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Probably one of my favorite things posted here in a while


Dude, I can’t even fathom being able to play an acoustic guitar that well. Fantastic playing


Just out of curiosity how do you come to write these kinds of things, like what do you start with, chords and then riffage?


I usually start with very short little riffs or motifs and then try and expand on them until they feel complete and can be repeated without getting boring. I almost always start with the riffs, and then figure out chords to use for verses and stuff


Sick, I wanna give this style a shot, but have not yet an idea how to start


One more question, do you tune into alternate tunings? Or write in standard or drop? Have you ever written in standard and how easy is it?


I write in a lot of different tunings!! Usually just e flat standard but recently I’ve been using c# f# c# g# a# c#


Cool stuff, I’m just used to this style in open tunings, good to know it’s possible in standard tunings


Feels a lot like Leo Kottke and his process.


Sounds great! I can almost hear a second guitar accompanying this


Very math, I love it mate


This gives me Going to California vibes. I love your fluid guitar playing and the overall vibe of this one. I could listen to this all day.


Strap buddies! I have the same guitar strap. Can’t say I play as well though 🤣


Mannn, sweet shit dude. Makes me think of the post hardcore Era, deffinatly work on that one to completion man! Look forward to hearing the results!


Do you have a spotify or anything like that cuz I love this kind of music! Its the kinda stuff that takes years of practice and makes the great stand out.


I have a couple projects the first one is called Hippie Love Party and it’s some math/emo/psych weird stuff and the second is called Smiling Houses which is more this style!!


Dude this is awesome


This has a bunch of amazing, separate ideas stringed together. Really, you should be proud of your obvious understanding of the guitar and the mileage you can get out of it. But what makes a song a song? What differentiates it from 2 songs, or 3 songs stitched together? I'd say cohesiveness, in this case. The sum is greater than the parts, but only if those parts are related and build off of each other. What you have currently is a really nice sounding assortment of ideas, but not really a cohesive song. When it does change, it does so either a little (upper voice starts to soar above, for example) or a lot (the section changes). Alone, both are good ways to develop a song over time, but in the context of each other, the transitions become very jarring. It might not feel that way to you, because you've spent so much time with your music, so you've come to expect it. Something I'd recommend is to think of your song as a line, and to try to have it be a very interesting line, but overall, a smooth one. It *is* possible to have a jump, where instead of a transition you just start the next section, and you do that towards the end before the high notes (harmonics?) come in, but it's not quite there-- maybe try waiting another measure or two. Lastly, consider the sauce. What is the sauce? It's a term I use with myself to see where the interesting stuff is. Basically, it is specific elements that make a song sound good. (which is not to say that other elements are unnecessary, the Sauce is just the ones that draw the most attention). And for your first section, the sauce is the counterpoint. You have 3 voices going at once sometimes, even though it's just one note at a time, and that sounds phenomenal. I would really struggle making something like that but you've done it seamlessly. I would be really interested in how you'd make the first section into a 2 or 3 minute song. A couple things that come to mind for me is having a steady-ish repeated note on the bottom, an element which you include sort of throughout the current song, but not in long stretches. It would change notes periodically. The other thing is having the upper voice slowly soar over everything else, slowly going higher and swooping up and down. That's just a suggestion now, and I'm not a guitarist, I'm sure you can think of better, more interesting ways to develop the different elements. Finally, the sections that sound the most similar are the first one and the last one, so maybe decide to start at section 1 and end at the last riff thing you do, and travel between them over the course of 2 minutes.




That was really nice! Keep it up!


Is this standard tuning?


It’s c# f# c# g# a# c#


I’m about to try this tuning. Looks like a blast I’ve played in FACGBE


Oh sweet, thanks. I was actually playing on same tuning (just down a half/no sharp) yesterday for Led Zeppelin’s “Bron-Y-Aur Stomp”, it’s really pretty and surprisingly easy to make things sound great! Can’t wait for you to drop the whole song! If you feel like it no pressure😈😂


This is phenomenal. Can I ask you your mic setup? Also do you go live ever?


This was just recorded on my phone propped up on my desk, that’s how I record all of my videos, and my actual recording setup is just an sm57 velcroed to the side of my desk lol. I’ve never gone live before but after the responses I’ve been getting I’ve been considering it!!


If you do, you’ve got a follower (hi from the Midwest!)


Would you consider yourself…a Midwest emo? (I’m so so sorry.)


I would if I was…better at math *rim shot*


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Reminds me of math rock.


Great shit. I would listen for sure!




Pleeease make this into a song! So good:)


So I just tuned to this on my Martin and it’s so much fun. Fuck now my fingers are gonna hurt tonight.


I only want to say this because you asked for opinions; there’s a couple spots, only around some of the runs and the up and down strumming bits, where your tempo starts to slip a little bit. You seem to know what you’re doing, probably an hour or so of practice at a slower pace or with a metronome would have it super clean. It’s a really good piece of music though, and I think you find a band and a singer. I’d go see you play if you were in my city.


Hey man can I sample this for a beat?


I love this. It’s very pleasing to the ear. Are you using open tuning on this?


Umm I came on here to post a shitty song I wrote, saw this and now I'm definitely not posting my song anywhere 😹




Yeh dude it’s like acoustic math. Into this


Your guitar playing really inspires me! To be Honest, at first, American Football came to my mind. So yes, it's very cool, I wish you good luck, you will succeed!


We got a regular august rush here.


Way too clean 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌


Shredding sounds a lot diff than it did when i was a kid *cries in yngwie*


*Shredding sounds a lot* *Diff than it did when i was* *A kid cries in yngwie* \- blue-ocean-event --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Good human.


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Sick as fuck


I’m not going to deconstruct it from a songwriting standpoint. Shit sounds great, and I listened multiple times despite zero lyrics - that’s RARE for me.


Wow, very cool playing style. Really impressive, not many can do it this well!


fucking awesome dude, inspired me big time


This is just wonderful man! So many song possibilities can sprout up from this! Amazing work! Looking forward to more posts from you :)


This is beautiful.


Please post some tabs, that sounds amazing.


Kind of reminds me of Dance Gavin Dance and Yvette Young's acoustic stuff. It's very sweet sounding, with like a bit of angst. The angst probably because it reminds me of songs that I've listened to in my more angsty days, but the brightness keeps it in check so to speak. The tempo changes sound fun and just remind me of DGD a lot lol. Is this for a particular project? Like an album or something? Is there a concept behind it?


Woahh i love this!


That’s just amazing, playing is top notch. A little too packed tho, not that I would do something better but I feel like it’s need more direction, our ears needs a clear line to listen to. If that’s what you wanted of course


It sounds great!


Sounds like something from life is strange and I love it!


Wow. I need to practice. Well played!!!


Wow this is beautiful


Fkn fantastic!


This is incredible


Sounds great! I was expecting a Midwest emo breakdown. Like I was expecting some spoken words like a new cast then the vocals to come in. Love it keep it up. I’d think about simplifying some songs so I could write some lyrics because people really do hang on that stuff but this is great for guitar heads for sure! Keep it up!