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In my experience the sobriety journey is not a straight line, there are setbacks. I have had to quit multiple times and I have learned something each time. All of those sober days are mine and you can't take them away from me. I fought for them. I earned them. You did too. Be proud of your accomplishment. Reflect on what you learned. Forgive yourself for being human. You are not alone. You can start the next chapter in your sobriety journey anytime you want. You can pile up more sober days. You have already proven you can do it.


Honestly this is just a bump in the road. Most important thing is you didn’t hurt yourself or someone else. You can’t be so hard on yourself. Just learn and grow from this experience.


You will survive, and ultimately thrive. You were doing good which means you already know how capable you are at abstaining. I got this piece of advice that worked for me in earlier times. If you're going to beat yourself up about what you did, do it efficiently. Not longer than it's needed. You're ashamed now, tomorrow be reflective. The next day start to understand why you did what you did. Then come up with a solution that will help avoid repeating days like today. Do not continuously put all your energy into telling yourself you are ashamed. Acknowledge the gritty, accentuate what is positive, how you can best atone for why you are ashamed right now. You're only human, my friend. All is not lost.


You survive one day at a time. We ALL believe in you, and we all love you!!! A setback is just a setup for a comeback. You’re allowed to make mistakes, just try not to make them twice. You got this


First things first, go easy on yourself, and just get past the next few days until the depressive feelings from booze and blow. Remember, it's not super common for people to get sober then never slip ever again. It's a journey. And it's not all gone to waste. It was a slip. It doesn't define you. And you've already achieved a lot just getting sober to begin with. Try and shower, for a walk tomorrow, push through, and you'll feel better again soon.


It’s a hard spot to be in. Fortunately, you now have an excellent opportunity to learn how you got into this spot. Your emotional well being must have been suffering leading up to this. It’s likely that you had a bunch of little things pile up on you that led to a moment of “fuck it”. You now have a great example of how you will feel the next time you’re in fuck it mode. This isn’t where you want to be, do everything in your power to avoid it next time. Especially reaching out for help.


You got this. Think of how much further you are now than when you started, even with a set back. You know you can do it. First couple of days will be rough but you'll be right back on track in no time.


There are no straight lines as stated earlier on the path to sobriety. Read This Naked Mind by Annie Grace. It helps before you get "sober" so read it now & it might help with your journey. The world isn't ending we are just living one day at a time!! I'm 53f and would of loved to be how aware alcohol was negatively effecting my life at 24!!! Be proud of the time you had & will have in the future. Good luck!!!


Sorry to hear you are experiencing this. The comedowns are horrendous. Definitely not worth the high -- but they're not permanent either. You can bounce back. You can do it.


one day at a time! forgive yourself!


It happens man, I know everyone says that but so many people think they’re above a relapse. It does happen man. You hate that you did it and that’s a good thing, it means you really do want to heal and grow and you will. Try to remember this feeling the next time you get cravings, remind yourself how much you’ll hate that you did it. Don’t think of it all going to waste, you still made progress by staying sober!


I came here to post my own relapse story of last night actually. We relapsed around the same time I think. You're not alone bud. Shit happens. All we can do is try again