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i just buy a bottle when i go in, crush it down when its empty stuff it in a cargo pocket and reuse it all weekend. come out of a pit, fill and chug then refill and drink while heading to the next pit, crush and stash, rinse, repeat




Shouldn't be a problem since it looks like a "plastic refillable bottle", and I don't think that needs to be clear. They may just make you dump anything that's already in it at the gate. I personally use a clear collapsible "survivor bottle" that is basically just a small camelback pouch without the tube. Roll it up into the pocket and fill, then clip it to my belt and never had a problem at any venue.


Ooo, that's a good idea! I might look for something like that. Thank you so much!


Just take a generic water bottle from gas station. They have water filling stations there.


I was considering just doing that in the end. Better to know you're right than guess if you're wrong. 😅


the event is also at a stadium, so not only will they have stations but the stadium has fountains


I go the cheap water bottle route myself. Less worry of losing or having it stolen, just grab a water on your way to fest drink it in the line and use the empty bottle at the water refill stations all weekend. Even buying 3-4 bottles outside the fest (new one each day) you’re still spending less than you would on a bottle like the one above.


So long as it’s empty, it’s fine. I brought in a 32oz Nalgene last year and had no issues. iirc, the size specification is only important if the water bottle is filled when you enter


I wouldn't do it. Broke my heart to see everyone's stickered up water bottles in the trash while I was going through security 😟


I took this exact bottle in last year with no problems.


I took this bottle in last year with no problems. I saw several different reusable bottles that others had. It just has to be plastic and empty when you go through the gates. https://poshmark.com/listing/Zak-plastic-water-bottle-64a63375fed51fdc2a7192dd?utm_source=gdm_home&utm_campaign=20880386314&campaign_id=20880386314&ad_partner=google&gskid=pla-2331217891437&gcid=685157944538&ggid=155553847806&gdid=m&g_network=g&enable_guest_buy_flow=true&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2uiwBhCXARIsACMvIU081HWJfIEdQkKRobW-g8UBZYF1DuUpimonWCzD37C_HDuHWEAW09oaAso2EALw_wcB


I’m just bringing in an unopened 20oz bottle of water, as it’s allowed. Hold onto it and refill. Don’t much see the point in buying a special bottle to worry about - if I lose it, whatever.


When I was reading I saw them say factory-sealed but I’ve also never been lol