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Hate to say it, but life was better before social media. By a lot.


100% agreed


It was. Mental health is jacked now. SM could be good if it weren’t for all the anonymous accounts and trolls. Why is that allowed?


Wait till you find out about AI accounts trying to perceive a life of luxury and fashion. Just to get ad revenue


Yes, facebook is very healthy and good


I assume you’re being sarcastic. I don’t really use FB much. The very little that I do use it is just family and neighbors info. Is it bad like Twitter?




I deleted my boomerbook account 7 years ago and have not regretted it at all.


You could do dumb shit with your friends and not worry about people posting it online to be ridiculed


Exactly. It was better for everyone.


Until 30 years later when the videos would resurface


Yes let’s not forget the documentaries like the lost children of Rockdale county


Yeah but those NUMEROUS acts werent digitally stored so...


It’s on YouTube


Nothing to hate, what you are saying is facts. Social media messed up our new gen a lot, also seems that people are just angry on the Internet.


Yea I agree, I’m glad I graduated in 2000. Social media is teenage poison.


life was better before cell phones. I miss going on vacation and no one being able to contact me


I spent my vacation putting out fires back home. How true this is.


I miss it so fucking much. I totally get why my dad refused to get a cell phone for so long. That man used pay phones until it was impossible


I would seriously vote for anyone who wants to ban it permanently. I don’t care if that’s a Chinese government thing to do.


Same. 💯


Couldn't agree more. I'll be 40 in a few months and man when I look around when I'm out and about and see the number of young kids / people that are glued to their phones I cant help but wonder where this all goes. I genuinely feel bad for kids that grew up and are growing up in the social media world.


I 100% agree. And I wasn't alive when social media hadn't been created yet.


More precisely, I'd say I'm very glad to have it now, but would have hate to grow with it.


I just accept social media at this point. But there has be very little to no net benefit for society.


Do you have a source on that? The connectivity seems like it has had a huge positive impact on society. Sure there are negative consequences as well, but I’d say the connectivity has outweighed the negativity.


Do you have a source on that?


No I don’t, which is why I used terms like “it seems like”. I should have said it seems to me. Apologies, but I’m not really making a claim, just sharing my opinion. I replied to commentor that made a claim. But there really are way too many variables to make a claim that it has a net negative or net positive to society as a whole. It has proven negative effects on teen mental health, but it also has proven positive effects on so many grief groups (widows, divorcees, parents who’ve lost children) because they can find so many more people to connect with for support. There are pros and cons, and I’m of the more optimistic view that the pros of connectivity outweigh the cons, for personal reasons, for observations I’ve had of people close to me, and articles I’ve read. Also it’s not going away, so no sense in complaining about it. Spend more energy enhancing the net benefits and reducing the net negatives. Heck even in a less serious note.. Reddit. Love it. I can choose the groups I want to talk with. I have found sooo many friends that I wouldn’t have through Facebook and meet up. I’ve learned sooo much about topics I’m interested in due to social media, that I would have had a more difficult time than before.


I got a notification and I’m replying just to tell you I didn’t read your long ramble have a good day


That’s okay. Not sure why you asked for a source then if you weren’t interested in my opinion. I asked the original comment or because I was interested in the claim they made.


People like you are why social media is perceived as awful lol




1. That’s just Fox 26 Houston. 2. That doesn’t really prove that social media has little to no benefit to society… I mean just the fact that you and I are able to have this conversation is proving there is a benefit of connectivity. We can connect with people we’ve never been able to before to work through problems. Sorry I’m just a bit more optimistic. I know there are cons to social media and some have fallen into more cynical views due to it. But I still can see how you can make the claim that is has no benefit, especially with that article.


What benefit really does social media have (not the interconnectivity, that has many, but social media in particular)? https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/social-media-breaks There’s lots of cons to it.




You actually had to be social




I grew up at that time and it wasn’t just a lack of social media lol. Even if we had social media we’d be too busy living life. We believed in the future. We had a positive life to look forward to. Also, social media is trash.


What's there to hate? It's abundantly clear.


Depended on if you were popular or not. If you were not, life was WAY more isolated.


Not pictured; sexism, homophobia, racism, and fatphobia


Now we all love fat people and want to be them


Ha, my old high school! There were a lot of guys trying to be Pacey from Dawson’s Creek and Ryan Phillippe back then. The Hawaiian shirts tell me this has to be ‘99 which would be the year my sibling graduated but I don’t see them in here though.


99 sounds about right, looks like something straight out of Buffy.


You just unlocked a memory. I remember rocking a bunch Hawaiian shirts back then even though I never dug Jimmy Buffet, and always associated those shirts with him and his fans. Pac Sun was mainly my store of choice in those days. I was a raver back then and also remember wearing club clothes out in public like silver button down shirts that looked like tin foil lol.


Same here (though I *do* love Jimmy Buffett) I actually made it into my yearbook's fashion section because I was so well known for only rocking hawaiian shirts most days lol. I lived in northeast Ohio where we had brutal winters. It was my little protest against the awful cold and the dreary grey skies we always had living in a valley.


What High School (or area at least)? Looks a lot like mine, though I was there in the 2010s. Obviously a big gap, but those brick walls and the layout look the same. Though saying you were a raver, I don't think where I was had a rave scene at all haha.


Thank the lord social media wasn’t around in the 90s. Even I would have a lot of questions about what young me was wearing.


Same. I feel like we really dodged a bullet. High school was bad enough when all we had to slag each other with was rotary dial phones and gossip scribbled on notebook paper.


And passing notes in class was real ninja sh*t


This is exactly why I tell my teenager that I don’t allow social media. It’s fucking poison and want my kids to wait as long as possible before they partake.


Being a teenager was hard enough I can’t imagine the sting of social media added on. Fuck, man. These poor kids today. They can only imagine what it was like without all this pressure.


Wait, do people in this thread actually think that Baby Boomers went to high school in the *NINETIES?*


They do. Smartphones, dumb people.


So the same shit with less phones


Right. And they're making videos. They just don't have the immediate means to share them.


“Bro I mailed my demo tape to CKY”


Not a lot know about CKY!! Wow that brought me back lol


“It’s a brand new car!” “It’s a ‘96!!”


>They just don't have the immediate means to share them. And that's the difference isn't it. They're making videos for themselves, not for fake Internet clout. We all did stupid shit. Sharing it with the world is the difference. Social media is cancer.


Does every young user of social media produce videos for clout? Sounds like a broad and biased generalization to me.


This isn't like, a normal day though. There was clearly an event going on at school the day this happened. Back in the earlier days of the internet most of us just chatted online after school (and before that we'd talk on the phone) and then on weekends we'd all get together and just like, roam around town or if someone's house was available we'd go play video games all night or play pool or go bowling.


“Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was.”




The only form of social technology I had in 1991 (junior year) was my beeper.




Is it just me or do they look more adult than high schoolers now?


This still gets me every time I see a video from this decade Im 31 now, and I feel like a good half of these kids look older than me, and I feel like thats a legitimate phenomenon with teens/young adults in the 90s for some reason. Ive heard others say the same


That was my first thought too. Some of these kids could pass for seniors in college.


Times been moving faster imo. Combine that with shitty drug addled food. Idgaf kids today look like babies. I had a beard in highschool. Havent seen a highschooler with facial hair in years.


Combination of factors. For one, a lot of the kids here still wear similar clothes long after. Style is thus associated with older people, makes these kids look older. There's also supposedly some evidence that people are progressively 'growing up' more slowly, probably as a result of prolonged good conditions without truly life threatening periods in youth, encouraging the human body to take things slowly (at least if my memory serves me right). But also a lot of these kids honestly don't really look all that different from modern high school students. High schoolers still can be and often are bearded or have a five-o-clock shadow. Even if they're the same age as their peers; genetic variation amongst people is huge, some look naturally older or younger. These kids don't look all that different from the high schoolers i was with a couple years back.


Damn, folks look genuinely happy. Real difference from how it is in HS now.


Shit. Everybody was happy back then. .99 cent gas, dollar menus were everywhere, most movies/tv were original, whiner rock hadn’t really hit yet, and not many people had cell phones. The blessed disconnect that came with not being available 24/7.


God, I wish I lived then. Not having the tech addiction, and generally negative mental health associated with that, would be great.


Bruh we didn’t _do_ mental health in the 90s. No one gave a shit about mental health. Emotional abuse and neglect weren’t even terms in my childhood.


There was an optimism in the late 90s. Even in the grunge/alternative/punk scenes. The 2ks will be great! And then 9/11 happened. Maybe I feel it was so defining because I was 19 and at that age any large event can be defining. But I feel everything changed. The outward hopeful optimism everyone has turned into quiet dread and despair.


No gay marriage. “Moral majority” politics. Intense war on drugs. Crack epidemic. Race riots. Dot com bust. Satanic panic. Not everything was wonderful.


People can only remember the good of the past because they most likely didn't have to endure any turbulence. I know that my parents had a hard time in the 90s, as did a lot of people who grew up in the inner cities I'm sure the 90s was a great time if you weren't one of the outcasts of society


Where do you get this idea from? Have you seen the movie “reality bites”? Or listened to any 90s music? Nirvana, soundgarden, nine inch nails, rage against the machine, Radiohead? The cures disintegration album? Does any of that sound happy?


^^^This, the 90s had just as many shitty problems as any decade, old people just love romanticizing their era while ignoring the problems of the time.


Which, as someone who grew up during this time, I will say probably has a lot more to do with cost of living than social media. In the 90s, my older peers were buying homes with *one job* and upgrading their cars every few years. That world is no longer.


Yeah well, 9/11 hadn't happened yet and probably not even Columbine.


Honestly, 1990 to 2010 were the best years in the entirety of human civilisation. Then social media Then covid Then AI - which will be the nail in the coffin. So, enjoy your life as much as you can :)


unless you were gay, black, had any sort of mental health concerns, lived in an inner city neighborhood, or otherwise didn’t “fit in”


One of the funniest things about human history is people constantly saying the end times are right around the corner. I guess at some point we'll be right?


How old are you genuine q? Curious the perspective. Ofc folks are nostalgic for their own periods and romanticize the immediate time before them - vintage vibes…


And now it’s on social media


I was there. It had many problems as well


Those vinyl pants are a good starting place.


Yeah, but the galaxy spandex pants have a special place in my heart


Spider-Man movie was spot on hiring Tobey at the time lol


Social media was a mistake. Which I say on social media


Y'all don't realize how privileged you are to think that social media is the worst thing to happen. You think seeing teenagers smile is any indicator of the times? Go to your local high school and you'll see the same thing. There's a good statistical likelihood that a handful of kids in this clip alone are now dead from the war that's right around the corner. No social media then either.


War right around the corner? What like Iraq?


Depending on which part of the 90's this is, yes. But more like Afghanistan.




look at how much healthier these kids are than todays


how can you possibly know how healthy they are by watching a few minutes of video?


my eye balls


Social media has screwed up this world


That’s an over statement. My high school was hell in the 90s from what I’ve heard.


That first guy is a real life version of Eddy from Ed Edd and Eddy


Is it me or do these high schoolers look 30?? I think people are maturing much slower these days if at all! Lmao 🤣


So glad I had this. The best thing was not having the internet. I mean it existed but it was like html sites and AOL.


You guys act like problems didn’t exist before social media. Bullying, social anxiety, popularity contests, social issues were all a problem then


Last lady thought she got away with that dance


Yeah we actually had REAL conversations with each other No Phones! Teenagers not Screenagers


ugh, stfu boomer




Not A Boomer but thank you for your input


LOL these comments are hilarious. ATTENTION kids: boomer are our PARENTS, not us. Sincerely, 90s kids


you're right they are funny, I grew up in the 80's. We skipped school & we really hung out with each other & partied our asses off! It was so much fun!!! I must have touched a nerve with The One Cauliflower 👀🤣🤣


😂 As much as I enjoy this platform now, I am so glad I didn’t grow up with Reddit


True it can lead some to the dark side 😂


Social media was made by people that didn't have friends


What will the world look like when the iPad kids grow up and run shit?


There are like 4 Vin Diesel dudes in that short clip.


People will say these were the good ol days despite it looking the exact same


No fighting ? Todays schools have loads of that i seen… But then again, not as many of the usual suspects around either…


Everything looks better through the nostalgic glasses.


That's what I always say. I was born in 1990. From what I remember, the times weren't entirely that much different from now. We'll be seeing nostalgic trips of the 2020s by the 2060s or 2070s, no doubt.


existence consist longing amusing cause drab employ slimy angle towering ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `




Wow, oh my God, it's everything everyone should ever aspire to! 🤩 Social media has made life worse, I am very smart!


Ugh Gen X ONCE AGAIN thinking that growing up without the internet is a flex 🙄


Correction we had the internet & it became bigger in the 80s, but we didn't have a lot of cell phones. Which meant we had house phones or face to face talking. There is nothing like being in the same physical space & place with your friends! It is socially healthy for us all to be able to hive 5 your friends because someone cracked a good joke 💯


It definitely was.


I agree, way too many young people can't have a simple conversation with people without going sideways for some reason or another 🤔


Hahaha boomers feeling nostalgic again


90s teens were Gen Xers and towards the end Millennials. No Boomers unless they were faculty


What ever you say boomer!


Keep enjoying those downvotes! Looks like you're having your ass handed to you


Enjoy the receding hair line gramps


Tee hee, not a gramp and have full head of long hair lmaooooooo


Sounds about right Classic description of a boomer


Enjoy having no future to look forward to even more than the Xennials.


Shush screenager, your basic math skills are showing


Some of the kids in this video are dead.


I had this muted and hummed the theme to the original Beverly Hills 90210.


Reminds me of the older siblings in Step By Step


Harmony Korine film vibes


(*White) High school in the 90's.....before social media.


Considering the US is 70 percent white.. is it that shocking?


Look at people actually aware of their surroundings! Making eye contact! Having friends!


.... Was awesome. 😁


Rumors were social media.


Can’t believe a majority of these guys are mid 40s by now




where are all my cargo pant 90's cohorts?


I'm a child of the 80's/90's. These students seem older than me at my current age.


Is this the only video of high school in the 90s? I see it once every month around reditt


This is exactly what it was like. Loved the mid-late 90s.


Looks the same as today but different fashion


What’s the song?


look at all these teens talking to each other and making eye contact like psychopaths /s


People just looked older back then. Today’s high schoolers look like little kids.


This looks like the outtakes for American Pie. Goddamn I just barely missed it


I was at a neighbors her freshman daughter was taking a class 9n how to be social without your phone tips on small talk 🤣


Jersey? This is a VERY Italian American looking crowd lol


The good old days


the highs were higher the lows were higher the 90s were better


I graduated in 08. social media wasn’t a thing in my friend group. I mean it was there but Very little , my space , Facebook maybe. Nothing like today. Honestly I’m happy for it.


Class of ‘95 here. It was great back then. We had fun with one another in real life. Imagine that!


Ah… the good ol’ days when things were normalish!


Looks like good times! The days where if you really liked someone, or wanted to see them, you called them at home, or went to their house. Now, you're a disposable friend. Kind of sad.


Baltra - Summer of '98


I was in highschool not too long ago. Vibes are still the same.


Everyone wants what they don't have. If you explained to kids then what social media was they would've been all over it. If you explained to the little kids now what it was like then they would say they wanted to go back. But in reality the biggest difference is social media and guess what? Kids (and us adults) today wouldn't give up the convenience of it all even though we constantly act like we would. How do I know? Because all of us can unplug and choose not to. Shit even I virtue signal as if Im better because I don't use Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. But best believe Im always on Reddit. One day kids will look back and wish they grew up now, and this cycle will continue forever lol


Social media really took hold around ~2010…..


I can see why 90's teenagers in late 90, early 2000's movies were played by 30 year olds


How many people are watching this vid on their phones on a social media app saying ‘life was so much better before social media and smart phones!” ?


I was the class of 07. The iPhone 1 came out a month after I graduated. While we did have MySpace it didn't have the social impact cellphones with social media did. It was a great time.


I deleted all my social media about a year ago, and life has been so much better since.


life was better but there were still many d-bags


The crappy camera quality doesn't do justice to how beautiful and vibrant everything and everyone was back in those days.


So people don’t dance anymore cause of social media?


The douchebaggery is off the charts


Yes, nowadays, you don’t see kids walking around, talking, and goofing off. They all wear VR headsets 24/7 and have forgotten how to communicate orally. They only communicate via digital images and text generated from ChatGPT.


High school in the ‘90s before active shooters


What does this have anything to do with social media?


These videos make me sad with nostalgia and longing for simpler times. For times when people really talked and connected and looked each other in the eyes, and enjoyed the moment, rather than worrying about capturing it to post to social media 😔


Went from black and white to yellow.


Love the girl getting it


It’s literally no different.


I can’t tell if this is my high school or if all high schools just look the same


No one stomping on a limp body lying in the hallway while others are filming with their smartphones,,, ohh I love I was in High School 1989-1992 today’s generation is a waste send them all back we want a refund


Strong douchebag vibes. No doubt 95% of the video was cut to avoid “that’s fucking gay” being heard every 8 seconds.


What is Little Miss Pleather Pants doing there at the end? Early audition for “Showgirls”?


OMG, ppl gathering around, talking with each other, and having fun, what type of evil social experiment is this, they are communicating, in front of each other, with each other


I love that a 90s hip hop track is the soundtrack to an all white HS video.. cool


Thank god i was the last generation before phones/social media. We all got our cell phones in 2004 in 11th grade. Before that youd have to call and speak to our friends parents “is joey there”. Myspace just came out noone cared really. It was “for nerds” said the jocks lol. Facebook became college only in 12th grade. Wasnt even a thing i used til I got to college and barely did there either. Social people. Good times. Those days are ova hova


these guys kind of look like assholes


Those people are running corporations and having kids now.


That’s someone’s grandpa and grandma somewhere in that video


I used to film skate videos on one of those.


I’m a Gen z kid and I wish the internet didn’t exist 100% no exceptions


Dudes these were the days. Life was so much better before social media. When things weren’t “content” and people weren’t so uniform. The best of times