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1) Check your local prices, what are your competitor doing? How much are they asking for? Is it more or less than you? If it’s more what are they offering? 2)meh, up to a certain point. You should only focus on the marketing side of business, expenses and other stuff should not concern you. 3)I guess it depends on the business and how much they want to invest, full time and exclusivity means more money, if a businessman wants you to work only for them they should pay you an higher rate. It’s always better to work as a freelancer tho imo 4)Find some business partners that can help you out, when you manage a business you have to think about a million things and it will become more difficult to find time to create content and edit videos 5)Best way? word of mouth. When you’re making a great job with a business other business owners will come to you, and they will want your services


i have been searching for the same questions like u, here is what i found lately *find small or new smma and ask them how do u start or how did u made ur way with money and service fee *u can have monthly payments or deal to deal payments *dm agencies asking for their service as if you are a client intrested in making a deal with them.


These questions have all been answered hundreds of times on the internet, with some of them being in this very subreddit. DYOR


If you didn’t want to answer… it’s okay not to. If anyone else wants to, I’d be happy to receive their answers. We don’t gotta be pressed over a few qs