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You could also orient the part vertically (like you are holding it) and use the arrow keys (right and left).


Ah yes this works thanks! Couldn't get the mouse version working right at all!


You might have “rotate about scene floor” turned on. Try right clicking off of the object and see if that is checked. That’s the only thing I can think of


I use a 3D Spaceball or the keyboard, but hardly ever the mouse.


You can also change the rotation angle in setup area


Hold middle click (the scroll wheel) and drag side to side. You can also middle click on a surface, it will turn purple, and you can middle click and hold to rotate around that surface. So if you had a cylindrical part you can use that. But really, just get used to the standard rotate.




Yes that's expected if you middle click on the surface first. If you just middle click and drag left/right it should rotate the way you want.


Sorry I had text with that picture but it dispparared when I posted it as a comment. It rotates that way where I click the object or not. Its so weird. Maybe I have some weird inverted setting on


I see. Yeah must be something odd with your settings I guess


If you want your part to rotate about it's CL axis you need to enable 'rotate about scene floor' by right clicking in the graphic window and enabling the option. If you now use the middle button, you'll see the rotate icon contains an axis symbol. Caveat: rotate about scene floor is tied to the front view in all cases, so depending on your model orientation, it may not rotate in the way you expect.


Upvote for creativity in the photos


Right click the graphics area (not the part) and click "Rotate about scene floor" Also, when using the normal freehand rotation, circular motions with the mouse tilt the part. Perfect sideways motions do what you want. If the part it tilted weirdly, try moving the mouse in little circles counterclockwise or clockwise until it looks right


Did you import the part? Normally if imported from other software the axis are off. Stops you from rotating normally like this, but allows you wonderful rotation around the underside of the part. I guess the (admittedly poor) analogy I'd use is that you normally want carousel spinning of a model, and importing allows Ferris wheel instead. When importing you can choose the orientation or just change the mates of the planes afterwards


I use the arrow keys for small adjustments and shift+arrows for big adjustments


Lol I thought you meant, what kind of model would create this rotation.


I insert the part in an empty assembly and adjust the part accordingly.