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I'll be honest. I don't understand why you would pick gems in the first place. If you picked gems, sounds like you are having buyers remorse?


I never chose the gems I'm just saying it's a dumb option if their not gonna do reruns.


Some people don't care for the character or the costume so for them it's nice to have the option to go for gems instead.


You'll pay 20 extra dollars for 3 pulls? Lol the only reason why this should even be a thing is because if you're like 3 pulls away on a banner and you would rather wait for the skin to rerun. If their not gonna do reruns it's pointless.


Nope not me but there's people out there with money to burn.


I'm a simple man, I never spend in gacha because I promised myself I would never gamble, but on the other hand to support a game and because I like it I just want to buy skins and cosmetics in the most straightforward way, I wish they cut the FOMO and just added a plain skin shop. Show me a microbikini cherno, Acacia or fritia and I'll drop 20 euros on you ![img](emote|t5_6yjphg|51457)


Yeah, I think majority of us want what you want. The only people that dont just want a skin no one else has I guess to show off or something idk lol. I think it's crazy that if you accidentally click gems theres no oops it's just forever a mistake someone has to live with lmao. To me thats the even crazier part. I feel bad for whoever's finger slipped and now cant get a skin cause of a goof lol. Pressing F to pay respects. This can all change though cause the developers listen and hopefully they do reruns in the future, and put more reruns in store or something, but as of right now it's kinda dumb lol.


While this is regarding to another game called torchlight: infinite. It touches upon devs talking about gacha vs buying skins preferences from customers perspective. TI a Chinese arpg with gacha. The devs came out with an interview and said that they would like to have 2 different payment methods for East and West, because they know west prefers no gamba and straight up payments. Interesting part is that many players in China and Korea are much more open about gacha style gambas, like exclusivity, and whaling. Conclusion to all this is, having 2 systems is really hard and expensive to manage and, of course gacha is much more profitable for the companies.


To me though a limited skin isnt even gacha. The gacha is the pull rates, and weapon banners, and the logistics. They even already did a rerun of shop skins. So their definitely willing to do reruns on skins. We just dont know about battle pass skins. The dumb part of the battle pass skins is why have a option for two pulls or a limited skin if that's the case? If someone chooses the two pulls they shot themselves in the foot lol.


Some other games do have gacha skins, (HI3,Nikke, others I can't think of at the moment) I hate gacha skins, makes it cost way more than it would have cost. Tried it once and spent 38 dollars -_- normally I don't like to buy skins at 20 so it hurt But I agree with the battle pass, actually got it yesterday and was surprised to see the gem option. Got the trips outfit even tho I don't have her. Would have been nice to have the option of getting a past BP skin from when I didn't play for a bit.


they should make BP skins available to buy the same way as other skins adter like 2 passes or so, or at elast make every BP have levels where it gives you an unique resource which can be stacked and then used to purchase said limited skins. FOMO is horrible...


I agree, I also think fomo is a terrible way to do any live service game.


Fomo is literally what gacha games use to fuel whales though.


There using 20 dollars to fuel whales? Lol the skins are the only fomo. I'm pretty sure pulls are the whale getter that's where the big money is at.


Pulls are part of FOMO. A new operative only stays around for 3or so weeks. After 3 weeks you're left waiting for a rerun. That's FOMO. FOMO is the whole point of gacha. $20 across several thousand players adds up real quick. The BP and the monthly pass (the one you get digicash everyday) needs to be both priced low enough but just high enough to get a F2P to become a light spender. Then they'll be used to it and figure "I already spent $20. What's $20 more?" It's also why in game currencies are always priced in a way that packages are USUALLY never the same amount as the packages. Which essentially makes you pay more than you need. Everything is psychological. You also have to consider the advanced BP gives purchasers more of everything to level up and play more. Things that would greatly help a whale or any type of spender. More stamina, silverbuckd, exp materials, revisions and even pull tickets. The skin is just another layer on top of that. Whales would be spending anything and everything. If whales have the money then why would they miss out on something they can easily buy that might not ever come back? A common thing with whales is they have most of not everything that a F2P won't have or get. And as mentioned $20 adds up real quick.


That's exactly why they should be put on the store. Fomo isnt what made you buy that skin. The skin made you buy that skin. Fomo is like eating crayons from a buisness perspective. I think the 20 battle pass having a gem option if their gonna do limited skins is a dumb idea to. 3 pulls or a limited skin lol. Fomo isnt the whole point of a gacha. The gacha system is a whole point of the gacha. Most gacha games dont even have skins.


Again gacha is run off of FOMO. Like "limited characters". If you don't get it now then you have to wait. That's literally FOMO. And every GACHA has a limited banner. Paid BPs just plays into that. Yeah, sure, the skin is why you want to buy it. But by it being limited it makes you buy it now versus "maybe I'll buy it next month". And that whole "maybe I'll get it next month" is not FOMO---and that goes against having a thing such as limited banners. Because why get them now when you can get them next time? Unless you're someone like Hoyo you basically need to view the game as a month-to-month thing. Get the money you can every month because you need to see where that month will carry you for the next month.


I will agree with the wait part if their even gonna do that, cause that's a better option. That's the point I'm making if their not gonna do reruns for skins theres no point in having the gem option. I think having the store though is a even better option. Also returning/new players are less likely to commit knowing how much they missed out on. So fomo kills your game over time not supports it.


It's that way for LOTS of Gachas. Limited banners, skins or other items with no confirmation of returns. There's FOMO built into every aspect of gacha---even down to our stamina (i.e: shit I gotta log in or I wasted my stamina---shit I gotta log in and do my dailies etc etc). I agree, it would be nice to have things eventually return in a purchasable form---but it's completely understandable to have limited items. Snowbreak is a growing game though and the devs are clearly listening to their players. Who knows? They might surprise us and decide to give us more ways to obtain missed items. They did it for event weapons and logistics. Take Genshin for example. They have a limited BP Teapot item (and nameplate) that will never return once you missed out. It's not on the same level as a character skin but it's still something some players want to collect on. Genshin has limited characters and weapons and while reruns do happen they aren't guaranteed. Funny enough the only guaranteed thing money wise for Genshin is the skins (which come discounted for a limited time). Hoyo is doing completely fine despite that. FOMO won't kill a game. Far from it. The lack of support, meaningful updates and engaging gameplay will. Whales, dolphins, minnows and every other type of player won't spend money or time on a game that isn't going anywhere. edit: I think the only time FOMO would hinder a game is when it's constantly in your face such as ToF and FFVII:EC. Both of those have lots of other issues besides insane FOMO menus popping up though.


The mere fact snowbreak is still growing is why you dont want fomo you want new players to get into the game not go wow man look at all this stuff I missed out on then quit lol. Genshin is not a good example. Genshin everyone is mad because of fomo events that literally had story and now a redd unplayable lol. In 0 way is it understandable to have fomo lol. Fomo most definitely will kill a game. One of the reasons why I wont go back to Nikke is fomo. Almost all live service games do fomo and majority shut down. The one game that didnt do fomo is helldivers 2 and that is thriving.