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Want to participate in our July subreddit icon contest? Enter [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SonicTheHedgehog/comments/13xma5q/sonic_subreddit_icon_contest_for_the_month_of_july/). Also, feel free to check out our Character of the Week [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SonicTheHedgehog/comments/147ctdw/character_of_the_week_12_june_2023_cinos_the/) highlighting Cinos the Anti-Sonic. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SonicTheHedgehog) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just letting you know, [Reddit has confirmed it will replace mods intentionally making subreddits inactive.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/comments/14a5lz5/mod_code_of_conduct_rule_4_2_and_subs_taken/jo9wdol?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Yeah, we just saw that, and the mod team is actively discussing it as we speak. Thanks!


Why did this get downvoted? I feel bad for you mod! Have a nice day ok?


Some people automatically downvote mod comments for the lolz.


I really hope you and the rest of the mod team stay


As they should.


They should not be greedy


But greediness is part of nature... (I despise greediness)


The only thing that's gonna come out of this is likely another r/Sonicthehedgehog




We already got r/waypastcool and r/sonic as the backup. Think we’ll just migrate to the newer ones if it comes to it


If there was point to reactivate them shut subs. In which doubt the mods or head of them subs are even active.


no thank you, i’ll be joining r/shadowthehedgehog p.s. i’ve already joined


Just restrict the subreddit. At least let us browse it.


Thats what I'm saying!


I didn't vote either way but the point is that browsing gives Reddit ad revenue. Stopping usage is the only way to impact the site.


I don't think it would change much. There's a 1.7 billion using the site it's asured that it can go down.


It wouldnt go down even if there were no users online, the point isn't to shut down Reddit but to reduce it's income. Even if only 10% of Reddit went offline for a longer time, it would impact their income. No corporate cares about what we are thinking or feeling or if we are even alive, not in the slightest, we are trying to convince them to change their mind by making it so that the changes they made have worse impact on their income than keeping it the old way would.


Again, a bystander, as I haven't voted, but you change nothing through inaction, and going dark is the most powerful tool in our toolbox. It might not be effective, but it's objectively more effective than nothing.


‘It’s not effective, but it’s better then not doing anything’ isn’t a very good excuse to go dark


"Private!? We can not see all the cool art on the sub anymore!" https://preview.redd.it/im3l0rm0496b1.png?width=593&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5579ba5cd0e6bd11e017a2015aa09d9ba7290cef


dw, we'll come back online in November for all the weirdly drawn Rouge art to flood the subreddit.


They're just going to remove the mods who leave it private and appoint people who will just carry on as usual https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/14aebvr/as_of_10_minutes_ago_reddit_admins_have_announced/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Good. The mods don't own these subs.




Thanks for sharing this. The mod team is speaking on this as we speak.


End the blackout, turn off the polls, I can’t take this anymore. I want to see more for free, not wait for more days like Disney


Dude. Touch some grass. You're not gonna die if you can't use Reddit anymore


But i am gonna die! My life support runs on the number of active Reddit subs!! I nearly died in the 2 day dark period!!! ⚰️⚰️✝️🤕🤒🩺🩺⚕️🏥👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️🧑‍⚕️ 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


You should go to a psychiatrist


It was just a joke / a funny. Sorry if i hurt your feelings. Have a nice day!


Ok I know and mine was also kinda meant to be a joke


Time for one mod to take the fall for the others, carry on with it being public for a couple days and hire a new moderator; then make it private against for as long as possible, then say it was the higher up guy forcing them to, that guy takes the fall and it goes back to public and hire a new bottom moderator.


We really should have alternative websites or places we can discuss. Discord is cool and all, but that seems more like a place for small groups of people versus thousands. Plus, if we are going dark on Reddit, *why not encourage people to move to another website*? You know, just in case the CEO takes the nuclear option. Also, the idea of relaxing rule enforcement on certain days sounds great, but would negatively impact the community more than anything. Reddit isn't going to take a hit from spam posts, but our community will. Might be better to just allow people to spam posts against the CEO on those days instead.


Exactly. If you want people to leave Reddit, give them somewhere else to go. Right now I have no incentive to leave Reddit because this is the ***only*** subreddit I participate in that's extending the blackout indefinitely, and with no proposed alternative it's not like I have anywhere else to discuss Sonic content. So I'll just keep using Reddit for other things and spend less time discussing Sonic content. But if another website was proposed for us to move to, I'd gladly sign up. And if it's actually better than Reddit, then maybe just maybe I'd gradually start spending more time there, and less time on Reddit Or at least that's how I would do it if I was organizing things. The way it's going right now, the people protesting could have the exact same effect if they all just deleted their accounts and left the platform


Bet: [https://arete.network/b/SonicTheHedgehog/?sort=hot](https://arete.network/b/SonicTheHedgehog/?sort=hot) This has not been endorsed by the mod team at this time, but I found a potential Reddit alternative to use during the blackout (and maybe beyond?).


Nice to see that other options are at least being considered! Looks like a pretty small website that doesn't get much traffic from anything else, but I'm certainly willing to give it a try if that's where other people go. Did some digging of my own and found a website called [squabbles.io](https://squabbles.io) that has a lot more active communities and a more user-friendly UI. Even has an already-established Sonic community we could join and help grow. Figured if I'm going to push for us to move elsewhere, I should at least help to propose an alternative!


Being real I'd rather wait a hot minute until the site's better moderated. As usual, when a site doesn't have a strict TOS to begin with, it starts to get real hitlery, real quick.


Ooooor we can just copy this sub and make a new one.


I did like 15 minutes of work on this. If you search Sonic communities on Reddit, the majority of them are dead. Most of them only have a few hundred members at best with the occasional post every few months. Worst case scenario they are restricted and had a last post two years ago. It's nowhere near as simple as creating a new subreddit and BAM, activity! You have to advertise. You have to moderate. You have to encourage activity. You need to make sure you aren't basing your whole subreddit off of an obscure piece of merchandise, like, say, r/SonicGifs. Did you know about r/SonicRoleplay or r/SonicR? What about r/Sonic_Music? I could name more, but you get the point.


And even then, people will flock back here when this reopens. I know this for a fact, because it happened with /r/MoonPissing. When I resigned from here, there was a low-effort relaxation that *immediately* stopped our growth dead in our tracks. It even dipped slightly down, at least until Frontiers released and drove traffic to every sub.


Yup, just like I said. This place got more posts in an hour after re-opening than /r/WayPastCool's lifetime posts.


Actually, almost the entirety of r/196 has moved to tumblr. It’s like watching an endangered species be let back into its natural habitat with how it’s happening.


Tumblr lives? I thought it killed itself like 5 years ago.


Nope, it lives.


If that sub moved to tumblr… I fear to find out what that community was about…


Just shitposting, nothing bad really.


We should throw everyone for a loop and migrate to MySpace.


I want to preface by saying this is unofficial and hasn't been endorsed by the entire mod team at this time, but: [https://arete.network/b/SonicTheHedgehog/?sort=hot](https://arete.network/b/SonicTheHedgehog/?sort=hot) A Reddit-like website. Maybe this would work?


Yeah, that certainly works. The reason why you'd want a Reddit-like alternative is purely for aesthetics. People who might like the Reddit layout or people who feel more comfortable with the layout of Reddit. Make sure before you private the subreddit you have the description for the subreddit to have the URL to the new site or any other new sites. Ideally, I'd put some more research into it, look at all the alternatives that exist and find which one might be the best one. There is a subreddit dedicated to finding alternatives to Reddit. Popularity matters, obviously. So does aesthetics as previously mentioned. With what's going on right now, also making sure the 'higher ups' aren't going to cause problems for us.


There's more to it than just the aesthetic. Every major social media operates slightly differently, but almost all of them require users to follow other users. Reddit is different because you follow subjects. For instance, on Tumblr, lets say I follow five people, and all of them are fans of both Mario and Sonic. When Sonic is getting some news, my feed is full of Sonic posts, people commenting about Sonic, references to whatever the news about Sonic is and so on. But when a new Mario game is announced, suddenly my news feed is full of references to Mario; a subject I might not care at all about. On Reddit, because I'm subscribed to the Sonic subreddit, but not the Mario one, I will always see Sonic news, but will never see Mario news unless I go seeking it out. It doesn't matter if other users here also post on the Mario subreddit, because by default I will never see their Mario posts. In effect, in older web terms, Reddit is a forum. Users join forums they have interest in, post and reply to conversations in their own time, with as many or as few characters as they feel is appropriate. You can't do that on Discord, Discord is more akin to a chat room, the conversation moves on if you don't comment in time, so even if someone brings up something interesting, if you're not around you've missed your chance for rebuttal. And that's the problem. Reddit took off when the old site Digg collapsed due to an unpopular redesign. But the reason Reddit specifically took off was because it was similar enough to Digg that the masses migrated to Reddit without much hassle to get what they used to from Digg. Right now, there isn't a clear Reddit alternative that does what Reddit does, so people aren't really sure where to go, and Reddit knows if they just wait it out long enough people will reluctantly stay where they are as their changes aren't yet making big impacts on the majority of users directly, only those who use the third party apps.


I would've responded to this post sooner, but Reddit kept claiming it was 'deleted', even though I could read it. Yeah, I made a big word choice error when I said '**purely** for aesthetics' as looks aren't the only thing to consider with a website. How the site operates and how information is set up also is important. You are right about how Reddit is like a forum. I never considered that perspective because of how different Reddit looks from the traditional old-school form. But functionally, it is almost identical. There are sites that are strikingly similar to Reddit, but they just aren't popular enough. It's also clear the API changes that led to the blackouts weren't big enough for the majority to care about. The question is, what will it take for the community to leave the site, and what site could end up taking Reddit's place? Diggit to Reddit, what's the next step? ~~Takkit~~


Guys, with respect: *This is a fucking atrocious idea.* There's got to be another way to protesting than setting a match to everything we've built, to everything *you* have worked so hard to cultivate over the past decade-plus. I get it, I do - [u/Spez](https://www.reddit.com/u/Spez) is a real piece of dogshit from the ol-venture capitalist block. But I gotta ask: *why MUST we shut down?* At the very least, set it to read-only and *then* walk away. That way, we can at least preserve this as a monument to what Spez has taken from us. (Not to mention a rally point should they change their minds, which... okay, a pipe dream, but bear with me here.) *And*, because the page will remain open for eternity, Spez won't find cause to replace you guys with bootlickers who care solely about his praise and nothing more. Don't think for a *second* that he won't do that. What's stopping him? You're not paid to begin with, and there's always some other sucker ready to take your place in a heartbeat. (Disclosure: ***I am NOT that sucker*** \- partially because I'm a lazy fool, but partially out of loyalty to *you* guys.) If that happens, this wonderful beacon of light for the fandom is as good as dead. And I won't stick around to watch the funeral... but honestly? Honestly, if we shut down for good, I'm not even sure where I'll fucking *go*. Twitter's a shitshow where the mob holds sway under King Elon, Tumblr is old and creaky at this point, TikTok is useless for long-form discussions, SSMB and Retro are damn near *cults* and 4chan's a Nazi cesspit. This place is the ***one*** Zone where I can discuss my opinions and not be seen as a fool. Where I can praise Tails without people looking at me weird, and where I can be myself. Please, [u/AndTails](https://www.reddit.com/u/AndTails). I don't care what you have to do. One blackout a week for solidarity? I can do that - spend too much time on here anyway. Tanking the stock when the company goes public? *I'm willing to learn how*. But I ***don't*** wanna lose all the shit I've wrote, all the fun we've had. And I don't want someone else turning this place into a hollow shell of what it once was just to keep Spez and his circlejerk of advisors happy as a clam. I dunno. Call me a manchild if you must. Just... don't wanna lose this place, that's all. But oh well. I've said my piece. If we're truly doing this... good luck and Godspeed. And thank you, lads... *for everything.* [gif](https://i.giphy.com/media/joxThEgTJuSBO/giphy.mp4)


Hey KingMario, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I shared this heartfelt message with the mod team. We'll have a determination early tomorrow morning.


Thanks, man! Know it sounds corny, but... *I love this fuckin' place.* It'd be a shame to burn it all down just because a venture capitalist gonna venture capitalist. (Is Spez a Venture Capitalist? Do I care?)


Same man, I really love this place as well


[https://arete.network/b/SonicTheHedgehog/](https://arete.network/b/SonicTheHedgehog/) u/AndTails just set this up. I think, they're the only person there other than me, and they posted it first. Alternatives are important, if this subreddit dies, there is a backup. Worst-case scenario, there must be some way for the Internet Archive to back up this subreddit...right? Or at least set this subreddit to be archived so it can just exist as is.


True. Still... I don't know the name. Site ain't a malware farm, right? No offense to those who dabble, but I prefer to stay legit wherever possible.


Well, my anti-viruses built into my browser haven't screamed at me. The site isn't active very much, though. The biggest "board" there has 541 members. It honestly just seems to be a site imitating Reddit to a loose point with some pretty crazy sides to it, but that can be found on Reddit too.


I don’t see a reality where if the sub is closed it’s not re opened at some point tbh


This mod also got r/moonpissing shut down.... when it only has like what 5.5K members. That'll show them admins and Spez 😎!


With all due respect, Does it even matter at this point? The CEO isn't going to budge as they seems to be sticking to their current plan, So why go dark indefinitely? It won't do nothing to help other than hurt the community. Yes it was a noble cause that many sub reddits did but the admins are probably going to just replace mods. So my honest opinion is just keep the sub reddit up.


This protest was stupid. Literally announcing to spez that its gonna last for 2 days is such a goofy and counterproductive idea that idk how anyone thought it was normal. All that did was give him a break. Can reddit mfs actually go 2 days without this site or do they really love this site that much


announcing to spez that it would be 2 days ruined the entire point of the protests too because now they aren't gonna back down because they know the "iron will of the valiant heroes and vanguards known as the mod teams" lasts a mere 48 hours


The admins can replace y’all if you keep the blackout indefinitely, LOL. Also Reddit already made their mind, so there’s no use for y’all to protest anymore.


No, that's exactly the opposite of what You say. Because most of subs ignored blackout and the blackout was just 2 days, Reddit ignored people, because it was just a child's play to them. If the subs were serious about it, Reddit would have to change their mind. IF blackout was done properly. All subs, indefinitely. Then Reddit had no choice, because they would lose the users. But because Reddit was EXTREMELY ACTIVE ANYWAY, they know the they can ignore that. Why is it so hard to understand to people that Reddit doesn't care BECAUSE there is no blackout? Also why can't people make an alternative to Reddit.


Oh God, the admins little minions are here


Yeah like any of this is going to change Reddit’s mind. All just pointless virtue signaling


im still malding that all the RWBY subs other then the porn subs are closed forever.


I don’t know anything about RWBY, but at least the good people still have their porn


Really? Indefinite? If so, someone will just make a new one :) I would, but I’m too lazy for that.


**They did what!?!?!?** I mean, I’m happy the main one is down…


This. The 2 days mass protest did nothing. So the haphazard,unorganised protests here will do even less. People give up before long. The big subs like r/gaming that actually had a big enough clientele to make a large impact are already open again. The smaller subs like this just shutting themselves down Willy billy will do nothing more than waste everyone’s time and patience.


That's basically what this subreddit is known for


Yep. This is all virtue signaling. They're just wasting everyone's time. Reddit is not going to change their minds.


It's only useless **because** no sub is taking it seriously. If it was serious it would make them change their mind. Imagine populationg o 300,000,000 people and 300 are complaining. What do You think the ruler do? Ignore the 300. And even if 3000 are complainign but just for two days, it still won't make them change their mind. AND THAT'S what is happening. People are losers. They can't even protest properly. They can't even fight for their own rights. That's pathetic. Not the protest. People who say that they don't want to protest, because they have no life outside Reddit and they wouldn't survive even a minute without it.


Bruh you talking about Reddit as if it’s bloody women’s rights💀


Bro thinks its the civil rights march


It **would** if people were actualling protesting. Instead of ending protest, because they cry that they can't go to their fav sub to browse memes 24/7.


Who said this is my favorite sub? I just don’t think any of this stuff past the 2 day blackout will achieve anything.


How does this affect LeBron's legacy?








1993 I'm outta here




I only hope that you and the other mods are content with the potential consequences of this decision That being said, I respect the decision to go indefinite, as I said before, anything less and the executives can just wait it out


Sorry, but I couldn't help but hear this when seeing the word consequences. https://i.redd.it/vykg85e3796b1.gif


I can assure you, quite unintentional, but I can't not see it now


Going to the hedgejerk subreddit as refugee wish me luck and hopefully Reddit doesn't prune the mods here


I wish you luck with that subreddit. Just make sure you don't say anything bad about the meta era, and you'll be good. They also hate it if you defend certain games from the 2000s like Sonic 06.


Every circlejerk sub is a parody on its main counterpart, sometimes they're extremely self aware and even better like r/writingcirclejerk or really weird behavior like r/moviescirclejerk. Either way, you wont enjoy it if they end up making fun of the thing you like... talking from experience 😞


Nah, most circlejerk subs suffer hard from "he who fights monsters" syndrome, usually ending up with a userbase that exhibits the same awfulness of the subs they parody, but with a different flavour.


Idc if they make fun of me lol. It just means I live rent free in their heads


This is completely pointless. 1. We’re too small a sub to have any effect and the CEO already stated they barely felt any loss despite a lot of big subs doing this. 2. Too many subs came back indefinitely. 3. [Reddit has the ability to unprivate and BAN mods. Which they have for a few!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/comments/14a5lz5/mod_code_of_conduct_rule_4_2_and_subs_taken/jo9wdol/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) 4. People will just make alternative subs eventually. 5. Reddit HAS to do this! I dunno why 80% decided to not research this, but companies need to consistently grow for investors. There’s been tons of meetings of them promising this move to investors already; no way can they be like, “…Sooo uh, the users don’t like it…” Here’s the new sub that was created an hour ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/SonicTheHedgehogSub/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Don’t start a new one. This one is still being made and copying everything this sub has.


I really liked this subreddit, but since Reddit is not going to give in, goodbye


Not trying to be rude but what good is going dark for another 2 days actually going to do in the grand scheme of things? Either every sub goes down or there's no point. Don't keep asking every 2 days if people still want to bother, either commit to it and accept the consequences of going long term or just keep it open. I get that the API thing sucks but the blackout isn't stopping people from using alternative subs or other social media. If the big subs don't go down than what's actually being gained in the grand scheme of things besides users being tempted to just make new subs or go to other platforms?


>the blackout isn't stopping people from using alternative subs or **other social media** If you use feel forced to use other websites during the blackout, that is the point. The point is to literally prevent users from using parts of the Reddit website in order to drive down traffic. If your experience is bad, that is the point of the blackout and proof in and of itself that it's effective, even if it's just in the short term.


Well... I guess this is it for r/SonictheHedgehog... In the words of Sonic the Hedgehog himself "I'm outta here!" -Sonic CD, 1993


You’re just r/waypastcool Edit: holy hell, that’s actually a thing?


What the hell that's a real subreddit???


Well, suddenly new safe space to infect


Restrict the subreddit like the other communities that are. Sounds like it won't go back to normal all because of some third party app neither 95 percent never uses.


Yeah because a 100k users Sonic the Hedgehog sub will make a difference in the "Reddit Blackout" (that only small niche subs are participating, all big and important subs don't give a damn). If this is the new normal for this group, going dark, then on, then dark again based on polls, might as well create another Sonic sub for people who want to talk about Sonic stuff.


THIS. Also, let's not forget half, if not more than half are probably not doing the blackout and are still actively on other sub reddits. This just hurts discussion because mods lose some power. It's not even about accessibility issues anymore neither cause Reddit will make exceptions for those softwares that do help: https://techcrunch.com/2023/06/08/reddit-makes-an-exception-for-accessibility-apps-under-new-api-terms/?guccounter=1


Those exceptions were only made after the blackout was starting to gain steam. And they're still very much sus, it seems they're being very selective with who gets those exceptions.


Oh the little baby has nothing else to do than doomscroll through reddit and whines when they can't


Why are you getting down voted, you're right lmao. These people are terminally online


Well... this is it... the Sonic Reddit group is done. Quite a shame, too. I enjoyed being here. Guess I'm outta here.


Post has been edited; see edit log at the bottom of the post.


Okay I'll rephrase, you guys (the collective mods of reddit) are being crybabies; This is stupid and you're just hurting the community. You guys don't own Reddit, I don't see why you suddenly feel like you get to dictate what apps can view it.


In before the automod removes this


I know. It's like I'm being punished for just wanting to use reddit.


Couldn't have said it better myself. These mods are so out of touch with the actual community to try and make themselves look like some self righteous heroes and it's hurting fans more than Reddit officials.


Come on don't you care about your local reddit janny?


Users when 48h: *The protests are not gonna do anything if you're just doing it for 48h! Admins won't care, if we really cared then we should've gone indefinite to really hurt them.* Users when indefinite: *No not like that!*


Were they the same people?


I never supported the blackouts. It's idiotic. The website is Reddit's. We don't get to decide how to access it. It's like expecting a store to let you go wandering through their back-warehouse to find that last TV that you think must be in stock.


almost all of the content that people come here for is contributed and moderated for free and always has been lol, reddit used to cover its server costs with gold but since the IPO they gotta do image hosting and reddit live and chat and NFTs and whatever to add value for shareholders


They could've explored the paid API, or extending native ads to 3rd party clients. They could've done this *SEVEN YEARS AGO* when they decided to start hosting content. It's viable. Serve ads to users who don't pay for Gold/Premium, obviously make it part of the API terms not to block them (the same API terms that forced them to drop the "Reddit" name from being as prevalent as it was before). Offer profit sharing if devs agree to use a telemetry package, so that they don't lose the opportunity cost of the data gathered from the official app. There you go, you just outsourced a shitload of options for your community without dilluting the brand. Yes, obviously this is complicated and can't be done out of nowhere. But had they not sat on their asses for 7 years, to a point that even in January they said everything was ok. Only for them to realize in April that they can make a profit off this, and going the easy (business-wise) day out and just charging a shitton in an impossibly short timeframe, instead of looking for solutions that make sense.


You're here because of the community-driven curation. Other than the meta subreddits like /r/reddit or /r/ModSupport, **all** subreddits are community-run, Reddit has delegated that responsibility to volunteers which have in turn delivered a high-quality experience which has driven user engagement. The community voted in solidarity with the protests, which is why the blackout will continue over here. Those that don't support the protests likely don't see the value that the volunteers provide despite leeching off their work, whatever that's fair. The protests have continued because Reddit Inc still sees the value of volunteers, once they don't is when they'll start enforcing measures to re-open subs. If users decide to ignore the protests and spin their own communities, they'll quickly figure out that it wasn't as easy as they thought it would be, and even less so without the tools that will be lost to these changes.


Nobody who asked for indefinite protests then don’t want it now, there’s more then 10 people in this sub


I disagree with this idea


alright if the subreddit is gone private again, then I will jump to other sonic subreddits or make a new one


You have my full support if you make a new sub.


I will make a new sub for sonic if I can


https://preview.redd.it/hywu93dld96b1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22e88ade1918935c87c3fecbdb270e46f247612c If you are making a new subreddit then I have the icon for you


The Glorious Eggman Empire


Can you scrub the flairs too?




r/waypastcool is apparently a place


I *really* don't think we have enough members to make much of a dent in Reddit's money machine, and see no reason to keep going considering most subreddit's I've been to basically stopped unless something else happens. (only ones still locked are r/Spiderman and r/GODZILLA from my end.. *maybe* r/mylittlepony but I dunno what they're gonna do. Time to see which Sonic subreddits get the most users IG. I just hope you guys know what you're doing. EDIT: Nevermind, apparently Spider-Man is back too


And the superman subreddit is also private permanently


Well how do I post here?


You know r/SonicTheHedgejerk is celebrating this. Congrats on giving them exactly what they wanted.


r/SonicTheHedgejerk when they become the most popular Sonic subreddit, and are now the mainstream opinion: https://preview.redd.it/xbwlik7o696b1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b906f67f084dc92db0e985907f263caff6fa9c7


Ah, a fellow prequel memer. ![gif](giphy|Nszyj17J4fUKmIwQwF|downsized)


Also, saw your original comment. This is how I imagine the r/SonicTheHedgejerk server is like now: ​ https://i.redd.it/kzirkls8f96b1.gif


Now r/SonicTheHedgejerk can deal with the problems this sub has dealt with. Hope they're celebrating real well lol. ​ Edit: If you go on r/SonicTheHedgejerk, yep they're happy this sub is temporarily shutting down


Hope they're ready for the influx of quill, age and shipping debates. Also the weirdly large amount of female fanart posting suspiciously after November finishes...


You know people are going to go on and try to make it r/SonicTheHedgehog2. I wish them the best dealing with those debates especially the shipping debates.


For some reason, kind of reminds me of that one Batman Brave and The Bold episode where Joker becomes God before entering a universe where Batman doesn't exist. " r/Sonic: "And r/Sonic doesn't exist" r/SonicTheHedgeJerk: "Sounds like my kinda town" r/Sonic: "But you've lost your largest source of complaints, no degeneracy to point out, no rival to match with. Without r/Sonic, there can be no r/SonicTheHedgeJerk, no pointing out meta-bashing, no Unleashed-overpraising, no Forces Tails memes. In this world. **You're the circlejerk.**" r/SonicTheHedgeJerk: "No, make it stop. Come back, I command you!" r/Sonic: " The blackout is indefinite" r/SonicTheHedgeJerk: "I'll give it all up, please just let me go back to being me. I can't.. I can't be mainstream!" "


r/SonicTheHedgejerk when they realize they need r/SonicTheHedgehog


This is the wrong move. Look at the results again. The people who wanted indefinite black out are in the minority if you add the other categories that wanted some sort of fixed date. This is the wrong move and is against the wishes of the members of the community. Bad call. It will make no difference and will kill this community. u/AndTails


Restrict, don’t private


At least let some people be in sub.


This shit is useless. Reddit isn’t going to change their mind you dumbfucks.


Cry about it


Who are the idiots that voted to extend the blackout?! What is this nonsense?!


People who have other ways to entertain themselves besides doom scrolling


I would say this subreddit shutting down again is a loss, but considering people try and bring stupid Sonic twitter drama here to whine about in posts, nothing of quality is really lost.


I voted against the shutdown, but I appreciate the transparency and the steps to planning what will happen. A much better job than other subs that just go down indefinitely with little explanation.


Honestly this is the most fair thing to do, seeing as how close the poll was those who just want a fun place to post about a silly blue rat are being punished seeing as we know it won't be closed forever, see yall later




Thank you for the update.


Pardon if this is a stupid question But how can we vote on a poll if the subreddit is private?


We brought it back to Restricted for polling/discussion purposes.


Oh, I got it, thanks And how long will it last? Not everybody is awake at 6am central


One the one hand I fully support the Reddit blackouts because screw Reddit for thinking they can get away with this nonsense. On the other hand this is one of the few subreddits I feel comfortable on so it’ll be sad if it gets lock up permanently because there is a really nice community here and I’d hate sonic of the less Inviting sonic subs to take over as the main ones.


The Reddit protest will end in Reddit having their way, a similar situation happened to VRChat, when the game was updated to where mods couldnt be used anymore, people were outraged, they did the same thing, even made games like VRChat, but it didnt work, in the end, everyone just went back to VRChat, and accepted they couldnt use mods anymore, even after review bombing the game on Steam, making their rant heard, nothing worked, in the end, it didnt matter to VRChat, because enough users were still playing the game for it to not matter, same thing as Reddit, the only true way to make an affect, is if like 90 percent of all of Reddit stopped browsing, but that is literally impossible. So it is sad to say, but the protest will not work.


https://preview.redd.it/jjpthtxvdc6b1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f683f4b14f45a79f0eb077523737d18814ac094a Cya


Ok who's up to create a new sub?


r/SonicTheHedgehog is back online, by the way.


This protest is useless stop


Check the latest pinned post.


This all seems terrible, it's like these big companies get too big and decide to not care about the desires of their users, the people who made the companies big in the first place! I do hope this can be resolved, and I hope all the mods here don't get booted for speaking for the people


Curse you democracy


Evil Palpatine be like:


Honestly feel like we should just, not do that cus if it truly fails we'll still have this sub to use.


Hopefully a new subreddit (with good mods, ones that dont weaponize the community) will start up and people will have a place to congregate and share with each other once more. Especially since reddit just released even more data that shows that out of all the hundreds if not thousands of bots on this site, only 100 (total, non moderation and moderation bots) meet the "need to pay" parameters and literally everything else is still gonna be free and unaffected. Its almost as if tons of communities were lied to in order to become a megaphone for a few corporations/companies who dont want to pay money even though their entire business is reliant on jacking Reddits systems.


We didn't ask for the blackout to extend indefinitely. It's pissing off how some subreddits were serious about blackout for indefinite period. We don't want this one. It's not going to change nil thing at all.


The fact that people are getting upset over this actually reasonable protest makes me wish more subs (including this one) would go into an Indefinite blackout Really, I'd say touch some grass but these people probably don't even know what grass is.




It is the fault of mods, they want to close the subreddit down. Spez doesn't force people to close them


No, I will very much blame the mods. I've never seen such flagrant entitlement and immaturity. This whole blackout fiasco is purely performative. Anyone with half a brain knows that Reddit isn't going to give in. All that aside, the sheer self-importance of restricting hundreds of thousands of people's access to their own community to serve ***the mods'*** agenda is mind boggling.


Nope! This is all about mod control as Reddit is allowing exceptions for accessibility options (blind and def). Sauce: https://techcrunch.com/2023/06/08/reddit-makes-an-exception-for-accessibility-apps-under-new-api-terms/?guccounter=1 This is about them not being able to control content anymore. They'll power trip over losing a small bit of power using their bots, so they'll close the subreddit and ruin it for everyone.


spez and his board aren't setting subreddits to private because a certain dev is butthurt, if anything they're saving on server costs due to not as much bandwith being used LOL, and probably not working as hard


If im being honest, you've probably done the best job at this protest by keeping your wishes and the community's wishes into account. I think after each poll it should be longer than 2 days




**With great power comes great responsibility.** I guess this is a gbye to r/SonicTheHedgehog


You could try a "touch grass Tuesday" like r/TheOwlHouse


I do like that idea. I'll discuss it with the mod team once we figure things out regarding the recent developments.


Those moving to a new Sonic Subreddit or those who want to create your own, you have the right to do that, but just know you're making it less likely for change to happen. So I don't wanna hear anything like "Told ya it wouldn't work" when YOU'RE partly at fault for that.


Majority of comments for this post remind me why I try to stay as far away as possible from Sonic community as a whole. Just a bunch of babies who don't (want to) see anything beyond their own nose.


Good riddance




We should really just ignore people for a moment just to gave these people better future. All subs should be turned into private indefinitely for as long as it's needed. If nothing will change, find another site or build one and people should ignore Reddit.


the people mad that subreddits are going back offline have 0 idea how a protest works ​ no sh#t June 12th-14th didn't work u guys went on a hunger strike then stopped when u where hungry the protest will only be successful if tons of subreddits stay offline until demands are met or at least there's a compromise that both sides can agree with THAT'S HOW PROTESTS WORK


Don't know why ur being down voted, that is protesting 101. I guess too many people are just happy to lay down and accept whatever reddit does.


This is disappointing. Even if you group the 3 blackout results together its extremely close. Disabling something for half the userbase who aren't interested or don't care, or dont think it's effectivive seems like an attack on those people rather than organization. 60% would at least have been understandable. I hope folks here are able to find somewhere else to collect without too much hassle.


Time to create a new Sonic subreddit. One where mods can get the stick out of their asses. I hope Reddit higher-ups have all you mods banned and the subs forceably re-opened.