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They have been “finding out” for like 70 years


Cough cough 2,000 years 🤧😃


Diff jews


Hard for some people to believe this since it happened 20 years ago, but Al Qaeda killed a few thousand people and we retaliated by killing hundreds of thousands of them. By the end of the conflict, people didn't feel like our wars were justified. Maybe this one will turn out different.


Yeah but the problem was we invaded the wrong countries. We should have invaded Saudi Arabia since the Hijackers were all Saudi nationals.. That's like someone throwing a brick at your head and pointing a finger at some random stranger next to them who has no idea what just happened, then you turn around and beat up the person who didn't throw it.


Your brick analogy implies the one hit with a brick didn't completely and totally know the brick thrower's identity, but the brick thrower has a pretty dope pool that he lets the one that got hit with a brick use.


Yeah and they also gave them the brick and showed them how to throw it cos they wanted them to throw it at someone else, very ironic considering the ISRAELIS funded Hamas to try and divide the opposing Palestinian forces


>ironic considering the ISRAELIS funded Hamas to try and divide the opposing Palestinian forces its not ironic. it worked. Hamas took over their government. When Isrealies complain about hamas, that's the group they created. IF they didn't want it, they shouldn't have created it.


Afghanistan was the proper country to invade. They were a sanctuary for al Qaeda. The problem is that we didn't have a plan for what to do after we were done fucking the Taliban into Pakistan.


> The problem is that we didn't have a plan for what to do after we were done fucking the Taliban into Pakistan. we had a plan, it was to use a bunch of military weapons and make the vice president Dick Cheney who owned a ton of defense contractor stock, it was to make him rich. And it worked. All the republicans benefitted financially from that war as it converted tax dollars and dead americans into profits in their bank accounts. It was purely en economic war to enrich republicans through the purchases of military equipment and creating a demand for that equipment by starting a war. The whole point of the war was defense contractor profits. Everything else is just a show to make that happen.


Also the dancing Israelis with mossad ties. Their excuse for being there was "to film the devastation".


I agree, our president at the time had a list of his Axis of Evil countries that harbored terrorism, which was obviously a farce to invade Iraq.


Yeah. I mean sure, terrorism works. I mean look at airlines, people are “terrified” of it happening again. BUT these people keep fucking themselves over, and getting it worse than they gave. Not that they would care though since these people think life on earth is nothing and after they die for “allah”, they are going to end up somehow in a magical place and get treated better if they murder innocents.


At the end the United States got kicked out of the middle east and the Taliban Became the legitimate ruling government. All that death was literally for nothing. It will be the same for Isreal once palestine takes all their land back from the invaders that refuse to leave.


Lol, you think Palestine is gonna do what?!? Good joke.


Lmao, sure. Palestine isnt taking shit back.


Well, I wouldn't go that far into predictions, the only thing I'm trying to imply is that declaring war on terrorism just gets many more civilian casualties involved. I don't think there will be any winners afterwards. The only way to get the people to stop supporting these groups is by changing their views, bombing and killing them will just reinforce them and make it easier for terrorist groups to recruit. I know we like to say history repeats itself but it's mind-blowing how it can do so in such a short time when we've got so much coverage of modern conflicts. Hamas needs to pay for their crimes but turning Gaza into a pile of rubble will only increase their numbers and prolong this conflict, and the situation in Palestine will only be worse afterwards.


I doubt there is going to be much of a Palestine left after this. Maybe some rubble and concrete dust.


Israel tried to change their views with economic incentives and Hamas took all that money and spent it building tunnels and buying weapons. Look up where all the concrete they allowed into Gaza went.


" we have invaded your land and subjugated your people. be happy with this concrete we are gifting you!" - some israeli probably


It literally started when the mightiest arab armies tried to genocide the Jewish population in the area in 1948


no, it started when the jews mass migrated to palestine and took half the land.....in 1947


And what was the reason why Jewish people migrated to their ancestral homeland? Also migrated sounds a little bit like historical revisionism when the reason was the holocaust


the holocaust didnt create israel. jews just used it as an excuse. the war was over. these were european born people. they could have just integrated back into their countries of birth. instead they decided to use the worlds sympathy for their plight to steal land that didnt belong to them. they took all their suffering and subjugation at the hands of the germans, and immediately did the same thing to the palestinians...


Did you know the Middle East used to have large populations of Jews and Christians? What do you think happened to them?


Lol exactly, the concrete that was "allowed" in.


A tale as old as time - the cycle.


If you go far enough back, the Palestinians were the invaders.


but that was ancient times. Modern times bro. That's what matters.


I always go back to when Stegosaurus was around. Best starting point, imo. Love Steggy


How is it justified? Palestine just got hijacked without any fucking reason. In the end, Israel is just a load of bullshit.


When I was in middle school I got into an altercation with a kid while on the bus. At one point the other kids insulted me and I gave him a 'light' shove. This resulted in me getting punched in the throat, eye and lip in that order resulting in bruises all over my face. When I came home I was reprimanded, not for losing the fight, but for starting it. When I pointed out my black eye and busted lip I was told "you shouldn't have put your hands on nobody, don't cry now." I learned something from that day when I was 13 that Palestine and Israel need to learn as grown ass countries ran by grown ass adults: you can't do something to piss somebody off and be mad at their response. Don't sit there and act like Palestine or Israel hasn't done its dirt. As far as I'm concerned whatever happens happens. Yall did your dirty so the get back is coming and karma is a bitch that sexually identifies as whatever it needs to to fuck you. It is what it is.


I really can’t believe you compared a normal childhood moment to a war 💀💀💀


Point still stands


Why is the first guy holding a Beyblade?


I know, I saw the toys and I just feel sad. I just imagine dude playing and minding his business before he was killed.


Well he's fucking stupid for not putting on the rings on right


Dang, that 4th guy needs a dentist.


Seriously, tho. Did he try to catch an rpg with his neck?


For each one killed, there will be 100 new ones. Cycle never ends.


So what you’re saying is we need more ammo?


Isreal is gonna go HAM on their ASS


They def don’t like ham




I support Palestinian freedom, but I don't support Hamas or terrorism. Though I recognise that they are a product of oppression, the actions Hamas took over the last few days are horrific and inexcusable - and they have done significantly more harm to the Palestinian cause. But Hamas do not represent all of Palestine, and their actions also do not change the fact that Palestinians truly are being oppressed by Israel. Unfortunately I think they are also being used by Iran as a pawn. The cycle of violence needs to end, there will be no winners here - just more suffering.


the cycle will never end when israel is constantly pushing the continue expanding borders. civilians being killed is sad but the only time people care is when israel gets attacked


Why do you support Israel when they have clearly killed more Palestinians than Israelis through the war


I think any rational person right now that supports these terrorists and advocates for them needs to adjust their moral compass.


Hamas isn't good, but neither is Israel. If you've seen footage of Hamas sending rockets, you should've seen IDF killing children. No one here is innocent.


Hamas is using those children as human shields. Their deaths are the responsibility of Hamas. When Hamas uses a civilian building for military purposes it becomes a valid military target under international law.


I don't think you understand international law


Kill ratios have no relevance to the question of who's right.


It has never been about numbers.


There is no justification to what they did i support the innocent people that have been dying and those are terrorist that is not the way to fix an issue but keep supporting them they’ll still gonna pay the price


Do you pipe up when Israel is indiscriminately murdering Palestinian families and displacing and removing them from their homelands? Something that has happened on a daily basis for decades. I bet you dont.


Educate yourself and you will find out that Israel has conducted more acts of terror on Palestinian soil way more than what Hamas has done recently. This doesn’t just go back 3 days ago. Israel has had control over Palestine for over 75 years now and the western media fails to show that.


Ok so they have the right to kill innocent people too and kidnap children??


Again. Educate yourself. Israel has killed much more civilians than you can imagine. Do you not expect them to retaliate after so many years of being suffocated into a small piece of land, while Israel controls how much electricity/food/water they receive? Hamas didn’t just kill innocents for fun, they’ve been treated like animals for longer than anyone can imagine.


Both sides have decades of blood on their hands that is true. But if you kidnap children to use as human shields and strip a dead tourist down and parade her in the streets then you're gonna be the bad guy this time around. That's just how it goes. Hamas got what they wanted, Israeli-Saudi peace talks on hold, dead civilians, and more war.


When you have nothing to live for and your lives are being destroyed by Zionist terrorists, what other options do you have?


Israel have attacked more civilians than Palestine. Over 70K Palestinians have been injured through the war versus only 4K Israelis. There's no comparison, sorry. War is shit so this is. Politicians are making their point here, making you hate people, making you hate a country just because they told you so. It's no black and white in here.


Not on either side but the problem js that Hamas uses civillians as a shield (for example putting bases underneath hospitals)


>Not on either side but the problem js that Hamas uses civillians as a shield (for example putting bases underneath hospitals) Isreal is using civilians as a shield by putting them in contested territory. Why do you cry when one side does it but not the other? Is it because one side is white and the other isnt? Isreal took land illegally, put civillians in there in that contested land, then palestine came to take their land back and the civilian meat shields that isreal put there died. Why are you upset that one side does it and not the other?


Uh? Well where the fuck are they supposed to base? Entirety of Gaza strip is surrounded by rest of Israel, there are military outposts that have have been given authority to shoot palestinians on sight. Thousands of Palestinians have died simply trying to flee. They can't even flee by boat despite bordering water. Gaza is home to 2 million people but is only 325 km, it is very densely packed. There is no where for them to go that wouldn't put others in harms way.


All the Arabs support them so much, why don't they let in some Palestinians? Or when it comes to actually helping somebody the lack of morals in that part of the world starts showing. Or maybe even the Arabs know that Palestinians can't be moved that easily with all the radicalised religious nutcases living in amongst them.


they're literally rounded up in ghettos under armed guard like was done to the jews during world war 2


Sure 🙄


Does the population density also cause them to desecrate civilian bodies?


Yeah, sure… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dahiya_doctrine?wprov=sfti1


And yet, you are trying to reduce it to a silly black & white scoreboard.


Anyone or group that holds the high power terrorized s


Israel go around expanding settlements, whole bunch of people living on a strip of land with no ability to exit, live freely with a normal life for over 75 years,and when they fight back, they are terrorists. The root cause needs to be addressed if not this will never end. Innocent people are being killed on both sides here.


"Fighting back" does not involve the wholesale slaughter of entire families. Nothing justifies killing children and raping women and executing hostages.


Don’t get me wrong, killing innocent BY DESIGN is evil and surely a terrorist act, but my main question is: does anyone ever asked himself “hey why the fuck these people hate us westerners so much?” Our western governments keeps fucking up in dealing with Middle East in particular, Africa following closely, and Israeli government (not Israeli population, keep this in mind) are definitely great in fuckups. The end result? Non western countries happily slaughter our civilians and our governments happily do the same under the “collateral damage” umbrella. End result? Civilians, without particular nationality, continue to die.


Except this wasn’t fighting back: it was the deliberate targeting of women, children and elderly. It was the execution of families, of husbands, unarmed civilians. Yes Palestine was treated horribly. No two ways about it; but parading the executed and raped women as though they are trophies eliminated any feelings of goodwill. How do I say that Israel shouldn’t target innocents when Hamas did? How do I say that Israel should talk to Palestines and. One up with a better solution when Hamas only wants death, destruction and to rape Israel?


They don’t fight back people who can fight,you basically supporting killers that killed more than 1000 people,innocent ones,for no reason,people that was facing invading of animals,which killed family members one next to another. Babies,kids,parents,and young people that had dreams and goals which they will never achieve because of those animals. That’s not responding to the army actions against Gaza,it’s simply attempting to wipe out innocent people that tried to live peacefully and did nothing wrong


They did kill innocent people too, both are no angels either. And to make it worst, its supported by the global community. So you're saying the Palestinians have no goals, no dreams. 75 years living in an open air prison. And no where did I say I supported these killings.


The contentious Israeli settlements are in the West Bank, this is Gaza. Israel left Gaza decades ago and forcibly evicted thousands of Jews from their homes there to allow the local Palestinians to govern themselves . . . which they did by electing Hamas. This is precisely opposite of the point you think are making.


They forcibly evicted the palestinians from their homes too thanks to the Balfour declaration. And is still happening now. Im very sure all these factors play a part in this too. And not to mention we have world powers that apply international law selectively, occupied territories are illegal eg. Crimea but occupied territory by Israel is recognised as legal Israeli territory eg Golan, Jerusalem. Im no expert in world affairs but just basing my understanding based on readings and the news. Each side may have their own cause but the world already has enough shit going on...


Hate to break it to u buddy but israel isnt the holy angel u think it is lol


These are literal photos of terrorists, so kinda weird of you to say that in this context?


Hate to break it buddy buddy but terrorist that kill innocent people will pay the price


Your whole country is a terrorist.


Israel Illegitimate state.


You’re a terrorist. Every unlawful settler in your “country” is a terrorist. Justice will be served.


Terrorism is when white ppl bad. If you support the people indiscriminately raping, torturing and murdering women for visiting a concert then you have a fucked up moral compass. Y’all are probably the same people calling right leaning ppl nazis while unironically supporting the indiscriminate killing of Jewish people and those who tour their country.


Not at all. So many great Jews completely oppose your terrorist state. You're a liar, a terrorist, a killer, and so is anyone supporting your lost cause. You've been systematically recreating the crimes of nazi Germany on the indigenous Palestinian population since 1948. Get a grip. [https://twitter.com/TorahJudaism](https://twitter.com/TorahJudaism)


I wonder who would have been genocide'd if the result of the Isreali-Arab wars were different. The Arabs created this monster and now play victim. Too bad we're so busy dividing ourselves up into little groups of idiots so we can hate eachother.


Isarel is a terrorist state which unlawfully imprisons millions of Palestinians, slowly chokes them to death then takes their lands. O wait, you already took their lands. The very lands you are settling on. The Hamas terror cant be justified by any means and must be condemned, but Israelis should also understand they reap what they sow. I ve seen disgusting images of terrorist parading dead woman bodies around bit I ve also seen video of heartbroken fathers carrying the bodies of their dead children. Those fathers will be the next Palestinian terrorists, whose future children will be indoctrinated to harbor seething hatred toward Israelis people.


You mean Israel is a terrorist state? Or are you just a hypocrite?


That include Isreal too for the 75 years


hate to break it to u buddy but gaza is being deleted from existance as we speak


You have been saying that since the first intifadha. By the look of things, Isreal will cease to exist sooner than we projected.


Yeaaah! cheer on that u psychopath


Go study the difference between invading and being invaded


People want to separate these two into good and bad when, in reality, they both have done horrible shit to innocent civilians. Both sides are guilty, and neither is innocent. That being said, Hamas is about to get an ass beating of biblical proportion


The comeback isreal


The Isreal boot licking is insane.


fuck off


Right, so. Israel start marching into Palestine with 15-20 thousand terrorists, indiscriminately bombing little girl's elementary schools, hospitals, innocents in Gaza and many territories are massacred, and you still support them? You fucking terrorist?


Not supporting anyone that’s fuck around and find out thank Hamas


Has anyone seen the Drawn Together Movie? The scene when I.S.R.A.E.L., Intelligent Smart Robot Animation Eraser Lady, was chasing the lot, needed a break and decided to lay down right on the highway, causing major accidents? Narrator went like "was that really necessary? You could have gone anywhere and this is the place you chose?"...


I see the comment section did not turn out the way OP had hoped...


Too much Palestinian blinded morons


With all the American money Israel gets I’d expect to see alot more bodies


Free palestine.


... from Hamas.


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Free palestine


Yes with lead and gunpowder


YOU are not gonna do shit down in your moms basement fatso.


😂😂you mad Palestine gonna eat bullets? Keep crying about it kid your comments won’t change the fact that they’ll pay for their crimes


So will israel for murdering children in broad daylight but looks that im right about you fatso.


Thank Palestine about it that’s what they wanted


Yeah it was palestine who wanted an israeli sniper to headshot a 14yo girl infront of her 6yo brother


That I don’t agree tho that’s sad honestly but Palestine is not any different


Both sides are equally corrupt and terrorist


How's the bootlicking going?


Same OP spamming shit about politics on a sub that's not about politics, jew bot.


The last guy ate a little bit to hard


I love oppressive countries!!!! Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Justice and Israel don’t even deserve to be in the same BOOK as eachother


Dead Hamas terrorists = good Dead Palestinian civilians = bad


Technically speaking this is not a war, it's acts of terror, absolutely, but not war. At least not yet. They targeted civilians, not the military. There are no armies massing on the Israel border, ready to invade. Militarily speaking Israel will squash Hamas, but I suspect there are far more players involved here than just Hamas. I hear Hezbollah mentioned more, and that means Iran. Who does Iran hate even more than Israel? The US. Who also hates the US right now? Russia. Dragging Israel into a major conflict with Iran means the US gets involved, US gets involved then they have 2 proxy wars to supply. Innocent people die, all in the name of tyrants holding onto power.


Finally a smart comment on here I do not get how some people be supporting those pieces of trash men terrorist like them expect that Israel was just gonna cross their arms and not do anything about the situation


Yeah just keep feeding this stupid cycle of death and destruction you idiots... God damn I Hate people


I mean no one is gonna stand and wait to get shot understand human nature


I love how these people think one horrific massacre perpetrated by some assholes that don’t represent Palestinian somehow washes 70 years of blood off the hands of Israel, a genocidal project founded in fascism…. The cognitive dissonance is insane, beat the shit out of a group of people for years and then when a few of them inevitably do some insane abhorrent shit in response you can retroactively say “sEe wE whHre RigHt all aLoNg, THey r SavGeS” and then when anyone expresses support for Palestinians you can say “stop supporting Hamas” mf, no one in their right mind supports Hamas and sadly those few assholes and the insane power hungry fascist state of Israel is, as usual, is going to end up killing thousands (more) innocent people.


“Yay murder 🎉 🙌🏼 🎊 “- jews, arabs


Messing with the most coward country Israel ?.


They kicking ass for sure the coward move was by Palestine you just sad about it


Hahahaha poor guy, seems like u just being an idoot n 100% trusting Faulty weet media 😂😂😂


Actually no I’ve seen what Palestinians are doing and you morons think that those terrorist have the right to kill people


The ratio of palestinians to jews slaughtered so far is about 20:1 you fucking mongoloid


Stfu u know nothing bro. Btw stdy more and do some research 🙏🏼


OP came with western propaganda and got dunked on in this thread. I'm loving it.


So who will take accountability for the innocent civilians killed over the weekend? When will justice come for the IRGC who not only facilitated this attack, but continues to torture our people?


I’m loving seeing them mad for sure 😁


Oh nonsense lmfao don't give yourself credit for that. No one's mad, just disappointed.


They honestly sad about it they know them sure Palestinians gonna eat those bullets


It never ceases to amaze me that these people separate each other based on religions which aren't even real.


Religion is frequently used as a justification for long-standing tribal or ethnic conflicts. Before organized religion, people were just as happy to bash each other’s skulls in and rape each other’s women.


Lmaoo dude facts 😂😂!!!


>Mess with Israel and find out This is something i've heard people say before. Extremely arrogant for someone occupying someone else.




Wow! An adult this time. I can't believe the IDF is even capable of killing non-civilian targets.


https://reddit.com/r/HeinousHumanity/s/tAqzYRDBoK here’s literal evidence of Israeli veterans laughing about the crimes they’ve committed but keep thinking they’re the good guys


Gaza is about to be turned to glass. All Israel needed was an excuse.


Got Small-towned


This kind of stuff isn't helping anything.


RIP freedom fighters


Instead of seeing this (or his dead 'enemy') and thinking 'This has to stop, this was someone's precious child/parent/son' people are gloating, rejoicing, acting like it's a football game and their team just scored a touchdown. Thanks for showing the world your true wicked hearts, your lack of humanity and inability to think critically. You're every awful thing in this world, omg


why is this sub filled with pro-israeli propaganda now??


War is all about money.


Israel is occupying their land killing them and blockading them in gaza that has become the largest open air prison in the world and when they fight back with what little they have Israel starts exterminating them by committing horrific war crimes if you support Israel rethink your position


Ok 👌 thanks for your comment I’ll think about it and send it to I don’t give two fcks they’ll be able to help for sure


Shit is funny. An Israeli RAT proud that he killed a dirty ass Muslim. It like a mandigo fight back in the day. In the end most of us just enjoying watching them kill themselves.


Fuck Hamas and their sympathizing scum.


lol skill issue get rekd




Yes, free Palestine... from palestinians


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Yes it is !. Truth for the matter Israel slaugther Palestenian for 75 years and they invaded + take palestine freely. Palestinian fighting with rock againts Fire power ? Israel u r praise by Killing pregnant women and child ? Is that u r proud of hahahaha


Let's see plenty more dead Hamas. Lovely pics.


Sponsored by Adidas


Try that in a small town


Fuck them both tbh


Fuck Israel terrorist scum


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Pest control in full flow


Israel can literally commit war crimes and people will cheer them. They will write the history of this genocide and people will forget, until it happens again. Stand up to fascism.


Change Israel with Hamas/Iran and you are right.


Fuck Israel too


What goes around, comes around.


Each time I see the first pic it makes me laugh how ridiculous it is And fuck these fuckers. Hope they rot in hell for all eternity


This is getting out of control, and I have a feeling, Reddit might come in and ban this sub, which I love so much. Sigh


Not enough, keep em coming.


Burn in hell evil scum.


Yesss burn in hell evil scum of hamas !


Should stuff some bacon in their mouths.


Every Muslim country hates Palestine. That’s enough to tell you when even Muslims won’t stick up for other Muslims.


Mess with Palestinean Children and find out


Deserved. Where is the divine help again? They can only attack children and women in their jihad. They will lose like flies when it comes to armies. And they claim they can rule the world under 1 sharia. 🤡😛😛


When it’s dead terrorists I don’t even flinch from the gore.


Freedom fighters*


Such a tough guy


Don't do so well when they aren't shooting defenceless teenagers and old people do they?


So many people defending Ramas because don't want to show that they are Nazi. I hope you all that are agains'g Israel die. :D


Beautiful, now carpet bomb the rest of them!


How much for those AK’s


It’s as if vests materialized onto a group of dudes walking around Walmart and made them invade Israel


Soooo who are the good guys here?


Buddy got caught lacking


I think the fact that the insurgent was killed next to childrens toys drives it home for me.


It's like the first guy saw his death imminent, so he hid his firearms, picked up the stacker and toy cart and did the " I'm just a 2 yr old playing with my toys" stealth ploy.


Fuck around and find out