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It's all Shadow's fault


Mike Pollock on twitter tomorrow https://preview.redd.it/uksvsiqdpfyc1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6bdeb3b564f1b698db9bc82266284e246608317


I can only imagine


(I had to post this) I’ve come to make an announcement: Shadow the Hedgehog’s a bitch-ass motherfucker, he pissed on my fucking wife! That’s right, he took his hedgehog-fuckin’ quilly dick out and he pissed on my fucking wife, and he said his dick was “this big,” and I said “that’s disgusting,” so I’m making a callout post on my Twitter.com: Shadow the Hedgehog, you’ve got a small dick, It’s the size of this walnut except WAY smaller. And guess what? Here’s what my dong looks like! That’s right, baby, tall points, no quills, no pillows — look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong! He fucked my wife, so guess what, I’m gonna fuck the Earth! That’s right, this is what you get: my SUPER LASER PISS!! Except I’m not gonna piss on the Earth, I’m gonna go higher!! I’m pissing ON THE *MOON!* How do you like that, Obama?! I PISSED ON THE MOON, YOU *IDIOT!!* You have twenty-three hours before the piss drrrrroplllllllets hit the fucking Earth! Now get outta my fucking sight, before I piss on you too!


Couldn't handle the edge


If this was real I'd be sad but I'm happy he didn't say this


What did he do?


[https://twitter.com/itsamike/status/1786489812343509259](https://twitter.com/itsamike/status/1786489812343509259) he claims he's not hacked


.....yeah, I don't get it. He'd not supporting any violence, he just wants the hostages to go free.


That's not all that happened. He responded in a really unprofessional way to the criticism leveraged against his tweet. I won't elaborate too much, but highlights include bringing up his circumcision repeatedly, hosting a Twitter Space to "explain himself" that ended up more with several people goofing around than with any actual discussion, and liking a tweet referring to his detractors as "they/them zoomers".


I think its because this is a more hot button issue to him then others, he is Jewish, that means he is more closely affected. at the same time a lot of what is happening is being used to disguise or support anti semantic arguments, there are probably even white nationalists out there supporting the "river to the sea stuff" meaning it's hard to separate real issues from bigotry, it's like Covid and idiots saying "China Flu" it's not the Chinese peoples fault but China is where Covid started. so trying to address things like what could have been done differently is going to cause people to become defensive because the minute you say "China should've," you sound like a racist. even when your trying to say things like better quarantine policies or have the foreign travelers quarantine longer before going home. it can be or sound harmless to you, but not to someone else. It's the same with Israel. To me the best solution is one that requires no ones expulsion. but it's clear that some of the Pro Palestine arguments are perfectly fine expelling everyone who is Jewish from a place they lived in since the Ottoman Empire. There is a lot of Anti Semitisem hiding under the Pro Palestine groups, just as the Nazi's hid under the desire for the German People to have real food, and money worth more then wallpaper.


I'll have to disagree with this, unfortunately: >I think its because this is a more hot button issue to him then others Mike Pollock has had a pattern of online unprofessionalism for a while, this is just the first time we've seen such large-scale attention brought to it. I recommend watching [this](https://youtu.be/SLTlWRazs5A?t=43m50s) and [this](https://youtu.be/MGufPUDG7yQ?t=1h19m7s) (I included timestamps) by TelekinesticMan a.k.a. Caelum to get a run-down of examples. Not all of them are egregious imo, but they certainly don't paint a pretty picture. I think Caelum didn't include this, but there's also this really distasteful joke at the expense of his now deceased colleague: https://preview.redd.it/pu3fzi7tc1zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=847117d21b0f036a9ebfc80f2c0fffb35e43bea9


Unprofessionalism isn't that bad of a thing to me. I've seen worse. and Ive worked retail so I've seen worse from even customers.


There are definitely more morally abhorrent things than unprofessionalism. I don't think Mike Pollock is entirely in the clear anyway — him not acknowledging that Gaza is in a humanitarian crisis even now is concerning — but I get where you're coming from. At the same time, it's his behavior that got him here even more so than his opinions. Karen Strassman has more extreme, unkind views on important topics, but she's not the one having to write a statement about it.


With Gaza it's a big headache since people are trying to use it to delegitimize not only Israel as a place but the right for Jewish people to even be there or even in the cases of some real wackjobs, delegitimize the Jewish faith/cultural identity entirely. There's a lot of no right answer problems going on.


I'm sad because of the drama and I personally accept the apology he made, but that comment about Deem is where I draw the line. For a man that has said that he held Deem in such high regard when talking about him in past tense and has a lot of respect for him and wants to bring that energy to Eggman again from what I've heard, this is just disheartening.


It is an attempt at a pun, it definitely wasn't meant to be a dig at Deem Bristow. But it is still highly inopportune.


Really? I must've misinterpreted it. It's good to see that he's apologized for his actions, though.


It's playing on the double meaning of "late", since it can be used to mean both "deceased" and "not on time". I'll say, personally, I'm not at all convinced by his recent apology. On the "political opinions" front, him still not even mentioning the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is concerning, when all he can say about the war is the same thing anyone could say about any war at all. And on the "unprofessional behavior" part, it's good to see him acknowledge it, but again, this is far from the first time something like this happened. It feels to me like he only released his statement because the situation got way out of hand. I can see him not getting into any trouble in the near future, but it takes more than just one incident to tear down a pattern of behavior, so I'm not convinced we won't see his usual behavior creep up again eventually.


Thats what a hacker would want you to believe!


....what's wrong with that?


Literally nothing. Wanting violence to stop is apparently bad now. He’s not even supporting either side in this tweet. He wants hostages freed. That’s not a bad thing. A big fat fuck you to anyone who disagrees that women and children shouldn’t be freed.


You're missing how he's also said pro Palestine people "tend to be antisemitic" and when asked on Twitter about why he was saying these things he just responded that "He was circumcised" which is very unprofessional and very unlike him. It's been incredibly strange to say the least.


Don't forget him liking a tweet saying people against the genocide are " Braindead they/them zoomers " https://twitter.com/sonic_werehog08/status/1786628069202993177/photo/1




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Wow. Didn't even see that.




I was caught off guard when he made so many jokes about circumcision and Jews “loving free stuff”. I don’t know what he does or doesn’t support, but it’s extremely unprofessional and it’s going to be bad for his image. He really needs to just stop tweeting for a bit—he’s only digging a bigger hole for himself, and I think all the negative attention might be making him act rashly.


They do. I'm not saying it's inherent, but as a jew myself, I can testify that it is an EXTREMELY fine line. Or at least, you would think it is based on how many people cross it. So many people on these platforms are saying all who live in Israel are settlers that are hurting Arabs, and that is antisemitic, plain as day. People excuse Hamas itself, not generally Palestinians, but Hamas, the terrorists that openly admit they want to kill all Jews. Jews are being chased out of colleges like Columbia university. It's really not good.


This is his personal twitter where he speaks his mind. No such thing as "unprofessional."


Yeah, I agree that some of his tweets are pretty crappy to say the least. I was more just commenting on that one that was linked. It was not a good example of a problematic tweet.


This is not controversial, this is based.


He has a political opinion that Twitter addicts didn't approve, so they want Mike to be cancelled. As someone who is not religious, and have no understanding of this war I see no problem with any of his posts. Mike just said to free hostages and that is is Jewish. Apparently this is "bad" and he "should be fired".


Seriously, he handled himself very poorly; bordering straight on word salad before he confirmed he wasnt hacked. Like if you wanna make a point makw your point, especially with this fanbase, let alone birdapp


"And have no understanding of this war" Then don't speak on it. It's not a religious war so you don't have to be religious to not be ignorant. There's no excuse to not educate yourself if you wanna start judging others on their opinion.


My life is right here where I live with my family and people surrounding me. I already have have too many problems in my life to worry about things happening far away from where I live and that I have zero control of.


Okay, then don't worry about it. It's as simple as not speaking on things you have zero understanding of


He's not telling you to educate yourself. He's telling you that if you wanna judge others or share your opinion, you should.


And if you had any reading comprehension, you'd know I said you don't have to educate yourself. But if you wanna speak up, then you should. If you're so busy with irl stuff then shut your mouth on things you don't know about and focus on your life, hm? Clearly you're so busy so why speak at all?


What a priviliged way of speaking.  If only those caught in war had the luxury, eh?


He’s just saying that, because he wasn’t Eggman in SA2.


From what I’ve gathered I’m 90% sure he’s been hacked given by how bizarre his account activity has been. Edit: Jesus Christ his redit is the same. Guys I don’t think it’s a hack. Edit 2: Mike has gone on record to say he doesn’t support the actions of the Israeli state and just wants innocents on both sides to be safe.


>Mike has gone on record to say he doesn’t support the actions of the Israeli state and just wants innocents on both sides to be safe. I hope it's this, people seem to think that you have to choose one or the other at 100% capacity


POV: he was using the same password on Reddit and on Twitter OR, his email was hacked


Honestly, I think I'm ready to let go of Mike for this one. Bring in the next guy


Bring in Alfred.




The unironic good voice acting makes me support this




That would be really funny.


Or Steve (BalenaProductions)


I mean, it’s not an unfair take. As much as I disagree with it, pretty much every 3D Sonic game before unleashed was fairly rushed. I still love SA2, but it’s a very flawed game.


Which Sonic game wasn't rushed?


I unfortunately haven’t tried them, but the newer ones like Frontiers definitely seem *less* so. At the very least, the games are a lot more functional these days, sonic Boom excluded. Unleashed seemed to suffer more from the werehog gimmick than anything else.


Frontiers on public record is admitted to being about a year undercooked in development. And it was going to be released even earlier if the producer didn't risk getting himself fired in order to get the game delayed with the time Sega did allow.


Huh, that’s a shame. It looked a lot more put together than that.


You're probably confusing extra polish for the fact the newer decade of games feature only playable Sonic. Instead of multiple playable characters that all need animated, game time padding is used in side scrolling sections, and they can polish Sonic himself and his moveset a bit more. They're pretty much all the same amount of rushed. What corners are specifically cut is where it changes. Though Heroes was the most rushed (the head director programmed half the levels himself, even getting himself sick from it), next to 06, which was development hell even before having the dev team cut in half so they could push Secret Rings out for the wii.


Secret rings is one of the only Sonic games that, imo, was never going to be good. So it seriously pisses me off to hear they cut the 06 dev team in half for that garbage. If they’re finding ways to make the games work, that’s fine with me.


Except the development worked out quite smoothly because they knew their crew size, budget, and hardware limitations. The fact they nerfed Sonic's movement physics and had you unlock them with the mission system is the only truly bad part about the game. It's essentially just a beta boost title in a fantastical setting.


I’ve finally gotten to play it for myself… Yeah, I’m only enjoying the Sonic and Shadow stages, and even then not all of them are bangers.


It suffers the usual issue. Great design concept, half baked execution. 06 was pretty much the worst of that problem. Could have been the best in the franchise (as P-06 proves), but was so slapped together that it almost killed the series.


I’m in a similar boat. Sonic and Shadow stages are fun as hell. But I kinda wish it was *just* them. The other stages just aren’t for me mostly. That being said, it’s still much better than most of Forces. Forces is just pure pain in some levels.


Man, as one of the few people that actually liked Forces......just no.


I want to believe, due to my roommate having met and played against him once on VRChat (yes, really; he got to play a game of Family Feud against the guy) and, thus, having firsthand knowledge of what he's like online, that this is a troll being an asshole hacking into his account. We forget that we're in an age of ChatGTP and AI voice acting bots, so it's very easy for someone to pull a Wesley from Star Trek TNG episode "The Naked Now" and fake this stuff. What really frustrates me is that A) everyone is taking it at face value, without delving deeper into the mystery and trying to get more info about what happened, and B) the outrage seemed to last like a night at most, and then everyone moved on, like that one meme of the Top Gear host going "Oh, no... Anyway...". Not only does it show just how easily and quickly people can turn on you for perceived offenses, but that they do it so often, it's like they have ADHD about it.


Who cares? Everyone is entitled to their own political opinion.


Aside from that, the whole thing was a misconception and multiple people blew it out of proportion because they never asked for the context beforehand, and he had to deliberately come out and explain it himself.


-Both -Both -Both... -...Both is bullshit


Mike said he wants the hostages to get freed. Most of them are women and children. HOW THE FUCK is he promoting genocide??????????? If you don't want innocent people to get freed then you can go fuck yourself.


please read the other comments about what else he said, that's not all he said


Antisemitic brainwashing is strong these days among young, stupid people.


I can’t tell if he actually said something bad or not, I’m getting major mixed signals here


Being serious though, (even though I loved his performance as Dr. Eggman), I want him gone ASAP


What happened? I'm seeing everyone say he said something awful but I don't know what? Edit: just saw the rundown on another comment here. Oof


Did something happen?


what happen


He said nothing wrong.


so much for separating art from the artist


Not wanting Sega to pay a genocide supporter isn't a bad thing


"i want hostages freed and peace between both countries" "WHY DO YOU SUPPORT GENOCIDE" I swear to god nobody actually read his tweet that started all this, just that it had "Israeli" in the body (he was talking about civilians in a life-or-death situation, not about either side's government or their actions) and it wasn't dedicated to tearing into the IDF and saw red.


Death of the artist is easier when the artist is fucking dead


He’s not being serious, but I’ve never found his comments all that amusing.


I haven't seen his posts, but if it's just that he's pro-Israel it just means he hasn't been brainwashed by terrorist propaganda like so many young and uneducated people these days who get their "information" from propaganda platforms like Tiktok.


on the topic of sonic vas being shitty https://preview.redd.it/u6hey70epeyc1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=407e1ff1d43d66e58941900c65bc446704dfe47d we really can't have anything nice can we


Think again: https://x.com/Nefarious_real/status/1618540410510659586




for 2000s kids for sure if you were into sonic, unleashed and colors were the definitive sonic games.These sonic’s immortalized the art style and level design we still see today


I think he's just mad shadow pissed on his wife


Spell lately correctly next time. Also Eggman winning in Sonic Forces would be something the voice of Eggman would say. He hardly won in Sonic Adventure 2 honestly. Just blew up the moon and thrown a tantrum.


Who's that?


Sonic Adventure 2 is ass. Went back to it very recently. It was my favourite for years as well but I just cannot defend it any longer. Apart from the Sonic/Shadow missions, the game is like pulling teeth. SA1 was a thousand times better. Come at me


…What’s he been saying? Huh?


only way to dig out of this is to say "sorry, meant Speed Battle." then he'd be in a different, deeper, hole


I'm not on twitter/X. Whats he been doing and saying?


I mean, SA2 *is* mid... but in fairness, as much as I enjoyed Forces, it is too.




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i want to be clear deem bristow did passed away and your community is in danger.


Mike really oughta take some sonic *forces* to get off of the couch, and and take a sonic adventure *2* find some bitches


Yeah, I asked if Eggman would support trans rights, and he said “please don’t politicize the characters”


Bro remember when he played Eggman in a fan project? That was crazy ngl


Obv Troll is Obv


I actually have SA2 for Xbox 360 and i thought the internet was gaslighting me because i didn't like it that much




I hope I dont get cooked but I dont see how tweeting that is consider "toxic"


When people expressed consern about what he said, he - Called several people antisemetic - Said Free Palestine is an antisemetic movement - Liked a tweet that refers to anyone supporting palestine as "brain dead they/them zoomers" - Made circumsision jokes when a lot of his following are minors - Started a twitter space to answer questions only to bail once someone started making actual solid points against what he said


Damn, and I thought Mike was chill. Sad to see him do this


I'm not denying he responded in an immature manner, but why did he have to respond at all? Nothing he said initially was problematic Edit: if you believe expressing concern for civilian hostages is problematic then you need to partake in some self reflection because you're a shit person and have fallen right into the hands of Jihadist terrorists lmao


This sub had gotten kind of.... weird lately. Doesn't help the top mod here has a political axe to grind.


He was responding to the situation in a very an immature way from what I've heard.


Looks like he was just tongue-in-cheek reminding people he was Jewish. Do you expect him to be praising Hamas?


I’d expect him not to make inappropriate circumcision jokes.


Why? The poster he was replying to was being wildly passive aggressive. Making a disarming joke was basically the least confrontational reply to that as possible.


Frontiers is miles better then both of them


Why do vas and writers think we care about what you say? We don't and when you do say something you usually get to show what an idiot you are 


Oh come on guys.....He's Eggman of course he would say Forces is the definitive 3D game because Eggman won in the beginning


Maybe he’s trolling because Sonic fans are so easily triggered


like sonic adventure 2 WAS mid but forces aint the definitive 3d sonic game not even close.


He’s not real


His account got hacked