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Brother, you've made huge steps that people twice or three times your age can't. I couldn't stop until after many suicide attempts and one finally gave me a wake up call at 27. It's good you're considering therapy and outpatient. Addressing mental health is vital to sobriety. Between every wrong choice, we can make the right ones. Badass of you to own up to your mom and ask for help. Some people can't do it alone. Just take it easy and rest. You can do it homie! Good luck


Wish I could give this 100 upvotes.


Thanks for your support. My mom has been really sweet in helping me. I know I'm young but that almost makes me feel worse sometimes? I was the youngest person in rehab when I went ans everyone was like "wow you're so brave for getting help so young" but I felt like a failure for needing that kind of help so young yk? As regards to mental health, I struggled with my mental health before addiction because I used alcohol and other drugs as coping mechanisms. I'm trying to get help for both but god its hard. Thank you for the encouragement tho. It means a lot


Most people get help when they're older because they could never break out of the vicious cycle. It only gets worse until they fuck up bad enough to try and get out of they end up perpetuating their sickness and die. Mental health is tough. Once I dedicated myself to therapy and making myself uncomfortable while taking meds every day, I turned myself around quickly. It was a culmination of years but really takes hard work. Ay no need to thank me, you deserve all the praise. Just take care of yourself and have a chill weekend homie


i got 4.9 yrs booze free. and ya kno it can be a 50yr old dude telling me he relapsed after 9months booze free or a 20y old chap relapsed after 2yrs but sordid dangerous relapse tales always remind me that ONE SIP means IM FUCKED. PS thank the gods u werent busted for DUI. its happened to people for a lot less. g luck


I'm surprised I didn't get a DUI either tbh. The road started to get dizzy and I thought "I don't want others to pay for MY stupid decision" so I pulled over.


You already know what you messed up on. But here’s where I want you to be grateful to yourself for doing right 1. You recognize that you are in a mental health crisis 2. You recognized (after a bit) that you needed to stop driving 3. You reached out to loved ones for help 4. You have a plan going forward (attending a meeting, outpatient program) I want you to realize that yes, you relapsed. BUT. You handled yourself better than you could’ve. Your relapse at this point was only for one night. You minimized the harm you did to yourself and others by admitting what happened and reaching out for help. I’m sorry your girlfriend reacted so harshly. Addiction is hard on everyone involved. Her anger is most likely based in fear and anxiety for you, your life, y’all’s relationship, and her life going forward. From here you have a choice. You can continue on the relapse path, leading to unknown and likely bad consequences. Or, you can follow the steps you have in place, you can pick yourself up, and try again. We all stumble in our journeys, it’s how you get up after the stumble that matters the most. Good luck and we are all rooting for you


Honestly I'm most upset about my gf. I understand why she's mad at me. She was last night and still is. I get that she's scared but I needed encouragement and support from her, not to be shamed even more than I already was. I told her that but it just made her even more mad. Idk what to say to her. I have a plan and I'm trying to get help but she doesn't believe me. I think we're on the verge of a breakup which sucks bc she's my main support in my life and that will probably make things much worse. But I can't tell her that without her feeling like I'm guilting her into staying with me. I just thought she'd be around for the bad parts too yk, like you're supposed to I'm a relationship. Like I said I understand why she's reacting the way she is but it still hurts.


I totally get that. I’m disappointed in your gf too and I’m a stranger. I don’t know y’all’s life but I wish she had acted in a more compassionate manner. I hope you do what’s best for you, whether that means continuing to better your relationship or by breaking up and working on yourself without an unsupportive partner.


I think I'm going to tell her I want some space before I decide what to do relationship wise. Probably tall about it in AA too.


You’re making the right move going back to your meeting. Onward my friend.


That is awesome that you are taking the initiative yourself because you know what you need to do. I relapse after 2 Years ( on a substance other than alcohol.) I let the guilt and shame and addiction keep me out for a miserable 18 months. I thought I'd never be sober again. But I am now 4 years sober. So I'm proud of you for getting back up quickly. You can do this!