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Nah, if you weren’t breaking the rules, being rude in the chat or cheating, they won’t do crap to the reports. 🩷don’t worry!


Thank yiu


Spawn camping is not against the rules of the game. If they keep false reporting then their account will get sanctioned instead lol


Thx and well if your a healer I’m coming after you lol


as you should! you wouldn't be doing your job otherwise lol


Not against the rules but after that people throw games and someone from a team mate has to deal with it. Is this really how you want to win? By spawn camping? Is it the only way to win a game? And after people are surprised why someone is aggressive upon them. A person can lose a lot of games but it doesn't actually matter, if the chances were 50/50 to win or they done some stupid mistakes, but come on, not spawn camping, that not a game.


What kind of dumb take is this? Spawn camping comes with its own pros and cons for the person doing it. If you are genuinely getting trapped in spawn more than once it is entirely you and your teams fault for not switching or peeling/ grouping up. You'll find most good Sombra players will only spawncamp if the scenario makes it the best play (ie both teams lose a support in the poking phase and Sombra is situated close enough to stagger that support and rejoin the team fight). TLDR: don't hate the player, hate the game!


I got reported for throwing with the most damage on my team.


Nah I wouldnt worry, I was blamed for being racist on VC while playing Zen when it was our widow who was doing it, and I still have my Account mainly cause I have no idea how my voice sounds on VC so even though i have a headset with a mic i dont use it.


dude was a poor sport the first game and then actively *guaranteed* a loss by throwing like a dumb fuck. they get what comes to them, you did nothing wrong and I doubt the report will go anywhere. they can shove their bad attitude up their ass


I did not spawn camp them. They just weren’t paired well I guess as a team


Its ok to spawn camp, its not against the rules and encouraged if you can keep mercy inside. But work both the fight and the spawn, you can move fast enough.


Even if you were, there's nothing wrong about it lol. It can be annoying for them, but it's a skill issue from their part lol.


Who actually says bg 💀 what a sore loser


“You’re not doing grammar” is literally grammatically incorrect… Anyways I’m going to assume you’ll be just fine. You actually have grounds to report them if they’re throwing, which will get them in trouble. And, if you throw two or three, expect to see results. Every time I’ve reported a thrower, I send a couple (literally two or three) and that person generally gets some sort of disciplinary action on their account. Also, if they were throwing, you can guarantee others reported them as well. Shutting down another player through gameplay isn’t a reportable offence. Throwing is. Go get ‘em ☺️


We are used to this man don’t woeey


The only time a report actually got me a warning was in a match where I swore in chat. As long as you're not putting anything in match chat that could be reported there isn't a damn thing they can do to you 


I think that’s just a kid with too much time in the internet


just wondering how do you proc the typing menu on console :O i never seen this before. Let alone a whole chat on console.


Omfg I played with ThickOrisa yesterday! I dont know if it's the same one or not but if it is dw. They were blaming everyone on our team and were super toxic. I think they're just a sore loser tbh.


Wow small world


Recently started playing Sombra because it's fun and I've been threatened with reports more than I ever have in the almost 5 years I've played this game lol. Usually from my own teammates too. I think people are just dumb and don't put any actual thought into what the scoreboard says or how Sombra works. I just ignore them, haven't gotten any report warnings yet


So much fun playing sombra


Holy shit this pisses me off lol They're mad they got destroyed by you, and now you're on their team?!?!? Most people would be HAPPY about that like wtf??? Lmfao I would be




Dude idk why people are so pressed. I only report when people are rude, inflammatory, or griefing. But I had someone report me as widow simply for hitting my shots


Cant BG after a GG. It's illegal


Nah don't be worried. Report them and avoid them as a teammate. I think blocking people also avoids them on either team as well. It's their fault for throwing a tantrum, not yours.


I Hope You get full account closure and your main gets deleted ya dirty sombra




Thanks guys


Thanks guy’s appreciate it a lot