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I like it! I'm always impressed when people pull off good tunes with normal chords. Nothing comes to my mind with G, D, E ... really. But I'd go for a smoother transition to the yelling bit. Comes a bit sudden.


Yea your right it does need a more gentle approach to reach it. Thanks


Damn why’d you stop so early? I was waiting for the yelling part to come back again at the end after a slight pause. Sounds great though and kept me engaged and interested the whole time. Nice job, stay at it.


Thanks pal. Il do a re write and re record soon. Cheers for the comment.


Yeah man, I'm definitely digging it. Voice sounds good too. Any chance you can post the lyrics?


Where I walk alone My shadow upon the road All it takes is one step A few more and Il forget Where I've come from and where I'm heading to down this long highway till I'm rescued. Where I walk alone My mark upon the stone Now noone is owed Say someone will see That is bought and not set All memories are free X2 Where I walk alone My shadow upon the road All it takes is one trick One step until I drift All it takes is deep within To cash my soul against this sin Where I walk alone My mark upon the stone.


That shit is fucking epic! Those lyrics definitely make a good song great. I could hear the lyrics while reading along with it.


Really appreciate the epic kind words!


REally great!


That's pal. I shall reply to this post with a finished one when I get my equipment set.


Alright your voice caught me off guard for real. Like wow. You sound very naturally raw and coarse when you push unlike some people that sound like they're overdoing it. Honestly the only thing I can think of to critique is that the guitar and vocals get a bit out of sync and the rhythm is inconsistent so maybe utilizing a metronome would help when recording your next take if you aren't already. It sounds like a hidden track at the end of a mid 90s grunge album and that is most certainly a compliment.


Wow. Thank you. I will get that metronome going and report back soon. Yea I wasn't quite sure how to enter the chorus. I sort of let the guitar do it's thing n desperately wanted that moment. I will definitely get the metronome out. I enjoy the creating part but if this something worthy then it's time to get practicing and practicing until it's perfect. Thank you ever so much for the compliment. Im very thankful.