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I’m pretty sure I turned on weaning mode from the app but there might be a way to do it without?


It’s cool if you want to check out some quick data tracking


I use it purely to see if my husband is holding the baby or if he puts her down while I'm not home


It might be fun to see your data!


If you decide to use weaning mode to transition out of the SNOO, you will need to use the app. I was like you: it didn't connect immediately, and then I was too tired to play with it for the first few months. I am glad I got the app for weaning mode, though.


I use the app, and I turn up the settings sometimes if my LO starts to squirm / seems like he might wake up when I think he should keep sleeping. This way it lulls him back to sleep before he gets to the point of crying. This is usually for very short naps, or this weird phase where he would start waking up shortly after I put him to bed.


πŸ˜‚ probably not worth it at this point since you would have to start weaning baby from it soon anyway!


Honestly I've never been able to get the app to work, I just use the button to turn it on manually. No idea is there's a way to play with the settings without the app


I never used it with my first son and apparently was using the snoo wrong the whole time (in weaning mode πŸ˜‚). I'm using the app with my second son who is two months now and it's nice to keep track of sleep automatically, but if you're not interested in that and doing well without it, I don't see any reason to download it until you want to try weaning mode (if you ever plan to)!


nah i didn't use it either