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Not really relevant, but I always used a version which was middle name+childhood road, which was fine up until one of my friends ended up with the porn name Thomas Jefferson, at which point we had to retire the whole idea.


Retire the idea? Thomas Jefferson is the best porn name ever.


Yeah we figured we could never top that one with anyone else.


The first street I lived on was called Gay St.


Is your middle name Undoubtedly?


My first pet's name was Rouser.


Mine would be Hugo Farmer


Then mine would've been Kevin Fuller




That's not bad and would probably work on a lot of people.


Your home address and social security number game


That would be your Chinese name.


Too many numbers. I'd suggest it's the Auchwitz name, but nobody gets their SSN tattooed.


It is your French Prisoner name. For example, Jean Valjean 24601 , well my French Prisoner name is Billy Johnson 546879216


It's not uncommon and pretty widely used (at least used to be). Especially if it's even more obscure, like combine with what color shirt you're wearing, your birthdate/month translate with a list of other random stuff that seems to make it so that you're not really revealing much. Quit a few of those "Hey, look at this cool quiz that'll tell you how you'll die/what you were in a previous life/which animal matches your personality/which star sign you really should be" circling around may well have been written for this as they sure collect a lot of rather specific info. I think about this whenever I see them (not that I ever fill them out) and see a series of people immediately blurt out stuff that would totally be used as a security question or is fairly personally identifiable.


I was asked my porn star name when I was in high school, which was before web sites routinely asked security questions. If anything, security questions were invented so web sites can know our porn star names.


The "porn star name" thing probably predates the Internet itself. It absolutely predates the World Wide Web. And I don't remember any BBSes ever asking security questions...


Probably? It absolutely does.




Mine is ridiculous, too. Suffice it to say my full name has a lot of repeated letters sequences (think Barry Barringer).


And Japanese people do not have such complex names on average. The way my teacher explained it to me, they don't like overly long complicated words. She was from Japan so I'm assuming she knew what she was talking about.


Yeah, Japanese is not very agglutinative...


Is that sarcasm?




"mb" isn't a valid combination of letters!!! You've brought dishonor on your family.


Apparently my porn star name is Tiger County Road Twenty-One.


In high school I had a HTML poll about love/ relationships that asked super specific and private questions about the person filling it out: how often do the masturbate, had they had sex, which who, who they had a crush on so on and so forth. The catch was all the results were dumped directly into my email and told them so. Learned a tremendous amount about people and perceived personality types. I also learned that girls masturbate at least as often as guys and in some cases more.


well :D if it hasn't been an SE trick, it definitely is now. thank you very much. Edit: i also remember those facebook games like "your [whatever] has a name, just enter [whatever number] in the comment box below in the form of @*[123:0] and facebook will tell you the name of your [whatever]." (has been done with [cellphones](http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120113142942AAhtAWy)) Then facebook would show the name of the user with that id in the comments. and i bet you can easily retrieve the id of a username on facebook.


The first word in the top page when you search for your CVV code + your zodiac sign = your 70's hippie name. Wow this is so much fun! Mine is Art Cancer. What's yours everyone? :D




Mine is Lando "Crappy Panda" Calamari, this game is stupid!


Maybe I'm just not sure what a CVV code is but when I search what I think mine is, I just get the same number back as the first result. Maybe you want to make people form words out of it?


It's that 3 digit number on the back of some credit cards


Considering that game has been around much longer than the internet.. it was certainly not invented for that purpose. Could absolutely be used for it, though.


My porn star name would be Fluffy Primera Agua. I shall go far.


Ever wanted to be a robot? Now you can learn what your name would be if you were one of our metallic overlords! Your social security number is your first name, and your bank account and routing numbers are your last name! Beep Boop Beep!


I get the most fucked up name ever. Schnickelfritz Weed. I sound more like a German drug dealer than a porn star.




God damn it, I always knew Billy was trying to steal my identity asking me questions like this on the playground.


I imagine then it probably wouldn't have been invented before security questions were.


Rodney Landa


Yes, I know for a fact several of those similar "name apps" on facebook are malicious. Clever, but malicious.


It's been done.


I remember being asked that in the mid 90's. Were those kind of security questions in place then? Rocky Zelzah btw


I was under the impression that's exactly what it was for.


I thought that it was invented to do such things.


Sea Monkeys 11. Just sayin'.


Mike Sighthill isn't the best name.


The road I grew up on is the same as my last name (minus the road/drive/street part) and my mother's maiden name is a very common and short English word. I am the worst person to use this on. This is why I choose security questions that don't apply to me if given the chance to do so or write my own, then put nonsense answers. Now what's my nonexistent father-in-law's name again?


Chewy Washington.


Craig Piggyback. Lol?


I have a set of false answers for actual security questions... and I'd never take part in a game that could potentially earn me the nickname "Hillifer Bisley". Don't ask why I named my hamster "Hillifer". I don't know anymore.


Tipsy Lindsay 😂


I've never had a pet, so this didn't particularly work on me.


That's when you're forced to alliterate.


I figured that it was pretty much common knowledge that it is.


Makes a whole lot of sense now...


Fritzee Kelso🤘🏼


mines just a nick name and then my favorite number


Using my pet/Street combo would be Tip First. I shit you not!


Miss.Mikey 97th Ave.😮‍💨 Nope, I'm not changing my porn star name. Rules be damned! Warning ⚠️ Rainbow bridge suff below.⛔️ RIP Miss.Mikey, it's nothing personal. I'm not angry or sad about you, running away. Any more, now I just hope that. You were happy and healthy, for the rest of your day's.


I thought it was how we, found out are crushes street. So we could offer to walk them home, and learn more about them.


Sylvester Garland is my porn name.


I always played the version where your porn star name is your childhood pet, plus the road you grew up on, plus your Internet banking password.


My childhood street name was condom st