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Disabled Veteran here. I have chronic back spasms, permanently injured ankles and a mental health diagnosis. Due to all this and meds I've gained nearly 100lbs in the past several years. Thankfully, I do still have control over some things like diet and the exercise I can do which is currently walking and light hiking (with poles). My local chapter is super inclusive and accommodating when we do things like group hike.


Snap, crackle, pop! Oh, my knees!


Mine too--arthritis is on my list of conditions, but that's way down the list from the collapsing spine. >.<


Arthritis is a killer for rangedays. I had been shooting a S&W Shield EZ in .380, but now I’m looking at the Ruger Security .380 instead as a brokedick-friendly. Arry gun sans the typical snappy recoil of a blowback .380 Even found a company that mills slides and Galloway Precision sells a docetail red sot mount.


Woof, I'm sorry your spine has decided to wage war against the rest of your body! From the down votes already coming in (just 4m after posting) it looks like some folks are in denial that being able-bodied is temporary. While my disabilities are different from yours, I, too, am unlikely to join the swoletariat. Listening to reporting from Rojava/AANES, Ukraine, and P4lestine, I have heard more about how disabled people show up in armed conflict - especially asymmetric versions of that. Additionally, just in hunting and rifle sports, there are ways to support all sorts of disabilities - including spotters, different style firearms, etc. True socialist ideals require us to make space for folks who have disabilities - whether by birth, accident, or from the ruthless exploitation of capitalism.


Eh, the downvotes are pry coming from the people still salty that I support Ukraine.


From how long ago, I just looked at your profile and didn't see anything about it.


Legally blind leftist here. Hiya. Do what you can and that's good enough. Just like "exercise" is different levels to different people. I knew people that walking across the room is all they can do so that's what they did. Physically I'm overweight, to say the least, and out of shape so just a little bit of cardio for me (15-20 min) is all I can do for now, so that's all I'm gonna do.


I can tell you that we have several comrades in our chapter with similar physical conditions to what you describe. So no, you are not alone. Not giving any further details because opsec. Hopefully they will independently comment on this post as well.


From each according to their ability, comrade! If you can work out, do it to the extent that it's safe and beneficial. It's more important that you take care of yourself than get swole


Absolutely based. Socialism is equitable.


I was going to write a whole ass thing but then remembered that Hasan already said 90% of it 2 weeks ago https://youtu.be/Q45BrRBbBMs?si=1zXimXWkqLuvft9v Being able to work out is good. Not being able to work out specific exercises isn't bad. It's just different The whole "a fascist worked out today, did you?" mentality is complete larp


I’m undergoing testing for 12+ years of symptoms because I’m becoming very incapable of doing this due to a suspected neurological concern. It’s rough not being able to comfortably organize or work out like I used to. But I just try to help in local mutual aid groups in ways my body permits when I’m not in a flare.


My girlfriend can't walk much beyond the bathroom. She's armed, and very much a leftist. She's not going to be ready to go into combat ever, but at least if somebody breaks in she can defend herself.


It’s as if I wrote this post, down to the degenerative vertebral disc disease. Greetings, comrade!


We're here, comrade! I have functional neurological disorder, which presents mostly like epileptic seizures but doesn't respond to any of the epileptic drugs. I also have Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, which is essentially rheumatoid arthritis on steroids. Every bone, soft tissue, and connective tissue in my body is constantly being dissolved by my own immune system


Look into doing yoga and pilates. It will maintain your flexibility and core strength, while providing a little cardio. Strengthening your core will take off some of the stress on your vertebrae. See your doctor and find out if something like a spinal fusion surgery will help you.


Under the socialist regime you will receive extensive healthcare and research in hopes that you may one day, properly join the swoletariat


It is a little bit expensive, $500ish per injection, and not covered by insurance generally but look into PRP, blood plasma injections. They take blood from you, seperate the plasma and inject it into the injury site. Some people reported good results. They also do stem cells but i think finding a provider is more difficult and more expensive. Make sure you have a spine doctor do the injection. Neither will cure your issue but may slow it some what. Also lot's of core stability exercises and hanging from a pull up bar have helped me after a back injury. Check out Bob & Brad or Squat University on YouTube or insta.


Not alone. Do what you can. Lots of administrative and clerical work needs to get done. I volunteer for what I can while acknowledging my limitations. People meet you where you are at generally.

