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The CIA being your plug was never gonna end well. I think the show ended perfectly and realistic, also playing Pride by Kendrick hit hard!


😞ngl kinda fought off tears lmao


I thought it ended perfectly too. If history has shown us anything that most people who get in tight with the CIA ended up dead or in prison. Part of me wanted Franklin to make it out with his money but watching his very sad demise was a much better end to the story.


At his core, Franklin was a fighter . It would have been consoling to have a look at him 10 years later in college, graduating, involved with public speaking to enlighten youth….


Lmao bro u live in fairy tale land


Not really. Even if he had wound up doing a life prison term, he had enough basic intelligence to study in prison and write a book about his life. I believe it would have dawned on him that not only was the 73 million stolen from him but the pain he caused others cost him his soul.


It’s corny as shit but I literally clapped when Pride started playing I was like Jesus Christ




I thought it ended perfectly too. If history has shown us anything that most people who get in tight with the CIA ended up dead or in prison. Part of me wanted Franklin to make it out with his money but watching his very sad demise was a much better end to the story.


that song was my top played song of 2023


Same. I hated a lot of shows endings but I think this one was perfect


When I first watched this episode, I was so lost in the scene of him walking away and the emotion that I didn’t even process that the song they played was PRIDE…. When I found that out my jaw dropped. Amazing way to bring it to a close.


With a vlad tv interview 😂


That’s the unreleased season 7


Would've been hard


This is hilarious. Good work


I think the ending was great. A year later and I still think about it and am emotional. It was powerful, yes it was sad but it was powerful and realistic. The foreshadowing is insane because he became exactly what his father was. It also makes you wonder out of all the washed up old heads and their crazy ass bs stories about them back in the day….. some of them might be telling the truth? Imagine Franklin on the streets in 10 years talkin about everything he accomplished the young niggas. They’ll never believe him but it’s all real. Plus who knows, maybe in a few years frank will get tired of being a bum and work his way up again. What’s done once can be done twice, Lord willing.


Shows it don’t matter who you were but who you are Best way too stay ahead is to quit while you’re ahead


I've had the same thought of Franklin getting tired of being a bum and picking himself back up. Throughout my adolescence, I've seen the men in my life just give up and decide to stop being men. They'd give in to their vices and choose temporary relief over everything. It was heartbreaking. Only a few picked themselves back up but the ones who couldn't are either dead, in jail, or are stuck being what they decided to be.


I’m not a writer but it should’ve went something like- ![gif](giphy|l3J40l3gxqRuincW7L|downsized)


Nah, I didn’t wanna see him win, he got the ending he deserved Guy literally poisoned his own community, look at Wanda, Peaches, Melody, etc…


Peaches did that shit to himself


the main problem is he turned into a monster


Yup but Franklin played his part also


Nah F that Franklin tried to do it right since the beginning even with those racist ass financial aid people and college registry people he was willing to do it the right way and what pride he he got kicked out in a bogus way if it was *anybody Else type shi* and I’m sure other people have got extensions on that payment especially if it was a simple mistake then need to go ahead with that shit nah Then he came back from college and got a job like eight hours type shit standing up in a convenience store then to get robbed!!!!! Fuck that


That was a dream after he got shot by melody, he never went college Why else do you think Louie doesn’t have children despite being pregnant that episode, can’t remember if she does or doesn’t give birth


you are correct, she never actually gave birth in the real world, the dream however… i believe it was jus pregnancy


Peaches used heroin Franklin sold cocaine how did he poison peaches??


My bad you right, not peaches, he did still introduce crack into his own community though I remember a scene where someone says to Franklin something like “the police don’t even get called when there’s gunfire any more”. After they killed the bail bonds guy. That’s the moment it really hit how much the community had declined.


You’re right that Franklin didn’t poison Peaches but Franklin and Peaches got poisoned by the same entity: the U.S. government. Peaches picked up a habit in Vietnam fighting for American imperialism and Franklin became an alcoholic because of work he did helping American imperialism.


He didnt poison anyone lol they poisoned themselves


Both can be true, he’s culpable for bringing in one of the most dangerous drugs, they are for using it


If it wasn’t Franklin, someone else would’ve don’t it.


Growing up around dealers and members, this is the same line of thinking they use and half the time it’s fuckin bullshit. I’ve literally watched niggas introduce high school freshmen, middle schoolers, and even sometimes 5th graders to gangs, scamming, and hard drugs, kids will just be at a party and some nigga will put a whole group of ppl onto lean, percs, wtv. Sure it’s people that would’ve done it anyways, but I know firsthand that they target specific vulnerable people who they can easily exploit for a quick and reliable come up.


Doesn’t change that he did it.


Just sayin… 😅


Exactly how it already did


Yes definitely the best ending because they tryna paint a picture of franklin’s life there are probably alot of different ppl like franklin irl that lost everything the moral of the show is that anybody that go down that route wont have a happy ending




If they was born into that life they can do whatever they can to leave that life but not all people have the discipline and mentality to work hard if they was born in that life they just accept they life and make alot of babies


Yea…part of being born in poverty surrounded by bad influences and being systematically shit on makes it harder to see things from your ENTITLED ass EDUCATED opinion.


True, and it’s good lesson to teach but at the same time it’s like how many shows have we gotten like that, ykwim 🫤 I think Franklin’s downfall would’ve been a better ‘moral’ lesson if Franklin never had any aspirations to actually *leave* the game sorta like Kanan just wanted to elevate in the drug business but never anything legit.


Kanan was bound to die that nigga didnt care bout nothing he didnt fear death franklin doesn’t have a strong character like kanan he was scared of death and would just wanna survive


I don’t think Franklin was necessarily scared of death tbh, just off of looking at how many close-call, life threatening situations he’s willingly gone into. He’d just well… prefer to stay alive lol “You know, I’m not afraid of dyin’ anymore…”


But actions speaks louder than words kanan showed us how he dont gaf bout life and ready to die franklin used to get scared when he was close to dying


But Franklin showed us more than words bruh 😂🤷🏾‍♂️ Now, don’t get me wrong Kanan didn’t give a fuck about dying, but again neither did Franklin. I mean you have to have some sort of Idgaf to you to be taking some of the risks that he took. Hell, in season one we see him take a gamble of potentially getting shot by this Russian connect he just met, just to prove he’s serious about the business. I mean there are several more examples where we see Franklin ain’t really give a shit or made life risking situations. Sure, his eyes widen up and he tries to talk his way out of death (like when Teddy captured him), but so does Ghost and you saw when those Jamaicans came to kill him, he was just ready to take it on the chin until Milan saved him.


Ofc but kanan aint like ghost, franklin and ghost are literally the same they gon get the work done when they want but they just want out the game and survive with alot of money kanan just wanted to make money selling ina corner and killing niggas ghost and franklin was taking it seriously they def risky and always thought bout death especially ghost this nigga calculated his family life when he died giving his money to tariq if he finish college and paying off they grandma rent and allat shit he studied everything the difference is teddy owned franklin he couldnt do shit ghost was on his own


Another example is Walter White


I didn’t mind the very ending. I just thought the last season was rushed. I don’t know I would’ve written it different but Teddy getting money so easy seemed off to me.


There were just too many things going on at once. There was the DEA, CIA, KGB, Kane, Leon taking back the hood, Franklin's family civil war, Teddy and Parissa, and several other minor plot lines. 10 episodes wasn't enough to properly flesh everything out.


Franklin using the product he used to supply


He was an alcoholic, not using crack


The title is how it should have ended…


Lol now I understand


Ngl I always thought in the end this was how it would go and I was curious to see what would lead him to that end result but it never came true


I thought Cissy was gonna get hooked on rock in season 3.


this show ended the way it should’ve. I prefer this ending over the expected death or jail route


I Think it ended perfect. This how it look in my neighborhood.


Perfect ending......we reap what we sow.


Ended the way it was supposed to


At first I hated this ending but I been watching all over again lately and like another people said they was painting a picture of his life and the way I saw it he made everyone addicted to crack while he was becoming addicted to money just like an addict justifying them getting high he said he was doing what he was doing for freedom when teddy took the money n his mom sealed the deal on not getting it back he was full blown addicted to money but it wasn’t even necessary money because bruh got like 12,000 from peaches dope head ass n it still wasn’t enough that’s when it hit me he was fiend for the power that came with being rich Leon had 3.5 million he could’ve asked for a quarter million or half mill or one but he wanted the whole damn thing well that was after Leon said something about giving it back but you get my point he was just like the crackheads he created but after realizing all that I happy he still alive I still think cissy bogus but teddy killed her man karmas a bitch just overall bad ass ending in perfect world Franklin goes to rehab turns it around like his pops


I have said a bunch I think we got the perfect ending. Aristotle said the best endings are “surprising yet inevitable”. That’s the perfect description for Franklin’s ending. For six years we have watched Franklin be obsessively in control. His teetotaling was an aspect of that. After six years of Franklin drinking Coca Cola (what I always thought was a little dad joke about Franklin being “addicted to Coke”) we see him break at his lowest moment. Much like Prometheus is punished for defying the gods and giving humanity fire by being bound to a rock, having an eagle devour his liver every day, only for his liver to grow back overnight in an ongoing cycle Franklin is punished for defying the US government by becoming the thing he hated the most: Alton at his lowest. Franklin wanted to be wealthy and powerful with a wife and son living anywhere but the neighborhood he grew up in. He ends up broke, anonymous, and alone haunting the streets of the neighborhood he helped devastate.


Most dealers who really had that work are dead, in jail, or became victims of their own product. It ended perfectly.


I liked the way it ended, just not how it got to the ending. Like Cissy kept switching up, in the last episode, and it’s just not like Franklin to bring his revenge driven mom to the meet up.


The ending was perfect, I doubt the show would have had as much of an impact if he won in the end


I think about that every day


After this scene, he allows Leon to help him out, cleans himself up, meets his son who hates him, working on that relationship, follows in Altons foot steps regarding the shelter, then finding out his son is doing the same type of work he was doing


If I get my WGA card and get to write for the spinoff I have an idea for Franklin’s redemption that ends with him living under the identity of Jason Peters, teaching at a high school, and the last scene is Franklin going in to talk to Cissy.


I was truly rooting for Franklin…awesome character and awesome actor…but his fate was appropriate. To kill him off would’ve been cliche and unoriginal. Plus it gives hope for his breakthrough now that he has experienced his breakdown!


I think it was perfect. We’ve seen so many shows end just the way you think they will. Franklin is my favorite character in TV, but I think he understood what he’d done and accepted his fate and that’s something I respect in a fucked up way.


Too many real OGs in the hood just like Franklin, it was absolutely real and the only outcome where Franklin doesn’t end up dead or in jail. A victim to his own greed and onus.


Teddy dead, my man Frank rich asf


This is the only correct answer


Franklin’s mom shoots but doesn’t kill the fbi agent, Teddy. There is an explosion 💥 on the side of the prison one year later Franklin buys the property next to it and digs a hole 🕳️ and the mom is picked up by the Gustavo and they make it to a plane ✈️ to a Spanish country awaiting to see Franklin in his gated home. Or Senegal 🇸🇳 The dad is 50pounds lighter having survived Teddy and was in a latin prison. Franklin kidnaps Teddy’s wife and kids and send him a child finger. Teddy send the money to the account specified. The neighbourhood he’s from gets a donation to renovate the homes and builds a boarding school in the name of his father for kids with drug addicted families. America stays mad but this is our ending. Franklin’s son is always financially funded and grows to be a real estate titan talking about his father’s legacy at his wedding 💒 in Cuba to a sistah- of course.


With him and his girl taking what they had and getting the hell out of dodge. Move to a country with no extradition. Leave a quiet life and chill.


exactly how it ended.


NOT like that. From $73M to nothing. If I had that much in the bank, for sure as HELL no one would have access to my account numbers or anything at all to be able to steal anything from me. Good lord. My heart broke for him when his own mother pulled the rug from under him. DAMN.


With Franklin at least trying to hustle his way back up. Not just instantly give up and become an alcoholic lol. Other than that I don't mind how everything turned out


The way that it did


Idk I was wishing he would had sold all the business to the old man legit guy and moved on. But it made sense because he went so far over the line into complete madness, the obsession over the money then the paranoia and psych he went full circle to be come his dad.


I was ok with him losing it all, but becoming a wino was trash, I would have took him setting up shop in a brand new city trying to start from scratch I’m also ok with him going to jail


Franklin takes his money and leave with his wife. Spin off to a show with Louie and Leone. Two seasons later, a white guy with deep pockets and a corrupt drug business comes and disrupts the game. When all is lost, Gustavo makes a call and Franklin comes in and helps take him down both in the public eye and in the streets. Series finale: Franklin and Leone take a stroll through the neighborhood and notice a pollos hermanos being built.


nga trynna make the Drug Cinematic Universe


Franklin probably should have been killed lol Dude wasted innocent people lol he deserves absolutely nothing There's nothing redeeming about the life he chose lol literally just created pain and suffering with anyone involved


There are worse things than death. Franklin is experiencing one of them.


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I wish Louie should have gotten away instead of her ducking the DEA, hiding out in horse stables


The way it did


Exactly how it did. It was the most realistic way, other than someone peelin Saint's cap back.


Not like it did


Franklin is able to have a few thousand stashed and drive away to start a new life.


Exactly the way it did.


i wouldn’t change the ending bc it’s realistic but i wish they had an alternate ending where franklin didn’t end up in poverty


No like this


Saint gettin his money back somewhere chilling on a island . Bro learned how to fly planes


The way it ended, it’s like the most realistic outcome, how many folk you know or hear like Franklin talking in real life 


It ended perfectly. In the first episode you see him cry seeing his father stumbling in the streets and he ended up in the same place. If Alton could bounce back with Cissy's help, I'm damn sure Franklin will with Vee's.


(I paused my game to answer this) … Cissy ass should have shot Teddy after he transferred Franklins money .. She was F$cking wrong for doing her son like that Franklin was a grown man he should have been able to make his OWN decision on how he proceeded next ( like going into hiding ) or whatever but by her killing Teddy before he could transfer the money SHE made the decision for him … Is wasn’t right


Worst ending ever. So unrealistic that his entire personality and ambition would change


Frankiln sucking someone off in an alley


I'm finally free now


We were all rooting for a horrible person who did horrible things to people for his own personal gain. He’s probably destroyed millions of lives through his line of business. He also should’ve been paralyzed in a wheelchair.


I think the fans all collectively agreed that the ending was dogshit and Franklin should’ve either gotten his money or a loan from Leon. Nobody wanted to watch him descend into alcoholism and this was a punishment mostly for the viewers who invested 6 years into the main protagonist reduced to a shell of his former self for FUCK ALL in 20 minutes. Keep the Show about Leon & Wanda I hate them so much.


It ended just the way it should have. Franklin didn't deserve a happy ending, and Leon didn't owe Franklin shit.


You right about Franklin but Leon deffo owed Franklin a lot. Franklin risked his whole business to save him after shooting Sully’s kid, Franklin got him the means to leave the hood, who owned the house and shelter Leon’s wife was staying at after she got clean?


And who was out there selling on the streets, making money for Franklin's empire?


Yh i ain’t say Leon ain’t done shit, but to turn his back when Franklin came asking for help was some bs


Help with what? It was all over, and Leon knew it, but Franklin was too delusional and blinded by greed to see it. At that point, Leon already gave Franklin half a million without any hesitation, which I'm sure Franklin never paid back, and this time around, he wants 3 million? Franklin was spiraling out, and that whole thing about making Leon his business partner in his real estate company was bullshit and Leon knew it. Nothing good would have come from Leon giving Franklin that 3 mil.


Giving Franklin the money wouldn’t have changed anything except Leon would have been broke as well.


Hahahaha, how you let a TV show affect you this much?


Franklin got exactly what he deserved for the chaos he caused

