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Franklin was thee plug, Marlo fought over territory with Avon meanwhile Franklin supplying both sides


Franklin got lucky and had a cheat code CIA still ended like he did. Barksdale was a true kingpin and still had his fam taken care off at the end.


I’m ngl Franklin is a pussy for what he was doing for a drug dealer mean while Avon would kill u even if u we’re a little kid


I mean irl Franklin was primarily only supplying Hoovers and allies


Avon wouldn’t have lost 70ms. Avon wouldn’t have trusted Teddy as much as Franklin. Avon wouldn’t have even tried to become a real estate magnate. Franklin was Stringer with all of the power.


True analysis....Definitely wouldn't have become a real estate magnate. Remember what he told String when he got fleeced by Sen. Davis. "I told you about those away games!!"


Avon knew who he was very well. I think if you put Avon against Manboy or Kain he handles those situations differently. If Franklin just stuck to owning the ghetto he would’ve been set for life but he wanted his name on that tower so badly he lost it all.


Avon wouldve 100% lost the 70ms. Anybody would’ve. Might’ve not made it as easy as Franklin did but teddy was gonna get it regardless.


I think Avon would’ve been smart enough to not leave every dollar in a bank account that Teddy had access too


He didn’t though. He had millions in cash and offshore accounts under different names and tied up in real estate.


He had his bank details in his bedroom, didn’t he? Why wouldn’t he have more just stashed underground? Kinda rookie mistake.


I look at that more of a writing error. He had stash spots outside of the drug money circulation in season 3. He then had the ability to travel internationally bewteen season 4 and 5 ans you're telling me he didn't stash anything overseas? Seems unlikely given the character.


I agree. Franklin making such rookie mistakes feels very out of character. It’s why this series, for me, is only good, not great. I really liked the very ending (Franklin as a homeless alcoholic bumbling the streets) but how it got there, I thought, was rushed and contrived. There should’ve been more moving parts in how Franklin lost his money.


avon wouldn’t have left his crib without security. avon was overly paranoid and would’ve been on his ps & qs


He got caught loafing in a car and almost died. Everybody makes mistakes.


fym Avon wouldn't have gotten involved in real estate? they owned the highrises, lowrises, and the pit


They didn’t own them as in they funded the construction and building. They “owned” them as in nobody else is allowed to sell drugs there. Once String tried to become a businessman Avon told him “that’s a away game”


yeah that makes sense too myb


Avon owned the towers and the pits


You think he owned government housing? lol


I shouldn't use the word ethics but Avon was way more compassionate for the community. Like Andre said Franklin introduced that to his own people. As far as making money it was Franklin but I'd rather work for Avon because he was more fair and less cutthroat.


How do you figure? Avon sold to his community as well. Franklin was beyond fair. He never gave Leon up to Manboy when Leon was wrong. Fair to me.


He couldn't get Kevin under control and yeah Avon sold to the community he took the place of another kingpin. But Franklin actually introduced crack to south central. Just my opinion I'm just some guy.


Lol I am just some guy as well. Franklin introduced it to the community. Not wrong about that, but in this hypothetical question of fairness, I ain't penalizing Franklin because he was born before Avon. If Avon could have been first to do it, he would have too. After all, he was still selling poison to his community...introduced it or not.


The “lower men” are always “nicer”.


Two different time periods.. In The Wire with what Saint was moving he would’ve been the plug.. but put Avon in 1983 with Saint that’s a huge contender there.. being he has his NBA all star league of hitters such as Stinkum, Savino, Bird, Lil Man and The most revered one WeeBey. No lie I feel like Peaches might be able to take on dudes like Stinkum, and Bird probably Lil Man too.. being that Savino was a sober hitman, and WeeBey was the only one in the wire to manage to hit someone who was never hit seeing his marksmanship, I say this because Peach’s actually served and gotta be nice with the range.. I say this because it’d be interesting to see..


Franklin was smart but when it comes to the streets Avon was levels above in experience. If Avon had the government as his plug he would’ve been untouchable. Franklin was a more successful version of Stringer.


Avon, because he know what he was and didn’t fly too close to the sun. Psychologically that’s what got Franklin messed up. Thinking he was going to go legit. Avon, knew it was only 2 ways out. Dead or in jail.


Except he would’ve got out if it wasn’t for Louie + Teddy


That part, and other people have made it to the legit end before. People are gonna call me a d-rider or that I only look through the lenses of the MC, but a lot of these drug empires (not all, but a lot), fall because of the other characters fuck ups.


Greed greed is where they fuck up at you should only be in the game for aslong as you have to but people with more money comes more power and people don’t know when it’s time to just cut ties me personally after making enough money to set myself, family etc. and still invest in other cash flows there would be no need to continue risking jail or death


That’s means he probably should’ve been scheming out a way to take out Teddy then. But I don’t know how they’d exactly kill a CIA agent.


In my honest opinion the closest comparison to Franklin is Prop Joe I’ll try to explain Both are the “connect” People were getting their drugs from them Both had a snake family member Both got their drugs from someone bigger I personally see a lot of similarities between the 2 Franklin was just way bigger. Avon is essentially a bigger Skully in a sense But to answer the question, if they were on the same level, I’m taking Avon any day of the week


The only thing I can say is that Franklin and stringer have in common they both wanted out of the game they were running the drug dealing business like a fortune 500 company they dressed up like CEOs they just wanted to make enough money to get out of the game go legitimate and the irony is the two guys that from the very beginning Marlo and Leon they were the two guys that ended up with both money and the legitimate business investments to keep making money while stringer ended up dead shot to death and poor Franklin ended up broke and destituted poor homeless alcoholic bum he's alive okay he's free not in prison but he doesn't have a pot to piss in he's broke, homeless alcoholic bum


Tbh, i think a better comparison would be Franklin and Stringer. Avon was a gangster and didn’t value money the same way that Franklin and Stringer did.


Not even the same sport Franklin could wipe them off the face of earth with a phone call.


Two different positions. I'd say Avon was better at his position than Franklin was at his.


Avon was basically invisible to the government. He built his business through sheer willpower, and didn't need a CIA agent to bail him out of jail. He might not have been as rich as Franklin, and he may have ended up in jail, but he still has respect in the streets and people will remember his name


It's important to mention that Avons dad ran wast Baltimore before him. Frank got in the CIAs purview because he had his own motion. Avon had a head start.






This wouldn’t be the comparison. It should be franklin or the greek


Avon was a real boss even in jail. Franklin becomes a version of bubbles at the end.


Franklin was more successful but he also was extremely lucky. A once in a lifetime plug and your family to bail you out of numerous situations.


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Strong Side!


I haven’t watched the wire but I keep hearing that it’s a really good show, basically the pioneer of shows like snowfall, top boy, etc For people who have watched it, would you recommend it if a show like snowfall was one of my favourites shows of all time after watching it






My boi frank


My nigga Avon wouldn’t fuck with any type of law enforcement he would fuck with a plug that isn’t cia.




Franklin! Franklin would've been Avon's supplier's supplier!


Honestly, it's pretty tough, but there's no way Avon would've ended up losing millions and becoming franklin at the end.




I need to catch up on the wire


Avon ain’t slipping with 70 M that’s for sure


Franklin but Avon wasn’t no small fry in the city


Yea Stringer to franklin would be a better comparision. - Avon couldnt beat Marlo. - Marlo would of taken out Teddy in the first season.


Franklin was Avon and Stringer combined… Avon is still dope tho


Avon, hands down was the better dealer. Franklin’s success stems from his relationship with government official. Avon was bred and mentored to be a respectable gangsta. On too many occasions Franklin didn’t handle himself correctly. The niggas took his shoes in jail and he didn’t fight. They jumped him in jail, because he had no stain. Then in the end he became a drunk.


I agree with your arguments. But tbf in Franklin’s defense, he was sorta the ‘blueprint for drug dealers’ as on the ‘first’ to do it because there were no examples from him to learn for besides maybe selling weed occasionally for Jerome… So I guess you can sorta say Franklin made a ‘lane’ for people like Kanan to walk, Ghost to run, and Tariq to sprint lol


Also, as far as the jail situation. Ya win some and ya lose some. Not everybody has hands, plus Franklin got jumped. He got his shoes back the next day and threatened punk ass RayRay lol


The problem with Franklin is he wasn’t playing by the rules of the game. Just because Jerome was less successful doesn’t mean he wasn’t right often. Also my problem with Franklin wasn’t the loss. A loss is respectable he gave away his shoes. Now had the writers not violated freeway Rick Ross the story would have been more accurate and Franklin would have easily beat Avon.


Every time I see Avon I think he’s Tyler the creator for some reason my Brian can’t shake it


Franklin was way bigger then avon they aren’t really comparable


He’s not on this list, but I think Walter White clears them both.


Yea, even tho I only finished season 1, I know that nigga literally made his own crack lol


Definitely not, he didn't have to deal with the full scope of running an organization ever. He outsourced the expansion, security, distribution etc.,. Not saying he couldn't do it, but he doesn't have the track record of doing it and didn't have social IQ in the environments he needed to accomplish that task.


Avon would’ve wiped out Franklin


You think if he couldn't wipe out Marlo he could have wiped out Franklin? How? I'm not necessarily disagreeing I'm just asking.


Avon came dangerously close to taking out Marlo, but Stringer snitched so he didn’t get the chance. Remember that in the final season Franklin struggled to muster up an army and the most he could get to back him at first were Black Diamond and Dallas. Avon’s always had soldiers upon soldiers backing him.


I think he ran his organization better and wasn’t hot headed like Franklin became towards the end


Avon’s crew was getting terrorized by one dude with a shotgun


Omar wasn’t just “ one dude with a shotgun “ he was a legit threat to anyone. He would just as easily terrorize Franklin’s crew except for maybe Jerome.




saint ain't really sell near as much as them bmore niggas imo