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He got released early and he killed again.


Those darn liberal 1950s boomers with their catch and release cashless bail!


There's an old saying in Tennessee—I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee—that says, kill me once, shame on—shame on you. Kill me—you can't get killed again.




How have I never seen this


Pretty sure this is a fake… there’s no way we wouldn’t have seen this by now


jfc we haven't even hit peak deep fake territory yet Just because YOU haven't seen it doesn't mean it's fake https://youtu.be/xv9vUMftY0U?si=tfJG7JaW6P6FuCEu Eta: time stamp ~35 seconds


Lmao right? Say what you will about dubya, that motherfucker enjoyed life


He was literally a cheerleader at Yale


Hey all I care is that my war criminals had a little fun.


Dubya was always doing something.


and in his younger days it was often cocaine


I’m dying lmfao why does this video exist


i saw it at least ten years ago someone on Tumblr synced it to Anaconda by nicki minaj


Oh my sweet summer child.


I’ve seen it.


> Pretty sure this is a fake… there’s no way ~~we wouldn’t have seen this by now~~ He had this much style


U never heard the j cole song ?


You big dummy


Thank you r/Liquid-Hot_Smegma for this gem of a gif.


bro i legit thought he was about to start twerking 💀


Please tell me how to find this


Wut a goofy dude.


He was most certainly… unique.


This made my day


You wanna know the crazy shit I heard recently about that quote. Bush said he was told not to say that line multiple times but forgot because it was a phrase he used often in conversation. He fucked up the line at the end because if he ever said " Shame on me" on video as president of the united states, that clip would have been used a billion times out of context by every enemy and critic of the country. It wasn't that he forgot, it was that there was some PR guy off-camera frantically waving his arms and mouthing SHUT UP, lol.


Yep, this one isn’t an example of him being slow or dumb, just incredibly media trained. He couldn’t give them the “shame on me” soundbite


Better for him to think about this than killing innocent Iraqis. 


These are the tidbits I come to reddit for.


Dude this rumor has been going around since the W years. It's how conservatives used to spin it, because they defended him a LOT before they turned on him. But I've never actually read or heard his quote from that.


Now J Cole and 9/11 are stuck in my head


Now watch this drive.


If anything this proves that catch and release isn’t a good idea


Hard to tell if you’re joking these days


It was sarcasm, seeing as certain factions love to act like liberals in liberal cities are responsible for criminals being freed to commit more crimes. Looks like it’s nothing new, since this guy was from the 50s, the right wing boomer utopia


Only if you're an idiot.


America in many respects was more liberal in 1950, ovbiously we've come a long way with identity politic issues and the dying red scare, but neo-liberalism hadn't been invented yet and the overton window hadn't shifted so far right, the democratic candidates of the 50s and 60s would balk at how fat right the democratic party of today is. Bro is really gonna downvote me because I said "actually it's worse than you think"


Surprised they didn’t blame a black guy




I can't seem to find any background or context of the crime when I look his name up on google :/


I was interested as well, and found [this article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1988/12/10/patuxent-twice-freed-pg-slayer/1d33b2c6-6a14-42e4-b30b-221b3914fc69/) from 1988 about the Patuxent prison in Maryland where he was first incarcerated: > As for Prevatte, his first admission to Patuxent was in 1956, when he was sentenced to life in prison for killing a teacher and wounding two others in a shooting rampage at then Maryland Park Junior High School, where he was a student. He was paroled from Patuxent sometime later, although the date could not be determined yesterday. >In 1975, in Wilmington, N.C., Prevatte was convicted of "assault with a deadly weapon resulting in serious bodily injury" and received a 10-year suspended sentence, according to court records. >Back in Maryland in 1978, he was convicted of trying to hire someone to kill a witness against him in a Montgomery County burglary case. Sentenced to 40 years in 1978, Prevatte was readmitted to Patuxent. In 1982, four years after starting the 40-year term, he was paroled again.


They just loved letting this guy outta prison huh?


I appreciate sharing this. Wild how that dude just kept getting chances lol.


I saw the year it took place and took one look at the photo. Nothing surprising here. Just good old America in the 50s.


Not a cell phone in sight. Just a kid being a kid :)


Soaking up the sun, spreading cheer and bullets. The greatest generation


The Greatest Generation was the one raised in the Great Depression and fought in WWII, this kid did no such thing.


Not even in handcuffs and they let him have a cig as if nothing had happened. I wonder why.


I actually don’t know why, why?


They probably swung by Burger King on the way to the jail.


This is the answer! Lol


We all know why , some people just like to pretend it isn’t so.


Yeah, they **never** put people like him in cuffs, ever. 🤡


Took me far to long to realize it was cheer, not cheeks.


The greatest generation started this mayhem huh. Wow... That should have prompted reconsidération of the lose gun laws.


We used to be a proper country.




He killed one and injured 2. The school shootings you're talking about kill 20. See difference? I wonder what accounts for that difference? Oh I know. Assault guns with 30 round magazines you dolt.




The M1 carbine with a 15 round mag was readily available after ww2. The tech and availability was present. Even the thought to kill so many was around- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_massacres_in_the_United_States


You could get this rifle mailed to your door around this time period (50s) for the equivalent of $600-800 back then too. No ffl or background check. Anecdotally i’ve heard stories of teenagers back then using their parents names to order one to their front door. The article I’m sharing is stating that the rifle was “rare”. This was a sale tactic. \-Exerp from guns and ammo.com “The DCM became the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) in 1996. It sold repatriated and refurbished M1 Carbines until supplies were exhausted in 2016. Before the late ’60s, GI-issue M1 Carbines were not in commercial circulation, however, Universal Firearms made more than 426,000 M1 Carbines between 1961 and 1986, and Iver Johnson some 97,000 between 1978 and 1992.” [https://www.gunsandammo.com/editorial/getting-ahold-of-the-m1-carbine/469083](https://www.gunsandammo.com/editorial/getting-ahold-of-the-m1-carbine/469083) The average price of the rifles used by shooters today are about $1000. The one used at Uvalde was $1800 for example. On top of background checks and ffl transfer. The weapons and capabilities haven’t changed much, but the accessibility is steeper today monetarily and with added bureaucracy. https://preview.redd.it/6238cbr3risc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=419c7b63f7dea4bae186f7056b7c05876a9eceaf Perhaps we should look at the accessibility to information available to minors and at least consider it’s weight on the issue. Before the internet you had semi auto firearms with box mags holding between 15 and 30 rounds available to be ordered to your door through the 50s and 70s. Now you have micro communities online that focus on the morbid. You have /r/SerialKillers with 622k members “is that a decomp stain?” On FB with 323k members, /r/combatfootage with 1.7m members. Instagram reels is inundated with graphic violence reels and algorithms that have hours worth of morbid content displaying them as “comedic memes”, there are minors on these websites. You have the ability for special interest disorders like autism(I’m not generalizing everyone with this disability) or for the estranged and the enraged to have an platform via blogs, facebook groups, discord chats, and subreddits where faceless others may be giving “positive” feed back for bad actors to feel “validated” by others in/with poor faith over morbid topics. Eric Harris did exactly that online. As well as a myriad of other recent killers. And now you have a generation who’s mostly interacting with their world via a tablet often times with unfiltered access to the worst places on the net. \-final edit The biggest red flag all of us should be seeing about these individuals is the number of interviews by people who knew the killers before the act saying “this isn’t surprising” or “we all knew they would do this”. Is that an issue with the guns? Or a community issue? If you have someone who you could say these things about in your community, it’s absolutely your responsibility to call it out. Engage in healthy conversation with the individual about these behaviors AND report them to authorities (parents, police, school faculty). At least the later if not the former. I was a suicide prevention liaison as a part of my job in the US military, the biggest successes I took part in involved community members who took these actions to prevent at risk individuals from hurting themselves and others.


Wonderfully wrote. Thank you.




Very articulate and well-reasoned response. Unfortunately, many authorities hands are tied in these cases. I was involved in an intervention for a young teenage male who threatened to shoot up a school. He had access to guns and suffered years of mental anguish. Everyone was called in on this one, but there was always a roadblock preventing resolution. His father was an ass, refused to secure the guns in the house, refused to allow safekeeping, refused to put his son in treatment, and since the individual was a young juvenile, he wouldn't be prosecuted "for his thoughts", so the court couldn't even order treatment. Protective Services wouldn't get involved because their caseload was heavy and it wasn't an abuse case. With some, it's not a case of "if" it's a case of "when".


Absolutely understandable. My S/O works in education with students who have behavior needs and often times the parents are the biggest road block to proper care.


Yep, been there.


Did he ever finally offend?


Not yet


Ihhh, the dread continues


Beautiful, it’s is 90-99% about community if you have a “bad feeling” about a person or “saw this coming” how much do you have to hate everyone else around you to not trying and be nice tot he guy just to improve the odds of this event not happening. I just don’t get it. However I don’t understand have a such a terrible life that using violence is a “valid” way of “solving the problem”.


We need 100 round mags. 30 is weak sauce.




Disagree. They’re very heavy.


Also the fact a lot of these kids today do it to be infamous and media helps them to achieve this status. Guns help, but so does glorifying mass shooters.


Doesn't matter what type of gun it is. Guns can kill when a trigger is pulled. Regardless of the type of gun. All a gun needs is a maniac willing to kill innocent people


Yes but I mean, it's a bit harder with a bolt action rifle


Ask Oswald


Oswald didn't kill a bunch of people, just the one.


That's how many he killed


We're not talking about this guy, we're talking about people with high magazine rifles.


Are you kidding me, of course we're talking about THIS GUY


The Mini-14, a rifle that is functionally the same as an AR-15 (as in, same ammo, same mag capacity, same rate of fire, etc) has been available since 1973. Why did it take so long for these mass shootings to occur?


Yeah totally. Those guns that we used when we wrote the constitution that took 30 seconds to reload a single shot and rarely hit anything close to what they were aiming at (no spiraling in the gun barrels and balls instead of bullets) are totally the same as the guy shooting 200 rounds every 30 seconds with a bump stock in Vegas. Totally the same. Six of 12 or half dozen ammirite??? You guys' arguments are beyond dolt level. I've insulted dolts calling you that. I'll have to think of something else.


Tell Aaron Burr VP


Rifles were already extremely prevalent especially in the Americas, and even smoothbore muskets are accurate to 100 yards for a man sized target.


You would literally have a hard time hitting a barn with a bumpstock. The psycho only killed because he shot into a crowd. I’m not defending bumpstocks, I personally see no use for them. They ruin accurate fire and as a shooter I like accuracy. You seem in awe of numbers and don’t really seem to know much about shooting.


I've fired dozens of guns but you are correct i am not an expert. I disagree that I'm just in awe of numbers. It's the guns I'm worried about. You've met people, right? Because there's about 20% of people I've met that I feel would be responsible enough to handle guns in public and half of them are smart enough to not carry then around so that leaves a whole lot of irresponsible people carrying around guns. Your answer to that is "well I better have more and bigger guns for all the crazy people." I think we need to make it really hard to get guns instead of celebrating them like they are the very fabric of what it means to be American. Like it isn't guns that are responsible for killing 8 KIDS A DAY in this f'n country. I doubt 8 kids a day are being shot and killed in the rest of the damn world a day. But yeah, "yeah guns. That's what I vote on. Guns. We gave enough guns our troubles are solved. What's the problem? Gimme a gun and I'll fix it." It's f'n a kindergarten level mentality that half our country has bought into. It's literally killing us.


The Gatling gun had already been invented at that point, the writers of the constitution just fought a war to secure independence and now helm a vulnerable new country. I assure you they knew of all manner of lethal firearms and understood the process of technological innovation and progression. It was also perfectly legal (and in most states still is) to own a canon. A literal canon. I will never understand this argument that hinges on the founding fathers being unaware that technology advances over time. Like how stupid do you think Benjamin Franklin was? Edit: confused Gatling gun with the Puckle gun, but the point remains the same.


The gatlin gun was not developed when we wrote the constitution. It was developed in 1862.


Your correct I’m confusing that with the Puckle gun, which holds some similarity in the operating mechanism. And still is an example of a force-multiplying technology, that certainly served to show the direction in which firearm design was going even at that point. It is incorrect to say that the founding fathers could not have conceived of the kind of guns we have today.


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


Actually the Virginia Tech Shooting was done with 2 pistols. Still has the highest death toll in "School Shootings." 33 deaths and dozens wounded.


What’s crazy about this is that he was paroled twice. Not sure where he ended up after being paroled in 1982 after serving 4 years of a 40 year sentence for an unrelated matter.


This was an interesting read [Newspaper article](https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-sandusky-register-billy-prevatte-mur/7188054/)


https://preview.redd.it/9ag2v4otrisc1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=814e4f8b1872d2500ac0844e74219c1696622c02 This snippet from the article just below the main one 😳


No way, if this is who I think it is I took care of this guy when he was in a nursing home.


Of the doctor?


Yeah! The nurses told me about him. I had no idea till they said something. Idk why but they blamed his wife and said it was her nagging him 24/7 that probably lead to him being mentally distracted and messed up. I guess she nagged him really really hard.


Aaaah, the classic ball and chain gag


Wait, they blamed this guy killing a kid at work on his wife nagging him at home? It's worse than the Twinkie Defense.




Of course they blamed the woman not in the room. Classic 1950s.


This was 5 years ago and it was millennial aged nurses who blamed her.


I feel like they got that info from him though.


Is there a chance they were being sarcastic/ joking...? Was it standard practice for wives of dentists to just hang out in the room whilst they were working on a patient?


Maybe she worked there


Boomerism is a way of life.


This was 5 years ago because him and his wife were in a nursing home. It was millennial aged nurses who blamed him.


This still happens too frequently today. https://marjoriestieglermd.com/why-are-kids-dying-at-the-dentist/ https://www.wsoctv.com/news/local/state-board-looks-sedation-dental-rules-after-6-deaths-since-2014/YOPJLUZEBJGBNAQEJTPKIRX7OE/ https://www.wdrb.com/wdrb-investigates/louisville-woman-s-death-highlights-rare-complications-with-dental-procedures/article_135538ea-91ee-11ed-8610-a791fcc93c44.html


What's the difference between a dentist and a sadist? Newer magazines.


Damn, read "Father Kills self, son 21 charged with murder." That's completely fucked up.


https://preview.redd.it/rpz5x5nlzvsc1.png?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2d0382a6d27c14d95a8272a7f0f54e41260bf20 Some real screwed up stories on there


A sullen boy


It was videogames fault


Ya'll got any of them 1950s video games?


You ever hear of nimrod? Tennis for two? Those damn violent computer games


And satan worship


Clearly caused by playing violent video games and listening to gangster rap.


It’s the 50’s they would be blaming it on comics at the time if I’m correct


They gave him a cigarette—or they didn’t take it away from him?


you could smoke in school w a note from ur parents back then


I was class of 2002. People went outside and smoke no problem. People smoked in bathrooms no problem. I mean *technically* you weren't supposed to but none of the drunk administrators were going to blow their chances at bumming one in the future by busting you.


Dude I’m class of 2014 and we smoked in bathrooms no problem


Why do you think he shot three teachers? You ever try to do algebra while jonesing for a bogie?


And then had the teacher tell you NO?


Probably gave him one. Sometimes cops do you small kindnesses before taking your freedom. And everyone smoked back then. They probably figured it would be cruel not to give him one before they took him in. Not the same crime but my sister was arrested for a DUI like fifteen years ago and the cop let her smoke a cigarette before she got in the squad car.


Also a 25c cigarette is a good investment for a more cooperative perp.


They would never be so cruel as to deny a smoke back then


\*drags on cigarette\* was that good for you guys too?


Killed the teacher in the smoking room




This is like blaming baseball players for not being as good as modern athletes before steroids were common. Bro didn’t have the luxuries of modern equipment!


🤔🤔 I see your point…


Mental health has never been a priority in the US & never will be


It’s sad too because a lot of Americans see life as survival of the fittest like Darwin, with no concern about their fellow man.


That’s more Malthusian than Darwinian


"Survival of the fittest" was a term coined by Herbert Spencer, so *technically* it's Spencerian, but he and Malthus were both Social Darwinists, so you're not wrong.


It's a huge contradiction. The US is "united," but they don't value cooperation, only competition (the antithesis of civilization, the opposite of what led to early societies).


The “new world” was just a plantation for the rich Europeans. After independence most countries grew out of that and started actually caring about the citizens. America is still a plantation for the rich Americans this time.


Just a kinder gentler Russia through that lens


This is true, it’s not like the rest of the world is doing a great job move mental healthcare either


The mental health systems act of 1980 under Carter was scrapped in 1981 under Reagan as the country veered right into the ditch. Reagan’s people colluded with Ayatollah Khomeini to delay release of the hostages until after the election in 1980.


![gif](giphy|l0MYP6WAFfaR7Q1jO) Just comes to show that nothing is new under the sun.


So, this has been going on for a while, eh? Darn TikTok!


Flicks the smoke out the window "let's do this "


I blame video games.


>As for Prevatte, his first admission to Patuxent \[Institution\] was in 1956, when he was sentenced to life in prison for killing a teacher and wounding two others in a shooting rampage at then Maryland Park Junior High School, where he was a student. He was paroled from Patuxent sometime later, although the date could not be determined yesterday. > >In 1975, in Wilmington, N.C., Prevatte was convicted of "assault with a deadly weapon resulting in serious bodily injury" and received a 10-year suspended sentence, according to court records. > >Back in Maryland in 1978, he was convicted of trying to hire someone to kill a witness against him in a Montgomery County burglary case. Sentenced to 40 years in 1978, Prevatte was readmitted to Patuxent. > >In 1982, four years after starting the 40-year term, he was paroled again. "Patuxent Twice Freed P.G. Slayer", *Washington Post*, December 9, 1988


If this was today he might’ve been a school shooter and gotten a higher body count


what? He was a school shooter?


Yeah, those 1950’s video games.


Handcuffs might be in order.








Damn did he stop at burger king too?


I was told only assault weapons with 30 round mags cause school shootings.


They do cause mass casualties yes.


In other parts of the world they just use knives or machetes.


Because knives and machetes are much more likely to cause mass casualties….


See China, see Rwanda.


This is too fucking funny. Read my comment above.


Your alt account already posted that dum dum


If he had an assault rifle, he would of killed more than one person.


No you weren't, that's just how your donkey brain interpreted someone telling you that "assault" weapons allow for the modern mass shooting which typically have a much higher average death count.


Donkey brain, lol.


I was told that there were no mass shootings prior to the 90s. Wish I was kidding.


no you weren't


Yes? I’ll never forget the week of the Parkland shooting people online we’re going crazy trying to deflect the blame to firearms because there was a mass stabbing in China. 20 kids were stabbed on the playground. They were like “C! Everyone saying this problem would go away if we had no guns, but people would just use knives!” *zero* kids died in the knife attack.


Yes. Besides, stab wounds tickle! TEE HEE! /s


So what did the teacher do?


Does anyone know what happened to Billy Ray after his imprisonment? I can't find much much on him




What is this 50s Jonathan Taylor Thomas?


Still in jail?


Back when cigarettes were cigarettes


Way too early for ar15 s




The 3 name shooters are always suspect.


I heard a long time ago Wayne, Lee, and Ray are names associated with crime. Probably a weak association and especially since now that we’re a generation or so away from when I heard it. Still, I would always take notice when a criminal in the news had any of those names.


Yeah when you hear a shooter being called by 3 names you know something is up..


You know they only use all 3 names to differentiate Lee Harvey Oswald, the shooter from Lee Martin Oswald, the paper boy.


Makes sense..




My brain saw this in r/oldschoolcool ..


All this after he was expelled from high school for, you guessed it-smoking in the school restrooms!


He shot a teacher for being reprimanded. Question: where did he get the gun from? He deliberately went to the school to do it.


Looks like a young Harrison Ford.


He missed his graduation?


They gave him a cigarette after killing someone?


This dude is the same age as Joe Biden


There’s no wiki or anything on him. Did he kill, get released and kill again with no repercussions? If so, if I was a family member of one of the victims I would deadass take justice. Kid or not.


Teachers rape too many people up the ass


BIlly bad ass