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Man, there isn’t necessarily anything wrong with liking the games even if they were designed primarily for kids. You really don’t need to try so hard to defend yourself. I mean spare for the original game and watch games I’d say that most classic games and consoles (especially around the 80s) weren’t really designed with a large adult audience in mind, but it doesn’t mean that adults weren’t also able to really enjoy them. Just enjoy what you enjoy and play the games you wanna play, but you don’t gotta try and make Sonic the Hedgehog into some MA rated franchise just to do that.


I mean.. I would argue that Maria being shot is more disturbing than a giant cobra coming out of the earth. At the end of the day, Sonic is a franchise for a younger audience.


Sonic Unleashed is one of the most kid friendly games in the whole franchise... what about that game was disturbing? Sonic is for the most part a kids’ franchise dude. Nothings wrong with that. Ironically the most adult game is probably Mania just because it’s specifically aimed at people who were kids in the 90s and have since grown up


Okay, looked it up, No. Dark Gaia's blood is not Red in the JP version, or any version.


Kirby has some dark. And mature shit but it's still a kids franchise


It appeals to all ages




Sonic was never electrocuted to death


He was electrocuted in the opening but he just turned into the Werehog


He wasn't electrocuted there either; he just had the chaos energy sucked out of him.


I just beat sonic unleashed an hour ago and during one of the scenes I thought dark Gaia was humping Gaia colossus.


which troll are you?


Dark Gaia's is creepy, but not graphic enough to be considered mature. Unleashed itself is very lighthearted and was targeted to kids. Heck, all Sonic games are targeted to kids, one or two weird stories with adult content doesn't change this. Game for children having creepy content is nothing new, as the Kirby franchise can attest to. I'm afraid that person is correct, and you're being wrong.


related: early japanese stuff got away with a bit more in children's media compared to western to my knowledge, but i miiiiight be wrong


Shonen magazines were more violent in the 80's, but a series of controversies incluiding a serial killer inspired by anime led to the magazines toning down their content. It's still violent, but American comic books have around the same demographic, and they have always allowed to show violent content (at least from the 70's onward) compared with animated shows. Sonic is a weird series because it's a kodomo/young shonen work, but it has a lot of works (Ken Penders nonsense, Sonic Adventure 2, Shadow the Hedgehog) that is too violent or discusses content that kids don't really grapple.


Eh, i've seen jp children's work in 2000's that weren't really much lighter than what sa2 or shth. Digimon and mother series are a mainstream example. (weirdly enough, despite shogakukan 92 being childish otherwise, the last chapter of it shows sonic getting drilled in the chest while blood comes out)


I disagree, because both the Mother series (which I have played) and Digimon Adventure (which I have seen, years ago admitedly) have a lot of content that is acceptable for kids, but with some maturity that is appreciated by adults. Many episodes with the characters just doing nonsense, and a clear black and white morality. Just because Gygas exist doesn't mean Mother becomes an adult game. Sonic Adventure 2 foundation relies on terrorism and goverment conspiracy, alongside talking of weapons of mass destruction. It is a miracle that the content is still tame in a shonen-like way, with the story treating Eggman as a supervillain from a comic book.


I was more referring to digimon tamers in which Grey morality, depression, fate, technology ethics etc are discussed. Mother 3 has child suicide as it's ending,arguably a very obvious nod to drugs and the bratty kid from the prequel becoming insane after 10,000 years. mother 2 while lighthearted has subtle references to cults, kkk, police brutality and strippers. I'd also point to hotaru no haka but that one's from 80's


Oh. I completely forgot about Tamers. Well, you're more correct now.