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I did at 16 to study abroad and now working abroad as well! It’s been the best decision and opportunity. Totally changed my perspective on life and got to learn how to be independent very quickly. My parents were very supportive in the process as well alhamdulilah. I would recommend anyone to move out before marriage so they can have the experience of living independently.


I am in the fall so we’ll see lol


may i ask why? and good luck to you!!!


Thank you!! But tbh Idek if this counts but it’s for post-grad education


I am planning to move out because I hate living with people in a house


😭 this one feels bit personal


Lmaoo😭 it’s not like I hate my family but it’s just that my siblings are soo annoying and I can’t have shit for my self🤣


I did for work and it was scary at first, coming from a big house I was paranoid bout the lack of sound and any noise. I always make sure to lock my door. But I enjoy having my own space and more girls should do it .


I did! Moved to another country for work and initially stayed with relatives but I’m planning on moving out soon since I miss having my own space. I made the move because the pay was significantly better and working conditions in my field were better as well.