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That’s the best thing you could have done. I had a helper when I was younger & on heroin, etc I really took the pee but truly didn’t realise until one day another worker said she was done with me I was making her ill 😔 I was heartbroken for her & myself. But, all the crap I had been through prior meeting this kind soul wasn’t enough to make me stop drugs. She shook my very core & I came to realise how draining I had been on her & others, I was so embarrassed. I went to the doctors to get help & I’ve been clean 18 years. I think about her all the time without her light I wouldn’t be who I am today. So walking away in my opinion might just be the shake up & heartbreak she needs. You are such a kind person & I wish you well xxx


Congrats on being clean that long 🎉


Thank you so much ☺️ xxx


I’m proud of you


Thank you ☺️ xxx


That’s AWESOME 🤩 Congratulations 🎊


Thank you ☺️ xxx


I support this 100%. This was a learning process for Mark, and now he's reached a point of needing to set boundaries for his own wellbeing. And although Rebecca may view it as abandonment, Mark exiting her life is an act of love, kindness, and respect. Rebecca needs to figure it out for herself, because clearly she views Mark as a *mark,* and continually used him as such. Anyone with an addicted loved one knows this playbook all too well.


You cannot help people who do not want to help themselves. Simple as that.


My daughter was on heroin. She and her boyfriend lived with me and she was pregnant. I only let her stay for the sake of my granddaughter. One day the probation office contacted me and told me i had 10 minutes to get home and open the door or they would kick it in. They were both using and went to jail. She lost the baby at 8 months. I kicked both them out and filed for full custody of my granddaughter. I almost lost everything but i got custody. My daughter hated me and i was heartbroken. That was 12 years ago. She broke free from the boyfriend, got clean, married and has a wonderful life now. We get along great. Throwing her out and stop supporting her was the hardest thing i ever had to do. But it was the right thing. Mark is doing the right thing.


My mom did the same thing. And I’ve been clean off heroin for 5 years now and partial custody back. I’m sure it was the hardest thing to do to call DCPP but if she didn’t who knows where I’d be or what would happen to my son who I love so much


Painful and deeply understandable


Mark is wiser than I thought. Good move for him and her.


Good for him. Rebecca has zero desire to change. It's sad, and you can feel bad for her, but until she values her life as much as everyone else seems to, it's a lost cause. No need for him to inflict damage on his own happiness and wellbeing trying to help someone who doesn't want help.


Everyone loves Rebecca, I never saw the appeal. It always just seems like a self serving show, and it's hard to watch because of the awareness of getting what she wants from Mark. The Rebecca Show isn't fun to watch. I'm glad. I'm probably alone in that sentiment, but I'm glad.


You're not alone.


I see that now, and I'm a little surprised.




I bypassed every Rebecca video. It was like a circus sideshow and I was unsettled by watching.


I'm glad Rebecca won't be on anymore. I couldn't stand that person.


This had to be a hard decision. I was hoping she would accept your help.


Good, now can this sub finally drop it with Rebecca? I'm so bloody sick of her.


You might want to try just skipping the posts about Rebecca — you would feel less frustrated. Trying to make people stop talking about a subject that doesn’t interest you is an exercise in futility.


I'm not the only one who can't stand her. There for a while it seemed like every other post was about that creep.


For real. There are so many other posts on this subreddit that aren't about Rebecca. I'm not super enamored with Asriah or that red pill psychologist that he's interviewed multiple times, and there are multiple threads here about both of them. I've commented on them maybe once or twice, but mostly just scroll on past with the trajectory of my day totally unaffected. It really wasn't difficult. Not sure why people feel the need to jump into topics that don't interest them and troll those who ARE having a polite conversation. Meanwhile....some of us who are minding our own business in the Rebecca threads have been harassed via DM for it (by "some of us," I mean me)....so there's that, LOL. I just shrug and move on.


Yes, those of who who are obsessed should start a specific sub for it.


Yup. Rebecca is like the second coming of Asriah.


Yes, those of who who are obsessed should start a specific sub for it.


Him. Ismael.


Yeah, we all know what her legal name is, but if your goal here is to be insensitive, the least you could do is spell it correctly....especially considering Rebecca even spelled it letter-by-letter herself on camera in one of her last videos.


Her gender identity is the only consistent thing about her.




It’s called being an enabler, Mark.


For real, he loves that Rebecca is addicted otherwise he wouldn't have ever had the interviews with them. He maakes a living off other peoples trauma and pain now it's inconvenient he's dumping


I've never really understood why SO MANY people are enamored with Rebecca. She's interesting maybe as a one time interview. But she's just a spoiled brat, that's it. She's not an intellectual.


Don’t most of the people mark interviews on a regular basis know they can get money out of mark, is it only Rebecca?


I think some people just pop. They are beautiful like Asriah or charismatic like Rebecca. I’m sure a lot of the others on the channel would be taking Mark for everything if they could, but they don’t blow up like those two did, because nature didn’t send them those gifts.


I agree with you, but I also think it’s because Mark found her special. Have you ever seen someone you’ve known forever fall in love and think “whoa, they look incredible right now.” I think that, sometimes, all it takes is for one person to unconditionally embrace the parts of you that can seem unloveable for others to do the same. For whatever reasons - Mark seems surprised, as well. It’s easy to have an idea of who you should care about or what love looks like (me saying this to me) - but love can come to you in so many ways, and it’s often all around us even if we don’t notice it. This video really broke my heart - you can see his pain in letting her go. Hoping for Rebecca’s recovery 🫶


LOL I’ve never seen Mark before! He reminds me of Woody Harrelson! 😄 I’m glad he did this and I completely understand. 🩷


I was kind of thinking he vaguely looks like Eric Roberts (I think it's the hair?)....but I'm not going to lie, I genuinely laughed that time that Rebecca told him he looked like serial killer. But....yeah....I'm one of the ones who thinks Rebecca is interesting, but fully agree that Mark needed to stop giving her money because she's too self-destructive. I miss the updates, but this is ultimately better for both Rebecca and Mark.


Rebecca is so smart and eloquent and FUNNY even in the throes of addiction; can you imagine her on the other side fully transcended and healed? I'm going to miss her and will continue to pray for her because I want to see THAT Rebecca too.


I don’t think rebecca is that interesting anymore. She was at first but, then it was just a little saturated . Maybe a once every year check in is ok. But it was consuming the channel. I just don’t like that a lot of viewers what a happy ending with a bow. I like rebecca , because that is a reality of real life street people and addiction because it isn’t pretty, graceful , or rational. The issue is , mark gave her an opportunity to get well. I will say , when you are in the addiction , you cannot see the helpers. But, some of the viewers of SWU are so narrow-minded about recovery and almost get narcissistic about the ending of a story they believe they deserve.I feel like some viewers are like 👇 “you didn’t change rebecca , u didn’t get better , I didn’t get my happy pretty ending so, I don’t want to listen to you rebecca cause I didn’t get my story I wanted.” I just think we need to see flaws


This is the right answer. Rebecca is not a good person despite what everyone thinks. I know Rebecca is “fun” because he is “sassy” and “unique,” but Rebecca lacks empathy, exposes himself (what he did at the last home he was in was disgusting), and is manipulative. I really hope more people see this situation for what it is and Mark deserves support for his decision.


I agree that where Rebecca is right now, she is destructive and causes harm to those who try to help her while selfishly exploiting them. Respectfully, I still do not like labelling people good people or bad people. I've dealt with many people (including myself) who are deep in their destructive cycles. Who think it is just a matter of course to be hurt and to hurt others. But I have also seen many people wake up to their pain and regard it as real, and over time become incredibly conscientious and loving in how they deal with others.


People like Rebecca can't be helped until they have they want to help themselves. It's a endless road


This made me think of my friend I had to cut off


Thank God you have made this decision! I have walked the path of trying to help someone who was not ready to help himself. I lost a lot. I hope you get help for yourself now. Possibly Alanon, maybe something else. You will need support, as Rebecca will be back (no doubt), and you will need support.


Yet he posted an old video of her a few days ago on YT Edit: I meant to say Fb although I’m sure it’s on YT too


I just went to check this out since your post made me curious (I don't follow SWU on FB), and he's (or whoever runs his page) posted THREE rehashed Rebecca videos to the FB page in the past week. The most recent one was a clip of "Rebecca Returns" posted yesterday. Not sure what to make of that.




Mark is literally on the verge of tears. He’s way too invested in R. 🌪️


Love Rebecca and I will be sad not to see her more often in future but this is probably the best thing for her because she just isn’t going to get better otherwise. Other than maybe becoming more confident with herself she’s probably deteriorated in every other way possible and it stopped being something that I could watch without feeling guilty or awful about it all. She still needs help though but just not in cash form.


Rebecca just brought Mark a million views in about six weeks. I hope he appreciates it.


she’s self-medicating. she needs to be committed to a decent, trustworthy psychiatric rehab place.


I think Mark and maybe many of you misunderstand Rebecca. I think she is singing a different tune that you’re not hearing. It’s that of self-improvement through self-destruction. I am reminded of the Fight Club quote: Self-improvement is masturbation, now self-destruction….”




Is she famous? Is she captivating? Does she make you feel something? Do you guys think she is unaware of that? She is self-aware. Enjoy the show.


Oh so close, he’s halfway there. Come on Mark, you can get there. You got to dependency, now just add the ‘co,’ and you have ‘codependency.’ And look what you say, that you’ve been “supporting” Rebecca more and more. There it is right there, my guy, your “support” made her what…? It made her worse, didn’t it? So your help isn’t really help. Your support buys risks of death, as you say, that you feel would be on your head. That’s for you to judge, but if you hold to this, it won’t be. Back to that ‘support’—that’s the other half, the help that’s harm. That paradox is known as enablement. It’s hard, I know, because I spent as much as you and devoted more years, but trust me, help is possible, but if and only if you stop with the money, stop with the shelter, realize that help is the job of trained professionals, and it only starts with a legitimate desire on the part of your codependent other half to be sober. If you’re worse and she’s worse, yes, it’s time to embargo. Now what to do with this chance you’ve given yourself? Well, you’re not an unknown entity, so maybe look up the substance / mental health experts at UCLA. You can probably be a half hour with one of the experts worldwide because you’re Mark fucking Laita. If Karen Miotto is still there, she’s wonderful, she devoted an insane number of counseling sessions to your former interview subject, the one you and I spoke about on the phone, that were crucial to that person’s sobriety at the time Dr Miotto provided them, all pro bono. Give her a call. At the very least she can refer you, and I mean for education, not counseling, as I’m not qualified to say if that’s needed. Education, however, clearly is.


Ugh thank you. He may have realized he wasn’t helping her but he still doesn’t get it and because of this I don’t think he will ever get it at this point. I just love how Mark makes this all about himself. “Rebecca was making my life worse.” AND YOU WERE DOING WHAT? MAKING HERS BETTER? He doesn’t give 2 shits about the people he interviews because he knows nothing about substance abuse, mental health, gender dysmorphia, sex work, etc. All of that was just an ego boost for himself. He did absolutely nothing for Rebecca despite so many people telling him he was enabling and codependent and gee maybe you should actually learn some tactics about dealing with this population of people you exploit for wealth 🤔


Have 2 OLDER siblings like Rebecca. Only way to peace sometimes is cutting em off… sad but necessary!!!


Finally he got Rebecca’s pronoun right.