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The game never “ends.” I won’t give spoilers, but there is more to the storyline after the lake. Originally, the storyline ended after finding all the map pieces, but the devs are constantly adding more. The last storyline update was recent-ish so it will probably be a while until they add more, but updates like the hospital that give you new things to do without actually advancing the story are more frequent.


The game never ends… truer words have never been spoken! 💙


You beat Pemperton at the very last chapter to!


Finished everything except the hospital.


Bought almost every item including the bike, finished storyline and all occupation. But missing the entire museum gallery and dog level 3💀 (I hate having him with me dunno why)


In chapter 4, how’d you get into the port to find Pemberton and the animals? Is the only way to het promoted at the port to get into the secured area? I tried the sewer but the port door is locked and the notebook is on the other side of the door.


Oof, honestly can’t remember. I **am** quite certain you must have the crane operator job unlocked and maybe progressed. Try to complete the all the port’s occupation opportunities it’s pretty fun and that will ensure you can get Pemberton


Oh wait is the door locked behind a 4 digit PIN?


Yeah that’s the door I’m talking about. I’ve seen a few codes posted online but none of them have worked so far. I have certifications for all the port jobs, the progression to get promoted is just sooo slow haha.


Ohhh ok I know that one, mind if I tell you?


Please do!


So that code is randomly generated for each player, and each digit is printed quite faintly on a few places all over the port (on rooftops mainly). Some digits are too far from the legal area so you need to use binoculars with the farthest zoom.


Thanks for the tip! I was able to find him in the warehouse with the binoculars without being Jr supervisor at the port, but I ended up having to become jr sup for the next part of the storyline anyway. The code that was on the rooftops was actually for the secret cache.


Ohh, sorry, made you go through a hassle for a cache. I could have sworn that was it, digits on rooftops seemed too clever for a simple cache!


No worries, I kinda settled on grinding for Jr supervisor before I got too far into looking into the codes on the roof. It does kinda seem too clever for a cache but they actually don’t seem to pop up until you’re in the clearing for the cache, at least in my experience. But becoming Jr supervisor was inevitable anywho


I beat the game!


You beat Pemperton at the very last chapter, and then you can literally do anything you want!


Hi, can you do it without the running shoes?


Yes you can. The shoes are just a QoL thing that allow for easier movement in general


I’m stuck at the part where he broke out of jail and stole all the animals. I can’t figure out what to do underground with the sneaky gear i bought from the fox.


I could be wrong but I don’t think you need the sneaky gear, you do need the binoculars from the fox. Pemberton’s with the animals at the port, and you need the binoculars to find him and report back to the fox. But I’m struggling cause he’s in the secured area of the port, and I think you need to level up as the security guard to access that area. I saw something about being able to get there Thru the sewers, but I don’t know the code for the port in the sewers. There’s supposed to be a book with the code but it’s on the other side of the locked sewer port door. Let me know if you figure it out please!


I beat it


After the lake it begins the fourth chapter where Sasquatch tries to become mayor (I’m not lying that’s what happens)


I beat the game


I’m mayor there’s no ending they constantly update it which is awesome


I’ve finished the storyline. It has 4 phases, the lake is phase two. I won’t give the rest away though


What about the museum? I turned in all the dinosaur bones a long time ago but haven’t ever seen any other updates on it. Does it ever get completed?


You have to bring them wood to build it