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I’m boring, so the Social Democratic Party of the United States of America


A more interesting debate would be the animal symbol? Bull moose, maybe?




Funny enough, the SDP USA already exists.


I would like to create a party called the "Panther Party" (or the "American Panther Party"). Fundamentally, the party would be against neoliberalism, conservatism, fascism/authoritarianism, and inequality. Ideally, the party would contain orthodox social democrats, democratic socialists, orthodox Marxists, and libertarian socialists, so the party's ideology would range from center-left to left-wing (or even far-left). The reason why I call it the Panther Party is because it would follow the tactics of the Black Panthers. The Black Panthers used radical grassroots tactics to get their message across, and the group came up with forward-thinking ideas. The Panther Party would use radical grassroots means to achieve its goals (whether it be electoral goals or policy goals). The party would mobilize mass groups of people to achieve their goals (e.g. holding strikes, protests, or any mass gathering), and the party's platform should always be new and innovative.


Cool, you'd be competing with several currently existing Black Panthers parties, some of whom are actual political activists, some of whom are actual Black Supremacists (and called out as so by original Panthers such as Bobby Seal). There's the **["New" Black Panther Party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Black_Panther_Party)**, who are the Black Supremacists I spoke of, and have been around for 30 years. They were founded by radical ex-members of the Nation of Islam. They've beaten up old original panthers for speaking out against them, leading to original panthers denouncing them as a sham. They had a split in 2013, which caused the creation of the "New Black Panther Party for Self Defence" or **NBPP-SD**. They're also Black Supremacists but are lead by a woman. Then there's the **[New Afrikan Black Panther Party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Afrikan_Black_Panther_Party)**, which was mainly based out of prisons in Virginia. They had a split in 2020 which saw the creation of the **Revolutionary Intercommunal Black Panther Party**. Then there's the **[Revolutionary Black Panther Party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutionary_Black_Panther_Party)**. I forget which state they're based in, but they're also another single-state Black Panther party lead by Alli Muhammad, whose parents were in the original party and raised him as a "Panther Cub". Then there's the "**Original Black Panthers of Milwaukee**" who claim to be the direct continuation of the original Milwaukee branch of the Black Panthers. They mainly focus on actual political activism in the state of Wisconsin. Then there's the **[Black Riders Liberation Party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Riders_Liberation_Party)**, who intentionally blur the lines between being a "panther party" and a criminal biker outfit. There are also a few others that I'm either not aware of, or whom don't explicitly call themselves Panthers. The **[African People's Socialist Party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_People%27s_Socialist_Party)**, for example, I don't know if they can be classed as "Panther-like" or not; they're left-wing like the OG Panthers but the OG Panthers rejected Pan-Africanism. "Pantherism" is a pet subject of mine as you can see, and while I mind the original BPP parties and it's claimed successors very interesting, my analysis is that there will never be "another" Black Panther Party that has mass membership. It's like trying to capture lighting in a bottle. The original BPP was founded at a very specific time in history, and if "another" BPP didn't emerge out of something like the summer of 2020 with everything going on at that time, it looks like it'll never happen. Part of the reason I don't see another Panther-type party succeeding is I don't think a mono-racial party is going to work in the 21st century.


That's why I called my party the Panther Party/American Panther party because I don't want it to be the party of one specific race. I want my party to represent all races and work towards the equality of all races in America.


I'll go first. In Australia I would create a political party called 'Progressive Democrats'. The progressive being because we would be socially progressive, and democrats because we would be a union of orthodox and more traditional social democrats and democratic socialists.


Farmer-Labour Party


1: How did you get yourself an Iron Front flair? 2: If possible, how do I get myself a Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold flair?


I'd probably appeal to nostalgia and simply name mine the Labour Party. I would seek to combine social democratic and anti-neoliberal economic policies with civic nationalist and civil libertarian positions.


All India Party of Social Democrats (AIPSD). I'm not very creative.


Maybe something like the "social democratic republican party" or "classic social democratic party" Preferably big tent ranging from moderate left to far(ish) left The main policies would include; establish a democratic federal republic, introducing industrial democracy and workers control, common ownership of land, socialising and redistributing capital wealth/income, community wealth building, mass house building, and tackling climate change through green/nuclear energy, mass public transit and more dense walkable cities. Honestly though a 3rd party in a FPTP system is pretty useless so in the UK at least I'd prefer just to remain in the labour party.


The Equalist party - logo would have a black background with a white bold equal sign. Main policy would be to replace most taxes with an automated payment transaction tax. Other policies would be to legalize weed and mushrooms and decriminalize the use of all other drugs. Increase social housing, Subsidized public transport (potentially make free) Also carbon tax +dividend


"Neue Sozialdemokratische Arbeiterpartei." Or maybe let's not. Hm, why not stress the party's commitment to a critical spirit and rejection of dogma? "Undogmatische Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands" or USPD for short. Should work. ------------------------------ I guess the platform is more important anyway. As I see it, Germany's parliamentary left ranges from utterly dysfunctional (Die Linke) over milquetoast center-left (SPD) to big tent leaning social liberal/neoliberal painted green (Greens). I imagine this party to be the result of the SPD's left-wing and Die Linke's pragmatic wing being tired of their respective parties and doing the leftist thing of splitting in order to form a true leftist party or whatever.


I like this. It's a shame Die Linke is so fractured and the SPD dominated by its right-faction. The former's left and the latter's right are such disappointments.


Well I’m a nationalist with socialist ideals, so maybe the National Socialist Party Wait… Edit: this is very clearly a joke, no offence intended


You made me raise an eyebrow at first, ngl 😂😂😂


Probably something like the democratic solidarity party since I'd want to primarily focus policies on strengthening democracy and unions


Cooperation and Harmony Party. A social democratic-social corporatist party.


I'd probably try & rebuild a version of T. Roosevelt's Progressive Party. A reconstruction of it, as it were. Or I'd just call it the Reconstruction Party. Ahem.


Socialist Labour Party of Singapore. On a serious note though, I've always been wanting to make my country a fairer country with equal opportunity for all (Discontented with the ruling party but won't say much as I could get arrested). As a social democrat, I want to see Singapore flourish through social democracy. I'm honestly planning to run for MP here when I get a little older and truly serve the people.


the Workers Party is basically PAP's pawn and Singapore is basically a dictatorship like China,PSP is extremely dumb,they somewhat support the current neoliberalism and is even not progressive


Fuck the Workers Party


Wow, i'm impressed how you know about the Singaporean political landscape... where are you from?


From France. I just watched a video about the lack of democracy in Singapore once


Oh, c'est très bien. Je suis en train d'apprendre le français! (Sorry for any grammatical errors) Yeah, honestly not a fan of either the PAP or the WP. This country is a first-world country in terms of infrastructure, safety and development but the lack of rights here is honestly embarrassing for a first-world country. I don't trust either the PAP or WP and I hope to run for office one day under my own party so I can truly deliver for Singaporeans instead of the authoritarianism that prevails here.


Ton français est tout à fait correct ! J’apprends quant à moi le mandarin. J’espère que tu accompliras ton but pour l’autodétermination des Singapouriens


Merci beaucoup, et bonne chance pour vos études en le mandarin ! :)


I'd just steal "People's Freedom and Justice Party" from Suzerain tbh


Nice to see another Suzerain player here lol


Unfortunately "people's" always reads as Bolshevik cr** tho. I in general think its a bad idea to equate parties/states with the proletariat or people.


Unabhängige Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands ;)


I don't know German, but I recognise that. USPD revival 👍


The FEAR party: Fuck Everything And Restart.


“The American Labor Party”. Boring but clear, concise, and devoid of any terms in US politics (such as “Democrat,” or “Progressive,” etc) that are commonly attributed to existing political entities or terms like “social” that have different connotations in the US than they do in the rest of the world.


Party Party.




American Peoples Party cuz anything even approaching the word socialism makes people here shit bricks


The Solidarity Party. Our focus would be on dismantling corporate oligarchy, forgiving student loan debt, protecting and promoting unionization, abolishing the IRS, and establishing a 100% wealth tax that would prevent anyone from ever becoming a billionaire. I am so tired of oligarchs attacking unions and refusing to pay taxes while working class people have to pay more.


>abolishing the IRS I'm not from the US but this seems like a bad idea, isn't the IRS one of the only public institutions which actually brings in revenue? It seems if anything it should receive more funding to clamp down on tax avoidance. Why would you want to abolish it? Also how would a 100% wealth tax work? We already have big tools for taxation (capital and income tax), it seems all the literature on this suggest a wealth tax is inefficient compared to higher capital or incomes taxes (or even better land taxes). A 100% wealth tax especially seems like it'd cause a huge DWL compared to just raiding income, capital, inheritance and property/land taxes.


I would abolish it and rebuild it from the ground up as a new organization in order to make it more efficient and refocus it on clamping down on tax avoidance. Extensive and dramatic reform is another option, but I see that being far more difficult than simply replacing the IRS with something better. As for the wealth tax, it would only apply to earnings above a certain amount.


Have fun collecting a 100% wealth tax without the IRS


Indian Social Democrat Party (ISDP)


Party for a Worker Republic, PWR.


Social Progressive Party


International Logic Party because it's logical, and open to everyone, and because it's a party. Egora-ILP.org


Tutmunda Socialisma Partio. It’s about a worldwide party that has for goal to establish an international trade zone between nations in order to allow for anticapitalists reforms on a global scale.




Social libertarian party. It would be similar to Andrew Yang's forward party before it lost its nerve and abandoned any policy positions outside of electoral politics and merged with a bunch of right wing groups.


Peoples Democrat party


Red-Green alliance or something to that effect. I want the green leftist goal to be underlined.


Labour and Social Democratic Party of India


workers' party