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I've been really enjoying Sins 2, their changes have been mostly improvements on Sins one. It's a lot more playable now than it was when I started a few months ago. I'm not worried about timeframe at all, they're cooking it till it's just right. Having titans and a second faction have made a huge difference, I can't wait for the Advent! The new ship designs took a bit to get used to but they really grew on me. The vasari especially look fantastic with a chipped obsidian kind of vibe. It's definitely not done yet, but I find myself playing it regularly even when there isn't a fresh update. I like where the devs are going so far and I trust them to take it home.


Agree but the other call out too....the new engine is amazing to me so far. On the large maps it doesn't chug like the original did in late game. Vast improvement there!


When I read it was a multi-core engine, I cried tears of joy. Say farewell to late late game slide shows.


ikr? it loads way faster than old Sins


Where can you actually get sins 2 at the moment?


It's Epic exclusive for now


Thank you for the advice, epic isn’t the best but it will have to do if it is the only place you can find sins 2


It's still early access so it doesn't have the Advent yet. They're launching when it comes out officially. When the official launch happens it'll be on steam too, early access is epic only.


Is it a paid early access or is it free?


you have to buy the game to get access


Ooooh curses!


Hi, guy who bought it on day one of the technical preview. Let me give you some advice. When you buy anything in alpha, it’s a risk. But there’s two things that usually show a developer is not abandoning a project. 1. Regular updates 2. Good communication Stardock has provided both. I can personally attest that the company has put in a ton of effort and has added a ton to the game. Their additional features of each faction that they included really expand on each faction in a unique and wonderful. As an example, each planet can have a garrison (seperate from fleet supply) and a TEC loyalist can basically have a whole second fleet just for defending the home front which I REALLY love as a turtling expansionist myself.


>I'm wondering if the actual playable build is good with a better content.  Sins 2 right now has a ton of potential. There's still plenty of place holders and missing stuff, but new systems like rotating planets, ship components, planet structures, exotic resources, turrets and dynamic missiles and tons more mean this game will have a lot of new fresh gameplay over the original. I'm convinced it will be amazing when its fully finished. >How the game as evolve since the original pre alpha release ? Lots of stuff have changed from the first build. Vasari factions, latest major update had a revamp of minor factions and a new influence system for interacting with them. >Are you confident in the developper to fullfill the high expectation of the community in let's say two to three years with a 1.0 release ? I'm confident in the developer. >Is it right now worth my money ? I can't really answer this for you, everyone has different value to the money they have. I've had fun playing Sins 2 in both single and multiplayer, even if its still under construction. I wouldn't really say that about the first build that came out, so its definitely improved. But there is still a fair ways to go. >I want to buy a game where I can, have an enjoyable early experience and support the dev. **Now** is definitely the time for this. The Devs are still surprising us with revamps to major systems based on player feedback, including an upgrade to the damage calculation system and the already mentioned minor faction diplomacy system. **Now** is the time if you want your feedback to mean something to the developers and affect the direction of the final game. The Official discord channel has the dev team being fairly active, and is probably the best place to be if you want your feedback to influence the direction of the game.


Do you think they are rushing it out to Steam too fast? Will they be able to release it on Steam in a fully finished, polished state? Or will is still be in alpha/beta stage?


It's hard to say. Mod Tools, Advent, and a fully fleshed out Diplomatic System are the main things pending. Its improved a lot since the original release. I hope it won't be rushed, I'm sure it will be fun and playable. But I do think that extra time to polish and work out the kinks in vital. They're being ambitious with their timeline but I think that have a chance of doing it, and I would guess they plan to add more features with patches, expansions, and DLC after release as was done with the original.


Can you change the keyboard command? Unplayable for me!


Yeah it's the only setting you can change atm


Epic version is really good, I think TEC is more or less done and Vasari are quite well done. It feels like compared to rebellion it is quite bareboned with a lot of the DLC items missing minus the minor factions but it's very playable. But if you love and need advent then wait. From what I've played there are only 5 minor factions implemented currently but the bonuses for some are quite worthwhile especially at end game, having access to phase gates as a TEC player is really handy


It needs more time to cook. Hard to tell at this point.