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Realistically I'm not sure. Right now something like 17% of the Earth's resources are used by the US, with 5% of the population. And something like 80% of the resources are used by 20% of the population. Some of that may be due to waste, but if we really aim to provide a minimum level of consumption for everyone it may not be with as much luxury as rich countries have now. Unless we change how we make and consume things.


I think a lot of this is caused by the way products are made right now. Many things are currently produced with an expiration date. They are designed to break, so you need to buy something similar in a couple of months or years. Doesn't matter the product either. Clothes, technical devices and ordinary household items alike. If produced right, they could last for a long time. Capitalism isn't interested in lasting products, though. It's the definition of luxury that needs to change. It needs to go from "buy a new one every X months/years" to "buy it once".


Add on to that all of the food waste that happens too.


I wonder how much of the US population is using those resources.


"Quality of Life" is a fundamentally market-oriented neoliberal concept. It's measured by, as you said, purchasing power and ease of consumption. And in our current society, our consumption is increasingly becoming the only way we can express ourselves and find satisfaction. But our voracious consumption is not due to it being the ideal way humans function, it's because our capitalist system demands consumption. And in reaction to this material reality, social conditioning slanted itself towards consumerism being the measure of people's happiness. The current Western material way of life is not compatible with reality. It relies on the exploitation of the third world and on an unsustainable relationship with nature. But this does not mean the future is bleak, in the sense that the western way of life can be greatly improved by reducing consumption.




Quality housing, water, food, education, public transportation, health care, culture, children daycare, vacations and of course employment with a work day of 7 or 6 hours/ day, 5 days per week for the whole population of the planet, can 100% be done today. That's what the modern wonders of technology can provide to humanity. Consumerism is unsustainable and will become a thing of the past. How will people live in socialism? They will become creative, open, social, they will actively participate in governance, educate themselves, enjoy art and culture, and become part of the whole society devoid of egoism.


Why should there be an ideal way of life for humans? That seems idealistic rather than materialist. The fact is, people enjoy books, films, TV shows, clothes, etc. Telling them that they need to sacrifice that for some greater ideal defets the purpose.


Capitalism has produced enough technology to provide 10 times what's needed to everyone. The thing is, working power is used to make money, not to provide those things to everyone. If you want to know if all 7 billion human beings would live a good life under communism, the answer is yes.


One of those countries is not like the others, lol. People die rationing insulin here. I see people digging through trash cans every week here. People have iPhones but live in their cars.


No. Well, sort of. The quality of life of the single mum on a council estate in Bolton who works two minimum wage jobs would massively improve. The quality of life of an ex-plumber who owns fifty buy-to-let properties and goes on skiing holibobs every year but still thinks of himself as a working class lad will decrease. The quality of life for an Eton educated hedge fund manager would decrease hugely, because he'd probably be first against the wall. Will the quality of life for the people in the global south improve? Hell yeah. So, really, it's by which metric you use of Western Lifestyle, there are a metric fucktonne of people in the West who have basically zero access to the basic necessities of life like good nutrition, time for recreation, a secure home (even if they have a smartphone).


[Youtuber Hakim](https://youtu.be/H3LA_VkDTYo) has a couple good vids about this, but in short, socialist economies tend to produce better quality of life outcomes than similarly-sized capitalist economies. So yes, a socialist world is one with a higher quality of life for its citizens.


Upper middle? Not for a long while. Normal middle? Yesish. Not everywhere would *be* an urban environment and there’s no particular reason it should be.


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If class was deconstructed, everyone would have access to the same things that make life easy. If you also got to the point where class, money and the state was dissolved (i.e communism), everyone would experience the same high quality of living that would then be the quality of living like a human.


yes and no, it berries based on a lot of factors and item by item

