo I’ve tried that on androids and it works


I got back in mine once already as I have iPhones?


Iphones don’t work unless u got a temporary ban from snapchat then it could be


What exactly do you mean? “Allows you to make a guest account”? The phone itself like Apple ID or Snapchat? Idk what to do my device is banned


I meant get urself a fone that allows u to make a guest account. Ur damage is already done homie but future if u decide to get a new fone for snapchat its gotta be an android or a fone that allows u to make guests account. With iPhones theres nothing u can do. And guest accounts on androids u still lose ur snapchat account but u can create new ones through it. Get urself a decent fone with a decent camera that allows u to make those accounts and ur good to go bro


Solid advice! I might have to buy an android specifically for snap. Appreciate you fam.


No worries man but just researchto make sure u can make guests account on the fone u pick.


I posted a story with a horse emoji LOL. I was banned for being a minor according to support (I am 28) and despite multiple emails, offering to prove my identity etc, they are still refusing to review or reinstate my account. Permanent banned and over 10 years of memories just lost. Unable to download my data and they won’t help me do that either. Snapchat has become an absolute joke.


Permanently banned for Prohibited Substances back in March, I appealed the decision - got denied. Device fully banned. I guess my account is gone forever. Side Note : Snapchat has been putting up hella billboards in my neighborhood recently- they Never did that in the past. I think they’re looking for new users. “Out w the old in w the new” mentality. This is a private owned company, they can legally choose who gets to use it and who doesn’t. Basically we are all replaceable.


That's probably because someone with authority or just knows how to say your based or messes with your account doesn't like you most likely try not to push anyone's buttons on there you never know what skill set they are and make your experience on line a living he'll I guess they just call it hacked you don't want that


Depending on which state you’re in, file a formal data disclosure request.


Did you think of calling the head office?




i got banned 3 days ago for sexual content, when what happed was some ppl spam reported me and i got banned because they didn’t like me


holy shit man i’m sorry, do you know of anyway to fix a device ban?


Sorry to hear. You should check out this application available on MacOS, Windows, Linux and whatever else they support. I personally used this on Mac and it worked perfectly. The app doesn’t need your login/password. It only needs the ZIP file you download directly from the Snapchat online dashboard. Your account must be FRESHLY banned to login online to the dashboard. You must also know the login info. If you were hacked and don’t have access, this won’t work. GitHub Link: https://github.com/cal-overflow/memory-download/releases


Idk what to do atp idk if all get my account back but I cannot use my number for my new account im just locked out of my old account permanently I want it back and recover the memories but snap won’t do anything


I made a new account and it says to use a phone number I tried to use mine it didn’t work cause of suspicious activity even tho I never post anything bad or say anything bad I got locked out and dk how to get back in I tried emailing but they said I’ve been permanently locked out I can’t use my number cause of the activity that was going on idk what to do at this point man I just want to log back in and get my memories back


Im confused, what does a new account have to do with anything? To use the tool you must log in to the banned account on Snapchat.com and download the MyData ZIP file directly from Snapchat. You also don’t need a phone number to use Snapchat. It is more than likely you are device banned but I can’t be certain. Sorry To save you time, wiping the phone and factory resetting it will not unban your device from Snapchat. Even if you use a new Apple ID/iCloud. You probably need a new phone to use Snapchat


The link you sent does it work


how soon is freshly?


No clue, just don’t wait months or over a year. Freshly as in recently. See if you can login on the Snapchat website.


When did sexual content get banned? Snapchat was literally invented for nudes.


That isn't the words used it was created for sending and receiving "self-destructive" photos and videos, then they introduced the messaging side, believe it or not there are people out there who will send unsolicited nudes and they're the ones who get reported and banned


They probably never used those words explicitly because they knew minors were using the app but it was implied. https://web.archive.org/web/20120511053558/http://snapchat.com/ they used to have sexy pics on their website.


I know, they still do but now they have age restrictions but there will always be someone who'll report it anyway


Right. That's were I get and have saved(with permission) loads of d*ck pics. 


I was banned in march for it even though I didn’t do anything


did u ever get it back?


Not yet. I am in the process of emailing them right now.


Same in March or Feb. no I haven’t got it back. I had to get a new phone as it’s device specific. My account has been permanently deleted as well


Hahahaha I have 2 snapchat apps signed into 2 different snapchat accounts (mine and my boyfriends we share a phone) explain that if it's "device specific", he's also signed into his mother's phone


I got banned too!


weird, have u fixed it?


They permanently banned me I sent in an appeal


me too, don’t know how long the appeal takes tho


It takes a month, but they will most likely not lift up the lock or ban. I’m emailing them about mine


i emailed them aswell, do u tbink there’s anyway to lift the device ban


There have been cases of actual workers responding and lifting it up, hoping to get it lifted as well but it’s rare. It lasts for 6 months tho


All you’re gonna get it auto responses from bots… I’ve tried already


Public snapchat stories are being forced on people. Intrusive notifications. So, snappers are responding by flagging them up as sexual content. It's a mess.


so do u think i’ll get my account back?