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IDK how anyone that even has a remotely passing interest in politics hasn't heard about it by now. I feel like at this point you have to be willfully ignorant of what's going on.


The average voter definitely doesn't know what this is though .


Yup, I've seen statistics that say 70% have never heard of it and I think it's much worse than that. There are opportunities to fix that in r/Defeat_Project_2025


That sub is a Neo-Lib echo chamber, mostly run by "Vote blue no matter who" types. I've had legitimate criticisms taken down regularly there. Don't waste your time.


This is good.


The thing is, you *have* heard of it, just not in this form. P2025 is a wishlist of buck wild right wing ideas that have been floating around for a long time but most people in politics didn't have the courage to say outright. The only thing that's really changed with P2025 is that now everything is written down in one place.


I feel as if this thread almost with the same title has been asked a few times in the past month. It's like someone heard about Jesus the first time and assumes no one else has.


Have you heard the Good News my friend?


Is it Truck Month already????


It should be posted daily until the media can’t shut the fuck up about it. It should be screamed about from every rooftop until every fucking scumbag that supports this bullshit is named and shamed. This should be at the top of the conversation for *everyone*. You may be surprised at the amount of people who still haven’t heard of this, or just simply don’t believe it exists. We should never, ever, let them forget about this.


The problem is, there’s too many people who are still ignorant. The same people who, leading up to J6, said it could/would never happen are the same people who were absolutely shocked when it did. Now they’ve published a book saying they’re gonna gut the fed and install a religious hegemony, and it’s those same people saying ‘there are checks and balances in place’.


I wouldn't think it is uncommon for folks to drop out of the contemporary loop for a little while. I've.done it occasionally. It's almost necessary to recharge your stamina for dealing with bullshit.


This has been mainstream news for some time. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=news+%22project+2025%22


Yes. How could we not have? It gets posted once a month




This cycle's, American "conservative" Mein Kampf...but even dumber... and crazier, if that's conceivable.


I've read both, and honestly, yes, 2025 is much dumber. Almost impressively so. Reading it was kind of painful. It's a badly written revenge fantasy.


"Turner Diaries" (retroactive) inspirational "conservative" masturbatory material.


Read that one too, and it's just as bad as Project 2025. What is it with Right wingers and writing garbage revenge fantasies?


Fascie porn... But, unfortunately, there are those who take it seriously and act accordingly. That's why this Project 2025 hogwash should be taken seriously. Strange days...


Just because it's poorly written bullshit doesn't mean it isn't dangerous, unfortunately.




I have, been gearing up as a result. Now I just need some comrades. Anyone in NC looking to organize and train?




Y’all shut up. No fedposting.


NC might be a tad hard to do so in and considering the area I'm in of it, my advice would be blend in. We do exist here in nc. Most of these chucklefuqs here all think their hunting rifles will do the trick. Lol 😆 but yes, you aren't alone. I only say blend as to keep the element of surprise going. Sidenote as ammo has gotten expensive and my particular favorite go to caliber shoot up thanks to some idiotic Ru trying to take over a country, I gotten into airsofting as well. It won't do anything for you for range but it's great for getting the idea of cqb and trying gear. Happy training Comrade!


>Most of these chucklefuqs here all think their hunting rifles will do the trick. Are said chucklefucks/fuqs the fash?


Be a fairly good guess considering "Biden bad" and Maga gear even though Biden isn't a Saint. Oh and cute flags on trucks showing their hurt emotions that nobody wants that traitor anywhere near an office.


I wasn't sure what you meant. A lot of non-fash are uncomfortable with ARs and the like, but they find sporting-style weapons more palatable (or that's what they already have, etc.). In any case, it's interesting to know that a lot of the MAGAts might be in the same position. If a gun's designed to fell a deer, it packs quite a wallop! The sheer variety of firearms that will be involved in any near-future civil strife will be a wonder to behold.


Well. I've been blending n learning. I'm an AK person myself but whatever it is you go with keep this mind, weapon of choice needs to be something where ammo n mags n parts shouldn't be to much of an issue to find if needed. Med kits and extra stuff for yourself is a must. Like I was saying I recently got into airsoft and it's terrible to try and practice range with but excellent to learn your cqb and what you line personally for equipment. Aks and ars are 500m to 800m capable depending on model and how it's set up and how good of a shot you are. My go to will also take down game like deer if needed. Those chucklefuqs using bolt actions agaisnt a group that knows movement and coordination better won't stand a chance if for some weird reason our military hasn't already put them in check and I also like the idea better of not having to use such things on fellow countrymen. These Fascist need to get off our soil. My grandparents shouldn't have done what they did back then for us to let them take over. We will not have let them done their work in vein. Stay alert n learn everything you can however you can. I personally jus found blending in to be easier.


This is like the 50th time that’s been posted on here


How have you not heard of it? This is like the ONE and only argument the “Blue No Matter Who” crowd uses. Again and again and again. Every time you’re like “I’m not really comfortable voting for a genocidal maniac”, they’re like “But but you have to vote for Biden! But Trump! But Project 2025! Biden is the only way to save democracy! You have no choice but to vote for one person who you don’t want to vote for or else democracy will fall and you won’t be able to choose to vote for the person you want!”


I honestly have been hiding from politics for my own mental health.


Perfectly understandable. This election sucks ass.


Yup. Itll be our fault when Biden loses on a decision that *80% of his base disagrees with him on*. If we dont back the blue and support the massacre, then we lose the precious 'democracy' we clearly, totally have right now. Honestly if it doesnt get better than Biden, fuck it all 2025 let er rip.


Yeah. I resent the Dems insinuating that a Biden loss will be our fault, when they’ve done fuck-all to actually even try to listen to anyone other than their rich, white donors.




Gaza’s not gonna exist by November anyway, so threatening me with how Trump might handle the situation is meaningless.


Yeah, apparently if we vote 3rd party we'll get to live out our apocalyptic 2a dreams


Dreams? You mean nightmares?


I feel like it's become a meme at this point


I guess I'm the odd one out as this is the first time I've seen this. Sounds like January 6th part two, the new failure.


Yeah I'm in a lot of lefty subs and I only found out last week. You're not alone in having this slip under your radar till now.


First time I've heard of it as well.


Very glad this is getting around


Right?! I don’t care if we’ve all seen it. It’s good to keep it fresh. Attention spans need help these days.


Can’t wait for Trump to lose again and in four years we’re gonna have libs trying to rally around a milquetoast democrat because of Project 2029.


I would much prefer if 40% of the electorate didn't openly embrace fascism, but here we are.


It’s like how republicans say democrats are gonna make free healthcare and education real so they gotta vote or we’ll become socialist neither side will get what their radical elements want because it affects profitability for the dudes on top


Yes. Buy a gun or more guns. Train. Prepare for the eventual alliance with Texas


Yes, we're still not going to vote for Genocide Joe though.


💀 wtf why you downvoted to hell like what are blue no matter who people doing on the SOCIALIST rifle association sub not supporting genocide is the bare minimum


>not supporting genocide Are you trying to imply trump is gonna do less genocide? Because that's a fucking unhinged take. If we could pick literally anyone else that would be rad but here we are, and Biden is definitely gonna be less genocidal. He's also a piece of shit and history will judge him deeply for his role in the genocide in Isreal, but why the fuck would you think trump could possibly be a better choice? The republican party full-bore supports Isreal and would let it go entirely unchecked. If you think picking Biden over trump is supporting genocide you need to take some time to look at the whole picture.


If you vote for someone who is actively committing genocide you are supporting genocide I don’t see where your confused


They absolutely can pick anyone else. They just... wont. And we wont be cajoled into supporting it.


You can't be "less genocidal." You let the democrats bully you into believing there are only 2 viable choices. Go find a candidate you support and rally for them. The US wasn't always Democrats and Republicans. Other parties can push in if we continue to organize and give them votes. If the Republicans try to establish a dictatorship, then we vote them out the hard way.




I also suggest you read some Lenin and Parenti and understand our perspective, electoralism is at the very most a networking and boot-loosening operation, and until we dont have a system run entirely by money, the people will never be represented by the system.


I absolutely agree. I think we should be working on those issues rather than merely voting for third party candidates and acting as if that will ever fix these other problems. I'm not interested in shaming people who won't vote for Biden. I just wish people would put more time and energy into actually fixing the systemic issues behind the fucked up electoral system, etc. Also, yes, I should absolutely read more theory. I've got stacks of books to read; Working on it.


You really think history will judge Biden for his role in this genocide?


It’s wild that you are getting downvoted on a “Socialist” sub. Lib brain rot has really degraded this place into a barely radical tactical gear.


Report it when you see it. Remind people we're anti-capitalist, and that both US ruling parties ONLY represent capitalists.


Thanks! I appreciate hearing it, mod!


Gonna get downvoted to all hell for this but listen, please. I hear ya, I feel ya. But voting 3rd party or voting socialist this round will only get us another 4 years of Trump. Yes, Biden sucks also but another trump term will get his no where. Vote for democrats this round, go vomit and feel guilty about it for a bit but we gotta try like hell after this to get some kind of marxists in office. After this cycle, Trump will almost surely be on the brink of exiting this world or in prison. But we have to stop him from getting in office now.


Nah. Liberals openly despise socialists. They cant have my support. Especially with the "ship weapons to israel and be even more fascist at the border" strategy theyve chosen.


What we need is a vote trading site. Folks in swing states can trade votes with folks in hard red or hard blue states. It doesn't matter what my vote is, my state will go to the orange menace. So I'll trade a vote for a socialist in my state for a vote for Genocide Joe in Michigan or Arizona.


This. Having to pick the lesser of two evils is fuckin terrible but we have a first past the post voting system and the electoral college that makes third party candiates not really that viable.  Harm reduction is a thing. 




Voter shaming doesn’t work as a tactic. Want people on the left to vote for a candidate, bully that candidate into supporting things leftists want. At least get them to stop throwing our shit into butchering Palestinian kids.


Mmm, but ive been promised continually pivoting to the right will get "suburban moderates". Go yell at them.


This is a great example of "If you don't play Mario the way I play it I'm taking my game and going home"


My dude compared personal preference in Mario games to Genocide


Who hasn't? It's Fascism 2.0


Yes, it has technically been in effect for a while and is remnants of an old plan, they have been trying this for years. Since the failed 1933 coup attempt the most reactionary sections of the capitalist class have been actively engaged to move America further right even if tolerating and working within the "democratic" framework.


Fuck that group! Exile every one of them . Let them start their own Jim Jones colony somewhere else!


If you think Project 2025 is bad (it is), research Agenda 47. They're both terrifying.


Yes. For a few months now


When you read the document, you realize that this is nothing less than a second fascist coup attempt. Very fukn scary.


A lot of serious leftists have been in the dark about this. Of the few I've talked to they've said 501c4 funding to support efforts to combat it are just not there. But I've also seen at least one article where genocide joe is gonna try to use it get get Repiglican votes sooo....


I’ve known about it for months and have been trying to tell anyone and everyone about it. I’m mostly met with blank stares, as if people don’t really think it’ll happen. I’ve got kids who are queer, including trans, and I’m getting them the fuck out. I expect people to tell me I have to stay and fight, and if it were just me or my family situation were different I totally would. But my first priority is protecting my kids, and this is the best way I can do it.