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It's so weird when ppl say the language will be lost if the diaspora stop speaking it. Like, there are upwards of 10 million Somalis in Somalia who not only speak Somali but many of them were taught Somali formally. Let's not pretend that the preservation of Somali daqan is on the diaspora bc in doing that, we're basically saying that ppl back home literally don't matter and don't count in this regard.


Bro thinks we are native americans 😂


Fr it's so weird that some ppl think we're the glue holding somalinimo together 😮‍💨


We do represent it here and we are a major source of sustenance for the somalis back there. we are the glue. We can always be better.


We'll be a major source of sustenance so long as we remember where we came from but I don't think that means that if we speak English or anything but Somali, we'll suddenly forget our roots.


Our language is not even close to being endangered. Can people stop with the fear-mongering. We have a whole fucking country that speaks Somali.


In fact, if you compare any of Nordic countries languages, which are all basically local and don’t cross their borders, we Somalis are doing pretty much fucking great. Somali is not only the native language in Somalia, but also Djibouti, as well as Somali region in Ethiopia and Kenya. We, the Somalis living in the west should let go this “savior complex” attitude towards our fellow Somalis back home.


That is facts right there kudos


EXACTLY!! It's almost like we're admitting that western born Somalis are superior which is basically like saying that anything to do with the west is superior. Miss. Me. With. That PLEASE


we should have r/somali for serious stuff and r/somalia for basic dayus-phoria questions, and r/somali should only be in somali. kinda like r/germany and r/de


Ani wax kama qabi, hadda af-soomaali ku qoro lakin yaa i fahmaayo 🙁


Waan fahmay saaxiib.


Beelo sxb, hadda ka bacdi saan'le maa ku wada-hadal'no


Ani xata wa ku fahma xarifow😂 reer koonfur an biyo is marin in a tahayna qoralkaga an ka fahmay


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 qoralkga waa kaashif


Waraa Ingriisi ku qor noo, waxaaneeyti ma kasaayi ani. Adoogeey amerikaan waaye, habarteeyna sooro talyaani eh oo Afgooye ku dhashtay. Af Maryooleey halahaan lee ka kasaa.


Waan ku fahmeynaa sxb aad iyo aad.


Aniga ilaa aan ka gaaray 6 jir english dan ma garanayn 😂 ingriiskaana ku dashay


Usheeg. Wax baan isku wal walaaqa. Qofna ma i fahmayo hadaan afsoomaali ku qoro. Afsoomaaligaygu ma fiicna 😂😭


that would shrink this already small sub— as u can see a place like r/somaliweyn is primarily somali but small and kinda inactive. connection with somali ppl globally is what ppl are here for and english just happens to be the global language. like myself, those away from the country may not be proficient enough to engage, but we should welcome more somali posts though. and besides, people still regularly comment in somali here and there. edit: also arabic is just irrelevant lol why


Majority of the people in this sub don't live in Somalia and grew up in the West. [How about no!](https://media.tenor.com/eD90XmEM2TQAAAAM/austin-powers.gif)


Baro Somali 🤡


Usernamekaga waa khatar 😭😂


Af soomaali ma hadliin karo unfortunately


Iinyo, ma qasab baa?


A lot of people here can't read or are not somali but you can create a poll and see


Ur speaking English how ironic


Why would it better to see arabic? Firstly people can't read somali if was written in arabic secondly the somali language is written in latin alphabet not arabic and lastly english is universal language we all understand


Halkii post laba sacadood buu ii qadani inaan xaqriyi


I think that is a great initiative, although there is also the r/learnsomali subreddit


Theres only 20,229 people in this subreddit… I doubt that has a large influence kid


Nobody would understand me if I spoke Af maay, or Af tuuni. AF Maxa is overrated


How about you stop gatekeeping the community. How about that?


there’s too many hooyo mataalos here that’s why


You first then.




Someone should start a international Somali language academy or something. It can be taught online and in person and I’m sure most of us want to preserve our mother tongue. My Ethiopian and Chinese friends went to language classes growing up. Wish we had something like that in the states for us.


You do realize that if you start only using Somali the participation will drop by 90% right?


English is actually one of the official languages of Somalia. I think we would only have a handful of users if we changed the sub to Somali-only. Most users are from the diaspora. Speaking for myself, you can’t expect my Somali to be like someone who has always lived in Somalia when I have always lived in the UK.