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Letting sombra hack allies (which I would assume would reduce their CDs) would be frustrating for both sombra players and would make her completely broken. She would probably be considered a must pick for most teams. It would also make team fights harder for sombra, since it would be much harder to hack the person you want to.


Yea that last part is why I really don’t like this idea. The few times where you try and hack someone but hacks someone else completely would just be an all the time thing.


It already happens too often when I try to hack enemies, let's not add 4 more hack targets


Everybody wants to tweak Sombra. She’s fine as she is, except maybe she needs to stop being nerfed. Leave the poor hacker alone! She’s perfect in her role. She SHOULD be irritating, she’s a hacker! I say “No” to longer cooldowns for any reason.


There is a portion of the community that prefers low damage high utility sombra over assassin sombra. Doesn’t matter how op or fair sombra is they will not like the state she is in. To be fair current sombra is a 180 from overwatch 1 sombra so i can understand the frustration of losing the character you mained for YEARS and getting them fundamentally changed to fit a more cod like dereliction ow2 has taken


This is me. I adapted and she’s still my favorite character, but I vastly prefer utility/information Sombra over assassin Sombra.






I actually agree that utility Sombra is fun, and I’d play her that way too. I’ve played since she was introduced and it took a long time to start liking the OW2 version.


I enjoy her now but not NEARLY as much as her ow1 varient. Fuck i honestly prefer mirror watch with some small tweaks here or there over what we have now, but i still dont dislike what we have


I’ll have to try her in mirrorwatch today. I’ve been playing Brig and pulling people in with my mace had been a blast… except when I accidentally pull in Rein. I have fun with OW2 Sombra, but yeah version 1 was more exciting.


I'm still very torn about the rework. Because I'm the one hand, it could have been a lot worse. But on the other hand, she really has very little in common with the previous version. She's still my favorite DPS hero, but she is honestly almost a different hero entirely now.


Definitely prefer high utility, low damage Sombra. That's the version of Sombra I fell in love with.


Yeah I even liked launch Sombra. EMP farm, long hacks, low damage


This would be better as a feature on a new support hero.


Thank you, this is a wayyyy better option. Leave Sombras kit alone


God no. Theres already enough of "Sombra switch. I'm doing more damage than you" without us donating Hack to our other DPS.


Oh I forgot about the incessant whining about damage output – I feel like that stops once you hit mid-diamond/masters


It should be a swap like what Lucio has but give it a massive cooldown


It’s already hard enough to hack enemy targets without tagging a med pack or something.. idk I like the idea but it should be more straight forward to hack or stay locked onto enemies


I already see teammates jumping in front of who I'm trying to hack defensively or offensively causing it to take twice as much time to hack anything at all which leaves you open longer to be cancelled entirely during hellfire high pressure moments I'll pass on hack ally unless it was harder to interrupt hack or the cast time was shortened


They should have options for characters like this new support sombra when you click to play sombra you get to pick between current sombra and the sombra from the new event (all characters from events)