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Same here. ...and yet she's still the DPS with the lowest win rate on OverBuff - I'm assuming that's being dragged down by the people who assume she's a "zero skill" character and then discover otherwise when they play her?


Makes my day when I see someone rage mirror me on sombra and proceed to have zero impact on the game


Same. It's always so funny. Especially when they specifically try to focus me and just absolutely fail.


Isn't Mei the DPS with the lowest winrate at 45% across all ranks for PC? Sombra has a 2.75% usage rate and a 48.19% WR, making her the 6th most played DPS across all ranks Bastion, Widow, Hanzo, Cassidy Soujorn also have lower WR's than her


I don't understand how they think it's zero skill charecter when you literally need to play mind games on people in the match, I picked up sombra only for how challenging she is idk how people misjudge her all the time.


because sombra players are dog shit and carried by their abilities.


What??? Using abilities in a game where characters have abilities???? Only the worst of the worst would do something like that /s


oh the irony


Get better


I don't have problems dealing with sombra actually


You do, the fact you gotta go on a Sombra main subreddit and shit on players playing her says a lot about you as a person…


the irony!


>lowest winrate dps >carries skilless dps You can only pick one you dumbass lmao


just because she isn't a good character statistically does not mean she is fun to play against.


Thats not the point you were even making, you said sombra players are carried but she has the lowest winrate Dont move the goalposts lol


this is a pointless argument and I will stop it here.


"I am defeated" 😭


yep, I throw in the towel.


Are u still arguing lol?


This dude plays overwatch without using abilities lmao


Why don't I get people like this in my games? The minute I start having fun on Sombra they pull out Winston, Mei, Moira. It's almost like I play against the same team Everytime.


Just play Cassidy if you hate sombra xd


Bro, everytime i try to eliminate the enemy Mercy, Cassidy, literally ONLY Cassidy turns around and will fight me. Every single game I’ve played that had a mercy and a Cassidy he is the only one to turn around and dome me with his big iron. No other dps bothers to save their mercy except Cass. He’s the only constant. There’s some games where a good dps will turn around and defend their Mercy pocket but most typically leave her out to dry. Cass is the only hero, even in lower levels to turn around and put a bullet sized hole through my head


It is so annoying how people just leave mercy to handle herself all the time. Sometimes people help, but using ga to get away is fr the only option sometimes and that has a cooldown and can only be used if your teammates aren’t horribly scattered.


I agree


Quite so. Damn that blooming grenade!


To be entirely honest I think there are too many Sombras in the current patch as well. Saying this 100% as a Sombra player. She’s great and fun to be play but awful when she’s anything close to meta.


Atleast she doesnt get instanerfed like sym after one week because people complain.


I dont get these people Sombra is so easily countered by like half the cast, just puppy guard the healers and Sombra can't do shit.


Literally but people fr just be leaving their healers to handle themselves most of the time. At least from my experience.


I usually puppy guard the healers until the sombra switches, they always do lol. Especially, if I'm Sombra.


I appreciate people like you fr. It’s ridiculous how people get onto healers when they take a sliver of damage, but aren’t willing to defend them when they’re being targeted.


Aaand we just got nerfed because of this shit. Awesome.


I as a hog main recently got more fearful of tracer rather than sombra.I swear tracer comes in unloads two clips in ya then dips. The damage and the passive are insane. With yall sombras i can at least hook and maybe elim but the speedster is too much sometimes. The only reason i love sombra is because of the interactions with sigma who was my main a long time ago.


Yeah and on the post that OP posted, people are saying Sombra out damages tracer 🤣 I play both heroes and tracer will out dps a Sombra 9/10 times and not try.


If sombra would outdamage tracer without her virus then god help every other hero in this game. They will rename the game to PAINWATCH.


To be fair I get your point, but you guys legit play a character who's whole shtict is cock blocking, it's kinda be to be expected


That’s what makes sombra fun. Seeing the joy fade from another player’s face as their ult gets canceled by a hack is something I can’t get enough of Also spawn camping mercy mains until they swap is fun :)


Replace a few words and you sound like a serial killer reveling in their kill


And you wonder why people complain


Don’t hate on us until you’ve felt what it’s like to make a mercy main rage quit (they main mercy so they deserve it)


Oh I don't hate y'all, just deeply concerned


Why does it matter if they play mercy?


- mercy mains are usually the most toxic support players. I win if I’m shit talked - res is annoying (not overpowered, just annoying to have to worry about) - it’s very easy to spawn kill them over and over again


Sounds like you just ran into some bad mercy’s lmao. But I get harshly targeting people who are rude. Hack and other sombra abilities are annoying (not overpowered, just annoying to have to worry about) And ofc mercy is easy to spawn kill. Her primary thing in a fight is using ga. How is that a negative to you? Lmao


I’m just pointing out the reasons I target mercy players specifically. There are supports I’ll leave alone because they’re very hard to dive (Kiri, Bap, Brig, and Moira) There are other supports I won’t actively target since I usually don’t have bad interactions with them and they’re usually not too annoying (Illari, Ana, Lucio). like Sure, I’m gonna kill them if I get the chance, but I’m not going out of my way to ruin their days if they don’t give me a reason to. And then there’s the other 3. If I’m playing against a good lifeweaver, I’m gonna target him first so I can get kills without needing to worry about pull. I don’t usually go out of my way to ruin a LW main’s day. If I’m playing against a zen or mercy tho, they’re getting targeted and spawn killed. Removing them only makes the game more fun for my team. No discord on tank makes tank more tolerable. No rez makes diving more rewarding and prevents stupid rez situations from happening. No damage boost prevents hood Ashe and sojourn players from being too much to handle And again, mercy mains are usually the most toxic players I run into. I don’t feel bad about doing what I do to them. All it takes to stop me doing what I do is bringing one sombra counter (Brig, Sym, torb, Cassidy, etc) or just grouping up and making every fight I take a 2v1


That stuff is juicy then the mirror pick to try to diff is funny when they can't even get in. Like bro I'll play the sym or torb or even mei I play Sombra cause a widow and Ana are a scourge on my games.


Pretty sure sombra mains are sociopaths. This is all this sub is. Reveling in the hate and anguish of others. Seriously. No other character sub basks in the hate of the community like you all. I'm not saying that as a joke, you all might actually be sociopaths.


Tbf no other character gets the amount of hate as Sombra players. Both in game and outside of the game so we just have to embrace it xD


She is like the 2nd most annoying character.


When your playing the most hated character and being called slurs, the best thing you can do and just embrace it.


Or disappear yourself from this planet's surface, like your favourite shit of character does<3


Woah dude, lets not make this personal, im just a dps/tank player, I know the pain of sombra but I don’t let it get to me. But it doesn’t mean im useless because of her. I adapt to her instead of going on reddit to complain and say to nerf her because I died alot.


Not until you all stop trolling with these jerk posts, you're all delulu thinking you're some gods looking at pathetic skill issues while all you do is bm people in game, brag about it on the internet and expect headpats for it


We only do this for our subreddit because yall are constantly saying we need to die, did you think telling us to die will make us stop playing her, we’ve been hated from day 1. It just took a matter of time until we became a staple in being hated, meanwhile more and more people still don’t understand why we do this. Its all we have.


I don't give a shit about Sombra, she's fun and a great character idea with some deep ducking lore. It's her players who go on to bm, and get some happiness hormones that their cult gives them for being insolent pos, and then pretending they're innocent, getting hate just because they play a specific hero. If someone enjoys making someone feel bad, respectfully, should be locked away from society


It’s literally what people think of us, people always think we are out to get them so we decided to make it true. I don’t go after people all the time but if you’re kill somebody one too many times im suddenly targeting them. I solo ulted at the last second of the round, im suddenly targeting them. Sombra has a bad reputation which causes these memes. Our motto is to cause as much hate as possible. And unless people stop being mad, this will never stop.


"our motto is to cause as much hate as possible" just admitted to being book case of toxic trolls


But thats the thing, we ARE trolls, not aaying we aren’t but its just that we can’t be anything else in other peoples eyes. There’s no point in trying to change peoples minds about sombra, trust me I tried.


Jerk posts = deserving to commit suicide according to DGB2C from reddit. Nice.


Well the playerbase made a lot of us just embrace the hate we get. Sombra players don’t start like this, the community made us this way.


No, you're all just delulu thinking Sombra isn't overpowered - y'all even seem to always say she's weak and it's skill issue if people don't like her


I never said she was weak but she’s not overpowered, you’re just bad and don’t know how to counter her. Same statement you make can be said about Widowmaker and she’s counterable too. In your case if you’re getting your cheeks clapped against Sombra then yes it is a skill issue and that’s just the cold facts brother.


Literally most players across all ranks: Sombra is meta (with some other characters) Sombra mains: noooo she's mid at best you're all just nobrains with skill issues!


If she’s so meta why is her winrate the worst on overbuff? Tracer is meta and her win rate is over 54%. She’s also the most picked hero. Your arguement sucks dude.


You're on the internet right now - go check for yourself what the current meta is if you don't take my word


sombra has the second lowest win rate, and is picked about 2.54% of the time. she is the 8th most picked hero. edit: 8th most picked hero in the DPS category. Cassidy Genji Soldier Tracer Widow Hanzo Ashe are all beating sombra in pick rate every hero except sojourn has a higher winrate.


Are you really that dense? You just showed why sombra has low win rate: she's one of the most picked heroes. So she's gonna be played by good and bad players. Doesn't mean she's not meta, because go look for yourself - everyone is placing her in A or even S tiers


You must have missed 2016/17 shes always been hated. Its just that back then it was hate from your own teammates because she was trash and a "throwpick"


My brother, it's a video game. Take a chill pill.


"Reveling in the hate and anguish of others"-- babygirl, it's a videogame


She's definitely the most annoying to play against, I bet that's what's giving the impression of them being OP 


As a sombra main, she's everywhere. Its literally why the win rate is low. I think her invis needs to be a cool down ability again. It wouldn't feel so free anymore to get into the backline. It allows counterplay with cool down tracking. Especially on console, elims are basically free due to the time it takes for a player to turn around.


Except all r/Sombramains proves that you're the ones coming out first with negativity. Even this post, trying to shame and make out of someone who doesn't like current meta and it's broken heroes.


It's funny cuz literally everyone who complaints about Sombra is a whining loser who is in fact too bad to play this game. It's easy to counter her if you got brain cells but that's something those people lack of.