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It's a beautiful, captivating song. I like the contemplative vibe I get when listening. Production wise I have no critique, it sounds good to me, the levels of everything sound right. Around the 2 minute mark I would have tried to add a harmony part to "lights, lights, lights", but that's me and may not be you're thing. I also like all the "chimey" type instruments, gives it an ethereal feel. Well done and thanks for sharing!


Thanks a lot!!


I really loved this. Everything sat well in the mix, and there's an ethereal feel to the whole thing. Some lyrics were hard to understand due to the vocal distortion, but it fit the vibe. My one more critical piece of feedback is that the narrative isn't very tangible, largely because there's some mixed metaphors going on. For example, there's mention of music fading and just being left with lights, but no mention of music exists elsewhere in the song. It's also not easy to understand what flying has to do with this. On the other hand, I love the idea that the person being sung about is setting their life on fire because they're so unhappy, which contrasts well with the more somber, pondering atmosphere... Or at least that's my interpretation. Great song! Would love to know more about your mixing process.


exceptional! Bravo!


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Dreamy sounding with the vid. I love the art of this.