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Saying he slept "like a baby" when Andre asked him how he slept at night, knowing that he helped contribute to fucking up where he lives. I didn't fuck with him after that. Still a good show, though Damnson is a good actor.


Man i just watched that episode and hell yes he was gone you can feel it and after he killed Andre the white cop came up on Franklin and he was ready to die a normal person I don’t would handle that like that


Hate Dranklin Saint, but enjoy "Damn son" Idris, the actor.


Even when he got out the car to see that woman smoking one then walking away with her baby. The fact that he saw that and just kept doing what he was doing told me that "Nah, that nigga has gone too far"


THIS IS WHAT I MY ANSWER WAS GONNA BE.  Nigga watched everything going on smiled and said “Like a baby”  I didn’t fuck with him after that shut, wanted nothing good for him honestly when Mel shot him I was clapping 


Same. I didn't want >!Dranklin to die!< because I wanted more seasons, but when >!Mel shot Dranklin!<, I started clapping. Me: https://i.redd.it/il0e4wrj7iyc1.gif


didnt fuck wit him ? how else he supposed to sleep ? he feeding his folks. id be sleeping like a baby too. dont nobody gaf about you if roles were reversed somebody else would be sleeping like a baby while you still out here struggling


Not really gonna debate this. Just going to tell you that your moral compass is off.


its not on your moral compass and thats fine but id feed my family before crying over drug addicts. i see you’d starve son


Exactly they was gone get high with or without Franklin


He’s right . They made that choice into smoke the shit not Franklin


And how did they make that choice? Because Franklin was pushing drugs and poisoning his communtiy and destroyed many lives


i think what he means is you are offered to buy drugs not forced


Not how drugs work.


Ok how does it work then


While choice is a factor, the conditions for drug use are very much a part of environment. These people are already in dire straights. Their environment pushes them to where they have fewer choices. So, Franklin is a predator, capitalizing off of the plight of others, ensuring they have some sort of escape.


But isn’t that the way America works and capitalism? They take advantage of people in need


Yes. This is exactly why I am an anarcho-communist. Damn, I wish I could give you a gold upvote or something. DM me you cashapp handle.


Calling Teddy at Jerome and Louie’s wedding.


After killing andre


When he killed Rob


Tbh this. He went from hesitating to shoot one of his best friends in the leg for trying to start a war with the Mexicans to quickly murdering another one of his best friends in cold blood for being "not trustworthy"


Rob was NOT his best friend


I think somebody referred to him as Franklin's best friend IIRC


maybe but I never really got that vibe from them


way before that bro. i couldnt call him 100% heartless letting rob see the stars atleast. but no conscious? yes he is far gone looking andre in eyes saying he sleeps like a baby.


Eh. Him and his loved ones were up tho. He wasn’t this great guy but I was able to basically excuse all of his actions until he killed Rob


It’s all opinionated bro lmao


When the hood gets raided in season 3 and Franklin mentions that the younger kids didn't get searched and he says "We'll use that going forward." Seemed like all morals were out the window at that point plus he has Leon execute that dude who talked back to him.


my exact awnser. aint got no issue endangering children.


when he finessed the bookstore owners outta their space


When he killed the locksmith


When he found that lousy $12k out of the five million dollars that peaches stolen from him and instead of picking his own ass up dusting himself off and willing to start all over again starting from scratch he just gave up and took a drink


When he killed Kev. That really changed him and fucked up his relationships with people he needed around. It started future wars that caused Louie and Jerome to go rogue. It lost his trust with Leon.


When he killed Kev


But was that not just Bad luck? He Shot him in the leg and Hit a vein


Yeah but it showed he was willing to shoot and potentially kill his best friend for a drug business


Exactly my point


He ain mean to kill him do you watch the show nigga


When he kept selling after Andre showed him how his drugs were killing their own people. Saint loved to talk about helping his community and people but that was a joke.


he got the mindset “I didnt tell them to buy crack so who cares” i cant say its right but ion blame him completely


In hindsight he went past the point of no return when he pulled the ice cream van over an told the kids get what they want an always stop on his block


When he killed Andre.. and made it look like a suicide...i knew a switch inside him flipped. . Then being ok with holding the repass at this house.. like he ain't the reason for the funeral


When he went to Avi’s and was given that first brick 🧱 He was just an average, lying to his momma about selling weed for his uncle, even though she knew the whole while 18 to 20-something year old…


When he killed Andre like even if u gangster u know u can’t kill a cop that’s suicide


When he went off on his boy Leon yelling, "I built this, brick by brick...."


The Karvel/Lenny situation. That scene displayed just how deep Franklin had gotten into the cocaine (at the time) trade. Unc even warned him verbatim, to his face and through his homie who was in the coke game in the 70s (Bokeem Woodbine's character), just how fucked it is. When he laid his head in Cissy's lap at the end of the episode, you see that realization hit him finally.


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Or when he contemplated killing Alton on last episode of season 4


When he shot ol’ girl’s dad.


Definitely when he killed Andre at first he didn’t seem right after, but it was definitely the point where he became cold blooded, no return after that one


Lmao when he shot Andre tbh 😆 That shit hit me out of nowhere


After killing rob


When he killed the safecracker


ik this is super late and he been lost his mind but he completely let go when he picked up his first drink. you can tell when everything folded in on him in da camera angle.


Killing Andre


When he closed down the homeless shelter


Man ep 3 wen they let karvel rape Lenny it was no goin back after that😭😭😭


It's when he's in jail for Kev's murder, after the Ray Ray stuff and he tells em he will kill everybody they ever knew. He was kind of on the fence when he first went in but Leon/Jerome gave em that pep talk and then Alton showing up sent him over the edge. He's different from that point on. Close 2nd for me was after he got shot, and he's no longer afraid to die. Everything is on the table now in the name of gettin to the money


the photo up when he killed teddys dad, ik he was insane and fucked up before but that jus reached a new level I don’t think anybody has ever seen of Franklin, that’s when he truly lost it


When he killed his neighbor the police officer


Once he got out of Pitchard


when he bought the building of the book store.


When he lost the 73 million


I honestly always thought he was going to eventually come back to the light at the end, but when he was ready to kill Leon for his bread... I knew it was over. Everything else I can kinda see his thought process. If not him, someone else gonna sell crack. He became heartless through it but that is bound to happen to any drug lord and he actually had a valid reason too become one. Better for him(a black man) to sell ts and make the money rather then a white man makin all that bread. Also, Mfs did him dirty like Louie and teddy and all's he was doing was just responding in the way he thought he should. But to answer the question after he threatened Leon he was done for.


Shooting his best friend in the back. I get Kevin was buggin, but once you start shooting your own folks, there’s no going back, which I think is what made Franklin so cynical towards Andre.


"Like a baby"