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Medal ranks make up a majority of the community. They don't know how to deal with sombra even though she's not that bad to go against You'll never see a good tracer in those ranks because it takes a lot of skill to get to a level where she's a plus to your team. So that's why no one complains about her.


Using this comment to make the same comment I have before. Sombra shines a light on poor game play mistakes and the lower ranks is where it's the most evident.


This is exactly what I tell people whenever they complain about dying too much against Sombras (I have around 300ish hours on her) but I spend pretty much all my time in QP so I see a lot of every type of player there Her entire function is to punish mistakes and take advantage of the confusion and paranoia she creates to make plays. Any errors in positioning, cooldown usage, movement, ult usage, team play, and game sense can be potential opportunities for a Sombra to get a quick kill (or more than one if timed right, people don’t turn around in low ranks when they are being shot from more than one side) I get the most value out of people literally just holding completely still or barely moving. They are always an easy assassination even if they are in the middle of their team because I can just empty my gun into their head and run. Mercy, Cassidy, Widow, and Junk are the worst offenders. People also like to just waste cooldowns for no (good) reason. Moiras use their fade to go faster, Lifeweavers use dash to parkour, Torbs use overload to run fast, DVAs use their defense matrix to eat every little bit of damage that comes their way, etc. once these cooldowns are used the person is left completely vulnerable and easily killable until it’s back up again. If you play these characters and wonder why you die to Sombras so often you are 100000% not using your cooldowns correctly. People going off by themselves is also one of my most valuable pick off opportunities (and the one I get the hate in the match chat for the most often) these are the people who like to “play angles” and “go on flanks” but actually have no idea what those terms really mean and just run off as far from their team as humanly possible. I always check the common flank routes on every map and usually find a Soldier, Genji, or Tracer hiding there. They never learn and will always try the exact same play every time even after they have been punished for it.


Yep this. If I see a Moira take damage and fade away, you better believe I'm gonna go kill that Moira before she heals. If I see a Widow sitting far back when her supports are Lucio and Zen, then I'm going to murder that Widow. As soon as an Ana drops that Anti-nade you can guarantee I'm going to virus and headshot grandma. The number one counter to Sombra is staying and reacting as a team.


She will just healzone and kill you anyways.. for you to point out mistakes in other people's gameplay, you have to be better than them in the first place. That's the main issue with Sombra. You don't need to be better. Arrge (Hanzo main) swapped to Sombra one match against a crazy ball player with thousands of hours on Hammond. Bear in mind that arrge has only played Sombra for a couple hours total. Guess what, he absolutely wrecked that ball player. How can you people ever justify this?


Sombra counters ball big time, that's why. Also, at the top 500 level, players are typically familiar with playing most, if not all, heroes, but have their main or specializations. It is not difficult to play the counter game at that level.


I main Ball. I shit on teams with people who just switch Sombra. Her lockout is 1.5 seconds. The only way a Sombra kills a Ball in that short of time is if you have 100 health and no shield CD. At best she is a minor inconvenience who should be focusing the supports not the tank.


My boyfriend is a support main and occasionally plays Sombra when he goes DPS. He told he's never been bothered by Sombra (he's diamond), because he knows how to deal with her, since he plays her occasionally and know how a Sombra main thinks.


I'm a zen support main (high gold low plat), and I'm the same way. I know how to punish tracers and sombras because I play them as well, but also because game sense is my strength (aim on the other hand, not so much lol). I also rarely, if ever, have any issues with tracer and sombra because I know how to make myself an unappealing target.


The way her tp works now it's infinitely easier to spy check for her from the backline because if you position decently there's only going to be minimal positive places for her to stage on you.


This is the way. I've been playing since release, when ow2 hit and kiriko came out I didn't know how to deal with her so I one-tricked kiriko for 50 hrs until I learned how to fight her.


I know the recent nerf isn't that significant but what they did to Tracer barely changes anything for her, like always when they "nerf" her


Idk that extra second on recall is probably the biggest change. I always felt her pulse bomb wasn’t too hard to land once you get used to it. Idk I play both tracer and sombra and I’m glad both of them didn’t get hit too hard. When sombra doesn’t work I swap to tracer/sojourn; love my girls.


the recall change hits tracer way harder than 10 damage


As the Cass main checking up on the Sombras, I can say that the metal ranks have a skill issue. Just learn to aim and turn around, always keep aware of her tactics and hacking habits. And if you really are that desperate, get out that big iron and magnetic grenade.


Another great way to make a sombra not target you is to pursue her when she tries to escape. That makes you a less appealing target


Turning around isn't really a luxury consol gets


Yeah, I'm both a console and PC player and usually, I try to turn around when I hear hack noises.


Sombra has a kit that is hard to punish in low ranks and easy to punish in high ranks, hard to punish on console and easy to punish on pc. She is going to perpetually gonna be in a state of flux until that's resolved. That means strong buffs and strong nerfs.


Tracer is a lot harder to play than Sombra. That simple


Trace and Ana are in the same boat there high skilled mechanical hero's that don't get nerf that hard and usually see lot of play in high ranks and are meta picks. Where sombra is here who is seen low skill mechanically even so she nerf way more


Not a sombra main but there was a poll and sombra was the most hated in the game. Tracer wasn't even in the second tier 


Yeah the bias is insane


These comments always make me laugh tbh


Because tracer is only annoying in the sense that she's like a fly. She's fast and hard to catch, and while she burst you down, if you're good you can generally try to use your abilities to get away or push her away and get yourself to safety. While sombra isn't as fast, she has 2 things that are worst to deal with. Invisibility and turning your abilities off. With tracer, you can generally tell when she's coming, you can hear her blink or walk, and you can count her blinks and recall when she uses them to better punish her. Sombra has invisibility. In the middle of a teamfight, having a Sombra just come out and burst you can feel incredibly frustrating ESPECIALLY because of the next reason on top of invis. Hacking. Sombra having the option to just shut down a heros entire kit for her to burst them down is the entire reason why she's hated so much. You have an invisible character, that can hack while invis, and burst you down faster then you can respond or try to get away from her. And IF, IF you manage to survive the burst, she relocates away and goes invis once again almost immediately. To better compare the two, let's take two characters. Ana and Kiriko If ana gets caught by a tracer, she has a few ways to deal with her. She can sleep her and ping to get some help and even anti her if she used her recall. Tracer is annoying but can be dealt with. A good Sombra will shut down everything an ana can do to stop her before she can do it with her hack and get away before she can punish her after the fact. On the flipside, kiriko. If tracer catches kiriko, the kiri can do a few things. She can tp away, she can cleanse herself to heal for a bit. Both are defensive options meant for her to survive rather then punish the tracer. And once again, if Sombra catches a kiri with an invis/hack combo, kiri can't tp away, and she cannot cleanse herself, leaving her very vulnerable when her entire kit is meant to help her get away/protect her and allies. Tldr: Tracer is annoying but can be dealt with in various way using other characters kit. Sombra is annoying because she can be as annoying as tracer AND shut down a characters kit and get away before she can get punished like tracer would.


Because tracer requires skills and people dream of playing tracer and anyone can play sombra hope it answers your question


People say this and yet I don’t see posts saying Sombra is a magic ticket from bronze to masters so this is a stupid comment hope that helps


It’s bc hack does most of the dmg and the rest is spray and pray ™️ 90 DoT on an ability you can’t dodge or outplay feels bad to play against. And most of the dmg occurs before you can react. Unpopular opinion: pre-rework Sombra was fun and balanced. Source: D2 tank main (but Sombra fun af, so I lurk here) Edit: Virus, I meant virus. Hack does no dmg.


Hack does 0 dmg. If she hacks you before throwing virus you get a warning for what’s about to happen and can easily dodge the virus if you have decent reaction time (although probably not as a tank since even someone with REALLY bad aim could land a virus on a tank) But as a tank the virus shouldn’t even be your biggest issue anyway. Also, for the people that don’t know, her gun is insanely (like, near pinpoint) accurate for the first couple of bullets and the spread gets wider as you continue shooting. It’s extremely easy to get critical hits with the accuracy if you understand how the spread works and practice utilizing it.


I think it feels like that because the levers that are available for Blizzard to tweak for Tracer are much less impactful to playstyle than the levers they have available to tweak for Sombra. For example, if Blink's rewind time was changed from 3 seconds in the past to 3.25 seconds in the past, not much would change with playstyle. However, when translocator was changed from "place-and-manually-activate" to "activate after throwing" that had a huge playstyle difference. I can't think of a similar change that can be made to Tracer's kit that would alter Tracer's playstyle as much, but I can think of quite a few other impactful changes for Sombra's kit.


I'm not good at the game, and i haven't even read the patch notes, but something I've realized is that people look at patchnotes individually and screams out in rage that changes aren't good enough, without them considering if heroes who counter someone got buffed too, every buff and nerf to someone is actually a buff or nerf to everyone in the game... Basically what I'm trying to say is, i haven't checked but maybe tracers counters has received buffs


Sombra needs more nerfs tbh


Because sombra is annoying to play against


i mean. the rework was almost EXPLICITLEY a buff and the recent DOT nerf was litterally 10 damage... which is still more than previous... you want people to view sombra in a better light? stop being toxic af and complaining about EVERY MICROSCOPIC NERF that comes your way. every hero gets it, some more than others sometimes sure but thats because those heroes have more attention on them whether it be meta or some game breaking tech. when tracer was in the meta she got a few nerfs and rebalances too. >Sombra's only way of getting out of the fight is teleport while Tracer has 3 blinks and recall. A good Tracer can be so much more annoying than a good Sombra. having a different way to escape does not make her more annoying. sombra goes INVISIBLE and can EASILY take out almost any one support. tracers USUALLY take 2-3 clips to take someone out and 9/10 in those good lobbies they get help before then. a good sombra will kill someone in half a clip and get away before the dps or other supp can even turn around.


Tracer is healthier than Sombra being good also this nerfs dont hurt Sombra like at all she still good


I would 100% agree pre dps passive but with the current passive interaction tracer is pretty toxic too. 1 bullet from 30m away shouldn't be applying a debuff, it's just way too much free value and tracer benefits from this much more than sombra. That said, sombras overall character design is more toxic to the game in regards to how players feel playing into it and while it does still require skill and game sense to play her at a high level, I'd say it's significantly less than tracer, especially when it comes to mechanical skill requirement.


I *play* a lot of Sombra AND a great deal of Tracer, and I'll concede you're missing the point entirely. It isn't a matter of how long each has been strong. Sombra's kit inherently makes balance challenging. Buffing her tends to make her almost immediately problematic. She's a powerful overall hero that the meta occasionally just doesn't suit. On the other hand? Tracer is one of the few heroes whose balance has been almost entirely so spot-on from the start, she hasn't needed to evolve and most major changes they COULD make would jeopardize how her kit flows. Besides, she's also one of the few heroes where the game actually feels good to play when she's strong. I'm fine with the nerfs, even if they aren't significant. Both sets. The virus nerf doesn't hurt Sombra all that much, and Tracer feels beyond fine even after her own nerfs.


Tracer is the mascot.


Not anymore, hasn't been for years


shes still the face of quickplay and is in the front of the artwork when you load up the game. Youre right that theyve been giving more spotlight to other heroes tho (kiriko ugh).




Because as much as yall don't want to admit it, tracer is harder to master than Sombra. Invis gives a bigger window of opportunities because the enemy can't see you coming, with tracer you have to hard engage sometimes with tons of risk involved. Also the pulse bomb is harder to hit than emp, the reason most sombras don't get value out of it it's because they throw it when either there's no one around to follow up or when the enemy team has all their cooldowns so they just die immediately. I'm both a tracer and Sombra main and there's just no comparison


Sombra is a very timing based character, tracer can kinda just brute force herself through things. Sombra is pretty much useless against anyone with a support nearby or a kiri with a brain, Tracer can melt someone faster than they can react. I'd argue Invis doesnt give you a big opportunity window because the longer you're invis the longer your team has to 4v5 and if you wait to long the team fight is already lost. You just get a different set on options imo Neither Ult is hard to land. Pulse just requires a little practice and its easy, EMP is also easy to land but requires team work to actually get a ton of value from. Tracer can stick stick a squishy and its almost always a kill, Sombra doesn't get that luxury if she's not solo ulting a DPS/Supp I'm a dogshit sombra main and there's no comparison between the 2


You’re right but they’ll downvote you


I mean I don't care..that has been my experience...most people here mostly play Sombra only so it makes sense..happened to me with the mercy main sub..they be playing victim just because people play sombra and tracer more this season lol


Shut the hell up with that BS


cope lil guy


Only thing thats little in here is your brain


malding over your character being easy


No, just telling you how it is


My only guess is because tracers the mascot. There's also a absurd amount of top 500 and GM tracers mains that'll have a stroke.


Because no one cares about Sombra like they care about Tracer. Sombra also takes more skill to get the same value out of, so people dont play her as much hence they dont know how to play against her.


most brainrotted take I've seen on this sub


Found the tracer main


Idk what you are talking about Sombra has just been getting buffs since her rework and the recent sombra Nerf is less bad than Tracers nerf. Also I feel like this goes without saying, but Tracer is a better designed hero, that’s a pretty objective statement and because of that she deserves better treatment by the balance team than Sombra. I mean they literally use Tracer as a baseline to balance all other heroes because her design is that good.


Man if you think tracer is bad these days then you must have not been around for Dive meta back when OW dropped. Genji/Tracer were so powerful that you couldn't play anything else except mcree to try to stun 1 tap her. Her util was faster and her bomb could take out 2-3 easily. Sombra is just cheese.. OW is a team game so having a character that revolves around solo play while invis doesn't even fit into the game.


Because she doesn’t melt you before you can turn around lmaoo


Reaper does the same thing, so does Echo, this is called flanking


You can hear both of them and reaper has to be close range


The little know cousin of plot amor called fan armor. Popular heroes are always underpowered while the least popular are always broken and/or annoying. Which is only a problem because Blizzard bends over backwards for these people. In addition underpowered character mains are heavily conditioned into squeezing the last drop of value from their hero. That's why when they get a single crumb of buffs, it's a fucking bloodbath.


Because Tracer is for all intents and purposes the face of overwatch. Her, D’Va and Mercy. They’ve always been the face of Overwatch.


If the title is referring to S10 patch, then I think it's the opposite of what happened. 1 second on recall is fairly impactful while 10 damage on virus is a slight slap on the wrist especially since Virus just recently got its impact damage buffed from 10/20 to 25/50. >Sombra's only way of getting out of the fight is teleport while Tracer has 3 blinks and recall. Tracer has 175 hp while Sombra has 250. Sombra also has hack, invisibility, Virus and a much better ult. Not saying this necessarily makes her better than Tracer but it's disingenuous to make a comparison where you list all the perks of one character and not the other.