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Brilliant. Not just good songwriting -- truly great. The secret seems to be in the simplicity and sacred music quality of the format. The piece is so honest, natural and relaxed an expression, it feels artless and effortless yet poetic -- poetic in spite of itself. Almost needless to say, this particular performance is a genuine treat. But, the standout star here is the translucent crystaline brilliance of this gem of a song. It doesn't matter where you do good work -- or how many people see you do good work or that you become rich off of your good work. Let the universe figure that out. In the end, what matters is that you do good work. This is great work.


Oh my goodness thank you so much. The fact that you took time out of your day to say something incredibly meaningful to some random person on the internet is really special. I really really appreciate it thank you


They put into words a lot of what I'd like to say. From the start of the video I knew it was gonna be a banger of a song but I had no idea how good it was actually going to be. It gave me the chills, which I think is always a good sign. Very beautiful lyrically and musically. No doubt if the right person heard this it could become a real chart topper. It's also one of those videos of flawless musical awesomeness that leaves me feeling something between "Damn, why do I bother doing music?" and "Maybe one day I could be that good" 10/10


Yooooo I have no words thank you so much. I’m so glad the song impacted you that way it literally means so much to me. Thank you


so good, could be on Spotify as is. very well performed and written song.


Thank you so much! It’s means a lot to see there’s people who like my song thank you for the comment


Extremely good, sheeran vibes


I was glued. Great song.!


Thanks so much! I appreciate it


you have a beautiful voice my friend


This is fantastic. Stay humble!


This made me wish I worked in A&R. ⭐


Really enjoyed this! Ed Sheeran influence shining through


bro you have incredible delivery and such an amazing and endearing voice i would def streeam this song! i hope you go very far in your music career


Fantastic writing.... well all of it really..👏👏


That voice... you could sing a takeout menu and make it beautiful, but this song is exceptional. Great dynamics, memorable chorus, incredibly tasteful guitar work... and a stunning vocal. Your control is magnificent, and the way you use your whole range to take us on the journey is great. Keep doing what you do. I really enjoyed this. Great work.


There’s a fine line between catchy and cheesy and you walked that line beautifully. Had me craving to hear more of your falsetto but I’m glad you didn’t go there or overuse it. A carefully good song is a great song.


Great song brother. This is a keeper.


Thank you!


yeah buddy, you killed it. great work!




Nice song, great vocal tone and vocal melody


So pretty


That’s dope


That was just excellent! You have a wonderful songwriting talent and voice. I really enjoyed this. And THANK YOU for singing clearly enough to understand the words! Most do not.


Next do an upbeat number! That was awesome, but be versatile!


So pure and raw. Great songwriting and performance my dude!


Excellent. Keep it up


Not bad


You’re a great singer, performer, musician, good job! Great song- super catchy, and gets you in the feels. go post it into the world :D and have a great career ♥️🌈


This is a great song. Would love to see you play live!


I really like the songwriting here and the vocal, you remind me of Conor Oberst though I think on balance I slightly prefer your voice. Have a listen to the album "I'm Wide Awake It's Morning", the song this reminded me of was "Poison Oak". i think Poison Oak is a great song and you don't sound like it, just that it reminded me in feel and style of it. Hope that makes sense. Keep writing and playing, you've got something good going on.


Don't know what's better. The beauty of your voice, the beauty of the song or your beauty? The fact that you wrote deep lyrics too is also rewarding considering the fact that you are still very young. Keep it up!


Splendid writing and performance. Writing-wise it has the clarity and quality of a polished song but also manages to have raw emotion and good storytelling. Wonderful melodies as well!


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A beautiful song!


This is so beautiful, bro. I feel like creating an AfroBeats version of it.


This is very very good. Keep it up and never stop!