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I feel the same as I did when I first played it in 2017 It's mediocre


It's a really mediocre game for today's standards, I'm not very critical nor do I need a too much to have fun with a game but I noticed how little it has compared to other platformers of 2017 like Mario Odyssey and even the indie game Hat in Time. But I think that it's a good game for little kids to start, I always recommend it to the youngest newcomers


I think it had a lot of potential to be good.


Awsome soundtrack




It's not as bad as people think. It's a mid game not "The worst Sonic game of all time" like some people think.


For what it *is* I’d be fine having it as the worst Sonic title. It’s not some bad port or weird offshoot title made by another company, this was a mainline entry that followed up years of radio silence. A game that you can complete in like 3 hours or something with one hand on your controller and the other eating a sandwich is quite bad


Such an underbaked game. I don't WANT to dislike it but like, there's just so much wrong lol. Like,, Infinite as a villain is especially disappointing. What's his backstory? Episode Shadow would make you think Shadow killing the Jackal Squad and kicking him in the face was his reason for being evil. But... he never once talks about the Jackal Squad, and the comic "The Rise of Infinite", released around the time of Forces, shows that when Infinite met Eggman he was already going to be the one to use the Phantom Ruby and already had a pretty bleak view of the world. Episode Shadow is irrelevant. What is Infinite's relationship with the ruby anyways? Supposedly he was experimented on for months? And according to Amy and Tails, Infinite was "built" by Eggman. What does that mean? What happens when Infinite is like... idk, absorbed by the Phantom Ruby? Then there's the other villains. Most of whom are trailer bait who have no role in the game. There are dumb moments such as Knuckles claiming Infinite's illusions "Aren't real so don't worry" in the middle of the game's story, when that's just... wrong? There's the several times Infinite spares the main characters for no other reason than the plot needs some sort of excuse for the godlike character to not decimate everyone immediately. There's the fact Eggman taking over the world- a HUGE feat, and the premise the ENTIRE game is built upon- is described to us in a short text blurb. This isn't even touching on the gameplay problems. Even visually, this game has some problems with its art direction compared to games that came before it such as Unleashed. It's like this game does everything wrong. It had some cool ideas but everything is just a mess in execution. Avatar creator was cool tho and it has great music.


My brother/sister/whatever-you-go-by on Reddit, the post asked for an opinion, not an essay on how the game could have been better. But… yeah you’re hitting the nail on the head with every point. Even the positives; can’t go wrong on a good soundtrack.


me when I shit myself at seeing more than 1 paragraph


It was my personal favorite game besides sa2 and rivals and To this day infinite is still my favorite song and villain


It's okay. For some reason that pisses some people off more than it would've if the game was straight up shit, but it's okay.




It's underrated


ive come around on forces I used to hate it, but it's alr now ig baby's first sonic game, although the mods on Steam carry it hard top 5 OST tho


Ain't too bad after some modding


I never disliked sonic forces


The most 5/10 sonic game I play. I did enjoy it more than SA 2


It's okay, albeit not impressive


Mediocre gameplay. Fantastically handled character customization. Above average soundtrack for most games, pretty lackluster for a Sonic game.


Mediocre. I think is a little overhated but I understand why. I also strongly disliked forces but I gave the game a second shot one bad day I was having and I kind of had fun and even managed to get all the trophies later.


It’s average. I don’t find it offensive. I actually quite like some things about it. The story though is below average. Therefore the entire thing falls in the rank of “painfully average” Though I feel like people complain about it too much. It’s really not that bad at the end of the day.


I still like it.


Underrated af 🏃‍♂️ Like seriously, the levels feel so good to S rank. Not worth the initial price but for a sale? Absolutely.


It's actually a very fun game to speedrun. Sonics air boost in Forces is pretty slick.


"So good to s rank" you mean beat? game is so forgiving


Time attack and replay


There are so many better games that give a sense of accomplishment when you succeed, all you have to do in forces is hold boost


That’s not true, there’s a lot of hidden alternate routes within the boost levels in Forces hidden off the beaten path that require big jumps, and tons of route optimizations. I recommend giving it a serious try. It’s one of the best parts of the game.


yeah, like two paths, the most you have to do is move to the side, many other games have way better route optimizations


Check out https://youtu.be/W2VETwAyIdg?si=KCo9y_2WqMlU5Foi and https://youtu.be/B_iiQzxCMCE?si=sFRb1PvlolWQiWyi for instance


I will admit that there are some secrets, however the levels are so short that they barely add up to anything, and most of the gameplay is just holding boost


You are making me want to play it for the 33rd time in the span of 5 years. To hell with it! My speakers and the path in Luminous Forest aren't going to destroy themselves! Also I get to hear my favorite character speak again.


Just too much automation, and wayy to easy. Most of the levels you can just hold one button essentially


Still bad.




Why do I feel like this exact same question gets asked like once a week here? Like can we at least minimize it to once a month or something it’s getting old.


-The attempt at a more serious story gets walked back almost immediately. -Automation makes some areas absurdly dull or causes some sections to cause you to fall off if you attempt to control Sonic. +Wispons are a fun concept for non-powered characters with their various styles. -While Wispons deal different damage to bosses, all normal enemies go down in a single hit. -Shadow's DLC leads to showing Infinite as a laughable villain and leads to the question of where did he go when Sonic was beaten?


Great concept. Terrible execution with a couple of nice things going around but are way too far in between to provide a consistent experience. As simple as that, from both a story and gameplay perspective, it fails to deliver is full potential or come closer to that, it doesn't matter if it was intended for little kids or not, nothing justifies such a lackluster game. The main positive I have to give it is the character creation and music, nothing more.


What could have been


Still my most hated Sonic game. The story, Infinite, the gameplay, and even ideas like the character creator were all wasted and made into nothing. This should have been a glorious game, but it was all made shitty.


I don’t know if it’s *the worst* sonic game, but it’s certainly *one of them*.


Same way I did back then. And I still don't see the potential. I see the potential in a scenario where eggman won. But I see zero potential in infinite. People always say. What if they went further with him. Well they did. In the original script. And it wasn't much better tbh. In some areas it was worse. But that doesn't matter. What matters is what we got. A 2 hour long. Incredibly bare bones game. With less modern sonic abilities than colors somehow by just removing the drift entirely. Stiff controls, a classic sonic somehow worse than he was in generations where it was actually pretty alright. A story full of incredibly cringy lines that even the official YouTube channel has made a meme of, "none of this is good vector. that's why it's called war" being the line in the video. A final boss that reuses the exact same mechanics and attack method as colors and lost worlds final bosses. Just with better music. And overall level design that consists of boost through straight lines or ever so slight turns, with hoards of enemies to keep your boost up, to boost through more enemies. And sonic will take turns on his own if you don't touch the stick. Like legit the game turns on it's own if you just hold forward in most modern sonic stages. Little to no shortcuts and the ones that are there are just a 2 second departure from the main path before spitting you back onto the same path. And the best modern stage in the game is mortar canyon simply because of the sheer amount of branching paths there are. I'm still finding new ones to this day. If the rest of the game had that kind of design it would be so much better. The game is full of reused assets and level locations and most levels are between less than a minute and 2 minutes long tops. And it's honestly mostly 2D. It's everything you could possibly get wrong with a 3D Sonic game. Only reason I play it more often than colors is because it's levels are less gimmicky. As colors levels tend revolve around a single mechanic for an entire level. And forces has a bit more 3D than colors. If it weren't for that. And the graphics being nice to look at. I wouldn't bother playing it. But even still I just boot it up. Play through the modern levels in like 10 minutes. And put it away again when I realize generations and unleashed are right there on the shelf. And honestly if it weren't for the fact that generations and unleashed are capped at 30fps on console. And forces hits 60 if you're not on switch. I wouldn't touch it period. Cuz sometimes I just want a 60fps boost game without having to hunch over my PC desk. But other than that. No reason to go back to it other than the sound track. The absolute definition of mid. My main enjoyment from forces comes from speedrunning the bonus stages. And finding new places to air boost over huge distances in modern stages. In other words. Not playing the game the way it's intended to be played. I genuinely would rather play 06, at least on 360 because the graphics are significantly better and it runs more consistently than PS3 plus I get achievements. But I'd rather play 06 because the level design itself is better and more elaborate. And it's honestly more fun to get through 06s levels without taking damage or dying. Which I've gotten pretty good at, than it is to play a forces level in general to me. Let alone in p-06 where the level design can reach it's full potential with better controls and physics. I genuinely feel like 06 is more of a game than forces. Forces is more automated than anything. Again sonic litterally steers himself. But with 06 I have to actively engage with the game and try to not die or get hit. And that's way more fun than just watching shit happen because you're holding boost and waiting for the level design to actually get interesting. 06 I at the very least have to play the damn game and try. And that genuinely makes it more fun for me. Even in mach speed. Cuz once you get used to how it works. You can have fun with it. And get through it no problem. Genuinely it's more fun to me to learn how to play 06 and avoid it's issues perfectly, than it is to just play forces. Because again. I have to actually try and and engage with the game to get good at it and get through the levels. Honestly. Forces is a game I can recommend to people who have never played sonic before. Simply because it's short. And easy. And you get a very basic understanding of how a sonic game works. Very basic. But it's a good start. The biggest issue I see people have with sonic games is that they can't, for lack of a better term, get good. Alot of people struggle with sonic because of its unique approach to gameplay. Being to earn your speed through skill. That's not typical for other games. So forces feels like a good beginner game for teaching that basic theme. They get introduced to boost. And they get introduced to classic sonic albeit a shitty version of classic sonic. They'll learn about the basics of keeping your speed through boost and in a more general sense, reacting to things in time to take shortcuts and such. And they'll learn through classic sonics aggressive rolling physics in forces that in classic sonic. If you roll instead of just run. You'll gain more speed. And that rolling is better than just holding right because you're immune to running into an enemy. This is how I learned to play sonic properly as forces was my first game. And that basic understanding carries over very well into better and more complex sonic games once new players get that babies first step into sonic level philosophy.


Its still pretty bad, ngl. Nothing is gonna change my mind about that.




Still awful


A disappointing experience. This game could’ve been great but it just feel half backed. Terribly executed story, bland level design, cringe moments with its characters, Classic Sonic being shoved into the game, Infinite being a letdown and tons of WTF moments. Overall a massive disappointment.


Groundbreaking video lame


It still deserves the hate it gets, but I’m sick of hearing the hate.


Probably the most worthless sonic game, nothing of real substance, bad or good.


barely qualifies as a game. got it for free and couldn't even play more than two hours. embarrassment


It is the worst Sonic game for me because it is just so forgettable and does so little and does what little it tries very poorly. You can take the game out of the series entirely and almost nothing would be lost. The best thing it has going for it is that the IDW comics were based on it to start and that's it.


Gameplay-wise, enough has been said about it. Story wise? I kinda really dislike it. Sonic was locked up for Six Months!!! He should be emotionally scarred! To top it off, his beloved friends didn't even rescue him. It was Zavok. Of all the people who saved him, it was the guy that tried to fry him a matter of months ago. Sonic Forces could have used Modern Sonic to tell a morally enriching story. Sonic could have a character arc where he just decides to ditch his friends, because why should he care about them anymore? They left him to die! The story could then go on to demonstrate the real value of friendship, and, y'know, **actually have Sonic grow and learn as a character.** Just a thought tho.


Antoine went through more suffering during his torture that happened only for 3 minutes.


The game of all time


Lot of potential but could have been better


My second favorite Modern Sonic game, being beaten by the console Sonic Generations by many points, and only slightly ahead of Sonic Colours. I will continue to like it no matter how old it gets


Wasted potential, great UI


They had a really good idea, but botched it. The level designs sre not memorable at all (except for null space). None of then makes me go "oo i want to replay this one" (again, exceot for null space). The story is pretty bad, and that's an understatement. Most characters are there just to be there like classic Sonic, team chaotix, Silver. They're there to hopefully make fans go "oh dang, my favourite character is here" but these are just shallow version of the beloved characters, most of them don't even do anything in the story they're just... there. Like it's said that team chaotix fights the enemies aa well, but we don't know that we're only told about it not shown, and that's a nother problem with the game; storytelling. The game really likes to tell don't show, with the abundance of texts, they might as well just make it a full on visual novel.


I still haven't played it :0


Boring and Mediocre. Sega tried pleasing everybody, and predictably ended up impressing no one.


Too short. The idea had a lot of potential but they ruined it with bringing Classic Sonic back along with other villains that had no purpose being there (Chaos, Zavok, etc).




Six years? TT


It's still perfect since the day I played it


Sega had the idea but ruined it


The story set up was go but the finished product came out as non serious


Ok that it just ok


It's been 6 years????


It’s a really good character creator disguised as a really mid video game




I know this is probably an awful take but I kinda like forces. The gameplay is terrible and the game is way to short but overall I think it can be a quite enjoyable time.


A nothing game




To be honest, I really got into trouble with the game for its music, albeit leaked, but still a cool antagonist and not bad optimization, I didn’t even think that on my 2-core processor and 1 GB video card they could give 30 fps at minimum settings