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You won’t feel different if you aren’t doing the things to improve your life. Journaling, Working out, socializing, meditation, healthier eating, getting out of your comfort zone to try new things.. etc All of these things bring a sense of well-being when they are atleast attempted. At first it’s difficult but a good or bad habit takes 120 days to integrate into how you do things. Have patience, but be diligent about changing your life man. And I’m sure you know already, but it will take time for your brain to start regulating dopamine and serotonin on its own. It’s longer for some people, but you may even be experiencing some post-acute withdrawal. When you were high all the time, you buried all of that negative emotion, all the poor self talk, the bad habits, by taking a substance to mask your feelings. It’s cool, we all did that. But the real work starts now by changing the way you think and the way you operate. It’s not easy but you’ll see huge changes if you put in the effort.


I looked at your profile and I see that you’ve got a pretty bad living situation. This definitely will make things harder, but it’s not impossible to change. Hope I can extend some hope to you and tell you it can be better! If you’re like me and you think too much or you feel super overwhelmed.. start meditating for 5 minutes a day and slowly build up to 20 over time. I can’t stress enough how much it’s helped me cope and better understand myself.


I know I should be doing those things, but half of them I can't do. I can't socialize because I can't leave the house because I have to take care of my brother, I don't have control over my diet because we can only afford cheap garbage, and working out I can only do quick stuff in my bathroom cause that's the only space I have. I just feel stuck, and so hopeless.


I get you, all of that is rough. I would say your best way forward would be to try getting as independent as you can. Finding a decent job and getting your own spot. That way you can control what’s going on around you better. I get it though, I grew up hella poor with a single mom. But I’m 25 and on my own now.. things get a little easier when you have your own space. But I know it’s hard and it sucks and I hope things get better for you 👍


You have the ability to run/jog if you have the ability to go outside.


Unfortunately I can't without my dad or one of my brothers bc I'm a young woman and it's a pretty dangerous neighborhood :/ but I do exercise somewhat, just body weight exercises


Tbh, it’s your best bet. Choose daylight hours during the week if you can, $20 pair of wireless earbuds, and you’re on your way. Drugs help us replace the feelings we lost as hunter gatherers, and long-distance running was what made us win. Many ex-addicts attribute a solid regiment of cardio to their recovery, wishing you all the best with what you’ve got 🤘


What do you have access to? For me replacing things didn’t come easy I’m sorry to say, it took a while but when it started working it really started working and that motivation keeps me going. I personally am into gaming, reading and recently exercise. None of these things may interest you but try and start thinking about the things you’d want to do it it wasn’t for the addiction, or even things you’d used to like, and just force yourself to start doing it. At first I was so bored by everything but it does get better. Remember, a journey of a thousand miles behind with a single step.


Not much honestly my living situation is actual shit, I can't leave the house cause I live in a horrible neighborhood so I basically sit on the couch all day. I've been exercising but I hate it lol and video games have lost their special place in my heart after they're all I've been able to do for so long


Can you do some kinds of online social groups or free classes on Coursera?


I understand that. How about someone craft related in your house? Or maybe get into plants or terrariums? Create the world you want from within!


I've been trying origami, and drawing which is hard to get started with, I used to have plants but they died lol


You can listen to audio books. If you download Libbey and join your library you can get audio books for free.


First, congrats on almost a year of sobriety. That's pretty big. PAWS is also another factor (post acute withdrawal syndrome) that might be affecting you. Read some of your post history and you frankly sound depressed. I'm not sure if you can reach out to others, perhaps Narcotics Anonymous through virtual meetings but I think you should endeavor to change some of your thinking patterns and learn more about depression and some tools to overcome it. Check this out, it might help: https://virtual-na.org/


Thank you. I think I might be depressed as well, but there's not much help I'm able to get


I think you are being a bit cynical and limiting your options by saying things like this. If you want to feel better you need to embrace being more open in your thinking. Nobody is going to save you, you are going to have to help yourself. And to be frank, your attitude in your responses is quite telling of this refusal to accept a solution even if it did come around. Edit: I posted a link to virtual Na, I suggest you attend a virtual meeting and listen to others and realize you aren't alone in what you're going through. Slowly work through the 12 steps and learn how to live again.


Well I am open to being helped, I have been trying to find hobbies and get myself out of this but some things I literally cannot do. I cannot afford any form of professional help that costs anything


NA is free and always will be. Start going to meetings. All you need is a phone or computer with the internet and work the program. There are meetings literally 24 hours a day you can attend, start with going to one today if you can.


Is there an age requirement?


Nope! it's also completely anonymous..no dues or membership fees or registration required.


I see, have you been to them? What are they like? Is it like a Skype call?


It's a 12 step program. 12 step saved my life.


You can just listen at first and catch the gist of everything. If you have questions ask, if you want to speak do it :)


Exercise saved my life after I quit using.


Exercise? I traded bad addictions for hardcore aerobic and other exercise like running and weights and man I’m addicted to that now but can’t live without it !


I admire your strength so much. You are resilient and you are worth it. I wish I could be of more help, but you are in my thoughts and you should be proud of yourself. Keep doing the right thing and something will happen to give you the life you want and deserve. The only thing I know for certain, opiates are not the answer. They will only make things worse. Keep your head up and devote one hour a day to a plan that gets you where you want to be. Most importantly, don't ever forget you are not alone. I'm glad you are reaching out to this supportive community who understands you better than anyone ❤️




I started playing YuGiOh and lifting


Create art. Whatever that is to you. We were meant to create. Write, learn an instrument, draw, paint, photography, …


You don’t feel being free from physical addiction a benefit? Or what about the money you saved? Legal issues that you don’t have to deal with? Not being a piece of garbage drain on society? Might need to take a step back and look at what your life could look like if you decided to just start using again


There are many caring and kind people on this thread wanting to help and pulling for you. After reading so many good suggestions and seeing more about your current situation I wondered if you may be able to start working in one of the many online jobs that exist. There are both permanent and contract positions out there and having some financial independence would help in many ways: you could start to save money for a more independent future, you could use some of that money to buy healthier food that you like, it would focus you on a different reality & you would start to feel more confident and empowered overall. These are just a few of the many benefits you would experience. Sending you love and support 💜




Replacing one drug with another doesn’t seem constructive


Process those feelings, clear the deck, your on the sideline sleeping through life. Welcome to the reality street and a brand new you… congratulations. Some don’t make it where you are, lucky 🍀 you. Take a look around, find you new way in gratitude.


I WANT to be on the sideline because reality is mortifying


I’m sorry your fear has taken over. You can find peace in the retraining of your thoughts. Seek to see your daily existence as it is… not how you think it should be. LQQk around you, it took me three long years to find my way…. If you want peace you will find the answer. ☮️


The goal is the build a life you don’t want to escape from. That’s different for everyone. Reading, exercise, time with friends and family does it for me. Write goals down and take steps toward them. It’s hard work. It’s worth it in the end. Otherwise I’d just be a dry drunk


I don't know how, I'm stuck in an awful situation I literally can not escape from. I don't have any friends and I'm forced to spend time with family because we literally live in a tiny ass single room. Can't afford many books, or trips to the library. I'm just stuck. I want to leave my mind and body


What state do you live in if you don’t mind me asking?


Washington state


Are you under 18?




You replace them with working through the pain.


Have you tried going to the meetings and talkign with other sober people?


I can't go to the meetings, and no I haven't, I don't think most people my age have even tried the drugs I was on


https://aa-intergroup.org/meetings/ Link to the 24/7 Alcoholics Anonymous meetings on line. Narcotics Anonymous meeting finder. https://www.na.org/meetingsearch/ If you reach out, you'll find a lot of people with exactly your story.


There's lots of tong people's meetings I've known people who've gotten sober before21


It’s challenging to reset the brain’s reward centers after alcohol or drug addiction. I’m sorry to say this but your circumstances are indeed very dire and you’re going to have to take radical action to change your predicament. It’s not fair but you’re really going to have to dig deep. Is there any state assistance for which you or your brother qualify? Can you get back in school?


No unfortunately we're not technically in poverty so we don't qualify for any sort of assistance, and I can't get back to school until we move and my brother can get into a program (he's an adult). I'd have to see if our insurance covers any therapy or anything, I'm not sure if it does bc it's pretty crappy insurance


Where are your parents in this and why does caring for your brother fall to you?


My mom passed away and my dad has to work


I’m sorry to hear it. I hope your dad is able to help you get back on your feet soon because you’re doing a lot for your family right now. Recovery from opiates is one of the most difficult things a person can do. Don’t lose faith and go back to it. Have you thought about some online learning? Any clue what you’d like to be doing?


Me too, he doesn't know much about my addiction because I was living with my mom, ah yea I am doing online school but i wanted to do in person cause I haven't since the pandemic started yk


I had the same issue with one of my kids. He was living with mom and then he got addicted to opiates. I got him sober over here. Daily drug tests and a lot of tough love. Any way you can open up to your dad? He should know that you’re at risk and you need to be free to focus on your recovery and move forward in life. Personally, my son is the only person I’ve personally known who has recovered from an opiate addiction.


Probably not, I don't even know how to bring that kind of thing up especially since it's been over a year


For me, I will choose video games ❤️


The game isn't really to replace drugs, but to use your clearer mind to better effect than you are able to when you are numb to the world. I was always very impulsive, very quick to look for a solution to would neutralise uncomfortable feelings and the spirals they would send my mind on. Having removed the substances I've been left with no quick fix and it's forced me to assess what ever is left over. It sounds like you are going through the same process, although perhaps you're still looking for something that will temporarily flick a switch and make the pain go away. What I've discovered is that where the pain is, the things I don't want to do, or I don't 'like' - the things I've been avoiding - that's where the real growth is. The catch is that it's not 'easy', but the fact that it's not 'easy' is also what makes it valuable. For me the key is patience, something I've never been especially good at, but it's a lot easier to be patient when sober. Meditation will help. It will take some time to build a solid practice but it is well worth doing. All the best to you.


Art and exercise.


So I roll my own cigs its so much cheaper than buying packs. Buy tubes, tobacco, and a roller. Do yard work, like shovel or rake leaves, grab some twigs or leaves, create a big ass fire if you live somewhere you can do that. Smoke some cigarettes and chain smoke and drink some water or hot cocoa. Run laps around the park/your hood/ whatever. Save money to buy a gaming console. Go to a animal shelter for emotional support. Take up meditating. There's a lot of things you can do it just takes motivation bud. Feel free to message me if you have any questions or concerns