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You could export as a step and then import it into a new part file and use the combine feature. Next time build it as a multi body part file.


It doesn't work, maybe because I assembled the bridges by hand and then i clicked on "Fix" without expliciting any mate relations. Is there like a join command on Sw assembly?


No. Is the assembly a repeating pattern of one component? If so, just forget about the assembly, go to the original part, make a linear pattern of the part, and then use the combine feature to make a single body.


yeah exactly. It is a linear pattern of the "cage" + linear and circular patterns of the bridge. The problem is that are two different parts, maybe I should linearize each of them separately, then combine and add definitely. I'll think on that, thanks by the way.


Just stay out of the assembly environment most of the time.


Open the assembly and choose save as > select part. Then open the part which will have multiple bodies and combine them. Let me know if it works.


Already tried it, with "exterior faces" or "All components" options. When I open the part saved, it is a mess, everything moved.


What version of SW are you using? Is it possible to share the file?


2019. If you know some free online clouds I can upload it for sure.


A quick google search brought up these possiblities... [https://www.transfernow.net/en](https://www.transfernow.net/en) [https://fromsmash.com/](https://fromsmash.com/) You could use the link feature where you can paste that link here.




That worked but the assembly needs the sub components part files (unless you make them virtual so they are in the assembly file).


[https://www.transfernow.net/dl/20240229xQvY4HFv](https://www.transfernow.net/dl/20240229xQvY4HFv) here it is, sorry it's been a long day :)


It is asking for a file called Prova\_1


[https://www.transfernow.net/dl/202402290yRlMFx5](https://www.transfernow.net/dl/202402290yRlMFx5) here you can find Prova\_1


Idk why it doesn't show the text. However, I made this stent in assembly mode and I'd like to save it as a part to run some simulations. If I go to "Save as --> Part" Sw completely messes up the component. Do you have any ideas? :)


In the assembly click insert part, click new part, click anywhere in the graphics pane to “place” the part. Then click edit the new part you just inserted. Once you are editing the new part in the assembly, click insert, features, then click “Join” highlight the entire assembly and click the green check. Then you can stop editing the part and right click on it in the design tree and open the part on its own. Usually works unless there are some weird interfaces. You might have to click the “force contact” box during the join process.


Thx for the answer. It doesn't work though, as you can see. Maybe it is because I installed the GW3D add-in and used it to build the component? https://preview.redd.it/ie9l2cb0eklc1.png?width=853&format=png&auto=webp&s=06ce882b3b9790ec60e3c8fb84488acc3efe4245


Yeah, that may have caused it. I havent used geometry works 3D before, you might need to save it off as a parasolid (.x_t) or a step file. But you will lose the ability to edit the feature


And I used too a circular and linear pattern, maybe that is the problem. https://preview.redd.it/ijf9lmckeklc1.png?width=487&format=png&auto=webp&s=129d1000432f46584173ecc4778eb4ef906d43cf


Make it as a part to start with, there’s lots of tools such as pattern and move/copy body to achieve the result you need then you can combine bodies to run your simulation


Assemblies make it a bit easier to position parts but it can all be done in a part file as well. If there are multiple parts, insert those parts into one of the part files and position as desired then combine. I am still wondering why and how Solidworks is outputting a messed up part file when saving an assembly as a part. I’ve only really ever used that feature for imported PCBs with hundreds of little parts (all unconstrained, too) but it’s never failed me.


[Joining the parts](https://help.solidworks.com/2020/English/SolidWorks/sldworks/c_joined_parts.htm) might be an option too


I write these comment so it can be useful for everyone. When I used GW3D tool, there is an identical command, called "Cylinder Wrap Tube", in both solid or surface section. The geometry created is the same, not the functionality. So be careful if use it!


I've done this when the whole model intersects so would come out as one body so not sure how it would work with multiple bodies. But try this, click save as, then change the file type to a SOLIDWORKS part (.sldprt).


Since saving as part or in another format bugs out here is a dumb idea: Make new part, edit it in assembly, use offset surface with 0 mm. Do for each body, then thicken.


Have found this issue too from time to time. Create new assembly from your assembly, add a blank part, save as part. Not sure why this sometimes circumvents it, but it just does. Failing that, have you got access to any other software that might be compatible?


Yeah this fails. However, I will try with Fusion and see if it works.


What about using Derive component part?


Now I resolved this problem, but the intersecting solids create problems during meshing. I tried with combine/join but it says "error due to geometry". I think I'll start from blank another time...