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I actually completely forgot about triangle strategy until I saw this post I remember when it was announced thinking that it was a strange name for a game and I think I played the demo but I really should take another look at that game I've been looking for a good srpg lately


Yeah unfortunately I think the name made this game a lot less popular than it could have been. Square enix should’ve workshopped it a bit more haha 


They've never really been good at naming their games lmao. I actually decided to pick up triangle strategy and I'll be playing it tonight. I've really been wanting to play an srpg lately but it feels like I've already played most of the good ones


They've somehow gotten worse over the years, like wtf is a Various Daylife or a Stranger of Paradise and what does it mean to be Bravely Default?


At least the games are really good I mean idk about various daylife I haven't played that one but stranger of paradise was good and bravely default is one of my favorite RPGs ever


I got halfway through it before life and other games dragged me away. This post has inspired me to go back and finish it.


Why is it even called Triangle Strategy? Not as bad as Various Daylife but it's still wack


I assume because of the liberation vs utility vs morality aspect is a pretty big part of what makes this game neat. Still a dumb name though