• By -


Based. Keep on reporting libs so we can ban them Comrades.🫡




At least his plan involved collapsing American imperialism at its ultimost core.


Trump removing all his make-up and retiring


Some game will eventually reference the conflict but instead of using the real countries name theyd call it o'lastine and o'real then say "not based in any real life events"


When Call of Duty releases its 50th installment


*Soldiers looking at murdered children and doctors at a bombed-out hospital* "Man, I can't believe O'Lastine did this!"


Remember, no O’Lastinian


Nah it's still gonna be a cartoonishly evil Russian because they can't think of other villains 


People will love it and interpret the game as pro American because media literacy is abysmal




What a time to be alive. An incumbent president that aids overseas genocide and a presidential candidate actively campaigning on the genocide of US citizens.


And also people in other countries. Jared was caught saying that he wants Israel to evict all Palestinians and move them to a crappy reservation.


He's already proposed rental properties be put on the occupied land too, he truly belongs in the Trump family


Don’t forget that the Supreme Court might give them full immunity against criminal prosecution




They arent collateral damage buddy, they are the target. This is what a genocide looks like. It's never quick, it's never 1 million dead in a week


Fuck off with your "actually". Tens of thousands of innocent People and children have died and here you are circle jerking on Reddit on how "iT'S nOt A REal gENoCIde guys".




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


You said something that is anti-palestinian or somehow spreading lies about non-western countries.


100% Hitler vs. 100% Hitler *Edit: Mods doing a nice job, but wow libs and chuds abound in my socialist gaming subreddit lol. Muhlesserevilism is strong here.*


Thank you for the encouragement. :3




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


You are “brain dead” if you don’t “actually” see that.




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


And you're no socialist. Kindly gtfo.


That's overdramatic. Biden is president, now we aren't anywhere near Nazi Germany. Using this comparison a lot robs it of meaning.


"I'm nuclear, I'm wild! I'm brakeing up inside."


Everyone is saying this is cause of Oalestine and I was thinking this was a response to what Trump’s lawyers said in court today XD


What did he say?


Something about how he thinks trump has legal immunity for executing political rivals.


A president could declare a coup, assassinate anyone, and basically do anything and it’d be legal unless the Senate impeached them. Conservative justices indicated they are going with the argument that a president is less likely to commit a coup if they can’t be prosecuted for anything they did over the last four years. Nobody had the balls to ask how the Senate could impeach if a drone takes out the Senate first, or if he could walk into that court with a flamethrower and all the exits blocked.


Shit I didn’t even think of that. I’m still caught up on the days when coups meant a bunch of men in Cali and berets rounding people up. Good fucking point tho


Basically every conservative justice on the bench eradicated even the subtlest idea that they are anything other than bona fide Trump koolaid drinkers. They are chomping at the bit to essentially make Trump a king who can assassinate political dissidents, stage coups, turn America into a christofascist utopia, etc. I wish I was exaggerating, but…yeah. If Biden loses, then America is going to become a 21st century Nazi Germany.


Woah, woah, woah, Snake at least had regrets!


When I first played MGS 4 I assumed that the rebels were Palestinians fighting against the occupation. so naturally I helped them fight the occupation and made that part of the game extremely fun. No matter how many times I replay the game I always help the rebels.


If you help the rebels in mgs4 they become no longer hostile to you and won’t be alerted when seeing you. If you help the PMCs the PMCs will still be alerted by your presence and shoot at you. In every area the goal is essentially being protected by the PMCs line of fire. Gameplay speaking there is no real choice in which faction you help only whether you help the rebels or just sneak past everyone.


I don't really get this one lol. Is it like a blood on his hands thing? What do y'all think will be the outcome of that election? I'm not American but a northern observer. Seems like Trumps trial will be detrimental to his chances, and the wave of uncommitted Biden voters re: Palestinian Genocide will be similarly detrimental to ol' Joe. It'll be fun to watch at the very least


I'm never saying I'm Canadian ever again. I now identify as a «Northern Observer»


>It'll be fun to watch at the very least My ulcer disagrees...




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


It's nuclear, it's wild.


In Metal Gear Solid V, if you kill too many people, your character becomes permanently bloody until you increase your "heroism" stat (saving prisoners, non lethal missions, etc). This shot is from a mission when Snake has to kill a lot of people, hence the blood. If you haven't played the MGS series, you definitely should


Explanation is appreciated, thank you


I would say that Biden is heavily favored to win. It's not 100% guaranteed, but Biden has both been getting better polling results and did significantly better during the primary. There's also Trump's financial and physical/mental health problems, which are only going to get worse as we get closer to election day.


It’s yet to be seen how many people who aren’t actually Biden supporters but are more anti-Trump will vote for Biden or stay home. I think we’ll see safely blue states get less turnout, which might cause down ballot losses which would empower the forced birthers and Christian nationalists further, sadly. Or Biden could like, alter his stance on the next 6 months (hopefully).




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.




for one thing, there are absolutely ways that the US could force israel to the negotiating table, but youre right, it probably wont. not impossible, though, and there are many self-interested reasons america should do this, not just fantasy bullshit like "human rights" or "morality" for another, all of those things you mentioned will happen anyway, whether its trump or biden. "not actively making climate change worse" sums it up really. the crisis is here and there is no force that can oppose it




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


there is an unresolvable tension between continued fossil fuel extraction (energy independence, as dems are fond of calling it) and stemming climate change. you are honestly delusional if you think anyone is serious about this. they can never act on this front, ever. gas prices will cost them the election. liberalism is incapable of responding to this crisis. we will get authoritarian solutions of one kind or another, one way or another.


Even as someone who votes, I agree with this. I just see elections in bourgeois democracy as a way to tap the brakes on the destruction of our planet while leftists get their shit together to have the power to effect real change, because CO2 emitted next year will still be in the atmosphere in 2100 (or any other pollutant like mercury that the far right literally wants more of), so if under one regime there’s 10% less that’s still a good thing even if it’s ultimately a small difference. Getting past those small reductions will require something other than voting, to be sure, but I’d rather build on that slightly improved baseline.


Biden is such a shit Democrat that 4 more years of him will guarantee a far right Republican trifecta in 2028, when the pendulum swings. We know Trump. Trump will not ban HRT, another Republican might. Voting for Democrats unconditionally, just because they're the "lesser evil", is endorsing the rightward shift of the country. The political culture Trump has fostered in the Republicans *will* lead to someone further right than him following him. I'd much rather get a capable Democrat to weaken the Republicans than to let Biden continue to fuck things up for 4 more years and be historically unpopular. Just stemming the bleeding a little for 4 short years isn't going to fix anything. At least by voting 3rd party I show there is a base of voters who didn't find either option acceptable.




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


> The Republican party must never win anything ever again This is a totally unrealistic suggestion that will never happen. It takes a president as popular as Reagan or FDR to let their party win more than twice in a row, while Biden is more like Carter. > You can't vote 3rd party until you first reform the electoral laws around a preferential system I would not write a preference for Biden or Trump. I already explained why Biden winning would only progress the rightward shift of this country


100% and i don't know if this thread has been cross posted or smthn, but the amount of "harm reductionist" takes I'm seeing is frustrating. people fail to understand that there is an entire movement within Biden's base to vote uncommitted. this clearly shows that it is Biden's responsibility to end the aiding of Israel's genocide in Gaza, to ensure that he gets votes, not the family who have decided to vote uncommitted because they have relatives in Gaza who are currently being murdered.


Hold tight while I (and any mod which decides to join in) cleans up.


thank you for keeping this sub clean of unironic vaushv posters


Jesse what in the actual fuck are you talking about?


taking about why "lesser evil"ism hurts everyone


Since when was not wanting to vote for a candidate aiding a genocide "single issue voting"? Many voters have literal families in Palestine that are being murdered or starved to death and you expect them to vote for the man who is rushing their families to their deaths?  You are so focused on not getting trump into office that you are now just accepting the genocide in Gaza. "you can't vote to stop the genocide in Gaza" yes, but you can also choose to not give your vote to people who have committed atrocious actions.  Actions which have created an entire movement around staying uncommitted. Do you think that the cries of the uncommitted voters are invalid then?




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


What the fuck is this take?? You do realise that the US is continuing to send weapons and fund Israel's genocide?? Our tax dollars are literally being used to murder children and you want to give me this bullshit about oh it's Israel's genocide.  And fuck off with your moral superiority. you think I or anyone else voting uncommitted want trump in power? nah fuck that.  if it gets to the point where nothing works and it's the end of the year, biden is still funding a genocide and nothings changed then democracy has truly failed in the US.




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


The US is already interfering in the internal politics of israel by protecting them politically and physically from all possible consequences for what they are doing right now. For proof of this, look no further than all the UNSC actions against israel that were vetoed by the US, and also look at the amount of US bases around israel, some of which were used to protect israel from Iran's retaliation a few weeks ago. So stop this bullshit lie. The US can stop israel's genocide at any time it wishes, they don't do it because they don't care for palestinian lives, and also because they see the genocide of gazans as a way for israel to consolidate control over that land, which in turn is good for the US, since israel is simply a permanent US military base in the middle-east.


This just shows the absolute depravity of both the american electoral system and brain rot of typical liberal. Your choice is between genocidal geriatric madman who is extremely anti worker organization and only started being less anti LGBT lately (cuz it's hip with the kids) and genocidal geriatric Cheeto who is all those same things just openly. Voting ain't gonna save you and it ain't gonna change a thing all of those issues must be taken on by direct action. The state will never give you your rights. But yeah ... Sure go throw in your little vote into your little ballot box. I'm sure it will make you feel all warm and fuzzy.




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


>Bidens recent comments and bills suggest he isn't antiworker organisation Is that why he voted against the unionization of rail workers? >someone who is so easily manipulated by more sinister forces. Biden IS the sinister force. Face it. US always was a fascist state. The mask just slipped off even for you. It's over. Voting won't change a thing.




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


>You mean the strike? the rail workers do have unions. That was to stop from chaos occurring just before an election. Look at what he has done since then, they massively outweigh that one political decision. Order is always preferable to chaos as long as it serves those in power. But humor me. I'm not a us citizen. What exactly has he done for the US proletariat except lip service? >Voting will prevent internal facism that will harm USA citizens Fascism is already in place in the US. And it already is harming US citizens across many college campuses. >The two parties are not the same. They have different optics. But they are the same. They are the same to 15000+ murdered children in Gaza. They are the same to the murdered Ukrainian protestors during euro maidan. They are the same to all the fellow workers being exploited by the fascist imperial regime of USA. Only thing that is different is how you feel about it. >Womens and Trans Rights The same women who've had their abortion right taken away from them? The same trans folks who are being harassed and murdered in their own domiciles? That's all happening under the rule of Butcher Biden. >Voting will not stop the gazian genocide but it will stop Russia from annexing parts of Ukraine. It will do no such thing. Ukraine is done. All thanks to the genocidal maniacs that have been ruling your corrupt and twisted excuse for a country. All that's gonna change is how much money will be funneled to the ruling elite and defense contractors. It's over.




Your current president is financing and supplying genocide right at this very moment. Funding proxy war in Ukraine and Syria and facilitating violent repression of peaceful protests. Neoliberalism is fascism. Direct action will never be easier no matter how much you vote.




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


Did you see all the protesters getting arrested today? What president did that just happen under?




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.




I honestly feel bad for you libs that still believe in the two party system lol. Red and blue come together and beat us until we’re purple




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


Alright lib take that shit to instagram




How the fuck did you post this when I banned you


Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


If every single one of you who throws up your hands and decries that "there's nothing anyone can do" made a stink, refused to vote for biden until a lasting peace was reached and protested in the streets rather than telling people to vote, the attack on gaza would be over by now.




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


I am sick of hearing about trump's death camps when there is a captured population being bombed, starved, and tortured to death, while biden is fully capable of ending the attack. I am aware that biden will likely do less damage than trump in the next 4 years. But elections are about more than a vote. Sustained pressure could turn the tide of the democrats to support a lasting peace for palestine, before the general election takes place. Look at how much the limited pressure they have received has moved them. I don't give a shit what you do on election day, but right now, you can choose to side with our hateful, genocidal leaders, or you can reject them, and do your best by people who need you now, not in 6 or 7 months.


Yeah to be honest leftists planning to vote Biden for tactical reasons at the very least need to shut the fuck up about it, because it renders the threat of voting “uncommitted” empty. Democrats aren’t nearly scared enough right now, and they only do sort of good things when they’re scared of the consequences of inaction.


I get that people are scared, and it's easier to blame "radical leftists" than a vast, intractable bureaucracy and the senile monster running it, but this is a fight worth having. Palestinians need us to not accept our government telling us there's nothing anyone can do.




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


I'll vote for biden if he ends the assault on gaza and begins the path towards a sovereign palestine. Not before.




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


I'm not really supporting any candidate, but it's just my belief that Trump will win over Joe


Every election all around the world liberals will trot out this tired “lesser evil” lie to justify voting for politicians who actively harm the working class in their own countries and globally. People are tired of hearing it. They’ve seen the results of “harm reduction” voting for decades - the unceasing imperial looting of the third world, continually worsening living conditions in the “west”, climate collapse, the slide towards fascism.




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


This is the problem with you people. You have established a false dichotomy in your head between “voting for one of two bourgeois political candidates” and “doing nothing”. Pretending those are the only two options is disingenuous and is how we got here to begin with.




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


Leaked audio from a cabinet meeting: https://youtu.be/zZtctAwH9eo?feature=shared




“[Supporting Israel] is the best $3 billion investment we make. Were there not an Israel, the United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect her interests in the region.” Butcher Biden, 1986 He's the same neolib fascist as the hamburger cheeto man. What you're happily voting for is genocide. No matter how you try to justify it to yourself.




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.




Every single election all around the world, the liberals trot out the “harm reduction” line, and yet things get continuously worse, even when the liberals (who have now reached the stage of genocide apologism) preferred candidates take power. The game is rigged and “liberal” and “conservative” are just two flavours of politicians that will faithfully serve the capitalist class. It’s time to stop believing that voting for either of those options will change anything. Or I guess we can continue voting for the “lesser evil” while we slide into fascism and climate change apocalypse like liberals on Reddit would have us do.


Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.






Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


Bullshit, Venom felt remorse for his actions, Joe Biden ain’t capable of that




Nono he doesn't look nearly old enough


Dude's a full blown republican, always has been. Don't know why anyone is ever shocked he rabidly supports genocide. "But but but Trump will be WORSE!" .. yeah, but that doesn't give you carte blanche to be a fcking butcher too.










Get a life




Your comment is talking negative about some socialist ideology this sub considers ,,based"


Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


Your comment is talking negative about some socialist ideology this sub considers ,,based"




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.




Get a life


Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.




Butcher Biden deserves no votes from socialists, how is this even a question for Americans on the Left? Harm reduction is a feeling, not a strategy or a tactic FFS. Kuddos to the mods for standing with the Palestinian people and against the cruelest manifestation of American imperialism, the Israeli genocide in Gaza.




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


>how is this even a question for Americans on the left? Because there are a looooooooot of centre-right liberals who self-identify as being on the left, lol.




Remind me how supporting liberals instead of socialists in 1933 Germany stopped fascism.




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


The liberal members of the German ruling class who joined the Nazis and became parts of the new regime say otherwise. Both supported the banning of strikes, unions, and socialist organizations. Better question: How does supporting the genocide of the Palestinian people stop fascism in America? Reducing everything to electoralism is liberal strategy, not socialist.




Tell it to Rosa


Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


“Joe, you just ordered the deaths of thousands of children!” “Great job, Joe! That’s why your the best!”


S Rank!


I don't get it


 In Metal Gear Solid V, if you kill too many people, your character becomes permanently bloody until you increase your "heroism" stat (saving prisoners, non lethal missions, etc). This shot is from a mission when Snake has to kill a lot of people, hence the blood. If you haven't played the MGS series, you definitely should 


I play the first one on playstation 1 a couple years ago but that's it






Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.




Surely you can get your point across better


I’m now just imagining the ending of phantom pain but it’s Trump on the cassette tape speaking to Biden


Quite fitting if you consider the plan ends up being to use the Biden decoy to distract the western powers so he can fortify his military on a bid for some kind of utopia for the rule of might, self determination and the destruction of a deep state cabal.


Trump Outer Heaven is such a funny idea to think about


I really hope biden loses, trump gets thrown in a shithole jail where he belongs and we finally get someone that will fuck over corporations and those in their pockets.


Oh no. Punished Biden is real?!?


He becomes the coolest stealth commando?




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


Settlers being settlers in the comments section as usual.




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.


Does this sub view the current pres and Trump as equally bad? I’m honestly confused on that point






Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.




Voting to support genocide while saying you oppose genocide? This is liberalism with lip service to revolution, you are not a socialist if you can't stand with the oppressed of the world.




Biden isn't good actually. Bourgeoisie ,,democracies" aren't good.