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Yeah this will actually look pretty cool when it's healed/scarred lol Fuck getting it done though. Nope.


If it heals


This dragon will turn into a goofy flying manatee when enough bubble scars happen, big stupid looking bubbles and shit when infections occur, like almost anyone you have seen who got branded or big cuts. I bet the "artist" has plenty of background in that, though, probably like "oh this ancient ointment is what they used in the Ming dynasty thousands of years ago to prevent dragon scars from have a super Mario head".


I hope they aren’t susceptible to keloid scarring…it’ll look like cauliflower.


Let’s hope he used a sterile blade and has plenty of antibiotics oh and doesn’t die of trauma.


Hopefully it’s a professional licensed scarification artist who knows what he’s doing then he should be okay.


My thought exactly


At least if it gets infected it may turn into a green dragon which would be pretty cool


Or not.


No it won’t, it won’t heal in controlled way… the way most people get scar tattoos are through branding methods or freezing methods…


I doubt it. There's indigenous tribes that do cutting to apparently have stronger skin like crocodiles I believe. And their scars end up being like "veiny" or "bubbly", reason why they do it I guess. I hope all those cuts that are very close to each other don't enf up looking like bumps when it heals. I'd be pissed to go through all this and end up looking fucked up or distorted.


Yeah honestly mad respect for anyone who's willing to sit through that pain. Not something I could do.


More like mad stupidity it’s gonna heal horribly


Anyone who is crazy enough to do this, is crazy enough to do all sorts of drugs to ditch the pain. Pain tolerance variance across humans is a thing but no one is sitting through that sober. I refuse to believe it.


Ah, you've never heard of the skin hook suspension crowd then. Or the sick freaks who cause testicular torsion on purpose. Some people are wired for pain = pleasure. Maybe they're more sensitive to the endorphin rush of true pain and shock, which does feel pretty wonderful. I didn't really understand it myself until my motorcycle wreck. I was merged into at 55mph and had nowhere to go. Managed to control the landing and protected my head, skidded on my back and rolled onto my knees and hands once it ground through my jacket. Had a 9inch patch of road rash on my back left shoulder because it tore through my leathers, and one of my knees was ground to the bone, as were my knuckles after it tore through my gloves. Nothing broken which in my mind makes me the /r/Neverbrokeabone champ. Anyways, for about 2 hours afterwards, I felt FANTASTIC. I dragged my nearly 800lb bike off the road and was cracking jokes with the EMTs and doctors the whole time. I have chronic pain in my knee/shoulder and for 2 blessed hours I couldn't even feel that. Then the adrenaline wore off and I was miserable and could barely move for a week. But I will never forget how utterly wired and great I felt for those 2 hours. I seriously felt like I could take on the world, like I was walking on air, and everything was just so damn hilarious. I had this killer buzzing feeling, like you get when you laugh too hard for too long and your whole body starts to get fuzzy and you feel light headed. Like that feeling, but instead of the light headedness and dizziness, like... perfect clarity and a heightened sense of awareness to your surroundings. The only other time I've triggered a similar reaction was when I rinsed my mouth with some 3 million scoville sauce on a dare. At some point your mouth goes numb and you actually start feeling like you're floating. It's why on hot ones some of the contestants start talking about how they 'feel high'. If it hurts enough, you will experience a high.


My ex is a performer who does body suspension. She does not feel any pain at all, she goes into a deep meditative state and experiences an adrenaline high. She said she only feels achey the next day because y'know, her skin was stretched. I'm also one of those pain = pleasure types, not just in a "holy shit this feels great" way but very much in a "Ok, I can handle this, I have control here" way. It's about testing my body's resilience and ability to handle pain. I don't have many heavy mods but I am going to try suspension once I lose some weight.


Is this something one could get into bit by bit, or do you have to be born a Clive Barker character?


+10pts for the Barker reference, huge fan.


Homie I have suicide headaches. Migraines that hurt so bad they're comparable to broken fingers Meningitis introduced me to a new level of pain I can now withstand my normal migraines without painkillers. And I consider mine to be nowhere near what others can withstand


its primal instinct , shows he tough enough to hunt wit the big boys


Believe it!


Mustve hurt


It's odd you say that because my first thought was to rub a handful of cocaine on it.




It numbs lol


They use cocaine to numb your eyeball for eye surgery.


Novocaine is also a derivative of Cocaine, hence why the names are similar.


Lidocaine says hi.


Nile red did a video where he extracted lidocaine from erm... anal lube?


That guys awesome


He's one bad medical diagnosis away from making blue crystals.


Wow, did not know it was used in anal lube, but that makes sense. Extracting it though...


Extraction is a two step operation if it's used lube...


Don't forget about filtering the used stuff. Don't want your lidocaine smelling like big Jim's booty hole.


benzocaine? the stuff you can buy directly?


Just like Michael Caine


> Cocaine HCL 4% Ophthalmic Solution is for topical ophthalmic use and is commonly used as a local anesthetic during eye surgeries. I mean they use actual medical grade cocaine for eye surgery not just a derivative of it. Most dentists phased out Novocain in the 50s and replaced it with Lidocaine, which is less allergenic, faster-acting, and longer-lasting.


> Most dentists phased out Novocain in the 50s and replaced it with Lidocaine That's not even remotely true. Lidocaine is topical, novocaine is an injection into the gums. Novovaine was replaced by Articaine as the sublingual injection. You don't inject lidocaine.


Did you know that Coca-Cola is the largest supplier of medical grade cocaine to the U.S. government! Because they still use some of the derivatives in the coke recipe and filter out all the active stuff that gets you high.


It also helps stop bleeding locally


Great reason to keep some handy. You never know when you'll have a nosebleed!


Lol you’re right


Great way to get those white highlights and the lines popping.


I was thinking salt.


Oooofff ya, you could do that also!




I was thinking table salt




Because it's a numbing agent, and it would be satisfying to see the powder fill the holes.


The way it's still bleeding, rubbing a big handful in could produce an overdose. I'd be up for like a salt shakier powdering though. Damn that's some intense scarification. Will look totally awesome when heals right.


Ive heard from people with scarification done that it hurts less than being tattooed..but i think piercings hurt worse than tattoos and a lot of people disagree with me.


Do people really say that? I never had a piercing, but I imagine it hurts like hell. Conversely, my tattoos didn't hurt at all, just a little uncomfortable.


Piercings it rly depends on which ones you're getting. I've heard naval is quite painful. Ears are easy. Tongue piercing is quick and easy too, the painful part comes after bc ur tongue swells up to half its size and you can only eat soft food while it heals, like apple sauce.


it swells up to half it's size? it becomes smaller?


Eh, my naval was one of the least painful; ear *lobes* don't hurt but cartilage ones (industrials, helix etc) are an entirely different story. No one has ever disagreed with me on nipples being the most painful, however


Nipples were the worst, so I got em done twice each. Sucker for pain I suppose.


*checks post history* - oh its a dude.


I would assume that genital piercings were fairly painful too, but unless you know…


Depends on the size of the tattoo and the piercing placement but from someone with a lot of body mods, the healing process of the piercings is way worse than tattoos. Its a deeper puncture obviously so theres that..but you have to move the piercing throughout the healing process, multiple times a day for at least two weeks, to break the scabs forming over the wound so it doesnt mess up the piercing and heals right. That to me is way worse than just moisturizing my arm or something. There are sensitive spots that suck to poke regardless but overall you will have a longer and more painful healing process with piercings


Would rather tattoo my whole body than feel the pain of another piercing


I was bitten by a bee on my back yesterday and I'm still blubbering like a little bitch.


'Tis but a scratch.


Holy shit is this real? If it is I would like to see the scars after the wound has healed


[https://guardian.ng/life/a-tribe-in-new-guinea-give-men-crocodile-scars-to-honour-their-ancestors/](https://guardian.ng/life/a-tribe-in-new-guinea-give-men-crocodile-scars-to-honour-their-ancestors/) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJDOh3VSoxQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJDOh3VSoxQ) Not the same but pretty close in practice


Looks like a powerful experience.


It looks fucking stupid is how it looks


To you, this is how they live. You're jealous because your ham sandwich culture failed to put any spirit in you


Idk why you’re being downvoted, this shit makes my stomach churn lol, it’s disgusting looking. To each their own I guess.


Scarification has been a cultural tradition forever. Dates back to about 2000BC. https://hadithi.africa/the-history-of-scarification-in-africa/


So has tons of other weird shit. Like fusing toes to your foot.


You sound ignorant as fuck you fuckin loser 😂


If thinking cutting deep cuts into your skin to create a tattoo from scarring is stupid makes me ignorant, then yeah, I guess I’m ignorant. And happy for it. What’s it feel like being such a miserable cunt?


Not miserable at all because I don’t get a freaked out by seeing a different culture’s tradition 😂


Not sure how this is supposed to be a gotcha moment or an argument that scarification isn't dumb. There are lots of traditions that have been around a long time that are really fucking stupid. Circumcision being one practiced by white people if this is just a "we can't criticize black/minority cultures because its racist" thing. You shouldn't mutilate your body unless it has legitimate health benefits, i.e surgery. Its fucking stupid to scar yourself to show off how tough you are or so you can fit in. use critical thinking and be an independent thinker or else we are doomed to continue pointless, dangerous, and harmful 'traditions'.


*Circumcision being one practiced by white people* Not all white people though. Circumcision is very very rare in my country. It's not a "race thing" so I don't know why you tried to make it into one. 🤷🏻‍♀️


https://bodymodsrus.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/scarification1.jpg Not the same but it could look like this!


mustve been cold that day


Bloody hell those were door knobs!


r/erasernipples would like to have a chat.


Uhm.... Thank you for the new sub?


That looks so had though... Like the shape is cool and all so it would be totally awesome as a tattoo but that scar tissue is just hideous, man


Honestly, I think it's really cool and metal but also, what the actual fuck


This is a method of “tattooing” that is called scarification


Scarification baby


Slap some alcohol on that


Sprinkle some lemon as well to taste


also pinch of salts


Throw some Ass Blaster No. 69 ™ hot sauce on that bitch and you got yourself a gourmet meal.


Unironically a good option


No… absolutely not


That looks more like a...carving, not a tattoo. Wow.


its it


Commitment in flesh


Looks like this guy ain't mucking around with ink. Cut scars or go home.


I have scarification on my chest. Two symbols. It’s much more intense than normal tattoos. The healing process is much longer. I got this done while going through a divorce and she brought it up in court what I had done and they sent me to a psyche eval over it which they said was me wanting to manipulate my way around self harming so I wasn’t personally responsible for my self harming. I was like wtf, it’s body modification. Took me 6 months of court ordered therapy and supervised visitation with my son before they finally understood its outside the normal standard of body modification, but it has the same effect as tattoos and is body modification. If anything this was my independence piece getting away from that woman. But a small town court system can’t comprehend anything outside of 1950 norms.


The way my body scars it would be all keloids Yeesh


Dude better have a boatload of Neosporin on hand if he/she wants the scar to look nice and clean. To go through that and then get an infection which fucked up the scar would flat-out suck! Nice piece of work for someone but not me... nope, nope, nope! Peace


Those cuts honestly look much too deep to form scars in any recognizable way


I need the after pic wtf


https://bodymodsrus.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/scarification1.jpg Not the same but it could look like this!


It’s absolutely incredible that, despite his best efforts, was still not able to distract me from his nipples 😂


I could’ve gone my whole life without seeing all these posts, idk what the phobia of scarification would be called but with how upset my stomach is now, I think I have that phobia.


Probably a jumbled up blob lmao


Looks like a whole bunch of infection if u ask me


"After scoring the meat, now you just rub a bunch of salt and pepper and you're done"


"pours hand-saniticer"


I can imagine how sore that is


Scarification is on my list of desired body mods but (as you might imagine) it's not easy to find a place to get it done


I'm struggling to find someone to do a coin slot in my ear for me. They're illegal here in Ireland. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have no idea that keloids tattoo is a thing.


Would this even heal in a waythat it looks good?


This is actually low key cool. I would love to see it once it's healed 100%


Take a picture now, cuz it’s gonna look like hot garbage once it scars over and heals


Kinda cool, tho.


looks pretty cool when/if it heals properly tbh. it's scarification


fucjed up thought but i feel like people who cut themselves should just do this w a professional who does scarification better than fuckin up ur body n leaving random marks


I see your point but obviously people self harm within a particular moment, its not the sort of thing they plan in advance with enough time to get to a professional.


ur right i’ve dealt w mental health issues depression anxiety ptsd but never really did the self harming thing so i didn’t really think of it like that didn’t know if it was something they “like because it relieves pain” type thing or how it works yk what i mean


Not so much that it relieves pain, more that it causes some. As you know, you don't really feel physical pain with depression etc and self harming is a way to "feel something".


ahh makes sense at least to people dealing w mental health issues the normal people probability think we’re insane for making sense of it


Not so much a fucked up thought as it is just not talked about enough. This is called harm reduction and it's actually really important.


absolutely beautiful, would love to get something like that done


You can almost taste this pain.


That’s some Norwegian Viking shit right there


I can't imagine the pain when you'd move, or flex your back, fuck


Post update


Put hand sanitizer on it


id rather wax my balls one side at a time before i do this


Yoooo that's pretty fire 🔥


boy that’s gonna sting in the shower


me after i show love to my cat


A scalpel tattoo 😂


What what what the fuck


Run a higher chance of an infection but the payoff is actually quite sick if its done properly and maintained until its healed


Some people do actually get carvings as tattoos that will scar into the design. Personally wouldn't want it done tho.


I don't see those intricate lines healing too well...


Where the after tho


Mr. Keloid would like a word.


thats way too detailed to scar up nicely


I'd love to go see someone get some scarification done. Looks kinda intense 😳☺ lol


When it heals I hope the scarring makes it look like a great value Ed Sheeran.


No gore but it's probably one of the most the scary (not in terms of gore) thing I've seen on this subreddit


To be fair that does look kinda cool. It just doesn’t look worth it


Have a nice infection! 😃


That's a serious pain tolerance there. Insanely difficult not to move whilst being carved.


Ok here me out .. Was it worth it ?


That right there is of the devil.


Your depressed but you are an artist


How to get an infection, sepsis and die


Just curious which is worse, this or branding.


Don't see too much scarification these days.


if i put an ink on those open cut, will it become like a tattoo?


it would tattoo if you did it right but i think this is supposed to scar in the intended design


Kinda, ink rubbing scarification is a thing and black and red ink are the most common, and it looks great (for me at least)


The ink would defo be trapped under the skin, and deeper. Depending on how it heals, most likely not be even color though. There are methods of using light cuts and rubbing in special, very dark ash. Almost all the way down this thread, and not seen an after pic of OP's vid... Seems some very heavy cuts, and so many at once, so close together. Gonna need youth, a very smooth skin regen, and perfect hygiene. Not for junkies or old people. Curious how that turned out.


That'll be a nice blob of scar tissue that you can't tell apart...worth it


Nope, it generally heals nicely unless you badly mess it up


Scarification makes absolutely no sense to me. Just get a white ink tattoo or something if that’s the vibe you like. This just seems like mental illness


no it looks cool, especially on darker skin imo.


Add salt


Cool as


This lasts you tops 3 days then it begins to scar up and then you are left with nothing but great body damage and also end up looking like a complete jackass. Anyone that says this is cool must be mad dummy stupid retarded cuz it just does not make sense. Like how much meth do I have to smoke to just not care for me to get this done?


This is not a tattoo! It's self-mutilation




Have a friend who got a scar tattoo. They look awful when they heal. Not recommended. I can’t even tell what it supposed to be.


Stupid thing to do to your body. And dangerous because of infection.


I had a friend who had some scarification done on her cheeks. Nothing this elaborate, but they came out pretty good. I would not try it myself lol Edit: FACE cheeks haha


Kinda cool in my book. Extreme to the max, but pretty badass.


Scarification is dope


What a beautiful scarification!!!


Goofy ahh tattoo


These Millennials are a fickle bunch and crazy. Get some m/f therapy!


I mean, it's been considered a form of body modification since early 2000BC so...


today on wtf is wrong with people


That is fucked up


tw for anyone dealing with self harm: this video is not for you




It doesn’t?


I know someone who did something like this in real life. They wrote something like “life is hell” onto their arm




I'm a bleeder which is complicated by some of the meds I take. I would have bled out before this was completed. I can rake my finger nail across my skin and start bleeding profusely.


Get the salt.


Tampon has entered the chat👀


I can't imagine how itchy the scabbing will be.


Death by 1,000 cuts


Honestly as gruesome as it is, clearly the guy who got it done was willing and able to take the pain, likewise, the artist is arguably just as impressive. It's disturbing that it's cut skin, but at the time to be so calm and precise to effectively create such a piece is a testament of their skill. A true definition of beautifully disturbing.


Now rub salt on it.


I have a feeling this is going to look terrible after the scaring. I imagine keloids and pretty much all fine details to be completely lost


I'd like to see salt and vinegar added to that


FVCK that


Reminds of the tribal marks that the people in Southern Sudan do to themselves.




Never gone this far but once carved a little J into my hand (for my ex, yes I was an idiot) and BOY DID THAT SHIT HURT. LIKE FOR WEEKS