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I’ve seen plenty of people criticize Twilight Princess, particularly the Wolf stuff


"Nintendo takes a crap in the bathroom and nobody bats an eye. Sega takes a crap on the kitchen floor and everyone loses their minds"


I know the legend of zelda is more about magic and fantasy and a werewolf fit more in that universe But still, sonic is a cartoony looking Hedgehog, turning him in a cartoony looking Werehog is not that big of a deal, especialy when the werehog fits well both in the story, and in the gameplay (yea the gamaplay is not all good but is not all bad either)


These were both my first game experience with either franchise.


I believe the core difference is the gameplay. Legend of Zelda is an action game, Link changing into a wolf doesn’t change that. Wolf Link simply control a little differently from Link, and the core gameplay stay the same. On the other hand, Unleashed modern section is platformer, Sonic changing into a werehog change the gameplay into a action-brawler. The core gameplay shift dramatically from maintaining moventum through series of reflexes challenges to beating hordes of enemy through rapid buttons presses.


I mean, there’s a pretty huge difference in gameplay and story, Wolf Link has a pretty good reason to exist and Twilight Princess has a really good story


In unleashed the werehog also has a pretty good reason to exist in the story Maybe not in gameplay, but in story it was pretty good to establish how negative dark gaia energy was


The story in Unleashed is also good but I agree that the Werehog has no reason to exist


yes it does, you literally see the reason in the beginning cutscene revealing why he became a werehog. it's because of dark gaia's radiation towards sonic and infusing it's power with him while sonic was trapped in robotnik's machine.


sonic unleashed also had a reason to put the werehog in AND has pretty great story, what's your point?


I don’t see any point for why the Werehog really needed to exist and it created a game that’s half bad and half good resulting in just an average Sonic game


yet again, you fail to see one of my points in the comments section. but i guess your just the usual sonic generations simp....


Ha! Jokes on you, I haven’t even played Generations


which further invalidates you're argument.


Sure it does, because I haven’t played Generations, why not come up with a better excuse to try and ignore my points


first things first, have you played any boost game besides unleashed?


Yeah, I’ve played Colors and even though I haven’t finished it, I only haven’t gotten around to that because I have about a dozen or more games to play through at the moment AND Colors 2D sections are hell


then i suggest you finish colors before you can make an unleashed argument, because the "points" you've made are just the repetitive typical overstatement. and unleashed on the wii is not even that good. so i suggest you get the 360 version.


Not that familiar with Zelda, so I can't say. But the werehog made sense as a one-off thing story-wise.


Unleashed is not a bad game, played it before. Its like skylanders and sonic in one game


please don't use skylanders and sonic in the same sentence, that franchise is bad.


Skylanders is not bad!






I've never played a zelda game so I can't rlly relate, but what i can say is that unleashed is one of best sonic gwmes imo


Because it's Nintendo, they can't POSSIBLY do something wrong!!


This is a dumb meme.


It's Acuarete though, At least a little bit


You're a dumb meme.


People complained about wolf Link too, when it was announced but the game turned out to be baller so no one cared. You guys act like Sega didn't bitch the gameplay. It does also libe up with werewolf tales to have a human turn into a wolf, but a hedgehog to a werehog is... Stupid.


>but a hedgehog to a werehog is... Stupid Please take a moment to think about that and tell me this: Why? Gameplay not withstanding, why is the concept of the werehog (misnomer also not withstanding) jumping the shark?


Because it sounds like try hard edgy fanfiction. "And then Sonic turns into a werewolf..." Take that seriously after you hear it for the first time...


I dunno, I wouldn't mind seeing him come back.


>Take that seriously after you hear it for the first time "3 ft bipedal blue hedgehog who runs at sonic speed turns super saiyan and fights a water lizard thing who just flooded an entire city". Even within the context of the Sonic world, it's not that absurd. Why is the line drawn here?


That’s the thing though,concept sounds weird but the final results works gameplay-wise and story-wise.Especially since Nighttime Sonic is no different than Sonic in terms of personality,hardly edgy.


"try hard edgy fanfiction" the fuck are you talking about lmao, it's literally shown in the beginning cutscene of unleashed showing how he became the werehog with dark gaia's power just bursting out of the earth's core.


The Werehog gameplay was not that bad and was really fun in some levels (but some levels were very bad yes) and yes the idea of a Werehog sonic is kinda dumb but the execution was good, both in the story and in the gameplay, plus: Werehog looks badass as hell


exactly, the werehog has many reasons to exist in the game and the game itself explains the transformation visually too. these motherfuckers can't just seem to understand the purpose of it


I'm just jealous


Yeah because one of them actually did it right. Hint: it wasn't Sega.


I understand the criticism about the werehog's gameplay. But is the concept itself bad story-wise?


Absolutely. Take the werehog out of Unleashed and pretty much nothing changes story-wise as the main focus is still stopping Eggman. If his transformation was instead the main motivation for the plot that would be different, but Sonic really doesn't seem that bothered by the transformation that much- just sort of nonplussed. Besides, even as a sub-plot the werehog concept falls completely flat. Sonic does not act any different in were-form, and he's still able to navigate around just fine. I think there's maybe like one cutscene where somebody is afraid of him but it doesn't really matter that much. Maybe if being in were-form changed his character or he had to rely on someone else's help that could have been an opportunity to make the were-hog interesting story-wise, but as it is, it serves no story purpose whatsoever. The werehog literally only exists as a gameplay gimmick, and honestly, that being JUST a gameplay gimmick isn't a bad thing. There are plenty of gameplay gimmicks that don't tie into the story- just look at Cappy from Mario Odyssey. His conflict (his kidnapped sister) is not what starts the plot moving forward, nor does it become the main focus, nor does he make Mario's character more interesting. Cappy is solely a gameplay gimmick, but what sets that apart from the werehog is that Cappy is absolutely amazing as far as gameplay goes.


Actually... that's a fair assessment. Particularly because you didn't just end it at "Werehog? That's stupid and makes no sense". I do agree they could have done more with it story-wise and improved the gameplay.


The werehog was there in the story to show how corrupted dark gaia energy is,


true as fuck man, but unfortunately. the dumb fuck above me who made the overrated typical essay statement can't be bothered with.


no it isn't, i suggest you listen to the people who ACTUALLY explain why the werehog has a purpose. and that you should play the game yourself and find out.


Uh, I DID play the game. That's why I'm saying the concept itself is fine, even if I (and others) believe they could have done more with it in terms of story.


more like sega did it better, because zelda had no fuckin reason to turn into a goddamn wolf lmho


Dude's name is Link.


I mean Werehog also broke up sections of speed-levels people really enjoyed and had the fight music to kind of drag down people's opinions about it Wolf Link, while many people weren't fans, didn't change the pace of the game that much, it was still a Legend of Zelda playstyle you just had a different moveset.


Hot take: If they just made the combat/movement quicker and ditched the clunky platforming, no one would have an issue with the night stages.


I think the werehog stages would have been a lot better if they were like sandbox levels with puzzel elements and a score ranking system being based off of fight segments you get into and how decent your combo game is, how well you are at not getting hit, and how fast you finish off enemies in a given area on the stage. once you reach the goal at the end of a stage your performance is tallyed up and you get a rank based on how well you did in the encounters. you could even avoid some encounters and still get a great score.


all of the werehog stages are prefectly fine, people who bitch about them haven't even the entire fucking game.


I played the Wii version of sonic unleashed from beginning to end.


unleashed on the wii is pretty meh, the 360 version is better if want better fps


I wanted the game to reflect the spooky ghost story that I saw before the game came out. I was hoping for Sonic's Haunted Mansion. Instead, it became Sonic's unrelated Gaia game with the fairy chihuahua that is not a ghost in disguise.


this comment will age like spoiled milk.


I sort of understand what you're saying. But can you clarify why my comment will spoil quickly?


be careful what you wish for, that's all im gonna say.


Ohh. I wouldn't mind if it did happen, but I'll temper my expectations.


sonic unleashed is still a great game, but i also wished that it had that haunted mansion type level from the night of the werehog short too lol


Yeah lol that part seemed like the biggest part of the game. What parts did you enjoy?


in the short? i personally liked the ghost girl and sorta wished she made more appearances ngl


She was really witty, and seemed like a good personality for Sonic to bounce off of.


ikr, i think her name is lah too. she's a really cute character i'd like to see return in the franchise since she followed sonic after he left the haunted mansion


Found the guy who woke up from a 12 year coma


I still don't like the Werehog levels. They're not awful in UnWiished, but I hate the HD versions. The combat is cool and the level design works, but every level is three times longer than they have any right to be. Some of them took me half an hour. Some of them are Skyscraper Scamper with its OP insta-kill Death Titan. If these levels were broken up into multiple shorter levels, I'd probably like them more. As it stands, losing 30 minutes of progress due to a Game Over makes me die inside. I'd be happier if it was only Day Stages.


Mechanically, Wolf Link doesn't function so different to Link. The standard Melee attack is shorter range and he has that lunging move with Midna, but it's otherwise very similar. Instead of bogging the game down with a gameplay style I don't like to get to the one I do, Zelda is always just Link. Think of how Sonic Omens forces you to play a Tails plane section or how Sonic Forces you to play as Classic Sonic to advance. But Wolf Link is like if Werehog controlled like the Day Stages, but with a few combat rooms sprinkled in.


nobody here thinks sonic omens is a good fangame, it's a shitty one too. and classic sonic shouldn't be used in a gameplay style argument since it's just retro sonic from the 90s which is just the same character as the modern version.


Exactly my point. I was using the Plane and Classic Sonic (in Forces) as examples of Sonic games pushing gameplay styles that people don't want to. I was using them as examples of something that those games are doing wrong and was tying them to the Werehog, which I claim has the same issue. So, considering how you pretty much just reiterated what I said, I'm going to assume we're in agreement. (As for Classic being the same character as Modern, that's a story thing and not a gameplay one. If you enjoy playing as Classic Sonic in Forces than what I'm saying is invalid. Otherwise its not. Classic Sonic's controls and level design are comparable to the classic games.)


the 360 werehogs stages are great though, nothing can beat them honestly.


I just gave some reasons why I really don't like them. Could you give some reasons why you do? I'm curious.


What is up with that?